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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Donald Trump floated the idea on Monday of meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin “prior to the start of my administration,” showing little concern that the gesture would provide a political opening for Hillary Clinton.

Trump was asked by radio host Michael Savage how he would avert world war with the Russians. While the Republican nominee did not get into specifics, he said part of the problem right now is that America's leaders insult Putin too much.


When people insult Putin its a huge problem, but when Trump insults basically every American citizen it isnt a big deal.

Schumer is going to be the Majority Leader, if the Dems win, and he's not going to get rid of the filibuster.

Don't know anything about the guy other than his cousin is a shit comedian- but nuking the filibuster is the smartest move that guy could do.

if democrats had gotten rid of it in obama's first term before the 2010 losses, Obamacare would be in a lot better shape than it is. They gained nothing from hanging onto it except for neutered bills.


Hillary just finished 7 hours of debate prep.

It's great that she does enough prep to feel comfortable, but is anybody under the illusion that this debate will test even the tiniest fraction of the facts she has stored in her head. It's just going to be nonstop questions about emails and Trump's mouth diarrhea.
You know, speaking logically, the likelihood that Hillary is the devil is lower than the likelihood that Alex Jones is. The devil would naturally assume a form that appealed most to conservatives and Christians - isn't that his goal, to corrupt God's followers? What at all does Hillary do in that respect? Judging by the fact that evangelicals hate Hillary so much that they prefer a sexual predator over her, the devil would be a pretty mediocre antagonist in Christianity, wouldn't they? If that's the best they can muster up, I really don't care if I go to Hell, because the devil really doesn't seem like he'd be very effective at making my life unending torment. Meanwhile, Alex Jones is saying that she smells like sulfur, at which point you have to ask whether the "he who smelt it, dealt it" thing applies?
It's great that she does enough prep to feel comfortable, but is anybody under the illusion that this debate will test even the tiniest fraction of the facts she has stored in her head. It's just going to be nonstop questions about emails and Trump's mouth diarrhea.

I think that's why she does 7 hours of debate prep.
It's great that she does enough prep to feel comfortable, but is anybody under the illusion that this debate will test even the tiniest fraction of the facts she has stored in her head. It's just going to be nonstop questions about emails and Trump's mouth diarrhea.

I doubt the debate prep revolves around memorizing facts, and more about how to respond to insane attacks on her character while still maintaining composure.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's great that she does enough prep to feel comfortable, but is anybody under the illusion that this debate will test even the tiniest fraction of the facts she has stored in her head. It's just going to be nonstop questions about emails and Trump's mouth diarrhea.
It's going to be a disaster.


No Scrubs
Don't know anything about the guy other than his cousin is a shit comedian- but nuking the filibuster is the smartest move that guy could do.

if democrats had gotten rid of it in obama's first term before the 2010 losses, Obamacare would be in a lot better shape than it is. They gained nothing from hanging onto it except for neutered bills.

It's a big risk unless you can guarantee that the GOP will never win majorities in Congress and the Presidency at the same time again. They could do a lot of damage in two years, let alone four.


It's great that she does enough prep to feel comfortable, but is anybody under the illusion that this debate will test even the tiniest fraction of the facts she has stored in her head. It's just going to be nonstop questions about emails and Trump's mouth diarrhea.

Honestly what evidence do we have that it'll be a constant barrage of emails? Of course the'll be brought up. Wallace is still a moderator that has topics to follow and guide the conversation.


Unconfirmed Member
Hahaha get fucked McCain. "we want the the American people to have a say on Supreme Court, let the next president decide."

"JK if it's not our team we will continue to obstruct."

How long do they think they can carry that on? 4 years? 8 years?

You know what go for it, Obama packed the lower courts Hillary will continue and ties will come our way. Then punish them in midterms
lol jk democrats don't vote in midterms
Too Presidential? Oh no!
Would rather have too good opposed to Trump

Not sure how being too prepared is a bad thing for the Presidency though



Melania blinking like a mofo while answering the "do you believe your husband's accusers" question. Her body language is pretty telling here.

edit - She blinks and shakes her head whenever she's clearly lying. "my husband is a very good man" *blinking and head shaking intensifies*

The GOP will nuke it themselves when that comes to pass. They considered doing it last time they had Congress and the Presidency and they were far less extreme then.

No one ever fires their nukes because they assume everyone else will then fire theirs. Both sides are scared of the other, which is why the filibuster works as well as it does.
Schumer is going to be the Majority Leader, if the Dems win, and he's not going to get rid of the filibuster. It's not about balls, it's about if the GOP ever winds Congress and the Presidency at the same time again.
It's a big risk unless you can guarantee that the GOP will never win majorities in Congress and the Presidency at the same time again. They could do a lot of damage in two years, let alone four.

The GOP will nuke it themselves when that comes to pass. They considered doing it last time they had Congress and the Presidency and they were far less extreme then.


It's going to be a disaster.

It'll be a disaster that doesn't change anything.

Hopefully at least 6 of those 7 hours were dedicated to practicing one liners & zingers, like "If Trump Tower got any taller it would violate Russian airspace" and "Say it ain't quid pro quo, Joe!"


Just finished reading this analysis from NBC about the Podesta emails, it's pretty good and straightforward. Basically, it argues that these leaks really don't serve the public interest, and I can already see how Hillary will approach the issue in the debate, if it comes up.

I don't think Wallace will bring it up, because they haven't generated actual news besides the Goldman Speeches (and that was already covered in the second debate) but Trump will definitely blurt out something about them.

Anyway, Hillary will emphasize the vast majority of the emails contain VERY private information, like baby photos from Podesta friends and family, social security numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, even resumés, well wishes, recipes and the sort. She can easily chastise Trump and Wikileaks for going too far.

On the "quidproquogate", it's bullshit. NBC had another good article about it, and it explains how there wasn't actually a conversation about quid pro quo between the State Department and the DOJ, but the phrase was mentioned only once between two FBI agents who felt that the discussions with Kennedy might've been a quid pro quo offer, but nothing ever came of it and it was a misunderstanding.

But Hillary has to flat out say it not true and move on. Explaining it might be difficult without sounding defensive. There's literally nothing there.
Schumer is going to be the Majority Leader, if the Dems win, and he's not going to get rid of the filibuster. It's not about balls, it's about if the GOP ever winds Congress and the Presidency at the same time again.

Huh? The GOP doesn't care if there's precedent or not. The second they get unified control, the filibuster is dead, regardless of whatever Chuck Schumer ever did. Us not pulling the trigger will not protect us at all.
No one ever fires their nukes because they assume everyone else will then fire theirs. Both sides are scared of the other, which is why the filibuster works as well as it does.

The nuke is going to get fired. And it doesn't work "well," it's a poorly designed practice that deadlocks the government in a very unproductive way. Requiring supermajorities to get any work done does not work in an age of polarization.


Hahaha get fucked McCain. "we want the the American people to have a say on Supreme Court, let the next president decide."

"JK if it's not our team we will continue to obstruct."

How long do they think they can carry that on? 4 years? 8 years?

You know what go for it, Obama packed the lower courts Hillary will continue and ties will come our way. Then punish them in midterms
lol jk democrats don't vote in midterms

This is why, if Dems are smart, the real race begins on Nov 9th. Let the smearing begin.

And Obama seems READY.


Honestly what evidence do we have that it'll be a constant barrage of emails? Of course the'll be brought up. Wallace is still a moderator that has topics to follow and guide the conversation.

Debt and entitlements -- Why do you feel so entitled to secrecy you need a private server
Immigration -- Emailed risotto recipes are un-American
Economy -- This is the Trump diarrhea part
Supreme Court -- Quid pro quo sounds Latin, right? So does the law. Lock her up (quod erat demonstrandum)
Foreign hot spots -- emails about Benghazi, Syrian drones, and Ferguson
Fitness to be President -- Obviously emails, goes to judgment. Speaking of which, judgment against the defendant, lock her up


Why is Trump even bothering with the third debate? It's all RIGGED anyway! Don't show up Trump. Show everyone that you won't stand for it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Why is Trump even bothering with the third debate? It's all RIGGED anyway! Don't show up Trump. Show everyone that you won't stand for it.

He knows it is probably his last chance to change minds.
The nuke is going to get fired. And it doesn't work "well," it's a poorly designed practice that deadlocks the government in a very unproductive way. Requiring supermajorities to get any work done does not work in an age of polarization.

The point of having a deterrent is it gives both sides cover to make deals. Even in a time of hyper-partisan, hyper-polarized Congress you still need partners to work deals, or even lay the ground-work for future deals. Once you fire the nukes, you can no longer use your partners as a proxy for your argument to the other side because the 'moderates' are now neutered, and everyone is on total-war footing (I hate war metaphors for politics, but they work).


Oh, I know. He can't resist. He will show up and walk into every trap she sets. Again.

Hillary Clinton, in the second debate, looked legitimately pissed. I hadn't seen her that frustrated since the "Artful smearing" debate with Bernie. She would then on on to rip him a new asshole in subsequent debates.

Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. But I really feel like Hillary is going to be on the attack on Wednesday.

7 hours of debate prep for the final debate? Shit's going down...



First day of early voting here. Just got back, and one thing I was surprised to see is how busy it was. The place was packed with both people voting and registering to vote. Checking the news, and all over GA it's pretty busy. Turnout is going to be high here. There are about 6 million registered voters in the state.

I live in a blue district/county (DeKalb) which is part of Metro Atlanta so it's predominantly African-American. I think if Hillary can match Obama's numbers with AA's and many traditional Republicans stay home, or switch over to her, she can win the state.

Same area I voted. Lots of people where there which makes me feel goooood


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hillary Clinton, in the second debate, looked legitimately pissed. I hadn't seen her that frustrated since the "Artful smearing" debate with Bernie. She would then on on to rip him a new asshole in subsequent debates.

Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. But I really feel like Hillary is going to be on the attack on Wednesday.

7 hours of debate prep for the final debate? Shit's going down...

I think it is probably more of a, "Trump could do anything, so we need to be prepared for everything" deal.
That was great.
Schumer is going to be the Majority Leader, if the Dems win, and he's not going to get rid of the filibuster. It's not about balls, it's about if the GOP ever winds Congress and the Presidency at the same time again.
The filibuster is kind of a necessary evil though. If we nuke it, and the republicans regain the senate in 2018, then what kind of defense will dems have against the batshit stuff they want to pass? We'll have dug our own grave.

They're not talking about getting rid of the actual filibuster, though? Isn't it just nuking the 60 votes needed for cloture? I though anyone could still filibuster, but they had to actually stand up and speak.
re: filibuster talk (which i guess should be "60 votes for cloture" talk)

either the dems nuke it in january when they actually have the senate and possibly the house, or the republicans nuke it the second they get a trifecta. either way it's getting nuked sooner or later, so you might as well shoot first on the off chance that YOU ACTUALLY GET THINGS DONE


Hillary Clinton, in the second debate, looked legitimately pissed. I hadn't seen her that frustrated since the "Artful smearing" debate with Bernie. She would then on on to rip him a new asshole in subsequent debates.

Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. But I really feel like Hillary is going to be on the attack on Wednesday.

7 hours of debate prep for the final debate? Shit's going down...

I have the same feeling. She couldn't be an attack dog in the second debate because of the townhall format. She focused on the people in the crowd asking the questions and trying to connect with them. Here it's just her and Trump.


Senate Majority leader is going to make that call. I can't say who that's going to be, but Reid is on his way out so it won't be him.

Maybe somebody ballsier will want to go for it.

But even so, hillary has to know that the republican party is in shambles and won't be able to mount a decent candidate against her in 2020 no matter what happens- but democrats WILL be losing the house in 2018. that one is unavoidable.

So you have two years to define your presidency. You can nuke the filibuster and put yourself in the history books by fixing obamacare, revamping education, and passing progressive legislation for women etc- or you can cling to it and have the republicans filibuster everything until the democrats get wiped out in 2018 and can't pass bills anymore.


Strategically, having a liberal SCOTUS will be a permanent firewall against any crazy future GOP government. Optically, the GOP has proven so intransigent and obstructionist that the only people who'll bemoan the loss of the filibuster are the hill Republicans and the media sphere. Everyone else will be to busy enjoying a functioning government to care.

If the Dems take the House, they need to go balls to wall out of the gate. They'll have two years to pass legislation that they'll run on in 2018/2020 before the GOP comes roaring back. Make it worth the effort.

Also, how fucking worthless would it be to have a wave election that carried the House and Senate only to have nothing get done because the GOP filibusters every major piece of legislation because we didn't win a super majority? It'd be idiotic.
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