I got Wednesday and Thursday off from work so I can bask in my homegirl's glorious win.
I've taken the entire WEEK of the election off work, lol. No matter the outcome, I'm going to be drunk off my ass for days.
I got Wednesday and Thursday off from work so I can bask in my homegirl's glorious win.
This is making me curious how many different nationalities we have regularly posting in PoliGAF.
France GAF here !
From memory we have at least: Spain, Germany, India, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Sweden, UK ...
... but Ohio wins, obviously.
Why this system isn't implemented nationwide is beyond me. It would help end all the partisan fighting that we have because people wouldn't just blindly vote along party lines. Candidates would be held accountable to the things they say while campaigning and you would have plenty of time to learn about all the candidates rather than just blindly selecting Democrat's or Republican's.
Hello to the only country whose politicians make me feel somewhat okay about our own!![]()
I can't imagine voting any other way. Some elections are dead simple (Trump vs Clinton), but others have a lot more nuance. I'm still torn on I-732 (WA voter), currently leaning towards Yes. It's my last thing to decide on before I mail my ballot in. How are WA GAFers voting on it?
I had a teacher once who became and voted republican because someone told him "Mexicans vote democrat" and he wanted to buck expectations/stereotypes. Seriously that was the reason he gave.
Talk about bad omens, I just saw a shop with the name "Triumph Winn".
I read it briefly out of interest. It ticks all the right boxes: reduction in the (regressive) sales tax and the B&O tax which is basically passed on to consumers by design, support for low-income families, tax on carbon, and revenue neutral. I don't understand why you'd oppose it, other than a possible worry they might have the sums wrong.
I read it briefly out of interest. It ticks all the right boxes: reduction in the (regressive) sales tax and the B&O tax which is basically passed on to consumers by design, support for low-income families, tax on carbon, and revenue neutral. I don't understand why you'd oppose it, other than a possible worry they might have the sums wrong.
South Africa GAF here. Lurking and reading everything![]()
Honestly, I don't think it would have that much of an impact... a lot of people lack the intellectual curiosity (or for some, the time), to actually learn about issues and candidates before voting. I do wish it were available to voters in all states though, it's so much more practical.
Heh, as a dual citizen, I'd say the highs are higher and lows lower in the US than in France.
edit: talking about France, as soon as we get the US elections out of the way, we can jump right into the French presidential primaries (well, technically the Green party already had their primary but who cares). The right/center-right primary is next month, and quite a few people are assuming it'll be the winner of that primary vs Le Pen in the second round, meaning the winner of that primary would be the next president. But I can't vote, because for whatever reasons Frenchmen and women who emigrated to a new country in 2016 (and thus weren't registered at that country's embassy on December 31, 2015), are not allowed to vote in the primary. So please don't fuck this up, les amis.
This is making me curious how many different nationalities we have regularly posting in PoliGAF.
South Africa GAF here. Lurking and reading everything![]()
Dutch GAFfer here.
If the first $20 million yielded cheers, the second $15 million generated stunned silence.
Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz vaulted suddenly and without any advance warning to the top rung of Democratic party mega donors with two unheralded tears through his checkbook in the last six weeks. His money significantly altered the short-term financial position of the pro-Hillary Clinton forces and revealed a previously unknown source of cash for Democrats.
In the days after Moskovitz's money landed, the party's leading finance operatives struggled to control their excitement at the prospect of finally having an answer to Republicans’ Sheldon Adelson in the shape of a Silicon Valley titan like the ones Democrats have been chasing after for well over a decade.
“This is a unicorn-type campaign gift — you just don’t see someone basically walk into a campaign without a significant track record of activity and contribute at this level,” said veteran Democratic strategist Chris Lehane, a Clinton White House alum who works closely with top party donors in Silicon Valley.
The deeply private 32-year-old — who is worth $12.7 billion, according to Bloomberg — is a long-time philanthropist but political newcomer. He hasn’t started to build contacts with local operatives. And he hasn’t said a word publicly about his political involvement beyond a pair of Medium posts announcing it in the first place.
But there was nothing before September that even hinted at the massive and sophisticated donation scheme he would unveil this time around. After announcing in September that he would drop $10 million into a Clinton campaign fund, the Senate and House Democrats’ campaign wings, MoveOn.org, the Color of Change PAC and voter registration and get-out-the-vote groups, plus $5 million each for the League of Conservation Voters and the union-backed For Our Future super PAC, he followed up early this month by pledging $7 million more to registration and mobilization organizations, $3 million to political groups, and $5 million to Priorities USA Action, the main pro-Clinton super PAC.
The sudden cash injection was unprecedented.
Democratic operatives on the West Coast say they still haven’t met Moskovitz, haven’t seen him at party or candidate fundraising events, are not aware of whether he has a political representative helping him, and report that his name had never before been on their donation target lists. Multiple top Democrats responded to POLITICO’s questions about Moskovitz by simply replying, ‘Who?” and two admitted to looking up his name and donations on Google before responding to emails about him.
Indeed, they say, all indications are that his foray into politics is entirely driven by Trump, who Moskovitz savaged in his pair of blog posts announcing the donations, rather than a longer-term intention to become a political player.
The day after the publication of a tape showing Trump making lewd remarks about a woman surfaced, Moskovitz then piled on his second wave of cash: “Further investments are warranted, particularly in support of work targeting millennial and independent voters. These contributions will go towards voter outreach and engagement efforts focused on those key audiences,” he wrote. “The events of the past few weeks have only deepened my conviction that Hillary is the best choice for America. I hope that these contributions will help make that outcome a reality."
I was speaking as a UK citizen
*sobs quietly in corner*
Please tell me it's not going to be Sarkozy again.
I hope not... Sarkozy vs Le Pen, both sides aren't the same, but a hell of a lot closer than Dems and Repubs in the US
Right after Brexit, Sarkozy and some of the others were suggesting France hold its own referendum. Sigh.
I thought with all the billionaires being besties with Hillary they'd already have an Adelson equivalent.
Bet you never saw that one coming.
lol he doesn't even realize that HE says whatever he wants and gets away with it... he'd be so fucked if we had what he's praisingTrump really wants to eliminate the first amendment just because media outlets write negative stories about him, lol.
Bet you never saw that one coming.
mika has been doing some variation of "i told you so" for the last half hour
About what exactly? David S. Pumpkins?
Today is a bad day. First, new polls from leading pollsters IBD and LATimes showing a close race. At noon, Hillary Clinton will be destroyed by James O'Keefe. As you saw in the third debate when she did not refute ANY of Trump's claims about her, including that she meets regularly with (((globalist bankers))), the evidence today will PROVE DEFINITIVELY that Hillary Clinton was AT a Trump Rally in New Hampshire in January personally kicking people in the face. Then, NEW REVELATIONS in Hillary Clinton's emails per Morning Joe (well, not her emails, but emails that are conceivably about her) will reveal the most dangerous nothingburgers this side of McDonalds. Then, tonight, a new poll from CNN/ORC will show her up only 7.
The real question: does Podesta put mushrooms in his risotto?
The beginning of the end.
Today is a bad day. First, new polls from leading pollsters IBD and LATimes showing a close race. At noon, Hillary Clinton will be destroyed by James O'Keefe. As you saw in the third debate when she did not refute ANY of Trump's claims about her, including that she meets regularly with (((globalist bankers))), the evidence today will PROVE DEFINITIVELY that Hillary Clinton was AT a Trump Rally in New Hampshire in January personally kicking people in the face. Then, NEW REVELATIONS in Hillary Clinton's emails per Morning Joe (well, not her emails, but emails that are conceivably about her) will reveal the most dangerous nothingburgers this side of McDonalds. Then, tonight, a new poll from CNN/ORC will show her up only 7.
The real question: does Podesta put mushrooms in his risotto?
The beginning of the end.
I hope he doesn't put mushrooms.
A world without mushrooms in risotto is not a world I want to live in.
The bombshell is that he uses cream of mushroom instead of fresh mushrooms.
The bombshell is that he uses cream of mushroom instead of fresh mushrooms.
If you were in England, he could have you jailed for writing that.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 26m26 minutes ago
John Harwood Retweeted Sam Stein
Clinton leads Trump in ABC poll by 55%-33% w/everyone other than non-college white men (who back Trump 60%-29%)
Today is a bad day. First, new polls from leading pollsters IBD and LATimes showing a close race. At noon, Hillary Clinton will be destroyed by James O'Keefe. As you saw in the third debate when she did not refute ANY of Trump's claims about her, including that she meets regularly with (((globalist bankers))), the evidence today will PROVE DEFINITIVELY that Hillary Clinton was AT a Trump Rally in New Hampshire in January personally kicking people in the face. Then, NEW REVELATIONS in Hillary Clinton's emails per Morning Joe (well, not her emails, but emails that are conceivably about her) will reveal the most dangerous nothingburgers this side of McDonalds. Then, tonight, a new poll from CNN/ORC will show her up only 7.
The real question: does Podesta put mushrooms in his risotto?
The beginning of the end.
Hopefully noncollege whites vote on the 35th
Hopefully noncollege whites vote on the 35th
On the 32nd day of the 13th month there will be a unstoppable movement.
I feel ashamed to say that I am technically part of that "white men without a college degree" demographic.
Today is a bad day. First, new polls from leading pollsters IBD and LATimes showing a close race. At noon, Hillary Clinton will be destroyed by James O'Keefe. As you saw in the third debate when she did not refute ANY of Trump's claims about her, including that she meets regularly with (((globalist bankers))), the evidence today will PROVE DEFINITIVELY that Hillary Clinton was AT a Trump Rally in New Hampshire in January personally kicking people in the face. Then, NEW REVELATIONS in Hillary Clinton's emails per Morning Joe (well, not her emails, but emails that are conceivably about her) will reveal the most dangerous nothingburgers this side of McDonalds. Then, tonight, a new poll from CNN/ORC will show her up only 7.
The real question: does Podesta put mushrooms in his risotto?
The beginning of the end.