I have only been to Atlanta once and that was for the Olympics in 1996. Otherwise, it was just drive through it and cuss the whole way because, shit, the fucking traffic.
Holy. Fucking. Christ. Hillary campaign has done some amazing work this political season, but I don't think I blinked once during that entire video. Truly powerful stuff.
I have only been to Atlanta once and that was for the Olympics in 1996. Otherwise, it was just drive through it and cuss the whole way because, shit, the fucking traffic.
I have only been to Atlanta once and that was for the Olympics in 1996. Otherwise, it was just drive through it and cuss the whole way because, shit, the fucking traffic.
That's a lot of diversity is one picture.
Yeah I've been to Atlanta a couple of times. Yeah the traffic can be horrendous like holy shit. I still think Miami is worse though.
It's what happens to cuties when state and federal governments only decide to fund ever expanding highways and car-dependant infrastructure. Public transit better in this country is atrocious. There is no reason a city like Atlanta shouldn't have a terrific transit system and dense development, not the sprawling hell it is.
Powerful ad from the Hilary campaign. They found a woman that the Trump Org discriminated against when it came to renting. Got major feels from it. Might be because I'm black...don't know I think most people would get strong feelings from it too. It just really emphasizes how much progress we've made as a country and Trump wants to take us back. No way. Vote people.
I want Clinton to get 400+ so bad...
So, I don't want to go off topic here in the thread, but it's the only place I've really posted in and so figured I'd post here.
I need some legal advice, from any willing legal expert here at gaf.
Long story short, me and my wife(weren't married at the time) leased a car from a dealership about two years ago. Payments and rent just got too high, couldn't afford it, got repo'd half a year into the lease agreement.
So we got served recently, as we owe the difference between what we paid and what they were able to sell the car for, which is upwards of around 6K.
When this lease was signed I was at work, the car was leased to me with her being the undersigner, but they allowed her to sign my name on the contract. She was not my wife, had no spousal privilege to do so and was not a POA for me.
Does that fact make the whole contract void? And if so, could I actually counter sue them for allowing a vehicle to be leased to me without me actually signing the contract?
Again, way way off topic but I can't post threads as I don't have the privilege yet and I would really appreciate any advice or guidance on any legal recourse I have here.
What the hell, Lee Zeldin (R) is up +15 in polling for NY-1.
I'm not surprised anecdotally because I somehow know more Trump supporters than Hillary supporters (through work, not my personal life), but I'm on Long Island!
Another anecdotal observation I've made is that small business owners LOATHE Democrats. They probably have stronger #fuckyougotmine sentiments than 1%ers. Joe the Plumber is real.
When this lease was signed I was at work, the car was leased to me with her being the undersigner, but they allowed her to sign my name on the contract. She was not my wife, had no spousal privilege to do so and was not a POA for me.
Does that fact make the whole contract void? And if so, could I actually counter sue them for allowing a vehicle to be leased to me without me actually signing the contract?
Marta is great.
I want Clinton to get 400+ so bad...
I read the AP story about Trump conceding Pennsylvania and charting a new path to 270. And I just don't get it. I give him the states they identified: Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and New Hampshire and I still don't have it at 270. What am I missing?
I read the AP story about Trump conceding Pennsylvania and charting a new path to 270. And I just don't get it. I give him the states they identified: Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and New Hampshire and I still don't have it at 270. What am I missing?
Is that possible without Texas?
Is that possible without Texas?
I read the AP story about Trump conceding Pennsylvania and charting a new path to 270. And I just don't get it. I give him the states they identified: Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and New Hampshire and I still don't have it at 270. What am I missing?
Legally you can't stop this after allowing CMCSA-NBC U.
ATT can't zero-rate.
ATT can't favour TWX content (such a business model is doomed to failure given the full price paid for TWX anyway).
You have broadband and mobile under Title II, with the appeals circuit and SCOTUS stacked to defend it.
Where is your NN worry here?
There is no solid evidence that this will actually hurt competition in broadband or mobility - this move is borne out of an impending sense of desperation (T and VZ are losing 500m per Q in mobile service revenue due to TMUS).
A link to the story
Marta is great.
Marta is great.
Yes, I don't doubt that, but it's only half of what it could be. Maybe even a fourth. I'm talking a transit system like New York, London, or any city in Germany as an example. They dwarf most American cities' transit
This isn't unique to Atlanta, btw. The United States in general over funds roads and under funds other forms of transit. Therefore many systems--think BART in San Fran which is in dire need of money for routine repairs--are either in severe need of upgrades after years of neglect and low funding, or just don't exist to the level they should be at all.
Edit: ignore me, though....I didn't mean to go off topic.
Is that possible without Texas?
Wait wasn't it a few weeks ago the Trump campaign was pulling out of VA or was that PA? Has he abandoned both states?
The kids are alright
What if only Millenials voted?
Yeah. I think the map linked above is their last stand and probably their only half realistic chance. The biggest flip in that map would be Nevada, which is tough but not impossible like VA and PA.
My bad, I was in the windows 10 news app: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...path-narrowing-insists-hes-winning/ar-AAjmAAP
The kids are alright
What if only Millenials voted?