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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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This map is exactly the same as the one I have on Facebook. I made it after taking 5 shots of hopium.


CNN was unbearable last night after its national poll was released. "Close race," "almost tied," and so forth kept being uttered by pundits and anchors. It drove me mad. I believe it was 48 to 43 Clinton?


Purely for ratings. If they start saying the race is out of reach. They risk people just tuning out.
Can see ATT/TWX merger being a political battering ram for the first year of Hillary's admin but really they would be wise to push it through - it's pure vertical and T needs this to divert attention from the ass reaming it's taking in consumer mobility. Stopping this deal would be purely political. If T wants to go ahead and destroy value they should let it. Only safeguard needed is forced must wholesale at some sort of non prohibitive rate.

Plus side to it is another industry they need to not war with since healthcare will be the primary issue.

No we shouldn't have more media consolidation,

this merger with further hurt net neutrality.

We shouldn't have content producers owned by mass distributors.


No we shouldn't have more media consolidation,

this merger with further hurt net neutrality.

We shouldn't have content producers owned by mass distributors.


Legally you can't stop this after allowing CMCSA-NBC U.

ATT can't zero-rate.
ATT can't favour TWX content (such a business model is doomed to failure given the full price paid for TWX anyway).

You have broadband and mobile under Title II, with the appeals circuit and SCOTUS stacked to defend it.

Where is your NN worry here?

There is no solid evidence that this will actually hurt competition in broadband or mobility - this move is borne out of an impending sense of desperation (T and VZ are losing 500m per Q in mobile service revenue due to TMUS).


Jesus, CNN talking about the Obamacare premiums being an October surprise.

A fellow coworker and I had to shoot down another coworker that was revving up for Obamacare caused healthcare cost inflation rant. I typically don't waste my time, but I've simply had my fill of stupidity this cycle.
Legally you can't stop this after allowing CMCSA-NBC U.

That's not how this works. You can go back and change your mind on merge approvals-they aren't court decisions that have prior standing that must be upheld/overturned. This goes doubly so when the conduct remedies that usually happen in these kind of mega-mergers fail to shake out the way the designers of the agreement expected.


Why are you oh shitting? This is old information. Obama went on TV and said that he found out about the server on tv. Press secretary went back and clarified, saying that Obama knew she used a private email account, but he had no knowledge of how it was setup.

Like, read the chain. This is, literally, nothing.

bedwetting averted



Powerful ad from the Hilary campaign. They found a woman that the Trump Org discriminated against when it came to renting. Got major feels from it. Might be because I'm black...don't know I think most people would get strong feelings from it too. It just really emphasizes how much progress we've made as a country and Trump wants to take us back. No way. Vote people.
I am so angry and sad watching this...

Fuck you Trump.


The Autumn Wind
I'm suddenly seeing a bunch of Patrick Murphy commercials here in South Florida. Did the DNC change their mind about ad revenue?
"Young Americans for Freedom" fuckers at my school is putting on this event:

I despise these little fuckers. They also look exactly like how I expected them...
Wow these hateful little shits. Darwish is a big part of islamophobia machine.

Cant wait until it turns blue on 8th.


"Young Americans for Freedom" fuckers at my school is putting on this event:

I despise these little fuckers. They also look exactly like how I expected them...

YAF is terrible. I went to Michigan State where the group was so heinous that the Southern Poverty Law Center officially labeled that chapter a Hate Group, the first such designation for a college organization.
If the GOP wasn't a den of rabid shit-beavers all looking to scramble over eachothers' backs to screw over as many as possible, they might have spurned the advances of an obvious con-man. Sad!

Trump and Dump: How Trump Magazine became a penny stock

A year after the IPO party, Premiere went bust, having lost $7 million. During the final months, printers went unpaid, the power was turned off, and paychecks bounced, as a former Trump magazine receptionist recounted in Politico last August. But more intriguing than the disarray in the editorial office was Premiere’s penny stock structure – which has not been explored during Trump’s presidential campaign.



October surprise!

The same day that President Barack Obama publicly insisted that he learned about Hillary Clinton‘s use of private email for government business from news reports, internal campaign emails show that Clinton staffers knew he wasn’t telling the truth.

Obama was asked by CBS in March 2015 when he learned about Clinton’s use of “an email system outside the U.S. government for official business” as Secretary of State. “The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports,” he responded.

In a hacked March 7, 2015 email released by WikiLeaks Tuesday, Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin highlighted Obama’s comments in an email to other staffers. “You probably have more on this, but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news,” he said.

Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department Cheryl Mills immediately followed up in a private email to campaign chairman John Podesta. “We need to clean this up,” she worried. “He has emails from her – they do not say state.gov.”


I bet Podesta is just going to stop using Email forever.
I'm just not worried about the email stuff. It's nothing and at the end of the day it's been said so much that it's just baked in. If anything she'll have issues with Wikileaks during her actual presidency.

How can he like what he sees now?

The second I saw "Turn a failure into a success" I immediately realized that how he's going to spin TrumpTV.

"I may have lost a rigged election, but you have all won a voice, and that voice is Trump TV."


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh no potus said something wrong a year and a half ago fuck duck

Ugh Cheryl mills I can't stand it!!!! Cheryl milldssdssss *explodes*


How can he like what he sees now?

Honestly the whole article is fascinating.

What Drives Donald Trump? Fear of Losing Status, Tapes Show

The intense ambitions and undisciplined behaviors of Mr. Trump have confounded even those close to him, especially as his presidential campaign comes to a tumultuous end, and he confronts the possibility of the most stinging defeat of his life. But in the more than five hours of conversations — the last extensive biographical interviews Mr. Trump granted before running for president — a powerful driving force emerges: his deep-seated fear of public embarrassment.

The recordings reveal a man who is fixated on his own celebrity, anxious about losing his status and contemptuous of those who fall from grace. They capture the visceral pleasure he derives from fighting, his willful lack of interest in history, his reluctance to reflect on his life and his belief that most people do not deserve his respect.

And when Mr. Trump feels he has been made a fool of, his response can be volcanic. Ivana Trump told Mr. D’Antonio about a Colorado ski vacation she took with Mr. Trump soon after they began dating. The future Mrs. Trump had not told her boyfriend that she was an accomplished skier. As she recalls it, Mr. Trump went down the hill first and waited for her at the bottom:

IVANA TRUMP: So he goes and stops, and he says, “Come on, baby. Come on, baby.” I went up. I went two flips up in the air, two flips in front of him. I disappeared. Donald was so angry, he took off his skis, his ski boots, and walked up to the restaurant. ... He could not take it. He could not take it.

Of this, however, Mr. Trump is certain: He needs the world’s attention and its embrace, a life force that has sustained him for decades.

He recalled the feeling of walking into a giant room and watching as the crowd surrounded him, as if he were a magnet attracting everything around him.

Mr. D’Antonio asked him when that first started. “Long time ago,” Mr. Trump replied. “It’s always been that way.”

Did it ever unnerve him, the author wondered.

“No,” Mr. Trump said. “I think what would unnerve me is if it didn’t happen.”
I have only been to Atlanta once and that was for the Olympics in 1996. Otherwise, it was just drive through it and cuss the whole way because, shit, the fucking traffic.
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