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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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So, semi-serious question: Does "boys talk" at any age try to glorify sexual assault? It's mostly a boasting, bragging and exaggeration thing, yes? And if so, would that cover married 59-year-olds participating and bringing up the matter unprompted? Don't answer the last question.

And even if it is excusable "boys talk" and these things have never happened that still doesn't resolve the underlying objectification of women. Even the apology/forgiveness is awful.
Errrr... how does the campaign reconcile trotting Melania out to call these women liars... with attacking Hillary Clinton for her response to Bill's affairs.
It's not worth your time trying to figure out, as there is no logical answer. Because Trump™ is the best you're going to manage, same as ever other issue Trump and the campaign projects on.
Err... how do they reconcile Melania saying she wants to focus on reducing cyberbullying when her husband is Donald Trump....
It's not worth it. Save your brain cells.


"It all comes down to this! The final presidential debate!" - Thundergun movie commer...I mean CNN debate ad. How do you guys watch the news networks all the time? I'm in an airport and it's torture.
Sooooo.....was this discussed? Like...at all? At any point?


It's the accusation that she leaked a question for a random townhall during the primary to Clinton... The "smoking gun" proof that it was the townhall question is that the email and the question both used the same statistics line about Death penalty executions since 1973.

The question and the email are not verbatim and in fact are both paraphrasing this:

As of October 2015, we have executed over 1,414 individuals in this country since 1976.2 156 individuals have been exonerated from death row--that is, found to be innocent and released - since 1973. 3 In other words, for every 10 people who have been executed since the death penalty was reinstated in the U.S., one person has been set free.

From here: http://www.ncadp.org/pages/innocence

Big Edit:
Actuallly ok what is verbatim is the emails sent to the campaign and the one sent to CNN by one of the moderators for the town hall ahead of time. Weird thing is the question actually kind becomes muddled because the e-mail to the campaign was sent before the moderator had written the email he sent with the question in it to CNN...

Funny thing is the is literally probably the closest thing to an actual scandal and it amounts to still almost absolutely nothing.


What if:

-Hillary wins the election
-FBI/DOJ indicts HIllary
-Obama gives Presidential pardon to President-elect Hillary Clinton
-Hillary sworn in as President in January


Huh? I thought the FBI investigation is over. Why would DOJ indict Hillary?



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Joe is going to have a fullon meltdown on november 9 lololol




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
YAAS you tell them how James Comey is such a disappointment!

Joe's talking points are indistinguishable from Trump's really.
Al Giordano
Ipsos USA Today/Rock the Vote poll of 1,020 millennials:

Clinton 68%, Trump 20%, Johnson 8%, Stein 1%.

Yowza she might smell like sulfur but she's killing it

John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 9m9 minutes ago
new NBC/SurveyMonkey national tracking poll: Clinton 46%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 4%


I don't watch Morning Joe. He seems like a little bitch. And Mika, love yourself - no dick is that good that you should subject yourself to co-hosting a morning show on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump releasing a decent plan against lobbying is actually a good strategy. He shouldn't have done it until the debate, though. Hillary now has a chance to counter.

Also, in today's GOP race relations news:


FISHERS, Ind. (WTHR) - A Fishers resident who is not a Trump supporter found his picture on a Trump mailer.

And that's not all.

The mailer also portrays Gurinder Singh Khalsa as Muslim - and that's wrong, too.
I don't watch Morning Joe. He seems like a little bitch. And Mika, love yourself - no dick is that good that you should subject yourself to co-hosting a morning show on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough.

Joe seems to have like mood swings. Either all in on Trump or all in on Clinton.

Trump releasing a decent plan against lobbying is actually a good strategy. He shouldn't have done it until the debate, though. Hillary now has a chance to counter.

Not all lobbying is bad and people overestimate effects of lobbying and donations on lawmakers anyway. Blanket bans are bad.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
lolol Clinton is at 88% in the 538 model.

Oh nate

Joe just has no perspective on anything. He thinks he's always setting the agenda. Everything is framed in the context of how he voted on a bill once in the 90s.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Joe seems to have like mood swings. Either all in on Trump or all in on Clinton.

Not all lobbying is bad and people overestimate effects of lobbying and donations on lawmakers anyway. Blanket bans are bad.

That's all fine and good, but 95% of America probably doesn't know that, and a 30-second to 2-minute response is nowhere near enough time to explain it.


Sounds like Joe is pushing hard for a Trump TV job. Hope he moves over and finds out the hard way not to trust in Trump to be successful or pay what he owes you.


It looks like Google is now sending out "please register to vote" notifications to people the day before their state's voter registration deadline. Doing the lord's work.


To be fair Clinton brought Cuban and I do agree it's not on the same level but the commission should just get rid of audiences in the first place
Trump can bring some rich dude along too. Fine. A Benghazi mom is just absurd and should not be politicized at the debate like this.
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