Joe Shlabotnik
Were's the last two percent?
In our hearts.
Or, I can't math.
But 8-ish point win for Clinton, 4 or less for Johnson.
Were's the last two percent?
Voted over lunch. +1 Hillary in SD (South Dakota was a mistake)
If I could I would redistrict the Dakotas from North and South into West and East, then in a 100% dick move I would rename East Dakota into West Minnesota, just to fuck with West Dakota.
Rassss polled the NV senate race because KTNV-TV 13 Action News was stupid enough to pay them :
Of course.@daveweigel
I asked Cruz if there should be votes on Clinton court nominees if GOP holds Senate. He said there's plenty of precedent for <9 justices.
53-38 is my election night prediction.
We take back the Senate and the House.
Murphy defeats Rubio.
Go big or go home.
I'll dial in my predictions later, but I'm confident Dems will take the Senate,and make scant gains in the House. It's gerrymandered to hell and back and I don't see any possible way it turns without redistricting reform. Not even in wave elections.
The first and only Upshot/Siena poll of Pennsylvania will be released tomorrow morning
Here is the 8/26 chart by county with parties broken out.
AZ early voting data.
they should give that star to mark cuban next.Oh man someone sledgehammered Trump's star on the Hollywood walk of fame.
Agreed. Failure to respond effectively to the Swift Boat attacks is my single biggest complaint about Kerry.
What a lot of people ignore is that he also did a fair number of things right, including turning in three strong debate performances. Would I have loved a more charismatic candidate? Of course. But Kerry simply wasn't the disaster he's often made out to be. Just because a candidate loses the race doesn't mean they're a bad candidate.
I'll dial in my predictions later, but I'm confident Dems will take the Senate,and make scant gains in the House. It's gerrymandered to hell and back and I don't see any possible way it turns without redistricting reform. Not even in wave elections.
Over 13m early votes recorded so far. I've seen the state by state early voting comparisons to 2012, anyone know how it's trending in aggregate?
Oregon reported 168,847 as of yesterday, nearly 10% of the vote for 2012. I'm curious if it's more front loaded, given how safe the state is.
AZ early voting data.
(I'm assuming he meant 10/26)
I have a random question.
Say November 8th is a nightmare scenario for the GOP and they end up losing the House. Also say the statehood measure passes in DC.
Is a simple majority in the house all that's needed to add DC as the 51st state? (I know the Senate would have to vote on it too). Or would it have to be something like 2/3rds of the House like an amendment would require?
Redistricting will occur after the 2020 election.
Agreed. Failure to respond effectively to the Swift Boat attacks is my single biggest complaint about Kerry.
What a lot of people ignore is that he also did a fair number of things right, including turning in three strong debate performances. Would I have loved a more charismatic candidate? Of course. But Kerry simply wasn't the disaster he's often made out to be. Just because a candidate loses the race doesn't mean they're a bad candidate.
Is a simple majority in the house all that's needed to add DC as the 51st state? (I know the Senate would have to vote on it too). Or would it have to be something like 2/3rds of the House like an amendment would require?
I think 2/3rds are needed for new states.
I wouldn't mind seeing them added in pairs, with DC and PR being added at the same time. Both deserve to be states at this point.
I think 2/3rds are needed for new states.
I wouldn't mind seeing them added in pairs, with DC and PR being added at the same time. Both deserve to be states at this point.
I'll dial in my predictions later, but I'm confident Dems will take the Senate,and make scant gains in the House. It's gerrymandered to hell and back and I don't see any possible way it turns without redistricting reform. Not even in wave elections.
GOP would go nuclear, knowing they would see 3-4 Liberal Senators added to the ranks. Ethnic vitriol would spill out, worse than we've seen this past year. We would get solid statistical data that 60% of the population didn't realize Boricua are already citizens. FUN!
Welcome to the 1990s..againThe party of fiscal and personal responsibility, flushing millions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet on pointless investigations, while refusing to do their jobs when things don't go their way! Yaaaaaaaay! Is it too late to change my voter registration to Fingerlican 4 Lyfe?!
Co-signed. Kerry thought he could take the high road and just ignore the clearly baseless swift boat attacks, and it proved to be his undoing, but it's pretty harsh to make out he was terrible based on that one mistake.
I'm still mad that people couldn't see through that bullshit.
I think 2/3rds are needed for new states.
I wouldn't mind seeing them added in pairs, with DC and PR being added at the same time. Both deserve to be states at this point.
2/3rds of both houses of Congress AND 3/4s of states would have to ratify it, right?
That was an actually ingenious (but evil) campaign from Rove. Charged headfirst at Kerry's strengths and it worked.
Normally I would agree, but we have all the right elements for it to flip:
- Civil War within the GOP
- Polls starting to show GOP with drastically lower voter enthusiasm than usual (Remember what that led to in 2006?)
- Data on early voting and absentee showing that Dems' GOTV is having lots of success in getting unlikely voters on our side to vote this election.
- Suburban are where we are seeing the biggest gains in support, meaning it's not just more votes in districts that already have Dems.
Welcome to the 1990s..again
Congrats, Ann Selzer. You've singlehandedly created the narrative that the race is tightening and causing panic all over.
It's not a constitutional amendment.
Who's panicked?
Hillary Clinton's election night party will be at the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, per @jmpalmieri.
Normally I would agree, but we have all the right elements for it to flip:
- Civil War within the GOP
- Polls starting to show GOP with drastically lower voter enthusiasm than usual (Remember what that led to in 2006?)
- Data on early voting and absentee showing that Dems' GOTV is having lots of success in getting unlikely voters on our side to vote this election.
- Suburban are where we are seeing the biggest gains in support, meaning it's not just more votes in districts that already have Dems.
So does the redistricting happen by the current president in 2020, or the one (re)elected that year?
Who's panicked?
Seems pretty clear the race is tightening nationally and in multiple states. Real shift or Rs coming home?
Basically one E ride and a few blocks away from Trump Tower.
the census happens in 2020. after the census, congressional districts can be modified.
presidential election happens in 2020. generally, democrats do better with house seats in presidential year because more people come out to vote for the president, and also vote on down ballot races.
the house is responsible for the redistricting.
democrats ruled the house for 40 years straight, and it ended in late 1990s. if they don't take back the house in 2020, they won't be able to for another decade (provided the GOP stays intact as a party).
Besides cable news (I've been told) and r/politics?
Is it?????
no. State legislatures are responsible for their state line maps and the congressional maps if they don't have an independent redistricting committee doing it for them.
You can tell the news networks were desperate for some tight polls. It's funny to watch them focus on the Selzer poll while ignoring the other two Florida polls from the past 24 hours showing Clinton +3 and the three national polls today that went +6 +9 +9 Clinton. It's going to make the meltdown on election all the sweeter.