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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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will gain confidence one day
I can't get over this



I love how absolutely absurd Melania's statements about Trump's "boy talk" when you think about it. Either:

1) In a conversation that both parties assumed was private, Billy egged Donnie into talking dirty for him. How is this possibility done? He would have sounded like an insane person. "Oh yeah? What else do you like to do to women? Anything... NAUGHTIER???"

2) Bushie knew they were being recorded, and sacrificed his career to derail a possible Trump presidential run years later. Makes sense!
Pence talking NC GOP firebombing on CNN. Will he thank the Democratic crowdfunding to raise money to rebuild?

EDIT: He thanked everybody else that could possibly be thanked, but no, not the Democrats that donated money.

Now he's dodging a question as to whether he agrees with Trump that polling places are rigged.


Man I would be embarrassed to be in Mike Pence's position or any of Trump's surrogates on this rigged election stuff.

"One person one vote is the bedrock of our democracy"

Sure Mike, because that's been an actual problem. I couldn't help but laugh yesterday when a Trump surrogate was complaining about election fraud and MSNBC threw up a full screen graphic of "2000-2014 over 1 billion votes, 31 cases of fraud"
LePage chimes in with some sage wisdom:

LePage Says No Elections Are Legitimate

Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) claimed that elections in his state and in the United States as a whole couldn’t be considered legitimate until voter ID laws are passed, CNN reports.

Said LePage: “No. I am not confident we’re going to have a clean election in Maine and I’ll tell you why. The left, the Democratic party, insists on not having IDs. And will people from the cemetery be voting? Yes. All around the country. The media and the Democratic party want everybody to vote whether they’re citizens or not.”

Is this where this is all leading? Republicans are going to use Trump to pass more voter ID laws....
I do think the ordering is best to worst, both in the order of the "food groups" and the people in those categories. In other words they wanted a hispanic person first and business person last. Or I guess Bernie Sanders last, but you know what I mean.

Michael Bennet being so high and Elizabeth Warren being so low would be the only ones that make no sense to me with that ordering.

I'm confused.
I love how absolutely absurd Melania's statements about Trump's "boy talk" when you think about it. Either:

1) In a conversation that both parties assumed was private, Billy egged Donnie into talking dirty for him. How is this possibility done? He would have sounded like an insane person. "Oh yeah? What else do you like to do to women? Anything... NAUGHTIER???"

2) Bushie knew they were being recorded, and sacrificed his career to derail a possible Trump presidential run years later. Makes sense!

One thing I don't get is how some don't bring up the fact that Trump a grown man is having "boy talk" and I think Melania even said she had two boys at home Trump and his son. She probably slipped up on that, but it is weird that some people are using the excuse that a 70 year old man is infantile as a defense and few push against that.


I love how absolutely absurd Melania's statements about Trump's "boy talk" when you think about it. Either:

1) In a conversation that both parties assumed was private, Billy egged Donnie into talking dirty for him. How is this possibility done? He would have sounded like an insane person. "Oh yeah? What else do you like to do to women? Anything... NAUGHTIER???"

2) Bushie knew they were being recorded, and sacrificed his career to derail a possible Trump presidential run years later. Makes sense!


Oh yeah, the way Billy hates Trump he was definitely trying to ruin him.



So this just came up on my timeline. My biggest takeway was this:

Wut. Obama did cocaine? I knew about weed but everyone smokes lol...Obama really was the rebel.

He did, but this isn't news. He's always talked and written openly about his youth and having tried cocaine once. Hillary's campaign manager from 2008 wanted to use that against him, but since Obama was very open about it, it was obvious voters didn't care.

From a 2006 article about him:

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

In an interview here at a meeting of the American Society of Magazine Editors, Obama said he was not making light of the subject.

"It was reflective of the struggles and confusion of a teenage boy," he said. "Teenage boys are frequently confused."


Boy talk from a fucking old ass man isn't a good defense, but lets be honest, it's not like she had an actual defense to the question. At that point you pick your poison and down it with gusto because the alternative to 'boy talk' is 'yeah my husband is a raging, sexist moron'

That's Talpid-Americans, ya racist :<

Get back in your holes


Solid black isn't standard on billboards.

And you are scared for a reason, the only other time you've seen that is from Islamic terrorism. You can't read it or uncover its message. How are you supposed to?

Who is this helping? How does this stop fear? I mean I don't think we need to take back black standards, they've been negative since piracy. We're not trying to take back swastikas or white hoods.

I mean if we want to stop Islamophobia we can't reinforce peoples reactions (which that billboard intentionally does!). And again the billboard offers no context. Why are we trying to fight people's association of arabic with terrorism by continuing its association? When I've been to arabic speaking places I don't see that around. I see normal advertisements.

It sounds like well meaning people who don't understand how people think or come to their ideas.

I don't think in jokes among liberals are how to reach out to the people who need to change their views.

I honestly don't think the intention was to replicate ISIS. As someone that speaks and lived in an Arab country, I didn't make that association because to me all that is is white text on a black background. If people see Arabic so little that that's the only conclusion they can come to then maybe the way to cleave the association is to normalize Arabic rather than ceding one of the most common design choices to terrorists.


aka andydumi
There's something to be said about having empathy for the bluecollar workers out in the rust belt or similar areas that have been devastated by industries leaving. Even if the answers are stopgap solutions working towards something better that still seems kinder than outright lying to these people and saying they'll return to form 100% with one simple trick (THE POLITICIANS HATE HIM!).

I don't really know what the answer is to those white rural towns where they're all out of work, whether it be educating older workforces or granting some kind of incentives to outside businesses coming in... Eh shit's in a bad way but puffing them up with BS seems so much worse.

It's not just one simple trick though. When you propose to gut the EPA and all environmental regulations, and on top of it slash taxes and encourage at all turns fossil fuel production, you really could see a resurgence of drilling, mining and so forth, because a lot of the limits and cost to produce would be gone so it would be profitable. So in a way you could bring some of those jobs back. It's not the same for manufacturing, but low skill energy jobs could increase.


Texas is a very interesting state.

It's much more moderate of a state than most people give it credit for. A big chunk of the Dallas, Austin and Houston suburbs are Rockefeller Republicans.

Austin is insanely liberal. San Antonio is stanchly blue collar liberal. Dallas and Houston are liberal, but the suburbs there are not.

Texas does obviously have a lot of evangelical voters, but hatred of hispanics is not something that is overly done in the state. Hispanic people have been here forever, and because of that consistent contact you just don't have much sentiment to hate them the way working class non-college educated voters who blame them for job loss do.

A relatively strong economy in Texas also means Trumps message of not being able to handle 4 more years of the last 8 doesn't reverberate as strongly here.

I just hope Dems nationwide understand that Texas is a pretty conservative state culturally and is more in-line with Maine and Alaska on not wanting a large government. This is a specific issue Trump has by appealing to the wrong sort of conservative for Texas. I suspect in 4 years you will see Texas move more to the right again.

I think this is all spot on. Particularly the point about Texas wanting low government above most other conservative ideals.

I definitely think Texas could be back to R+10 next cycle, especially if Dems don't make a strong enough appeal to working class Hispanics and get them solidify D.
538 now has Democrats with their highest chances yet of taking the Senate (76.0%). Nate Bronze expands on this:

Democrats have opened up a 5-point lead on the generic ballot. Had been more like 2-3 points a few weeks ago.

Polls of individual senate races have also shown bad trend lines for GOP. Some candidates treading water, but few are gaining ground.


Terrible idea. Democrats get nothing from McMullin winning and if Hillary is close enough they should vote for her.

Just split Utah hard, I mean whatever it only hurts the Don anyway. I just want to see what the pundits spin out of it, Dems weren't gonna win the state, but if Republicans don't either I don't see how you can lay it at Clinton's feet.


Chris Wallace needs to get down to the real issues and ask Trump and Hillary how they pronounce Reese's.

This is important

Wallace is from Fox News, but he's never struck me as very anti-Hillary, not like Morning Joe or Halperin. He's definitely not a Trump fan.
So in a way you could bring some of those jobs back. It's not the same for manufacturing, but low skill energy jobs could increase.

This is not a slight against AndyD, but tbis argument assumes that miners/oil field workers are morons.

I refuse to believe they don't understand that gutting EPA has externalities and losses to quality of life for them and their kids. I'm willing to believe they don't weigh them as more important than dangerous, and somewhat good-paying jobs. But those costs will be paid by the States and Federal taxpayers, eventually.

Working at Rockey Flats may have been good work, or blowing up mountaintops for fun an profit. But the cost in SuperFund cleanup, or permanently ruined river valleys ain't cheap.
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