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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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But didn't NC just lose a court case because of this? What was the effect of that ruling?

Voter ID got struck down, the reduction in early voting days got struck down. But the state still found ways to reduce access at least early in the early voting period, The linked article goes more into that.
I hadn't realized that Jason Kander is only 35. He could be first millennial in the Senate! Someone tell the Missouri youth.
I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise together with 90s kids as Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the whiny dumb privileged mememe kids born into the internet age.


I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise with Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the privileged kids born into the internet age.
Early '80s to '92/'93 is one generation. '92/'93+ is another. Both get labelled "Millennials" but they're two wildly different animals - the former grew up on myspace, the latter on snapchat.
I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise with Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the privileged kids born into the internet age.

It's probably pretty normal for generations to have gaps like that in the extremes. But yeah, as a millennial born in the 80s I don't feel like I have all that much in common with the younger end of the generation, but that's the common label given anyway.
I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise with Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the privileged kids born into the internet age.

Yeah, I don't understand how Jason Kander and I can be ten years apart and still be millennials. Our coming of ages were extremely different.

For that matter, I don't understand how my sister can be eight years younger than me and also be a millennial.

I feel like the term is just a catch all for people who take selfies or may own an Xbox.
I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise together with 90s kids as Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the whiny dumb privileged mememe kids born into the internet age.

because they have more alike than not.

one of us, one of us, one of us.

millenials grew of age in the birth of the internet.

I think your thinking of gen z or whatever the ones born post 2000


I don't get why sociologists or whatever lump people born in the 80s early or otherwise together with 90s kids as Millennials. If you remember using fax machines and the boop beeepp of dial up you didn't grow up with the same experience as the dumb privileged kids born into the internet age.

I identify as a Millennial and have used all of those things. 1987. Millennial is a big age bracket and defining it is dumb. I don't relate much to the college kids of today, but I accept they're probably on the higher end of the Millennial spectrum. There's those, and there's the ones having babies and buying houses.

1987 is certainly not Gen X.

Wow sorry I spent more time on this than I planned.
I identify as a Millennial and have used all of those things. 1987. Millennial is a big age bracket and defining it is dumb. I don't relate much to the college kids of today, but I accept they're probably on the higher end of the Millennial spectrum. There's those, and there's the ones having babies and buying houses.

1987 is certainly not Gen X.

Wow sorry I spent more time on this than I planned.

Best year bro!
I find it funny the people of complaining of not being millennials are really self centered on their own experiences and individualistic.
Like isn't that what makes a millennial?
I find it funny the people of complaining of not being millennials are really self centered on their own experiences and individualistic.
Like isn't that what makes a millennial?

No, the fact that I have an entire staircase in my house dedicated to displaying my Furby collection makes me a millennial. Stop erasing my experience.



"my girl's got more juice than I ever dreamed" lmao Bill is so weird
I find it funny the people of complaining of not being millennials are really self centered on their own experiences and individualistic.
Like isn't that what makes a millennial?

You might as well use horoscopes to generalize. Every younger generation is described in those terms.
Adult film star latest to accuse Trump

An adult film actress on Saturday accused GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump of kissing her without permission a decade ago, as well as offering to pay her.

Jessica Drake said in a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred that after meeting Trump at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe in 2006, he offered her $10,000 to come to his room, which she said she declined.

Drake said that the two first met while she was working at a booth at the golf course. She said she and Trump took a walk around the course and he asked her for her number, which she gave him.
Trump later invited her to his penthouse suite, she said, but she didn't feel comfortable going alone so she went with two friends.

"When we entered the room he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each of us on the lips without asking for permission," Drake said at the press conference.

Drake said that she left Trump's room after 30 or 45 minutes.

"After I returned to my room, I received a call from a man calling on Donald’s behalf," she said. "He said that Donald wanted me to come back upstairs to Donald’s suite. I indicated that I did not wish to return.

"Then Donald called. He asked me to return to his suite and to have dinner with him. He also invited me to a party. I declined. Donald then asked me 'what do you want?' 'How much?'" she said.

Drake said she made up an excuse about having to fly back to Los Angeles for work, but in reality "didn't want to be with him."

"After that I received another call either from Donald or a male calling on his behalf offering me $10,000," Drake continued. "I declined again and once more gave as an excuse that I had to return to Los Angeles for work.

"I was then told that Mr. Trump would allow me the use of his private jet to take me home if I accepted his invitation," she said.

The actress, who also works in sex education, said that afterward she related the story to some of her friends, whom she declined to name, citing privacy concerns.

"I am choosing to share my personal exchange in light of the recently released tapes to lend my voice, strength, and support to the other women who are coming forward," she said.
Drake is the 11th woman who has come forward to accuse the Republican presidential nominee of sexual misconduct. The real estate tycoon has denied mounting allegations of groping or kissing women without their consent.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I wouldn't consider Jason Kander a Millennial: the easiest definition is someone who was born before 2001 but did not become an adult until the 21st century (born 1982-2000). The latter is the important part: becoming an adult in the 21st century.


I see Gen X as going up until around '80, Millenials as '81-'93ish w/ a different subset (Generation FacebookTumblr?) from '94ish on, until at some point you get to generation Pewdiepiesnapchat.


But did you ever Ask Jeeves? The original Siri.

And which Madonnas do you remember?

I'm most fond of the Blonde Ambition and Girlie Show-Era Madonna (that cone bra!), but still remember her all the way to when she made it to MTV..

(edit: upon further reflection.. this totally fits my motif. I love the culture of the early 90s in general. The TV shows, the music, the comedy, the movies. It was a fun time.)
I wouldn't consider Jason Kander a Millennial: the easiest definition is someone who was born before 2001 but did not become an adult until the 21st century (born 1982-2000). The latter is the important part: becoming an adult in the 21st century.

It's really stretching the definition of Gen X to go all the way to 1981.



Have you met me? Like. What have I ever said in my life that would imply I would crush on a woman....

But, I simply meant she looked really pretty today. She had a really pretty color on and just looked happy.

The queen had prayed the gay away from adam!
Thank you heterosexual white Jesus!

Welcome to the team, we're going to watch baseball then have quiet missionary sex in the dark, like god intended.
I have those, and I kept my full binder of holographic pokemon cards.

I keep my Pokémon cards in an executive binder suite.

I honestly think that the biggest defining attribute of a true millennial is their materialism. The way Gen Xers might have an autobiographical journey through music (like in High Fidelity), my entire life is characterized by the brands I was invested in at the time.


NYT endorses Patrick Murphy:

Just months ago, Senator Marco Rubio was seen by the Republican establishment as one of its best hopes for taking back the White House. Now, Representative Patrick Murphy, a second-term congressman, is within striking distance of defeating Mr. Rubio in the senator’s race to keep his seat.

The race is the most consequential among several in Florida in which Republican incumbents find themselves in unexpectedly tough fights. The plight of Florida Republicans — who seem largely resigned to a Clinton victory, given Hillary Clinton’s four percentage point lead in the polls — is in large measure a result of the name at the top of the ballot. But Donald Trump’s candidacy has only accelerated trends that have changed Florida’s political landscape in ways that Democrats have been more adept at seizing.

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the dean of Florida’s congressional delegation, is fighting more vigorously than she ever has to fend off a Democratic challenger, Scott Fuhrman, a businessman who has little name recognition and is campaigning against Ms. Ros-Lehtinen’s rigid defense of the Cuban embargo. President Obama won the district by a tiny margin in 2008 and by nearly seven percentage points in 2012. This year, Mrs. Clinton is leading Mr. Trump by 17 to 23 percentage points in the district, according to polling commissioned by Mr. Fuhrman.

The changing Latino electorate is the key factor, with Cuban-Americans, who once swung reliably Republican, increasingly up for grabs, particularly younger voters who are more socially liberal than their parents and less dogmatic about the Cuban embargo. Some 58 percent of Latino voters in Florida back Mrs. Clinton, while 28 percent support Mr. Trump, according to a recent poll commissioned by Univision.

This pains Rudy Fernández, one of the architects of the Republican Party’s efforts to earn Latino votes during the 2000 and 2004 campaigns, which were instrumental in George W. Bush’s Florida victories. “It was a very inclusive message, a positive message, Reaganesque,” Mr. Fernández said. In November, he said, he will unenthusiastically vote for Mrs. Clinton and hope that Mr. Trump’s defeat forces a reckoning that reboots the party’s approach toward Latinos.

What this has meant for Mr. Rubio is that he can no longer rely on Cuban-Americans as a stalwart base in a state where many voters have become alienated by his hard-line conservative positions on issues such as gay rights, reproductive rights, gun control and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and by his shifting stance on immigration reform. Of course, the Trump factor is substantial, too. Mr. Rubio, who once called Mr. Trump a “con artist” wholly unfit to be president, now backs him. Many former Rubio supporters find that galling and indefensible.

For these reasons, Florida voters should support Mr. Murphy. But defeating Mr. Rubio, who earned a reputation on Capitol Hill as a disengaged lawmaker who skipped scores of key votes and hearings, shouldn’t be the only motive.

Mr. Murphy’s positions on climate change — an issue that Mr. Rubio seems deeply ignorant about — gay rights, gun control and comprehensive immigration reform make him by far a superior representative for Floridians. Mr. Murphy has also challenged Mr. Rubio’s obstinate support for the failed embargo on Cuba, which puts him on the right side of history and, increasingly, public opinion in Florida.

The senator is “someone who has put his own political ambitions ahead of what he really believes in,” Mr. Murphy said in an interview.

That is true, and a shame. If the Republican Party wants to shore up its eroding base in Florida in the post-Trump era, it will need fresh blood and forward-thinking politicians who are in step with voters on social issues and are willing to move past the Cold War.

Time to go Little Marco.
The queen had prayed the gay away from adam!
Thank you heterosexual white Jesus!

Welcome to the team, we're going to watch baseball then have quiet missionary sex in the dark, like god intended.

Quiet missionary sex in the dark sounds terrible. But, if it's what Straight White Jesus wants, then that's what he'll get.

Yes, Queen. We should do the employment. Yes.
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