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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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If the universe is just, Hillary will clinch the nomination on the same day that it's announced she will not face charges over emails. It would be beautiful.


Trump was looking uncomfortable as hell being on stage with her when she was endorsing him. No way he picks her.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump was looking uncomfortable as hell being on stage with her when she was endorsing him. No way he picks her.
Yep. When Trump is worried what crazy shit you might say when you shoot from the hip you have a problem lol

You Betcha!


If voting isn't left wing then why does the left want so much of it?!?

Just like the ACLU and activist judges that want to remove our ability to protect our children from smut. And homosexualism. And remove our founding father from our money and Pledge like it has our schools.


Apparently my rich libertarian Facebook friend hopped from IT director for Rand to being a delegate for Ted Cruz in Cali.

He's not going to Trump, which just highlights the difficulties he will continue to face in terms of getting effective party donors and operatives.

Also, apparently the campaign is telling their delegates that Ted Cruz has no plans to endorse Trump.


I'm excited about Gary possibly breaking 1%.

Shouldn't have the GOP trying to throw The Party off the ballot in every state this cycle at least.
i want gary to hit 2% more than i want jill stein to receive even a single vote

(and considering my opinion of libertarianism that is actually saying something)


Unconfirmed Member
Also, apparently the campaign is telling their delegates that Ted Cruz has no plans to endorse Trump.


lol, followed the link to r/politics for the first time in forever and discovered that Tim Robbins is feuding with Raw Story about Hillary's election fraud:
A couple of weeks ago I shared a post containing statistics compiled from CNN and the New York Times figures comparing Democratic Party primary exit polls and final election results. The numbers show a significant discrepancy between the two, favoring Hillary Clinton in all but one of the primaries by an average of 9.02 percent and in the New York primary by 16 percent. The post carried an incendiary headline, suggesting election fraud, which caused quite a ruckus. I’m glad it did. We need to have this discussion.

This posting led to the predictable onslaught of internet trolls calling me crazy, conspiracy theorist, etc., all the talking points that are being masterminded by the sleaze-meisters over at David Brock’s Correct the Record, a Hillary Clinton Super PAC. The post also brought criticism from the mainstream media, but that is no surprise to me. I’ve been there before. In the 2002-3 campaign to stop the Iraq war, others and I were characterized as crazy, conspiracy theorists, etc., as mainstream media shamefully abdicated its role in a functioning democracy by becoming a propaganda arm for Bush and Co. Yes. The New York Times did that, and the Washington Post and ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, PBS, NPR etc. We, the millions who across the world were saying no, who were aware of the lies that Bush and Co. were telling, were ignored by the mainstream media, marginalized as radicals and told by pundits to shut our unpatriotic mouths.

So when that happened to me again two weeks ago, often by the same organizations that had marginalized me for my opposition to the war in 2002-3, I recognized the familiarity of it all. Could my post have touched a nerve?
Mr. Charnin and others who study this issue contend that there are strong indications of election fraud in the Democratic primaries. We might not like it, it might make us uncomfortable, but the numbers and the statistics suggest that something untoward is happening. I understand the immensity of the message being sent. I am being told to shut up about this. I get it. But forgive me for not trusting the Washington Post or any of the mainstream media to put their resources into real investigative journalism that could get to the bottom of this. In the past, mainstream media has shown itself to be a willful participant in propagating political narratives sympathetic to establishment interests, narratives that are untrue and ultimately detrimental to the citizens the press purports to serve.
So forgive me for having doubts about the recent numbers in the New York primary. I noticed a huge discrepancy between the CNN exit polls, which had Hillary up by 4 percent, and the end results that had her up 16 percent. There was a 7.8 percent discrepancy in Massachusetts and in the Ohio primary a 10 percent discrepancy. The margin of error on exit polls is 4 percent.

If this was one of the elections we monitor overseas wouldn’t we call foul? A 16-point difference? In Florida 2000 we called foul. In Ohio 2004 we called foul. But Bernie Sanders’s supporters notice a discrepancy and we are told we are crazy and that exit polls are unreliable. Really?
Most importantly, if we cannot rely on exit polls, then what is to prevent people from hacking into electronic voting machines to change people’s votes? Princeton Professor Ed Felten showed us how easy that is to do. All it takes is knowledge of the software and one voter card with a virus to flip the votes on that machine. Our votes are counted by for-profit, potentially partisan companies using secret proprietary software. Diebold, indicted for bribery, falsifying documents, and “a worldwide pattern of criminal conduct“ after the 2004 election, renamed itself Premier and then was acquired by ES&S. So who currently holds the patent on the software used with ES&S voting machines, estimated to count and tabulate 80 percent of the U.S. vote in the next election? That would be a useful thing to know, wouldn’t it?


Either a mass conspiracy to rig the Democrat primary is underway, with no direct evidence and only highly dubious arguments to back it up, or exit pollers are bad at choosing good sample populations. I wonder which is more likely...

Christ I hate abuse of statistics.


Either a mass conspiracy to rig the Democrat primary is underway, with no direct evidence and only highly dubious arguments to back it up, or exit pollers are bad at choosing good sample populations. I wonder which is more likely...

Christ I hate abuse of statistics.
It's most likely the later.Exit polls might be polling certain groups that voted less or more than the others groups.The sample size for the exit polls might be a bit to low to get accurate results also.


Either a mass conspiracy to rig the Democrat primary is underway, with no direct evidence
Looks like it extends to secretive NeoGAF moderators (under orders from Steve Youngblood naturally) who don't know who Tim Robbins is and why he's the ideal person to personally expose these crimes.

There's your direct evidence.


It's most likely the later.Exit polls might be polling certain groups that voted less or more than the others groups.The sample size for the exit polls might be a bit to low to get accurate results also.

Pretty much this. I mean in New York they flat out admitted they over sampled young voters.

Looks like it extends to secretive NeoGAF moderators (under orders from Steve Youngblood naturally) who don't know who Tim Robbins is and why he's the ideal person to personally expose these crimes.

There's your direct evidence.

I'm still not entirely clear who Tim Robbins is :p



The Shawshank Redemption. Arlington Road. The Hudsucker Proxy. Bob Roberts. Mystic River. (blech) Dead Man Walking. Green Lantern. Howard The Duck.


Arlington Road is secretly the best. Especially if you pretend Jeff Bridges is playing an earlier in life version of The Dude.

Bob Roberts is about a Senate campaign. Mockumentary style. So that's politics related.


The DNC won't be able to shove Trump down any lower than he already comfortably is. What are they going to do, break the story that he's actually a misogynist and a racist?

EDIT: The DNC, by avoiding populism and opting for the elitist establishment, has nothing to offer the Independents whatsoever. That may not result in a loss for the POTUS, but it's a disaster for the down ticket. Do they care?
Arlington Road is secretly the best. Especially if you pretend Jeff Bridges is playing an earlier in life version of The Dude.

Bob Roberts is about a Senate campaign. Mockumentary style. So that's politics related.
Isn't that standard to think that he is just playing a younger version of the Dude in every movie?
Not everyone follows this as closely. Trump may be known as a blowhard reality TV rich guy. But his specific misogyny and racism hasn't permeated through necessarily. The idea of Donald Trump with his finger on the button hasn't sunk in.

Meanwhile, self described moderates still outnumbered liberals last cycle. The idea that a self described socialist who has barely lifted an email to help downticket who calls for another round of massive health care overhaul, who opposes all trade deals as an ideological point of pride and who has failed to bring out the major minority groups that took the current President into two terms... would have been better for downticket races across diverse smaller constituencies... is nonsense.
I kinda thought that things would die down now that Trump is the nominee, but H O L Y shit, the GOP can't even hold together for 48 hours before imploding with Trump taking the helm.

What are they going to do with five months of this?


force push the doodoo rock
I'm tired of having to scold my friends that are stubborn Bernie supporters. I just want to shake them and be like "stop being a fucking teenager"
I'm tired of having to scold my friends that are stubborn Bernie supporters. I just want to shake them and be like "stop being a fucking teenager"

Honestly the best thing to do in this scenario is probably back off for a while and hope that over the next 6 months things cool down.

I'm disappointed it's not gonna be Bernie, big time, so in a sense I understand their anger and resentment even if I 100% don't agree with it.

I've got a couple Bernie or death friends and I won't even breach the topic of considering to vote for Clinton right now. Things are too heated and there's still time for people to change their mind. "Scolding," which I'm sure you don't mean literally, isn't going to be a good tactic to get people to change their mind.
I'm tired of having to scold my friends that are stubborn Bernie supporters. I just want to shake them and be like "stop being a fucking teenager"

I just hope if I ever get buried deep down into conspiracies like this, that someone is able to shake me out of it, and I listen to them.


I'm tired of having to scold my friends that are stubborn Bernie supporters. I just want to shake them and be like "stop being a fucking teenager"

Stop being a fucking teenager, then. Quit trying to fit their lives into your own personal political sphere.
I only know one Bernie supporter in real life and she fell off that wagon a few weeks ago. Since I was nearly as.... invested in Hillary still having a chance in 2008, alot just need to be given time to mourn the loss. Give them space. They'll come around eventually. Or they won't. But it has to be on their own terms regardless.


Late 80's to mid 90's SNL run was the peak of amazing and Dana Carvey is imo the best SNL member. There was a slight bump in the early 00's but since mid 00's its been on a really bad decline.

Missed the SNL conversation last night, but I wanted to mention:

I've had this song by David Alan Grier (one of my favorite hosts of all time) stuck in my head for a few weeks now. He sang it during his monologue in the episode right before Bill Clinton's second Inauguration Day, in January '97.

"Let's Get Butt-Naked in the White House":

It's short and sweet, but you'll want to avoid imagining Newt Gingrich naked..


I'm tired of having to scold my friends that are stubborn Bernie supporters. I just want to shake them and be like "stop being a fucking teenager"

I know the feeling.

My best friend/
probable love of my life when we eventually stop fucking around
was a hardcore Bernie supporter, almost to the point of delusion where we couldn't even discuss the subject, until the lead-up to New York. The change of tone in Bernie's campaign, combined with that disastrous New York Daily News interview did it for him. He's still not the biggest Hillary fan, but he's so disillusioned about Bernie that it almost makes me sad. He can't stand him now, and this is a guy in his 30s that's been through this process before.

It makes me really resent politicians like Bernie Sanders (and to a much lesser extent, Obama when he ran in '08) who tend to get young people so swept up in fanciful campaigns that make huge, dramatic, sweeping change seem so simple. So easy. Just do this one thing and the world will be righted. How the hell are you surprised when that support becomes deflated and disillusioned when they then collide head-first with the reality of how the American government functions today?

It really makes me respect how Hillary runs her campaign. They call it prose and not poetry. But fuck poetry.


I only know one Bernie supporter in real life and she fell off that wagon a few weeks ago. Since I was nearly as.... invested in Hillary still having a chance in 2008, alot just need to be given time to mourn the loss. Give them space. They'll come around eventually. Or they won't. But it has to be on their own terms regardless.

You're strangely hyped for Hillary. It doesn't make any sense, but please fool me otherwise.
You're strangely hyped for Hillary. It doesn't make any sense, but please fool me otherwise.

Your inability to comprehend why someone would be excited about Clinton is your own failing. I can understand why someone would be excited about Sanders, or Trump, or even Cruz. Because I have conversations with people who hold different opinions to me, and I am aware that opinions differ and they usually differ for fairly simple to understand reasons.

Your lack of empathy, or imagination, or insight, or whatever you want to call it, is something you need to work on. Granted, talking about it with people who are excited by Clinton is a good way of doing that, but best not to say things like 'It doesn't make any sense' why someone might.

It does. Opinions can differ, and people can want to see the country go in different directions you know.
The Alternative Vote Explained

Anyone familiar with this idea? It seems really solid and I can't figure out why 3rd parties, plus Bernie Sanders, aren't making more noise about it.

Is there some downside to it that I'm missing?

Quick version: Everyone votes for their top 5 (or their top X) choices. On the first count, you only include everyone's first choice, and the last-place candidate is eliminated. For everyone who had that guy as their first choice, their vote gets moved to their second choice, and the process repeats.

This continues until there's a winner.

Why isn't there a movement to switch to this?
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