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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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per KSTP's Tom Hauser on Twitter: Craig (D) up 46-41 in MN-02

paging aaron and erasure!
That's good, some folks are treating this like a slam dunk for the Democrats, others like a pure toss up. I'd say the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I'm hoping Craig is another Walz where she wins a tough race but then entrenches herself pretty quickly, rather than a Nolan who we have to worry about every 2 years (although this probably has more to do with Nolan being a very rusty politician). I think Craig can do a lot of good in Congress, maybe her background at St. Jude's can get her to pass some healthcare legislation.

I've heard from inside the campaign she's far more liberal than she presents herself, stuff like wanting to get out in front of the #blm movement but Ellison advised her not to. It's heavily white/suburban so they probably wouldn't have a good appetite for a firebrand.


Misc thoughts, relating to ongoing topics in the thread, and otherwise.

1) Voted today. Felt damn good to knock it out. Hopefully I voted even earlier than Joe Biden; I hear he hates that.

2) If we are looking at a scenario where Republicans try to hold a Supreme Court seat open for 5 years, there is no sane argument against nuking the filibuster. None.

3) There's a very good chance Hillary finishes double digit percentage points ahead of Trump. I would be shocked if she didn't break 50, given her success with moderate Republicans and better turnout operations. No one in 2012 could fully account for the GOTV gap, and it will likely be a bigger margin this time.

4) That said, what I really want is for oppo drops, secret endorsements, and infomercials to keep hammering Trump after the debate. Let's see just how far the this can be pushed.

5) I've been hopeful for Murphy to close the game following the primary ending, but he is starting to look Strickland-tier hopeless. With NV looking safe, that leaves pickups in IL, WI, IN, NH, PA, NC and maaayyyybe MO. 53 seats looking like the ceiling. I can live w that. Kander and Claire would be the best senate duo since Klobuchar and Franken.

6) I love seeing the push into IN, MO, and AZ. GA would be awesome as well but it makes sense to stick with where there are more down ballot benefits.
O'Keefe video?

I hope after the election is over we find out what Uday and Qusay Trump's Reddit handles are. These creeps have to either spend hours a day soaking in r/the_Donald or they've hired some of Milo's 42 interns to run their Twitter accounts and prep them for public appearances.

Yea, roughly.

It's a few guys who supposedly organize protests for DNC and campaign.

It's certainly all dark and scary, but it's also coming from a serial liar.

Also, the implicit angle is basically that the only reason these things work is because trump supporters fucking lose it at the tiniest provocation, which seems roughly true!
Yea, roughly.

It's a few guys who supposedly organize protests for DNC and campaign.

It's certainly all dark and scary, but it's also coming from a serial liar.

Also, the implicit angle is basically that the only reason these things work is because trump supporters fucking lose it at the tiniest provocation, which seems roughly true!

I mean the little I watched was like baby's first agit prop 101.


We actually have some numbers.

Michael McDonald ‏@ElectProject 53s54 seconds ago
In Georgia today 91,951 people voted. 31% were African-American, pushing the overall African-American early vote percentage from 19% to 27%

The African-American number will increase over time as in-person early voting surpasses absentee voters and the sweet spot for Democrats is anything above 30%.


Regardless of party affiliation or choice of candidate, her behavior and presence tonight was extremely unprofessional and very annoying. It definitely started to show on the others' faces.

Yeah she was just talking non-stop I was almost wishing Don Lemon would just cut her off. I understand that CNN tries to do the both sides thing by bring on Trump surrogates, and while I think Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany are despicable. They at least maintain the necessary decorum in conversation. This new lady just wanted to dominate the entirety of the segment with her voice. Ridiculous, hope she doesn't come on again.


RRussian President Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and annexed the Crimean peninsula. His cyber cronies have tried to influence the results of the U.S. presidential election. Washington and Moscow are at odds over how to deal with the Syrian civil war, even as Russia is determined to reduce the city of Aleppo to ashes. Putin is harboring Edward Snowden, a man wanted by U.S. authorities for leaking American intelligence secrets. Yet somehow, Putin remains popular with supporters of GOP nominee Donald Trump.

According to a new poll by Politico/Morning Consult released Monday, almost half of Trump supporters believe Russia is an ally, or at least a friendly nation to the United States. Some 19 percent of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s supporters view Russia favorably, compared to 24 percent of Trump backers.

At the same time, the poll found that only 32 percent of Republicans believe the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Putin is trying to influence the presidential election.


Ignorance, stupidity and gullibility at work right there, woof...


You're talking about 'Bitch-Slap Politics'

The problem is you can't bitch-slap the stoopid outta voters; you can only make them dig-in.

I don't know what some folks expect from a hyper-polarized electorate; a New New Deal? Remember what it took for that, and the following 40 years of Democratic Legislative hegemony: Great Depression, WWII, embrace of Dixiecrats, and a slate of Liberal Republicans.

What you can do is slowly peel off soft GOP voters and motivate the non-voting, apathetic folks. Now, i'm not going to gnash my teeth if Schumer blows the filibuster to Hell, but I think we can win, grow our constituency, and still leave room for an eventually sane fiscally conservative party; all while protecting the idea of respect for the legislative minority.

I don't have any idea where you got this idea of "bitch-slap politics."

People are talking about actually enacting legislation. We already tried not doing this and we didn't get any brownie points. We just lost seats.

If we win elections, people expect you to do things. We should do them.
So I guess I missed the discussion re: despicable shit Don Jr said on radio?

Aurora shooting
In July 2012, on the same day a gunman killed 12 people at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Trump Jr. joked about still giving the movie "two thumbs up."

Trump Jr. made the comment on "Opie and Anthony" after soundbites were played of witnesses speaking about the tragedy.

"Everything was going good until, uh, we saw gas and sparks, and sounded like really strong fireworks, uh, and then you just hear people yelling and actually just a few, uh, rows away from me a girl gets up holding her jaw. I guess she had got shot," a witness said.

"Overall I give the movie two thumbs up," Trump Jr. exclaimed in reaction.
Fat jokes
"By the way you can't, you can't even make fat jokes now without, like, there's a whole segment of people that like, that's almost the worst one like, it's easier to, like, do a racial thing, than it is a fat one because everyone knows they're fat and they get really offended that--," he said.
"Well it's a disease," a host said.

"Fat people get — everything's a disease," Trump Jr. responded.

"Yeah they're offended, until they lose weight," said another host.

"Laziness is a disease too," Trump Jr. said.
Toddlers and Tiaras
"They yell at the kids like, yeah 'You didn't do good, you forgot to turn! You forgot your turn!' It's like ahh, the kid just goes 'Ahh' ... And then they do these interviews where it's like 'Oh she loves doing pageants it's her whole life," said one host.

"The kids, they're crying," Trump Jr. said.

"The kid's crying going, 'I want to go home,'" added the host.

"I just wanna play with Barbie," Trump Jr. said.

"'She beats me when you're not here,'" said the host.

"She's like limping," added Trump Jr., mocking a child's voice. "'Help me, help me.'"

Trump Jr. added of the moms at beauty pageants "they're all fat. Ugly."
I don't have any idea where you got this idea of "bitch-slap politics."

People are talking about actually enacting legislation. We already tried not doing this and we didn't get any brownie points. We just lost seats.

If we win elections, people expect you to do things. We should do them.

What policies do you imagine being passed by Clinton and a 54-46 Senate? At best, we can try to fix some of the hiccups in ACA and nominate sane SCOTUS Justices.

All i'm saying is let's encourage the less freaky Repubs to take their party back from the oven-meme connoisseurs and cranks by leaving them some tools to work with


So I guess I missed the discussion re: despicable shit Eric Trump said on radio?

Aurora shooting

Fat jokes

Toddlers and Tiaras


That's Donald Trump Jr, not Eric Trump. Junior is the really hateful one, Eric's the really dumb one. Donald's a hateful idiot, Junior got all the hate and Eric got all the idiot (and also some hate).
That's Donald Trump Jr, not Eric Trump. Junior is the really hateful one, Eric's the really dumb one. Donald's a hateful idiot, Junior got all the hate and Eric got all the idiot (and also some hate).

Oh right. Always felt Eric was the bigger douche but looks like I'm proven wrong.


You know what really sucks about this election?

"They Live" is a movie I used to enjoy but now these dumb fuck conspiracy shitheads completely ruined it for me. Before I deleted my facebook, I saw so many stupid people treat the movie like it's gospel or some shit.


What policies do you imagine being passed by Clinton and a 54-46 Senate? At best, we can try to fix some of the hiccups in ACA and nominate sane SCOTUS Justices.

All i'm saying is let's encourage the less freaky Repubs to take their party back from the oven-meme connoisseurs and cranks by leaving them some tools to work with

They already endorsed Donald Trump. There are no less freaky Republicans. Welcome to the new political era.

If Clinton takes the House and Senate we can pass a lot of things. With just the Senate it'll be harder. Depending on the size of the House majority it would probably not be worth killing the filibuster for legislation, but you'd still want to kill it for SCOTUS.


What policies do you imagine being passed by Clinton and a 54-46 Senate? At best, we can try to fix some of the hiccups in ACA and nominate sane SCOTUS Justices.

All i'm saying is let's encourage the less freaky Repubs to take their party back from the oven-meme connoisseurs and cranks by leaving them some tools to work with

Policies that would absolutely pass without a supermajority:
- Immigration reform
- Background checks (the Manchin Amendment failed cloture at 54-46 and Grassely's Amendment failed 53-47)
- Tax reform
- ACA fixes
- Criminal justice reform
- Infrastructure bill

That is a huge chunk of Clinton's agenda.

There is nothing that Democrats can do to make the GOP more sane. It is entirely up to them and by all accounts, the Trump base will continue to be the driving force in the party which means more Freedom Caucus representatives, more Hardline tactics, and more obstructionism.

The tools have been there for the last eight years to allow the Republicans to act like adults and they failed every single time to step up and rebuke their hard line elements. Indeed, they played to their political appetite and emboldened the problems in their party.

If Republicans wanted to take their party back, they'd create less partisan districts that encourage competition from the center, not the ideological flank, stand up to the fascist running their party, and entirely reform the nominating process to control the outcome. Thus far, they've actively chosen to avoid doing the first two and I doubt they'll do the third. Good governance shouldn't wait for the GOP to get their shit together.


Jesus Christ! Why doesn't someone on CNN ever mention Corey Lewandowski gets paid $20k every month by Trump as a "consultant"?
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