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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Bill seems like he's ready to go on the attack. He was even taking his thirst for blood out on Bernie, which ended up kind of coming off as flat, but once the leash is off and he can attack Republicans, he'll be vicious.

Biden will probably just keep poking fun at how absurd it is Donald Trump is the candidate. And just generally being the charmer he is.

And of course, Obama just opening his mouth is enough to send the crowds cheering. His endorsement of Hillary will be powerful.
ThinkProgress made a good point this morning.

Hillary Clinton is the most religious candidate left in the race.

That feels weird.

It's kind of fascinating really. If you exclude the bubble Ted Cruz and company lived in, the Sanders/Clinton vs. Trump camps really just do. not. care. about. religion. It feels like a modicum of progress overall, though Trump is certainly also a humbling reminder that not all lunacy in politics has to be religiously motivated.


So Rick Perry is not only endorsing trump but said he wouldn't mind being his vp pick. That's gotta be one of the worse vp picks up there with Sarah Palin and Fiorina.


So Rick Perry is not only endorsing trump but said he wouldn't mind being his vp pick. That's gotta be one of the worse vp picks up there with Sarah Palin and Fiorina.
Yeah, two former Democrats on the GOP ticket would be pushing it probably.
So Rick Perry is not only endorsing trump but said he wouldn't mind being his vp pick. That's gotta be one of the worse vp picks up there with Sarah Palin and Fiorina.

I honestly want that to happen. I'm worried that Trump *will* make a savvy pick that will help him in a swing state.

I'm pretty sure the democrats have at least 75% chance of winning, but can't take any chances with Trump


So Rick Perry is not only endorsing trump but said he wouldn't mind being his vp pick. That's gotta be one of the worse vp picks up there with Sarah Palin and Fiorina.

Perry will never happen because he'd fail his only job in the GE miserably. He is a shit debater and even his new and improved rollout last year was rocky as hell during those debates. Imagine Perez vs. Perry in the VP debate. He'd get rolled so goddamn hard.


I do agree that hitting Trump on his business dealings (failed businesses, how much he's really worth, and more importantly that he really doesn't do anything save rent out his name for the most part) is certainly a way to get him to lash out. That's a nerve for him.

Hillary does indeed need to stay above all the negativity. Take jabs here and there in a manner that makes Trump look like child lashing out. Having Obama, Biden, and so many others out there will certainly help. Trump isn't going to have surrogates like that. He's either alienated many of them that would be on that level or they hate him outright or they don't want to risk their own careers by being associated with him, especially in the blue states. Very few republicans are going to be want to be put into situations where they have to defend and agree with Trumps racism, sexism, and outright idiocy on many topics. It's one thing to do the dog whistles. It's another to be direct with it.

Does he have anyone out there backing him up on the woman's card thing? I saw that he kept doubling down on it but I don't recall if anyone was stupid enough to back him on that.


A lot of discussion of jim webb as trumps vp pick on the last 538 podcast. I actually think that would be a fairly smart pick for him. Wonder if he'd do it


The man wheeled out steaks, wines and magazines in public when confronted over his businesses.

That is absolutely a weak spot.

And that CNBC answer on debt, wow.


I honestly want that to happen. I'm worried that Trump *will* make a savvy pick that will help him in a swing state.

I'm pretty sure the democrats have at least 75% chance of winning, but can't take any chances with Trump
I'm really interested in seeing how he picks for vp. I can't think of any gop politician that would willing tank the rest of their career for him. I really wanted Carson to be his pick. Imagine a possible Tom Perez versus sleepy time Ben Carson debate. It would have been amazing.

Bush Republicanism is Dead and Gone - by Patrick Buchannan
Twelve million aliens are here illegally, said Trump, because the Bushes failed to secure America's borders.
The war Bush began, says Trump, produced 5,000 American dead, scores of thousands wounded, trillions of dollars wasted, and a Middle East sunk in civil-sectarian war, chaos and fanaticism.

That is a savage indictment of the Bush legacy. And a Republican electorate, in the largest turnout in primary history, nodded, "Amen to that, brother!"
What the Trump campaign revealed, as Republicans and even Democrats moved toward him on trade, immigration and foreign policy, is that Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism not only suffered a decisive defeat, they had a sword run right through them.

They are as dead as emperor-worship in Japan.

Trump won the nomination, he won the argument, and he won the debate. The party is now with Trump -- on the issues.
Lol, he's still salty as fuuck after losing to HW all these years.
Ultimately, the Great Unifier upon whom the Republican Party may reliably depend is the nominee of the Democratic Party -- Director James Comey and his FBI consenting -- Hillary Rodham Clinton.
That does seem weird.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders threatened a floor fight over rules and platform planks at the party's summer convention on Friday, warning the Democratic National Committee not to stack the convention's standing committees with supporters of Hillary Clinton.

Sanders wrote in a letter to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz that the makeup of the standing committees that consider the party's platform and rules should reflect the level of support that he and Clinton have received during the 2016 primaries and caucuses.

"If the process is set up to produce an unfair, one-sided result, we are prepared to mobilize our delegates to force as many votes as necessary to amend the platform and rules on the floor of the convention," Sanders wrote. The letter came after Sanders spoke with the chairwoman by phone earlier this week.

Sanders said if the party is going to be unified in the fall, it can't have a convention in which the views of millions of people are "unrepresented" in the committee membership.

Pointing to the 9 million voters who have supported him, Sanders wrote, "I will not allow them be silenced at the Democratic National Convention."

Luis Miranda, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said "because the party's platform is a statement of our values, the DNC is committed to an open, inclusive and representative process. Both of our campaigns will be represented on the drafting committee, and just as we did in 2008 and 2012, the public will have opportunities to participate."

Clinton holds a sizable lead of more than 300 pledged delegates and has received about 3 million more votes than Sanders during the primaries. Including superdelegates — the elected party leaders and officials who can choose the candidate of their choice — Clinton is more than 90 percent of the way to clinching the nomination.

In the letter, Sanders notes that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy will be in charge of the convention's platform committee and former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank will run the rules committee. He calls both "aggressive attack surrogates on the campaign trail" for Clinton.

Sanders said he submitted the names of more than 40 people to serve on three standing committees and only three of his recommendations were selected by Wasserman Schultz. He said none of his supporters were assigned to the rules committee.

Sanders wants supporters represented at party convention


A lot of discussion of jim webb as trumps vp pick on the last 538 podcast. I actually think that would be a fairly smart pick for him. Wonder if he'd do it

I don't understand the appeal of Webb. Crossover appeal with Democratics? He had virtually no support in Dem nomination battle. Charisma? Less than Ben Carson. Swing state appeal? Show me polls where he carries Virginia. Quality debate skills? He bombed his only debate performance. Appeal to the minority groups where Trump is lagging behind? No a chance.

The only dimensions he improves for Trump is his former military/political combination of experience and even then, someone like Allen West, who is a conservative firebrand, Marine Colonel/representative, African American, and from Florida has infinitely more appeal than Webb.
I don't understand the appeal of Webb. Crossover appeal with Democratics? He had virtually no support in Dem nomination battle. Charisma? Less than Ben Carson. Swing state appeal? Show me polls where he carries Virginia. Quality debate skills? He bombed his only debate performance. Appeal to the minority groups where Trump is lagging behind? No a chance.

The only dimensions he improves for Trump is his former military/political combination of experience and even then, someone like Allen West, who is a conservative firebrand, Marine Colonel/representative, African American, and from Florida has infinitely more appeal than Webb.
He killed a man.




Crystall Ball


Cook Political Report



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wtf kristoffer. Do you read beyond the first sentence? Trump's policy of treating debt as negotiable post issuance is tantamount to Argentina's or greece's policy.

Again, he thinks he can run the government like an LBO'd developer or retailer. Surprise: you can't. To suggest otherwise when the term structure of interest rates is based on US treasury rates is basically saying that you are an economically illiterate pop tart with tiny hands.

He is not qualified to be president.

Also I don't understand why DWS can just reject Bernie delegates. I think his bit about the chair people being biased against him is stabbing at ghosts because the whole party actually doesn't give a fuck about him but why should his people have no representation on the rules committee or whatever?


Wtf kristoffer. Do you read beyond the first sentence? Trump's policy of treating debt as negotiable post issuance is tantamount to Argentina's or greece's policy.

Again, he thinks he can run the government like an LBO'd developer or retailer. Surprise: you can't. To suggest otherwise when the term structure of interest rates is based on US treasury rates is basically saying that you are an economically illiterate pop tart with tiny hands.

He is not qualified to be president.

Also I don't understand why DWS can just reject Bernie delegates. I think his bit about the chair people being biased against him is stabbing at ghosts because the whole party actually doesn't give a fuck about him but why should his people have no representation on the rules committee or whatever?

It's actually conventional for the presumptive nominee to just control all the committees so that they can organize the whole convention. This is one reason people were worried about a contested GOP convention, there's actually no infrastructural precedent for it.

So DWS is just doing the, you know, establishment thing. I mean obviously Hillary is still going to have control of all the committees so having Bernie people on them is theoretically irrelevant but she's probably worried they'll leak or walk out or something.

There's clearly a lack of trust between DNC and Bernie at this point, but there's not really an obvious third party to fix that problem. Bernie complaining in the media about the DNC all the time is not helping mend that trust, but the DNC locking him out constantly is probably not helping it either.
Defaulting on debt isn't though.

No, saying that you would haircut all US Treasury bond holders is not normal economic policy. It is better when you read the articles.

The US can not default on its debt because it can print as much money as it wants. It is literally impossible. But in any case, yes, having to reschedule or consolidate debt would obviously bad. My point was that the Donald is absolutely not afraid of spending. And if he's ever in office, don't you think after people informed him how the world really works, he would just let the Treasury figure shit out for him? There is every indication that Trump caves to external pressures. All the time.

But what matters most is how he feels, principally. And how he feels is that we're going to spend as much money as we need for... Whatever. Military, ISIS, healthcare (he did say "we're not going to let people die in the streets", right?"), The Great Wall of Trump, etc.

So yes, what I meant was that he doesn't really care about debt. And THAT is normal US monetary policy.

Btw, he obviously wouldn't burn debt obligations because much of that is debt to Americans. Remember, Americans first. If anything, he would probably try to negotiate with foreign debt holders, which... don't hold that much US debt, anyway.
No he's not. Cruz sucks more.
Yes. This.
Also dws sucks.
Also yes.


Debt is good. This is just normal economic policy.

What? No, no.

He's saying that he would renegotiate debt: In simple terms, pay back only part of what is owed.

It's one of the most ridiculous things he's said recently, and it's not like there isn't competition.

The article is not hyperbolic: It would destroy the world economy.

Btw, he obviously wouldn't burn debt obligations because much of that is debt to Americans. Remember, Americans first. If anything, he would probably try to negotiate with foreign debt holders, which... don't hold that much US debt, anyway.

No, no, no, no, no, and no.

This is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea. I don't think you understand the gravity of this idea.
Relax guys, if Trump takes on world economics, he will shape it in his image. Once the recessions and wars die down, you'll realize he was a good president.
Trump proposes the destruction of the world economy.


The saddest thing about this is that it will change zero minds about Trump. People who support him either don't care about the economy or don't have enough grasp over the issue to understand why his proposal is insane, and people who do care already know that Trump has zero understanding of macroeconomics. It would be shocking to see the depths of ignorance on display by a major party candidate, but we've been seeing it for so many months now that I'm fresh out of shock to give.



Clinton: 50
Trump: 41

That said, should this matchup come about, the current advantage is Clinton’s. She leads Trump by 50-41 percent in vote preference among registered voters, her widest advantage in three ABC/Post polls since September. Among all adults, including those currently not registered, Clinton’s lead swells to 54-36 percent. And the public by 59-36 percent predicts that Clinton would win -- up from a 12-point gap on this question in January to 23 points today. (Some political scientists suggest that, early on, expectations outdo preferences, predictively.)

In one basic gauge, just 30 percent of Americans express a favorable opinion of Trump, while 67 percent see him unfavorably, up 8 points since November and near the peak, 71 percent last spring. Many, 56 percent, see him “strongly” unfavorably, a new high. Both of these reflect remarkable levels of unpopularity for a major domestic political figure.




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yes macho but a whole month more of the Bernie bus, seeing the awful threads I have to read in the OT, people responding repeatedly to foreigners who vanish after every major primary, huelen, etc. when will it end????


contribute something
No he's not. Cruz sucks more.

Also dws sucks.

I feel that Cruz, as evil as he is, understands the political system. Trump is an absolute wild card, and the worst part is that he's got a long track record of disregarding any kind of counsel.
Yes macho but a whole month more of the Bernie bus, seeing the awful threads I have to read in the OT, people responding repeatedly to foreigners who vanish after every major primary, huelen, etc. when will it end????
You are entitled to no rest. This is your life now. Its Bernie and Trumps world


Obama's gonna ride off on a high into the last stretch of his Presidency. And that should def benefit Hillary.

Clinton, further, gets a boost from the incumbent: Barack Obama’s job approval rating has inched back over half in this poll, to 51 percent; 43 percent disapprove, the fewest since January 2013. And slightly more say things have gotten better for the country under Obama than say things have gotten worse, 48 vs. 43 percent.

Both those matter: Clinton gets 88 percent support from Obama approvers, and an identical 88 percent among those who say things have gotten better under his presidency. Trump wins broad backing from their opposites -- but less broad, 74 percent in each case.

That result marks another difficulty for Trump, shortfalls in his base. While Clinton wins support from 84 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents who are registered to vote, Trump’s support slips to 76 percent among leaned Republicans. And Clinton’s at 77 percent among liberals, vs. Trump’s 69 percent among conservatives.

In fact, the movement away from Trump in expectations has occurred chiefly in core GOP groups. Compared with January, this poll finds 14-point increases among strong conservatives and leaned Republicans alike in expectations that Clinton would win a matchup with Trump. Thirty-nine percent of strong conservatives and 36 percent of leaned Republicans now say so.

Partisans usually come home in the course of the campaign. But as reported yesterday, just a bare majority of leaned Republicans say they’d be satisfied with Trump as the party’s nominee. Among those who’d be dissatisfied, just 53 percent say they’d vote for Trump in the general election, dropping to 40 percent among those who would be very dissatisfied. Among the latter group, 35 percent say they’d back Clinton; a quarter say they’d find a third party or sit it out.

lol, the best part.


Clinton leads Trump by 21 points among women –- the same, as it happens, as her advantage over Sanders among women for the Democratic nomination. That compares to a non-significant +5 for Trump among men, 48-43 percent. Trump had led by 15 points among men in September, when he and Clinton were nearly even overall.

Similarly, while Trump leads Clinton by 9 points among whites, 49-40 percent, that’s narrowed from 14 points in December and 16 in September. (Obama lost whites to Mitt Romney by 20 points in 2012 and easily won re-election nonetheless.)

Clinton -– like Obama -– maintains a large advantage among nonwhites, 73-19 percent. Combining these results with December’s for adequate sample sizes, that’s 86-9 percent among blacks and 70-25 percent among Hispanics.

More educated and younger adults are additional groups in which Clinton finds support. She leads Trump by a wide 26 points, 58-32 percent, among registered voters with a college degree; those without a degree divide evenly. And while 18- to 39-year-olds tend to favor Sanders for the nomination, they back Clinton by 59-31 percent vs. Trump, compared with a dead heat, 45-46 percent, among those age 40 and older.

Trump, for his part, prevails by a wide margin, 59-31 percent, among registered voters living in rural areas -- but they account for just two in 10 registered voters overall. Suburbanites roughly divide, 46-42 percent, Clinton-Trump; urban residents back Clinton by 2-1, and account for four in 10 registered voters overall.

So poorly educated suburban/rural middle-aged/elderly white males are definitely gonna win Trump this election, right? lmao. Election is gonna be a walk.
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