User 463088
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 1m1 minute ago
This may be an election where turnout goes down but that actually ends up benefiting Democrats
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 2m2 minutes ago
ABC poll finds declining R interest in voting. If that persists it represents the doomsday scenario for R down-ballot candidates
It's like a cornucopia of hopium.
Partisan divisions are 36-27-31 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 2m2 minutes ago
ABC poll finds declining R interest in voting. If that persists it represents the doomsday scenario for R down-ballot candidates
That Jeb Bush ad predicting an "unprecedented victory not since Reagan 1984" is looking more and more prophetic.
Oh please, this is 100% what is needed here. PLEASE.
kellyanne is on with jake and is blaming the media for publishing the poll results showing donald's path to 270 is narrowing.
kellyanne is on with jake and is blaming the media for publishing the poll results showing donald's path to 270 is narrowing.
kellyanne is on with jake and is blaming the media for publishing the poll results showing donald's path to 270 is narrowing.
Can anyone explain how they decide on this (from the poll website)
Does that mean that they called up 800+ people and they just happened to be split along on those lines, or that they specifically targeted this split?
That Jeb Bush ad predicting an "unprecedented victory not since Reagan 1984" is looking more and more prophetic.
Honestly, I keep waiting for the polls to start tightening, but damn if they aren't staying stubbornly wide for us. Damn.
I hope Trump and the GOP get electorally buried so that they finally get the damn message: NEVER AGAIN.
Again, and it has to be reiterated-
This is "likely voters." Imagine where "unlikely" voters would take these numbers? We've seen the turnout so far, they're showing up, and showing up in big numbers.
edit: and yeah, if this is anywhere close to real the house is done. an 8 point national lead would send it into D territory. 12+ points is MORE than enough.
Most pollsters build a larger universe of the electorate to get an idea who is a likely voter. Once that is constructed you go out and try to find voters to fit these categories. If you're expecting to find 40% Dems and 35% Republicans and its 40% each either the sample is wrong or you're model is. Generally the pollster will publish the poll and then go back and see if the model needs to be re-worked.
tldr: Being a good pollster is really hard.
Election night is going to be so fucking good. I may not be able to handle it.
Harry Enten sez: Currently Trump is polling at 39% nationally. Carter (1980) and Mondale both managed to get 41%. Goldwater and McGovern both got 38%.
Again, and it has to be reiterated-
This is "likely voters." Imagine where "unlikely" voters would take these numbers? We've seen the turnout so far, they're showing up, and showing up in big numbers.
edit: and yeah, if this is anywhere close to real the house is done. an 8 point national lead would send it into D territory. 12+ points is MORE than enough.
So, we have what at this point appears to be a clear and growing margin for Hillary. There is vaguely some precedent for this. Trump is getting Akin'd. Nationally.
Obviously it's too early for hard conclusions, depends on how the next few weeks go, (Infomercial, oppo drops, wikileaks, secret endorsements). But as a reminder - Akin polled -6 and finished -16. There's still more room for the floor to fall out from under Trump. Factor in the turnout gap, the likelihood of growing Republican disinterest, and it's increasingly implausible to see the GOP house survive.
All unlikely Democrats turn up, while many likely Republicans stay home, enraged at the establishment for either bailing on or standing by Trump.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 21m21 minutes ago Washington, DC
Live interview natl polls
Average: C+8.7
Atl./PRRI: C+15
ABC: C+12
Mon.: C+12
CBS: C+9
Selzer C+9
Bg C+8
Fox C+7
Q C+7
The latest poll shows us beating Crooked Hillary by 2 points nationally! We are winning big league! #MAGAFUCK TRUMP UP 2 IT IS OVER FOLKS *AIRHORN*
The browns areJohnson
Sorry Adam. I had to
Just to recap:
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 21m21 minutes ago Washington, DC
Live interview natl polls
Average: C+8.7
Atl./PRRI: C+15
ABC: C+12
Mon.: C+12
CBS: C+9
Selzer C+9
Bg C+8
Fox C+7
Q C+7
Because of the transitive property of Ohio sports, I think my Brownies win today because Ohio State lost.
abc poll history
The mean is 9.25 if you remove IBD and Atl.Just to recap:
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 21m21 minutes ago Washington, DC
Live interview natl polls
Average: C+8.7
Atl./PRRI: C+15
ABC: C+12
Mon.: C+12
CBS: C+9
Selzer C+9
Bg C+8
Fox C+7
Q C+7
I believe this particular poll isn't a tracker. The tracker will begin later.Would this one have a different methodology than than the ABC/WaPo poll, being a tracking poll?
Out of the 5 losses, This surpassed Michigan State I as the loss that pisses me off the most.Because of the transitive property of Ohio sports, I think my Brownies win today because Ohio State lost.