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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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re: filibuster talk (which i guess should be "60 votes for cloture" talk)

either the dems nuke it in january when they actually have the senate and possibly the house, or the republicans nuke it the second they get a trifecta. either way it's getting nuked sooner or later, so you might as well shoot first on the off chance that YOU ACTUALLY GET THINGS DONE

Yeah, the idea of nixing the filibuster to pass things fast scares me because when Rs get in, they could just start stripping all sorts of important programs with little pushback.

But what if Republicans would just get rid of it when they were in that situation regardless? Then you'd have the latter without any of the former.

I don't know what would be the way to go. =/


RCP is Hillary by 7
On this date in 20@2, it was Obama by 0.4.


Yeah, the idea of nixing the filibuster to pass things fast scares me because when Rs get in, they could just start stripping all sorts of important programs with little pushback.

But what if Republicans would just get rid of it when they were in that situation regardless? Then you'd have the latter without any of the former.

I don't know what would be the way to go. =/

Let's just count on Obama motivating Dems to vote in midterms and pushing legislation to help with gerrymandering in the short term, and hope we have a working center-right party in the long term.
How anyone on the side of the Democrats can be in favor of keeping the filibuster because of fear of Republican reprisal is beyond me.

This is the party that has refused to even hold a hearing, which is historic, for the president's SCOTUS nominee for 216 days, one of the longest vacancies in modern history. This is the party that has held up more judicial nominations than any other period purely for political reasons. This is the party that has left diplomatic posts vacant for years. This is the party that made the debt ceiling a political negotiating tool and has threatened to do so again. This is the party that has shut down the government twice because they didn't get what they wanted. This is the party that has bemoaned reconciliation and then turned around and used it.

They do not care about political convention, tradition, or even good governance. They are playing to win and yet we still have people ignoring the fact that the GOP will nuke the filibuster the first day they take all three branches of government. They are not interested in negotiating. That much should be abundantly clear to anyone who has been paying attention for the past 8 years. Lets remember that we lost the Cap and Trade bill, the Public option in the ACA, and countless compromises purely because of the 60 vote cloture threshold.

It's crazy considering the virtual filibuster and 60 vote cloture rules don't really have much historical precedent. They emerged in 1975 through filibuster reform. The filibuster doesn't appear in the Constitution and for the majority of the history of our country, we have survived with a commonsense filibuster rule in place, not this 60 vote nonsense.

It needs to be nuked by either party and frankly, it should be the Democrats. We need to play offense instead of assuming the GOP is still a rational party.
What if I told you that the modern fillibuster was pioneered by Harry Reid?
Most of them. All of them?

Hmm... I think most of the current endorsers would continue to endorse Trump for president.

Yeah, the idea of nixing the filibuster to pass things fast scares me because when Rs get in, they could just start stripping all sorts of important programs with little pushback.

But what if Republicans would just get rid of it when they were in that situation regardless? Then you'd have the latter without any of the former.

I don't know what would be the way to go. =/

I'm pretty sure you can get rid of most social programs through reconciliation in which case the filibuster is irrelevant.

The GOP hasn't been stopped by procedure from eliminating Medicaid, it's just that that move is insanity that no one other than Paul Ryan would have pursued prior to 2010.
Can we just not with this election anymore.

Trump, you're disqualified because you're an idiot, get over it. Go start your stupid little network and run non-stop "buy gold" commercials.


Can we just not with this election anymore.

Trump, you're disqualified because you're an idiot, get over it. Go start your stupid little network and run non-stop "buy gold" commercials.
Poligaf is not treating trump fairly, they're allowed to just say anything negative they want to. That's going to change in November folks.
Just noticed Trump's leading in Ohio on RCP based on the Maris and CNN/ORC polls having Trump over Clinton.

538 still has it leaning Clinton based on that larger post-video trend.
The modern filibuster has been a collosal mistake and the Democrats own that loss entirely. As I said, it needs to be changed regardless of party.

If we had two functional parties it wouldn't really be that big of a deal, which I'm sure is what the assumption was when it was created.

What the republicans have done with it is flat out abuse, and it wasn't designed with this political environment in mind
Positions Trump has held throughout the entire campaign with no flip-flopping.

-We should be nice to Putin.
-The Central Park Five should be executed

... I don't think there are any others?
How anyone on the side of the Democrats can be in favor of keeping the filibuster because of fear of Republican reprisal is beyond me.

You're talking about 'Bitch-Slap Politics'

The problem is you can't bitch-slap the stoopid outta voters; you can only make them dig-in.

I don't know what some folks expect from a hyper-polarized electorate; a New New Deal? Remember what it took for that, and the following 40 years of Democratic Legislative hegemony: Great Depression, WWII, embrace of Dixiecrats, and a slate of Liberal Republicans.

What you can do is slowly peel off soft GOP voters and motivate the non-voting, apathetic folks. Now, i'm not going to gnash my teeth if Schumer blows the filibuster to Hell, but I think we can win, grow our constituency, and still leave room for an eventually sane fiscally conservative party; all while protecting the idea of respect for the legislative minority.


look we already know hillary is going to win, so there's no need to panic over that.

but the senate and house controls are still toss-ups, less so for the house, so feel free to panic about that.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm really disappointed I'm going to be sitting out canvassing. When I tried Saturday my anxiety was just too high. It was important I contribute with how tight the races will be in my CD. Democrats could still win the Senate without Hassan, but I really want Ayotte to lose for supporting Trump as long as she did (even if she never endorsed him).

I told the local coordinator I can still help drive people around. I could try phone calls but, from my experience, they're not especially effective nowadays.
The trump kids sure are shitting themselves about this okeefe video...

I hope after the election is over we find out what Uday and Qusay Trump's Reddit handles are. These creeps have to either spend hours a day soaking in r/the_Donald or they've hired some of Milo's 42 interns to run their Twitter accounts and prep them for public appearances.


This all woman panel with Lemon is really something else. Betsy on the short bus giving some classic lines.

Meanwhile Gina Loudon is just drowning in the Trump koolaid, and getting nowhere. I'm just so boggled by the outrage that these surrogates tap into, but can't grasp the very simple concept that the problem was not with Trump's choice of words but with what those imply in his life and actions.


The national news media has been consumed of late with reports of Russian hackers breaking into networks of the Democratic National Committee. Lest the Republicans feel left out of all the excitement, a report this past week out of The Netherlands suggests Russian hackers have for the past six months been siphoning credit card data from visitors to the Web storefront of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

That’s right: If you purchased a “Never Hillary” poster or donated funds to the NRSC through its Web site between March 2016 and the first week of this month, there’s an excellent chance that your payment card data was siphoned by malware and is now for sale in the cybercrime underground.

this woman (idk her name) on cnn has been talking straight for the past 3 mins and don told her "you're filibustering now" LMAO. one of the hrc supporters told her "wow you're just a robot of right wing talking points tonight"


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
If we had two functional parties it wouldn't really be that big of a deal, which I'm sure is what the assumption was when it was created.

What the republicans have done with it is flat out abuse, and it wasn't designed with this political environment in mind

Our democracy wasnt formed with this environment in mind.


this woman (idk her name) on cnn has been talking straight for the past 3 mins and don told her "you're filibustering now" LMAO. one of the hrc supporters told her "wow you're just a robot of right wing talking points tonight"

Hilary Rosen had enough. "Jesus Christ, you're crazy."
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