Just finished reading this analysis from NBC about the Podesta emails, it's pretty good and straightforward. Basically, it argues that these leaks really don't serve the public interest, and I can already see how Hillary will approach the issue in the debate, if it comes up.
I don't think Wallace will bring it up, because they haven't generated actual news besides the Goldman Speeches (and that was already covered in the second debate) but Trump will definitely blurt out something about them.
Anyway, Hillary will emphasize the vast majority of the emails contain VERY private information, like baby photos from Podesta friends and family, social security numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, even resumés, well wishes, recipes and the sort. She can easily chastise Trump and Wikileaks for going too far.
On the "quidproquogate", it's bullshit. NBC had another good article about it, and it explains how there wasn't actually a conversation about quid pro quo between the State Department and the DOJ, but the phrase was mentioned only once between two FBI agents who felt that the discussions with Kennedy might've been a quid pro quo offer, but nothing ever came of it and it was a misunderstanding.
But Hillary has to flat out say it not true and move on. Explaining it might be difficult without sounding defensive. There's literally nothing there.