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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Hillary Clinton’s campaign is planning its most ambitious push yet into traditionally right-leaning states, a new offensive aimed at extending her growing advantage over Donald J. Trump while bolstering down-ballot Democrats in what party leaders increasingly view as a possible wave election.

Signaling extraordinary confidence in Mrs. Clinton’s electoral position and a new determination to deliver a punishing message to Mr. Trump and Republicans about his racially tinged campaign, her aides said Monday that she would aggressively compete in Arizona, a state with a growing Hispanic population that has been ground zero for the country’s heated debate over immigration.

Mrs. Clinton is “dramatically expanding” her efforts in Arizona, her campaign manager, Robby Mook, told reporters on Monday, pouring more than $2 million into advertising and dispatching perhaps her most potent surrogate, Michelle Obama, for a rally in Phoenix on Thursday.

In Indiana and Missouri, Mr. Mook said, the campaign will spend a total of $1 million to drive voter turnout, despite what he acknowledged as an “uphill battle” for Mrs. Clinton in two states with several competitive races below the presidential level.

For weeks, Mrs. Clinton’s team has weighed how seriously to look beyond core battlegrounds like Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina, another state that Republicans carried in 2012.

Eager to torment Mr. Trump, and the Republicans straining to navigate his erratic bid, her team has also planned at least faint, attention-grabbing plays in other states with little history of Democratic success.

In Texas, the campaign has prepared an ad highlighting Mrs. Clinton’s endorsement from The Dallas Morning News. And Mrs. Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, has begun sitting for local media interviews in Utah, where Mr. Trump has struggled to break away from Mrs. Clinton and an independent candidate, Evan McMullin, in recent polls. (On a conference call with reporters on Monday, Mr. Mook mentioned Mr. McMullin by name.)

The most brazen push, though, is in Arizona, where the campaign has also scheduled appearances on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf from her daughter, Chelsea, and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

The moves come as Mrs. Clinton has more conspicuously emphasized congressional and state races during campaign appearances, taking particular care to mention Senate and even House candidates on the stump and highlighting states that typically receive scant attention from Democrats.
Hillary should just nominate Goodwin Liu and have him get confirmed 53-47 party line to replace Scalia.

Just fucking troll at this point.

If they want to block all nominees, just nuke the filibuster and go with the most liberal, youngest people you can find and stop giving a fuck.

The problem is Schumer understands the volatility of Senate control. You're going to need to pull the trigger day-1 and that means it becomes the ONLY story process-based talking heads are covering in Clinton's first year. Plus, he seems to believe that blowing up the no-fault filibuster will embolden the next GOP Majority Leader to go bat shit insane ramming items like Planned Parenthood defunding, killing EPA, DOE, ETC. and watching their grant-receipients fold while the appeals make their way through the courts.

It's high-stakes Chicken w/ nihilists
Oh shit.

Taniel Retweeted
This could be important: in Florida, registered Republicans have historically dominated mail voting.

Michael McDonald @ElectProject
In a FL afternoon update, reg Dems took a returned ballot lead over Reps of 27 ballots - out of 513,089 returned ballots


But some of this could be a factor of FL's new program to expand absentee balloting. Hard to parse for now. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/...ead-and-not-over-read-early-voting-tea-leaves


Still, this could be huge.


FGC Waterboy
The problem is Schumer understands the volatility of Senate control. You're going to need to pull the trigger day-1 and that means it becomes the ONLY story process-based talking heads are covering in Clinton's first year. Plus, he seems to believe that blowing up the no-fault filibuster will embolden the next GOP Majority Leader to go bat shit insane ramming items like Planned Parenthood defunding, killing EPA, DOE, ETC. and watching their grant-receipients fold while the appeals make their way through the courts.

It's high-stakes Chicken w/ nihilists

Bingo. the weapons we create now can be used against us later on.


In case you were wondering about the status of the Trump Foundation paperwork, they got an extension.


Donald J. Trump’s foundation informed Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman of New York that it has ceased soliciting donations in the state, after a recent order to halt such fund-raising efforts, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office said on Monday.

The charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, also requested and was granted an extension for filing its financial paperwork, including audits, said Eric Soufer, the spokesman.
Why didn't Dems do campaigns to get amendment ballots for computer drawn districts on the ballot this year in Pennsylvania and Michigan and other gerrymandered states?

Seems like the perfect time to do it with more Democrats coming out than Republicans.


The problem is Schumer understands the volatility of Senate control. You're going to need to pull the trigger day-1 and that means it becomes the ONLY story process-based talking heads are covering in Clinton's first year. Plus, he seems to believe that blowing up the no-fault filibuster will embolden the next GOP Majority Leader to go bat shit insane ramming items like Planned Parenthood defunding, killing EPA, DOE, ETC. and watching their grant-receipients fold while the appeals make their way through the courts.

It's high-stakes Chicken w/ nihilists

It seems crazy to think the GOP wouldn't immediately do this if they got control anyway. Look at their behavior this year and tell me it makes sense to trust them to act in good faith and in the interests of good governance.
Rick wilson is saying now that the current GOP is finished after this election and that they will slowly die. He also is saying that the GOP's advantage in local races, state houses and etc will be destroyed eventually. He is also saying that a new party is needed now. Once I find a good source I will link to what he said on a radio show recently.
While I think they are at a demographic disadvantage, how are they going to lose the statehouses? I live in Kentucky, and while our cities and suburbs might be slowly getting more blue, that only helps with statewide offices. The rural districts aren't getting younger or more diverse. Walk me through how we win those seats back.


It seems crazy to think the GOP wouldn't immediately do this if they got control anyway. Look at their behavior this year and tell me it makes sense to trust them to act in good faith and in the interests of good governance.

Democrats also have a higher propensity to make deals rather than flat filibuster since they are still actively attempting to run a working government.
A potential Republican majority would get whatever they wanted done anyways. Let's roll under the assumption the Republicans can't get a majority with a Republican president unless they heavily reform and expand their supporters.
Why didn't Dems do campaigns to get amendment ballots for computer drawn districts on the ballot this year in Pennsylvania and Michigan and other gerrymandered states?

Seems like the perfect time to do it with more Democrats coming out than Republicans.
Well, not particular to that issue, but here in Michigan Snyder and the Republican state Congress pulled some funny stuff to change the timeframe ballot initiatives actually have to get enough signatures to get in the ballot, making it more difficult to get enough signatures in time, which is why stuff like marijuana isn't in the ballot here this year so it probably would have affected something like that as well if they tried here.
It seems crazy to think the GOP wouldn't immediately do this if they got control anyway. Look at their behavior this year and tell me it makes sense to trust them to act in good faith and in the interests of good governance.

There isn't much trust, but the Dems are hemmed in by a Media and base that expects the rules to be followed. Media would spend every day running down the Party that "Broke the Senate" ignoring historically outrageous uses of cloture by the GOP. If the Republicans took back control in 2018, the Narrative is already set for payback. It's a shitty reality, but it's what will happen, and the Dems would take the blame from all sides.

There are no winning moves here


does anyone actually lump black evangelicals in with 'evangelicals?' they are so very different than what we're discussing.

It's my understanding that evangelical typically refers to white Protestants where as black Protestants are their own group as these two demographics are polar opposites in terms of partisan choices.
I live for the moment when he pulls the trigger. I'll probably call-in sick to work that day.

The GOP knows, deep down, that once the court is gone, a lot of their shit is dead. Gerrymandering, social agenda, voter suppression.. it's all judicially DOA. And they're terrified of this.

What really pisses me off about them threatening to hold up SCOTUS nominees indefinitely is that there doesn't seem to be anything preventing them from doing so. Isn't there some sort of process or motion to force a vote on a nominee? They can't just obstruct government from working years and years, right?


Kills Photobucket
Did Trump do rallies both on Saturday and Sunday? Because he's on the trail today, and in Colorado tomorrow.

He's not doing any prep at all.
What really pisses me off about them threatening to hold up SCOTUS nominees indefinitely is that there doesn't seem to be anything preventing them from doing so. Isn't there some sort of process or motion to force a vote on a nominee? They can't just obstruct government from working years and years, right?

Our government system didn't anticipate people blatantly sabotaging the government for their own benefit. It assumed voters would filter out people who did that. It didn't anticipate voters not caring or even encouraging that behavior, or districts where candidates could be arrested and still win in a landslide due to how safe they are.


Did Trump do rallies both on Saturday and Sunday? Because he's on the trail today, and in Colorado tomorrow.

He's not doing any prep at all.

I don't think he did anything yesterday. Of course he's not doing prep. It doesn't matter to him anymore. He'll go to the debate. Say what he says and that'll be it.

His advisers probably told him this is the best course of action. Just stay on the trails and hold rallies.
What really pisses me off about them threatening to hold up SCOTUS nominees indefinitely is that there doesn't seem to be anything preventing them from doing so. Isn't there some sort of process or motion to force a vote on a nominee? They can't just obstruct government from working years and years, right?

Our entire Republic was built on the understanding that Congress wouldn't allow nihilism to be an actual tool to stop institutions from functioning. There are very few rules that can force a Congress to do anything. It's supposed to be checked by voters. But the GOP has engineered districts so that they choose their own voters, instead.

So here we are watching civil governance die at the hands of pissed-off children in $2000 suits. Sad!


Sucks at poetry
I'm being honest here, this Trump TV or Trump Network or whatever this monstrosity is scares the shit outta me. Giving guys like Bannon or Milo or Alex Jones their own network to take holds of people's minds with...it's dangerous. Even if it fails, it would embolden some of the darkest parts of America. It would turn Trump and the rest into martyrs in the minds of alt-righters.

I just randomly checked InfoWars to see what it's all about. I clicked on some video and it was this extreme propaganda reel showing nuclear bombs and soldiers saying war is coming. Clips of Trump saying we should get along with Russia and fight ISIS, next to clips of the Obama administration talking about starting an all out war. We should stockpile food and take shelter if Hillary wins, etc...

Crazy because I was just talking with my father the other day, and he was saying the exact same thing. The extreme right has completely taken over conservatism in America. They live in their own fear-driven reality, and their media outlets completely control the narrative and their minds.



On Monday afternoon porn magnate Larry Flynt announced via a press release that his magazine Hustler was offering up a hefty bounty (1 million dollars) for "verifiable video footage or audio recordings" of Donald Trump "engaging in illegal activity or acting in a sexually demeaning or derogatory manner" that the outlet would publish before the November 8 election.


No Scrubs
Sounds like Ecuador may have had a little pressure applied to it.

Lets see how long his sanctuary is good for.

He had to know that this would never be a permanent solution.

Our entire Republic was built on the understanding that Congress wouldn't allow nihilism to be an actual tool to stop institutions from functioning. There are very few rules that can force a Congress to do anything. It's supposed to be checked by voters. But the GOP has engineered districts so that they choose their own voters, instead.

So here we are watching civil governance die at the hands of pissed-off children in $2000 suits. Sad!

Sadly, this is 100% correct. Democracy doesn't work when only one side is willing to be a rational adult. We need the GOP to be a functional political party again.


While I think they are at a demographic disadvantage, how are they going to lose the statehouses? I live in Kentucky, and while our cities and suburbs might be slowly getting more blue, that only helps with statewide offices. The rural districts aren't getting younger or more diverse. Walk me through how we win those seats back.

Anti-tax, far right wing areas and even states are going to be progressively left behind as their schools become under funded. Much of school funding comes from local taxation, often times in the form of property tax, schools in these areas will find that they are continually under funded and the conditions will only become worse. They will find themselves in the same situation as minority communities, ironically those communities recognize the problem and vote accordingly.

It's this self fulfilling prophecy where the base of the Republican party becomes increasingly uneducated, ad a result voting in right wing candidates. Repeat ad infinitum.


I just randomly checked InfoWars to see what it's all about. I clicked on some video and it was this extreme propaganda reel showing nuclear bombs and soldiers saying war is coming. Clips of Trump saying we should get along with Russia and fight ISIS, next to clips of the Obama administration talking about starting an all out war. We should stockpile food and take shelter if Hillary wins, etc...

Crazy because I was just talking with my father the other day, and he was saying the exact same thing. The extreme right has completely taken over conservatism in America. They live in their own fear-driven reality, and their media outlets completely control the narrative and their minds.

If you want further context... go to the Infowars shop...
At least that O'Keefe video is exposing the Breitbart/Infowars readers on gaf.

Edit: Oh no, top of the page. *pretends to care about not posting anything important*
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