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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Facebook is depressing, which several college educated friends performing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to continue bringing up non-controversies like the e-mail shit or continuing to talk about the WikiLeaks shits every other day. "HERE'S WHY BERNIE WAS RIGHT". Boy do I hope he regrets going down that road because it only poisoned the minds of some of his supporters.

I don't pretend that Hillary is the most morally incorruptible candidate in existence. She obviously has a past, and has toed the line of conflict of interest several times. But to jump on conspiracy bandwagons like "teh mainstreem media is on her side!!" simply out of leftover rage from the primary really isn't painting these people in a particularly positive light. I've seen people legitimately complain that "all the media does is cover Trump's terrible remarks while they don't cover anything from Hillary!" It's like these people are forgetting that Trump is, on a fundamental level, a psychopath who spouts outright dangerous rhetoric on a daily basis. Yes, they're reporting on it, because he keeps doing it daily. No, they're not "neutral" about it, because one does not remain "neutral" when it comes to topics of racism, or sexism, or xenophobia, or despotism. The media has no obligation to normalize his shit platform just to coddle bitter people who continue to flee to propaganda machines like WikiLeaks to confirm their biases.

It's especially terrible that in pushing this narrative that they're also inadvertently pushing Trump's bullshit calls that an election (that hasn't happened) is "rigged". Now Trump supporters are saying the exact same thing: the media is on Hillary's side because all they do is bring up Trump's transgressions (and rightfully so). You would think that if you have an argument that is verbatim that of a right-wing nutter Trump supporter that it would give you pause, but you'd be surprised at how many feeds from people simply don't have that kind of self awareness.

What's most worrying is people's baffling reaction toward people like Mike Pence. "omg he's so presidential", oh yeah, the soft spoken well-mannered individual who despises gays and actively advocates their torture. Such a charmer. With people having convinced themselves that Clinton is literally Lucifer himself, I can easily see the population at large constantly shitting on her over the next 4 years, then along will come a wolf in sheep's clothing like Pence or a Cruz-like individual (not Cruz, he's blown his load in this primary and now everyone see him for the two-faced slimebag that he is) to convince them that 1) at least he's not the literal she-devil that is Clinton and 2) he's so well spoken! Also, have you seen the latest WikiLeaks "leak" that takes some email or speech out of context that totally confirms your bias?! Cuz you should read this clear piece of propaganda and pretend like you're totally making your own mind!

I think Clinton is doomed to a 1-term presidency. People, even the college educated, are too stupid to see through the veil.
It took like over 40 years for the Alberta PC's in Canada to lose power despite some weak leaders and two close elections because of a divided and weak opposition and like two consecutive elections for the republicans to lose the presidency in the 80's and 90's even though their were signs if I recall the democrats were trying to fix their issues in the late 80's. What makes Clinton destined for only one term? Her opposition will probably be divided for like 4 to 12 years making it very likely that she wins this election and the next and that her succesor may win at least one election to.
The problem for the GOP is that they're married to massively unpopular policies because that's what the money men want. I mean Donald Trump is a terrible human being, but even he understands that Social Security and Medicare are important programs and doesn't want to cut them.

But, on the other hand, Ben Sasse may be the Great White Hope for 2020 at the moment is still anti-choice, is anti-ACA, wants to "reform" entitlements, wants to get "serious" about border security. and was opposed to gay marriage.

Yeah, it's fun to watch #NeverTrumpers Twitter feeds when they bat around some real crazies, but in the past week, they've acted like Gore and Trump were basically analogous when it comes to not accepting the result of elections, think voter fraud is an actual problem, and so on, and so forth.


I guess I'm not as cynical as you guys, but I don't think Americans memories are so short that they'd forget the Republicans gave us Trump in 4 years. I can see current Trump voters going for someone actually electable like Paul Ryan (but not Paul Ryan as IMO his political career will be in ruins) by then, but I'd still bet on Hillary winning a second term just based on what Trump has done to the country over the last year. Everyone who stood by him till the end should be ruined, people like Mike Pence and Paul Ryan - all anyone would have to do on a debate stage is say they supported the orange fuckwit.


Where are some of the best places to watch meltdowns on Nov. 8?

Fox, /r/the_donald and of course @RealDonaldTrump

The trade agreements thread in OT makes me sad. I'm not saying they're perfect, but people just take some stuff they read on the Internet and run with it even if it's false or misunderstood.


Where are some of the best places to watch meltdowns on Nov. 8?

r/the_donald is going to cook up some of the craziest shit imaginable, will probably get banned and cleaned out since I have no doubt people will be calling for riots, assassination, you name it. Also, Alex Jones.
I just watched the Kellyann's day off sketch of SNL.

Pretty funny. Especially the moment she mouths "dumb motherf..." when reading her phone got me.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The problem for the GOP is that they're married to massively unpopular policies because that's what the money men want. I mean Donald Trump is a terrible human being, but even he understands that Social Security and Medicare are important programs and doesn't want to cut them.

Speaking of, I cannot believe Trump's idea to replace ACA is the massive scam known as Health Savings Accounts. I can't believe republicans are still attached to this idea. An implementation of this would get them voted out of government completely within 5 years.

"Accidentally fell and broke your arm? Hope you don't have any more medical issues for decades, because you're screwed if you do! Cancer diagnosis? Hope you're rich, otherwise start planning your funeral!"


Over the next 2 weeks, a lot of Donald supporters/trolls are going to be saying that the secret shadow voter will be coming out in droves to vote for Donald, just like they did in the Republican primary.

That's bullshit, so don't fall for it.

-14 million votes were cast in the Republican primary. That's a tiny sliver of the 200 million registered voters this year.

-Donald has not brought in new voters to the Republican primaries. The record setting numbers he achieved were due to general-election Repub voters choosing to vote in the Repub primaries for the first time.

There are sources for this, and I'll link it when I find it.
/r/the_donald has already violated so many Reddit rules, is 99% bots and an overall cesspool. It should have been banned and cleared out ages ago but Reddit probably didn't want to deal with the fall out. Once Donald loses and there are full all calls to riots and violence, the plug will be pulled despite them probably having thousands of violations by that sub beforehand.
Over the next 2 weeks, a lot of Donald supporters/trolls are going to be saying that the secret shadow voter will be coming out in droves to vote for Donald, just like they did in the Republican primary.

That's bullshit, so don't fall for it.

-14 million votes were cast in the Republican primary. That's a tiny sliver of the 200 million registered voters this year.

-Donald has not brought in new voters to the Republican primaries. The record setting numbers he achieved were due to general-election Repub voters choosing to vote in the Repub primaries for the first time.

There are sources for this, and I'll link it when I find it.

I got you, fam.

This one comes from a fivethirtyeight article about sanders, of all things.



Trump wasn't drawing new voters to the republican primaries. Like clinton and cruz, 88 percent of the people who cast a ballot for him in the primary had cast a ballot in the 2012 general election. 77% had cast ballot in the 2014 midterms- again EXACTLY like clinton and cruz.

The only candidate that appeared to be drawing significant support from people who skipped out on the 2012 general election (or weren't able to, due to age) was sanders.

Why... he's been getting worse and worse at them.

This one actually does make sense, if you consider that Trump is very likely out of money and has no real funds to counter the ad campaign from the clinton camp. His "earned media" strategy only works if he has a platform for which to say outrageous things- and at the moment it looks like he's out of them.

Even if he's bad at debates, debates still represent a massive amount of free media coverage and his name in the headlines that he can't get otherwise. He's not going to be convincing any new supporters at this point, but it's the only way to keep the base engaged in what will doubtless be a sea of democratic ads for clinton and friends.


I got you, fam.

This one comes from a fivethirtyeight article about sanders, of all things.



Trump wasn't drawing new voters to the republican primaries. Like clinton and cruz, 88 percent of the people who cast a ballot for him in the primary had cast a ballot in the 2012 general election. 77% had cast ballot in the 2014 midterms- again EXACTLY like clinton and cruz.

The only candidate that appeared to be drawing significant support from people who skipped out on the 2012 general election (or weren't able to, due to age) was sanders.

The interesting question there is whether Sanders drew in people who were never interested before, or whether the gap is explained by people who were too young to vote last time.
The interesting question there is whether Sanders drew in people who were never interested before, or whether the gap is explained by people who were too young to vote last time.

it's both.

This difference in turnout isn’t just an artifact of the overwhelming support Sanders got from young voters. Even if we take out 2016 voters who were too young to vote in the 2012 election, Clinton voters were still 5 percentage points more likely to have voted in 2012 and 9 percentage points more likely to have voted in 2014 than Sanders voters. Moreover, a higher percentage of Sanders voters had to re-register (7 percent) than Clinton voters (4 percent) for the primary, indicating that Sanders may have been bringing in more people who had let their registration lapse. All of this means that Sanders brought irregular voters into the process, as well as young voters, to an extent the other candidates did not. Will these people still vote without Sanders on the ballot? It’s far from guaranteed. Clinton might need get-out-the-vote programs to attract this group that Trump won’t need in order to capture Cruz primary voters who will probably vote anyway.

Perhaps even more important for Clinton is to make sure that Sanders backers who do vote cast their ballot for her. I wouldn’t bet on this for some Sanders voters. Although 56 percent of Clinton backers can be described as voting consistently Democratic in general elections, according to Catalist models, only 41 percent of Sanders backers can be. Some of the remaining 59 percent of Sanders supporters usually vote Democratic (25 percent), but about a third (35 percent) were either consistent ticket splitters, couldn’t be modeled or had usually voted Republican.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Harry Reid getting to work!

The machine is probably why I think Cortez Masto is the favorite.

And honestly who are these people on your facebook. I don't use facebook but I'd unfriend anyone, including my mother, who posts anything about bernie or trump. These people can't really be your friend since my suspicion is they would be unable to have a polite adult conversation without shitting their pants about Nintendo Switch or something.

Oh my god, the handles come off the tablet. And you can take it to your hotel room.

other me with a RIDICULOUS dagger omg


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister

Not going to happen. It will be contrary to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Commission of Presidential Debates.

For example, the 2004 version said, at section 1(d)

The parties agree that they will not (1) issue challenges for additional debates, (2) appear at any other debate or adversarial forum with any other presidential or vice presidential candidate, or (3) accept any television or radio air time offers that involve a debate format or otherwise involve the simultaneous appearance of more than one candidate.

What Trump wants is to be able to accuse Hillary of being scared to debate him again.
The Ugly don't sleep.

So the rumors of a Bill Clinton mistress hitting the news media two years ago, and the response from Hillary's aides, is today's bone to chew on.

This is hilariously inept. Even FOX figured they'd flog this one, mainly because it supposedly involves sex and the Clinton's.

Yeah, the meltdowns in a couple weeks are gonna be schadenfreude of a very rare vintage. Bottoms up, Gafenvolk
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