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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Hillary should just nominate Goodwin Liu and have him get confirmed 53-47 party line to replace Scalia.

Just fucking troll at this point.

If they want to block all nominees, just nuke the filibuster and go with the most liberal, youngest people you can find and stop giving a fuck.
So Melania Trump is going to be on AC360 tonight....hope he grills her on what she really thinks about all this stuff and not let her just give obviously prepared statements.

Wow. They must be in serious trouble if they're sending her out there. I've gotten the sense that she really wants very little to do with this stuff.
Robert Brady (D-PA) spitting fire


“We've been around a long time; these guys who want to come in are rookies,” said Rep. Robert A. Brady (D-Pa.), who represents much of Philadelphia. “We're going to do everything right. These guys better not do anything to hinder the election, because it'd backfire completely on them. We'd put it out on the street, that they're challenging black votes, and people will come out in droves. I hope they try to challenge everybody, because we'll have lines and lines and lines.”
White evangelicals are the only group of people in America that like Trump:


Also, spoiler alert, white evangelicals are marks.

Interesting that 538's Senate forecast seems to be significantly more optimistic about D chances than the Upshot's, especially considering their Presidential forecast had the reverse.

In both cases this is about the 538 being more sensitive to polling changes. Recent polls have been more favorable to Dem senators so we've seen a bigger swing in Silver's model. 538 allows for more variance so it assumes that Trump has a better chance of turning things around than the NYT does.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
White evangelicals are the only group of people in America that like Trump:

He's the nominee of the party that doesn't kill babies and wants to prevent those evil gays from having rights. Who he is as a person doesn't even matter. They see democrats/liberals as literally agents of evil.


Rick wilson is saying now that the current GOP is finished after this election and that they will slowly die. He also is saying that the GOP's advantage in local races, state houses and etc will be destroyed eventually. He is also saying that a new party is needed now. Once I find a good source I will link to what he said on a radio show recently.
538's Senate model really seems to be on the move now. Projecting 52D - 48R, NC now blue.

Hillary at 3.5% up in NC leads to a wolf blitzer grade deadheat in the NC senate race, which is accurate.

Nate's senate polls are moving with Hillary's polls somewhat.


Is anyone starting to get legitimately worried about post-election violence, given Hillary's pretty much a lock? The combination of an inflamed alt-right, talk of a rigged election, and just generally irresponsible conservative rhetoric definitely has the potential to cause some lunatics to boil over and do something stupid.

Nothing on a large scale, but I expect to see some things happening in certain communities.
He's the nominee of the party that doesn't kill babies and wants to prevent those evil gays from having rights. Who he is as a person doesn't even matter. They see democrats/liberals as literally agents of evil.

Trump has almost surely paid for abortions.

This "Evangelicals only care about abortion" argument would lead them to choosing Trump as a lesser of two evils. But that is not reflected in the data! White evangelicals view Trump as good, not as a lesser of two evils!

This is important.
And it just gets worse for Joe Heck:


(CNN)Rep. Joe Heck gave his most extensive assessment of his decision to dump Donald Trump at a closed-door fundraiser last week, saying Republicans had "cut a lot of slack" to his party's presidential nominee for months but that he had become too toxic now amid an undisciplined and unfocused campaign.

According to audio of the private event obtained by CNN, Heck seemed to recognize that his decision to abandon Trump had become a sore subject among some of his core supporters, calling it a "very difficult situation." About six minutes into the recording he defended his decision to rescind his Trump endorsement by saying that the GOP nominee's "pattern of behavior" was bound to "hand" the White House to Hillary Clinton.

"I want to support him, I really do," Heck, a Nevada Republican, said during a 90-minute discussion during a Las Vegas fundraiser for his Senate campaign.

"But he has got to change his tone and he's got to be -- I don't want to make him into a politician or make him into the same thing he is running against -- but he has got to realize he is not going to win this race by appealing to the 20% or 30% of the Republican base," Heck added.

Heck, who noted that Trump had "one more debate chance" to turn around his candidacy in Las Vegas this week, added, "At the very least, if I have to go with my own conscience to make this right, I am going to vote for Michael Pence as vice president."

Nevada has no write-in option.

CCM nails him:


Las Vegas, NV – In further proof that Congressman Heck’s unendorsement of Donald Trump was just a politically calculated move, CNN has obtained audio of Congressman Heck telling a closed door meeting of Republican donors that he “really wants” to support Trump if only he could stay on message. He suggested that he’d be open to supporting Donald Trump depending on his third debate performance. Heck also said he’s going to vote for Mike Pence for vice president. Nevada has no write-in option, so a vote for Mike Pence for vice president is a vote for Donald Trump for president.

For months, Congressman Heck was Trump’s biggest supporter in Nevada, and stood by him as he called Mexicans ‘rapists’ and suggested that veterans with PTSD were ‘weak.’ Republican voters booed Heck as he announced his unendorsement of Trump at a Republican unity rally. Heck was then silent for days while Republican voters and conservative talk radio hosts berated him for his politically craven move. On Wednesday, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said Heck was back on the Trump train, but his campaign refuted this claim. At Friday’s debate, Heck said his decision to unendorse Trump was “personal,” but this audio makes it clear that Heck is upset with Trump’s inability to run a disciplined campaign. It’s no surprise that Heck was campaigning with Trump bumper stickers in rural Nevada on Saturday.

“In typical Washington politician doublespeak, Congressman Heck is telling the public one thing and his private donors another,” said Sarah Zukowski, spokesperson for Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate. “He claims he is not supporting Donald Trump for ‘personal’ reasons, but tells his donors he wishes Trump was a more disciplined campaigner and says he has a chance to turn it around in the third debate. The third debate isn’t going to stop Trump from being a racist, misogynistic xenophobe, but apparently all that matters to Heck is that he performs well. Once again Congressman Heck is demonstrating he is a typical Washington politician whose only concern is saving his political career.”

It's strange. Up until 2 weeks ago, Ross was running ahead of Hillary. Now running behind Hillary.

This is not true. Most polls showed it going Cooper > Hillary > Ross, except for a few like the NYT/Siena poll.


God, fuck McCain so damn much. He'll be front and center bitching about Schumer nuking the filibuster when it happens. I really hope he feels the crunch of low turnout and Hilldawg aggressively campaigning in AZ. Get fucked.


Trump has almost surely paid for abortions.

This "Evangelicals only care about abortion" argument would lead them to choosing Trump as a lesser of two evils. But that is not reflected in the data! White evangelicals view Trump as good, not as a lesser of two evils!

This is important.


former George W. Bush speechwriter and evangelical pundit Michael Gerson offered a number of glum reflections on the subject
So what is it about conservative religion in white America that explains the readiness of its adherents to overlook Trump’s lack of knowledge, experience, business ethics, temperament, and basic human decency?

The simplest answer is that Republicanism has become an article of the faith. These days, the large majority of white religious conservatives will vote for the Republican candidate whoever it is. End of story.
Hillary should just nominate Goodwin Liu and have him get confirmed 53-47 party line to replace Scalia.

Just fucking troll at this point.

If they want to block all nominees, just nuke the filibuster and go with the most liberal, youngest people you can find and stop giving a fuck.

Can't help but think Liu's recent personal problems will make it unlikely that he becomes the first SC nominee of the first female president.


will gain confidence one day
Have you guys seen this?

"It shall be unlawful [a Class I felony!]: (6) For any person to take into that person's possession...
...for delivery to a voter or for return to a county board of elections the absentee ballot of any voter[.]"
That comment by the @NCGOP spokesperson (if it is being reported accurately) would be an admission of felonious activity. Yikes.
I'm sorry, but any article that tries to "explain" the white evangelical love for Trump without mentioning that white evangelicals hate Muslims and Islam is a bad article.
Issa's seat should be an easy target, but I don't have high hopes.

I'm from the area, and I am honestly surprised it's as close as it might be. Some very republican areas in CA-49. Huge military presence because of Camp Pendleton. Though I do know a lot of people my age who have settled into the area in the past few years from LA.
so is North Carolina on its way to being the new Virginia?

Its waayyy too early to say that. This year the Democrats are being helped by North Carolinians being humiliated by the anti- LGBTQ rights bill and wanting to throw the GOP out. The state is definetly trending blue now but it could end up a true swing state like Florida.
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