That gif's new to me. Amazing.
What does this say? WaPo is telling me that I've used all my free article views.
What does this say? WaPo is telling me that I've used all my free article views.
"No, it's just an email about Rule 34...The end result when they're at #PodestaEmails34 is just people being like "woah, they really used that hashtag 34 times?"
When, like two years ago?
You're scared for a racist reason, no differently than being scared of a black person in a hoodie. The association you have is bad.
That billboard does the opposite of reinforces that association! A billboard with Arabic on it that didn't look like that would reinforce it. "White text on black background means terrorist! Otherwise, okay" is not a good thing! Instead this billboard sends the message that "White Arabic on black background doesn't tell you anything" which is true.
And it's more of a shame thing anyway. The goal should always be to shame racists. "Changing their views" is something people say when they live in liberal areas and don't know real Republicans.
Honestly there's not much point to spending money to pump up Murphy. He's too low profile.
That race is going to be won or lost based on how poorly trump is received.
"Curt Schilling can't even run a video game studio with a $75 million loan from the Rhode Island government. How can he run a country?"
The ads write themselves.
Uh. Lol.What.
"No, it's just an email about Rule 34...
Oh God."
The point of spending money would be to raise his profile. If they're cutting him lose it's because they don't think he can win and they'd rather spend that money in cheaper markets.
The point of spending money would be to raise his profile. If they're cutting him lose it's because they don't think he can win and they'd rather spend that money in cheaper markets.
Missouri is a strange state for sure. Republicans have a super majority in the state senate and house but we had a Dem governor since 2008. We already have one Dem senator. Many state positions can go Dem. If we had more pockets of democrat areas it would be a different state for sure
You're not raising his profile that fast
The problem with florida is there are no statewide figures on the Dem side. They're all local. North Florida, Tampa, Orlando, South Florida. The dems big goal should be to start to erase these differences (tough the local dems like them because they keep their power). Nelson is the only guy who really can but he's like 70
Meanwhile republicans don't give a crap and will gladly get behind whoever is their guy. Dems have enthusiasm gaps between the many areas of the state. Which is why gwen graham isn't the future. She'd need to build up her south florida support. Not to say she shouldn't run but she's a north florida figure.
I haven't followed local politics very much but I get the impression that the MO Dems are pretty good, they're just stuck running in a red state.
This sounds like Ohio but reversed. I think Ohio is purple and could have leaned dem long ago rather than STILL remaining purple because the Ohio Democratic Party is.......terrible.
Yup. My limited experience with Florida echos this. Florida is pretty separated for whatever reason.
Monmouth Nevada:
Heck+3 (????)
Uhh, don't think this one is correct.
What happened to CCM over the past day she was just up something much have happened.
President Barack Obama on Tuesday downplayed Donald Trump's suggestion that November's election is "rigged," and said the GOP presidential nominee needs to toughen up.
"I'd advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and try to go make his case to get votes," Obama said at a White House news conference alongside Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
"If whenever things are going badly for you, you start blaming somebody else, then you don't have what it takes to be in this job," Obama continued. "There are a lot of time things don't go our way or my way … that's OK, you fight through it." on Tuesday said he would reserve more scathing remarks against Trump for the campaign trail, but insisted that American elections can't be rigged because the process for voting for president is "so decentralized."
"One way of weakening America is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped hold together this democracy for well over two centuries," Obama added.
I know. I'm kidding and mocking people who probably will say something similar.Or its an outlier....
Anyway, its behind the politico paywall but House Majority PAC is buying time for the Montana at large house race. Denise Juneau seems like a pretty good candidate.
Obama to Trump: 'Stop whining'
This is due to the hollowing out of state parties and the talents.
The DNC has been horrible about this in the Obama era. They are far to centralized in DC and think sending shock troopers is a replacement for growing parties locally.
I'm sorry some 20 something flying in from DC (who grew up in an affluent suburb and went to a nice college) means well but he's not going to win you votes for gov races in rural or blue collar ohio. They can knock on a lot of doors but can't really speak with authority.
They had to have mistakrn CCM for Heck in their reporting. That makes about as much sense as HRC +4 in GA.Monmouth Nevada:
Heck+3 (????)
Uhh, don't think this one is correct.
The "Look at the suffering of the white working class!" genre of articles are just boring.
"look at all the money i asked for from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! See!? They are the hypocrits! Vote for me!
McRory opened the debate last week clearly angling his re-election hopes around the Matthew response, this is just doubling down on that.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has one of his slimmest leads yet over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in Texas, 41 percent to 38 percent, according to a new poll among registered voters. Trumps support falls within the surveys margin of error, which is plus- or minus 3 percent, meaning the race is a statistical dead heat.
This is bait that KellyAnn cannot stop Donzilla from taking.
Christie is sensing a shift in the Force. This guy's rise and fall will be awesome to read about, even though i've lived through it