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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not a fan of predicting the future but if things magically went well, Clinon wins two terms etc...democrats will have a very deep bench in 2024. I think the most talented option will be Kamala Harris.

Castro and Booker are basically democrat Rubios. Perfect demographics, empty suits.

Yeah, Kamala has big future I suspect.


get some go again
Anthony weiner sucks.

Huma deserves a king, not this whacko.

or a queen!


If these people are in their teens, there might be hope after years of therapy, but if they're older or their family all have the same beliefs... I don't know. Might be too far gone. The way they think is so utterly warped and distorted from reality it's hard to imagine where to start.

These people don't exist.

I go to R the Donald a lot to laugh at the ALL CAPS MAGA CENTIPEDES CUCK etc and every day there are multiple "life time democrats" or a "gay business owners" or a "rape victims" or "disabled blacks" or "legal hispanics" and etc coming and supporting djt to stop crooked hrc who's sick emails killed anthony skull and benjamin ghazi.

I don't know why they make these threads. Maybe they think these bullshit testimonys make themselves look more inclusionary to the outside looking in and this is a means for them to show support in reddit only types of people that they would not support in real life or with laws... but I don't believe for a god damn second that any of these threads are real.


2020 seems weird Senate wise.


The Colorado and NC seats will probably go to the Dems in 2020.. But other than that, there aren't that many races that look competitive?

Unless a lot of white people move out of Mississippi before 2020. And there's maybe WV I guess...

A lot of the seats that Dems lost in 2014 were in pretty red states, IIRC. Given that Perdue only won 52-45, maybe six years of demographic change and the presidential year boost will make it easier to win this time around?


2020 seems weird Senate wise.


The Colorado and NC seats will probably go to the Dems in 2020.. But other than that, there aren't that many races that look competitive?

Unless a lot of white people move out of Mississippi before 2020. And there's maybe WV I guess...
Yeah, if we lose too many Senate seats in 2018, I'm worried that the Senate won't flip back to the Dems by the end of a theoretical Clinton second term.

I know it's waaaay too early to worry about that kind of thing, but I still hope that the older liberal SCOTUS justices consider this.


Parker Molloy might be my favorite Twitter person. Tweeter. Person that makes tweets on Twitter.

Parker Molloy
Parker Molloy‏ @ParkerMolloy

A @Cubs vs. @Indians #WorldSeries is perfect for this election year: a perennial underdog who just wouldn't give up vs. a racist caricature

By the way, a stupid writer already tweeted out if Hillary could name a single player on the Cubs. Immediately was produced an article Hillary wrote from the 90s about why she has been a lifelong Cubs and Yankees fan, also proving she liked the Yankees before she was a NY Senator.

Much like the hot sauce, people always just assume Hillary is pandering, when in fact she's just kind of a fascinating person.


By the way, a stupid writer already tweeted out if Hillary could name a single player on the Cubs. Immediately was produced an article Hillary wrote from the 90s about why she has been a lifelong Cubs and Yankees fan, also proving she liked the Yankees before she was a NY Senator.

Much like the hot sauce, people always just assume Hillary is pandering, when in fact she's just kind of a fascinating person.

I wonder how much of this perception of her pandering is based (consciously or unconsciously) on her gender. What you just talked about with her interest in the Cubs reminds me of the whole Fake Gamer Girl thing - that a woman couldn't possibly be interested in games, and she must be tested in order to prove herself.

Everything about Hillary is just a figment of our imagination.

We're just reading between the lines. :D
Yeah, if we lose too many Senate seats in 2018, I'm worried that the Senate won't flip back to the Dems by the end of a theoretical Clinton second term.

I know it's waaaay too early to worry about that kind of thing, but I still hope that the older liberal SCOTUS justices consider this.

Georgia's a possibility if we get a good candidate and Presidential turnout, Jodi Ernst got extremely lucky with a midterm and a horrible opponent in Iowa, and Susan Collins might retire in Maine.


By the way, a stupid writer already tweeted out if Hillary could name a single player on the Cubs. Immediately was produced an article Hillary wrote from the 90s about why she has been a lifelong Cubs and Yankees fan, also proving she liked the Yankees before she was a NY Senator.

Wow, that writer must really not have done any research on Hillary, or even Chicago to come up with that. Somebody born on the north side of Chicago, grew up in a near north suburb...and you don't expect them to be a genuine Cubs fan? Do these people think Hillary was created in a lab?
Ohio, your punishment for Trump leading in polls there is for OSU to lose to Penn State today, while Michigan continues undefeated.

I've lived in Ohio my whole life and I assure you most Ohioans know that most OSU fans have lived at home their whole lives and we make fun of them.

And we are delivering the Ohio electors for our first and only Queen, Hillary Clinton. You just watch.


Junior Member
I've lived in Ohio my whole life and I assure you most Ohioans know that most OSU fans have lived at home their whole lives and we make fun of them.

And we are delivering the Ohio electors for our first and only Queen, Hillary Clinton. You just watch.

Isn't Urban Meyer a Trump supporter?
2020 seems weird Senate wise.


The Colorado and NC seats will probably go to the Dems in 2020.. But other than that, there aren't that many races that look competitive?

Unless a lot of white people move out of Mississippi before 2020. And there's maybe WV I guess...

CO, obviously
comedy option GA
less comedy option IA
ME, if Collins finally ends her contract with the devil and retires
NC, obviously

...and an outside shot at NE, of all places, if Sasse inexplicably gets primaried
Facebook is depressing, which several college educated friends performing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to continue bringing up non-controversies like the e-mail shit or continuing to talk about the WikiLeaks shits every other day. "HERE'S WHY BERNIE WAS RIGHT". Boy do I hope he regrets going down that road because it only poisoned the minds of some of his supporters.

I don't pretend that Hillary is the most morally incorruptible candidate in existence. She obviously has a past, and has toed the line of conflict of interest several times. But to jump on conspiracy bandwagons like "teh mainstreem media is on her side!!" simply out of leftover rage from the primary really isn't painting these people in a particularly positive light. I've seen people legitimately complain that "all the media does is cover Trump's terrible remarks while they don't cover anything from Hillary!" It's like these people are forgetting that Trump is, on a fundamental level, a psychopath who spouts outright dangerous rhetoric on a daily basis. Yes, they're reporting on it, because he keeps doing it daily. No, they're not "neutral" about it, because one does not remain "neutral" when it comes to topics of racism, or sexism, or xenophobia, or despotism. The media has no obligation to normalize his shit platform just to coddle bitter people who continue to flee to propaganda machines like WikiLeaks to confirm their biases.

It's especially terrible that in pushing this narrative that they're also inadvertently pushing Trump's bullshit calls that an election (that hasn't happened) is "rigged". Now Trump supporters are saying the exact same thing: the media is on Hillary's side because all they do is bring up Trump's transgressions (and rightfully so). You would think that if you have an argument that is verbatim that of a right-wing nutter Trump supporter that it would give you pause, but you'd be surprised at how many feeds from people simply don't have that kind of self awareness.

What's most worrying is people's baffling reaction toward people like Mike Pence. "omg he's so presidential", oh yeah, the soft spoken well-mannered individual who despises gays and actively advocates their torture. Such a charmer. With people having convinced themselves that Clinton is literally Lucifer himself, I can easily see the population at large constantly shitting on her over the next 4 years, then along will come a wolf in sheep's clothing like Pence or a Cruz-like individual (not Cruz, he's blown his load in this primary and now everyone see him for the two-faced slimebag that he is) to convince them that 1) at least he's not the literal she-devil that is Clinton and 2) he's so well spoken! Also, have you seen the latest WikiLeaks "leak" that takes some email or speech out of context that totally confirms your bias?! Cuz you should read this clear piece of propaganda and pretend like you're totally making your own mind!

I think Clinton is doomed to a 1-term presidency. People, even the college educated, are too stupid to see through the veil.


I think Clinton is doomed to a 1-term presidency. People, even the college educated, are too stupid to see through the veil.

Historically it's exceptionally rare for a party to win the White House four times in a row. Has anyone even done it since FDR and Truman? However, I think you're underestimating the looming Republican Civil War. That party is a hot mess and I don't see any way that the fault lines there are healed by 2020.


I love lurking in PoliGAF. You guys are so smart and quick witted, makes every page a joy to read. Just a quick thanks for all the smiles you get from me.

Even though I don't post much these days because I'm busy, I still lurk religiously too.

I promise I'll be in chat all night election night.


Historically it's exceptionally rare for a party to win the White House four times in a row. Has anyone even done it since FDR and Truman? However, I think you're underestimating the looming Republican Civil War. That party is a hot mess and I don't see any way that the fault lines there are healed by 2020.

Obviously we're dealing with a tiny sample size, but I think it's 4-3 in favor of retaining the White House for a fourth term in USA history. Benjpwns will no doubt correct me if wrong!


Even though I don't post much these days because I'm busy, I still lurk religiously too.

I promise I'll be in chat all night election night.

Yep, Ive already booked the next day off work so I can stay up all night and watch.

Although I've just realized that I cancelled my sky subscription so not actually where I can watch - can you stream Fox News online somewhere? (Always the best quality of tears!).


Yep, Ive already booked the next day off work so I can stay up all night and watch.

Although I've just realized that I cancelled my sky subscription so not actually where I can watch - can you stream Fox News online somewhere? (Always the best quality of tears!).

Same here, Maledict is best member of UK GAF confirmed.

I imagine so, I'll probably watch on MSNBC whilst occasionally flicking over to Fox for entertainment.
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