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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I always find it funny when the more "professional" Trump people use this word, because there is no way to interpret it that DOESN'T look fucking nuts:

- Obviously there is the antisemitic conspiracy theory angle

- There's the "agenda of diversity" angle which can only be interpereted as you claiming that diversity is a bad thing.

- There's the "UN is taking over America" angle, which is also very fucking loony.

Like there is no way to interpret "globalist" (in the context of making it a bad thing) other than something along the lines of one of those 3 crazy angles.
Cory Booker will win the 2024 primaries.

I don't like or trust Booker. I know the Dem Machine loves the guy, but I get serious John Edwards vibes from the dude.

I really want to like Castro, but he just never seems to break-through, even with Obama pushing him. But, then again, I have a soft spot for bespectacled technocrats
I don't like or trust Booker. I know the Dem Machine loves the guy, but I get serious John Edwards vibes from the dude.

I really want to like Castro, but he just never seems to break-through, even with Obama pushing him. But, then again, I have a soft spot for bespectacled technocrats

Castro needs to get himself elected to an office that's not a ceremonial mayorship before he can be a serious candidate.
Not a fan of predicting the future but if things magically went well, Clinon wins two terms etc...democrats will have a very deep bench in 2024. I think the most talented option will be Kamala Harris.

Castro and Booker are basically democrat Rubios. Perfect demographics, empty suits.


Unconfirmed Member
What's wrong with booker?
So many were singing his praises here after dnc

He's in the exact same lane Hillary and Obama are in. So the Hillary supporters should like him, and the Bernie supporters probably wont.
What's wrong with booker?
So many were singing his praises here after dnc

When you look at Schumer cravenly defending Wall St excess, you can at least claim a fig-leaf of plausible deniability by saying, "That is his constituency, and he is responsible for defending and promoting the fiscal well-being of his State"

When we see Booker pallin' around with the hedge-funders, running interference for them, and taking their funding, what can you say? Their mid-level managers have houses in NJ?

His priorities don't align with what I consider the Dem base. I could be way off, but he seems like he plays in the same dirty pools that produce slime like Cristie and Cuomo, with a patina of diversity and Ivy League charm.


November is going to a very difficult month for certain kinds of people


Kamala's lucky because she gets to start formulating her policy positions and the fights she wants to take on starting next year. unless there's something we don't know about in her oppo file, there isn't much to attack her on and she won't be friendly with wall street. you


No Scrubs
Kamala's lucky because she gets to start formulating her policy positions and the fights she wants to take on starting next year. unless there's something we don't know about in her oppo file, there isn't much to attack her on and she won't be friendly with wall street. you

The thing is, I don't think the fights we're fighting now are going to be the same four years from now. She should start thinking about it, sure, but in that she should be figuring out how to fight for the things that are important to her and how to message them properly. For example, Clinton knows full well what issues she finds important (helping women and children) but hasn't messaged it well enough. Harris, and everyone else who wants to run, needs to make sure they figure that out.


I always find it funny when the more "professional" Trump people use this word, because there is no way to interpret it that DOESN'T look fucking nuts:

- Obviously there is the antisemitic conspiracy theory angle

- There's the "agenda of diversity" angle which can only be interpereted as you claiming that diversity is a bad thing.

- There's the "UN is taking over America" angle, which is also very fucking loony.

Like there is no way to interpret "globalist" (in the context of making it a bad thing) other than something along the lines of one of those 3 crazy angles.

There's one more, which is just as crazy, and is the one that my father subscribes to. That is, of course, that it's all part of a plot by the anti-Christian secret socialist liberals to unite the world under the One World Religion that will allow the Antichrist to take over.
There's one more, which is just as crazy, and is the one that my father subscribes to. That is, of course, that it's all part of a plot by the anti-Christian secret socialist liberals to unite the world under the One World Religion that will allow the Antichrist to take over.

Was going to say this (my mom's into this one). Revelations, to some people, is a direct call to avoid globalization since it will lead to the One World Order (minus Israel) that will be led by the Antichrist, and will eventually march to destroy Israel (most modern day wackos think by nuclear annihilation).

It's a big reason for setting up Israel in the first place and naming it that. Doing so makes the end of days prophecy a lot more likely, which also brings on the rapture and eventual Judgement.


Unconfirmed Member
November is going to a very difficult month for certain kinds of people



I have wondered before if political ideology should be somewhat of a protected class, as long as that ideology isn't a detriment to the other protected classes. It is a more common form of employment discrimination than race is, in cases where it isn't hidden.

But Trump has kinda proven a scenario where a lot of people agree with an ideology that doesn't seem very worth protecting.
I don't like Ohio State at all, but damn, why did they let the child abusers win? I would cheer for literally any team to beat Penn State.

I wish there were more legal options in situations like these (extend this to universities covering up sexual assault). These places get way too much leeway; shouldn't even be campus cops handling it.
Adam.. please don't drink bleach

I don't like Ohio State at all, but damn, why did they let the child abusers win?
Because our WRs can't get the fuck open.. garbage.. we deserved to lose. Get our shit together and hopefully get into the playoff by beating Michigan and winning the conference.

JT played his heart out and his WRs and Oline in those last 3 minutes let him down.


November is going to a very difficult month for certain kinds of people



If these people are in their teens, there might be hope after years of therapy, but if they're older or their family all have the same beliefs... I don't know. Might be too far gone. The way they think is so utterly warped and distorted from reality it's hard to imagine where to start.
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