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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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What makes you think a simplified tax code would mean simplified taxes?

You do realize that our tax code, as in JUST the code, is incredibly simple, right?

That's WHY it's actually so complicated. Because something simple, doesn't cover enough of the gray area, and people exploit that which leads to more regulations (like patches).

It's impossible to have a simple tax code. The only people that think that, quite frankly, have no experience with taxes imho.

This whole election cycle has been nothing but a bunch of people oversimplifying things and thinking it'll work. "Break the banks. Make the tax code simpler. Build a wall and keep out illegals!"

Pretty soundbytes, no basis in reality.
2600 pages doesn't sound incredibly simple to me. What you're saying contradicts everything I've read from experts, so I think I'll trust them.
Don't get into that mess, Brawndo. Let it go and ignore it forever.

Don't jump down this rabbit hole, it ain't one you can return from unscathed.


Stop, there is no turning back from this point.

Save yourself.

Forget it Jake, it's Animetown.
It seems that there is a fundamental disconnect in logic here.

GMO label != listing potential side effects by consuming GMOs

In order to make the same argument for vaccinations, you'd have to be secretly putting vaccinations into food. In that case:

Labeling foods with vaccinations != listing potential side-effects by ingesting vaccinations

I agree. The argument is that food that contains dihyrdogen monoxide should be labeled as such. There's no evidence that it causes anything negative, but ya never know, right?
I hadn't refreshed the page in a while :p Anti-science stuff is also a pet peeve of mine, on both sides of the aisle. We can go back to poll numbers, if there are any new ones.

It's a pet peeve of mine is well. If anyone would have come in here defending anti-vaxx propaganda bullshit, I'd have declared war in this thread in a heartbeat.

Likewise, anyone claiming that GMOs give you autism would have been met with similar derision.
The media is now legitimizing conspiracy theories.
Personally I think it's an interesting campaign effort in the social media age. Shit that can hurt your candidate or candidacy can happen in 5 seconds online and never get any actual, normal media attention. "Hey, those thousands upon thousands of people ranting about us based on total lies are bad for our campaign" is not a bad thing to try to address. This PAC isn't the best way to tackle the problem as-is, but they get credit from me for trying to plan ahead.

When this first came up I assumed it was meant as a counter to the FOX-style bullshit factory in the GE. An instant fact check machine, as it were. Would not have thought some extremely stubborn people would have triggered it in the primaries. Democrats are supposed to be above this stuff.
Hawk2025 said:
Ok, which facts are we using to label these food products in this way?

What's the standard?

What happens if we actually find a harmful effect of a particular modification? Label it again, label it differently?

You keep addressing this fact from the shallowest of shallow platitudes: More information is better.

You just take it off the market, like we did with the (conventionally bred) toxic Lenape potato, the (conventionally bred) toxic Zucchini from New Zealand.

You just do the same thing as with all other foods.

Almost none of the plants we eat are natural. They've pretty much all been modified via artificial selection, chemical or nuclear mutagensis, or transgenesis (GMO).

We don't label our cloned diploids and polyploids, even, and they are unnatural as fuck.

Don't worry, if you get a GMO injury Bernie will have the public pay for your acupuncture treatment.
#BREAKING: New York City board of elections official suspended following primary voting issues in Brooklyn https://t.co/wPRLywAWtA

BROOKLYN, New York (WABC) -- A New York City board of elections official has been suspended after voting issues arose in Brooklyn during Tuesday's primary election.

The Board of Elections office released a statement Thursday evening, saying the Commissioners' Executive Committee of the Board of Elections voted to suspend Borough Office Chief Clerk Diane Haslett-Rudiano without pay. The suspension takes effect immediately and will continue pending an internal investigation.

"The Board will fully cooperate with the investigations currently being conducted by the Office of the New York State Attorney General and The Office of the New York City Comptroller," the BOE said in a news release.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Wednesday that his office was going to investigate the BOE. He issued a statement Thursday following the suspension.

"The administration of the voter rolls in Brooklyn is of major concern to our office and is a focus of our investigation," Schneiderman said.

New York City's Comptroller Scott Stringer kicked off the first investigation Tuesday night. Stringer said the biggest issue appeared to be that some eligible voters were removed from voter-registration rolls and some that had their party affiliation changed.

Other issues included polling sites not opening in time for voting, incorrect primary notifications being mailed out and training of the poll workers.


If Bernie continues with these attacks and Weaver and Devine don't distance themselves from it or actively parrot them, then I hope they're blacklisted from ever getting hired by any Democratic candidate campaigns again. Let them get work with the party they're apparently trying to get into the White House.
#BREAKING: New York City board of elections official suspended following primary voting issues in Brooklyn https://t.co/wPRLywAWtA

This is getting serious. Earlier today I saw a meeting they conducted where they said that hand counted ballots where being manipulated to reflect the official results (i.e. in a precinct where Bernie won, the result was changed so that Hillary would win, reflecting the official results).

I didn't think much of it at the time because I figured it would take some time for them to take action, but I guess not.
At this point the "Hillary is corrupt" nonsense is only helping turn Trump's Crooked Hillary attack into a thing.

Considering "Hillary is Corrupt" has been going on for 6 months now, and she's still winning, handily, I question if it's actually an effective attack. Failing to pony up any actual examples when pushed to do so certainly doesn't help the message.


As I've mentioned before -- Bernie's free public college plan is disproportionately more likely to benefit richer rather than poorer people, just like it has in countries like Brazil:


The article doesn't even get into the supply issues, and that rich students will shift costs into private lower education, which will further shift admissions towards the richer -- it only calculates the proportional benefits accrued by the rich versus the poor with the current admissions rate.

The final results are likely to be even more skewed towards the rich.


Every state in which Hillary wins is corrupt and fraudulent

Every state in which Bernie wins is pure and unimpeachable

Else how could we explain the results?
This is getting serious. Earlier today I saw a meeting they conducted where they said that hand counted ballots where being manipulated to reflect the official results (i.e. in a precinct where Bernie won, the result was changed so that Hillary would win, reflecting the official results).

I didn't think much of it at the time because I figured it would take some time for them to take action, but I guess not.

Link to this?

The article I posted doesn't accuse any of that, just neglect of performing duties as far as voter rolls.
The balls on Bernie to start this election crap after winning a ton of closed primaries and caucuses.

Someone should call him out on it. It's ridiculous. He's a hypocrite and a poor loser.


When Clinton accused Sanders of being a single issue candidate I assume she didn't mean for him to switch his single issue to "Hillary is corrupt".
I'm actually interested more in Bernie's taxes than shillary's transcripts. We know whats in her speeches. Some criticism peppered with responsibility talk and we are in this boat together stuff. But bernie's taxes. Why he gotta be all evasive and shit. Doesn't pass the smell test. And I'm someone who is not the biggest fan of Hillary and criticized her quite a few times.
Oops! This was actually the Chicago Board of Elections.


(skip to ~30:00)

Sorry about that!

Yeah, and I understand it's confusing but what they were referring to in that video is an audit of the election. What it actually means I have no idea. But it was just a check, not changing any result. I thought the officials in that video were very good in asking if any of the accusers had any idea how an audit was performed because the truth is they don't.
Yeah, and I understand it's confusing but what they were referring to in that video is an audit of the election. What it actually means I have no idea. But it was just a check, not changing any result.

From what I understand, the audit was poorly conducted. The actual votes weren't manipulated, but the tallies during the audit were allegedly manipulated to match the official result.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with the NY primary. I don't know how I conflated the two, lol
Daniel B·;201584178 said:
Are you saying that none of the exit polling, done in this year's primaries, meets accepted standards, and when publications like the New York Times publish the results, they really should include a disclaimer stating the polling is woefully below internationally accepted norms?

None of the exit polling done anywhere, anytime, for any election is that good and certainly is never evidence that the voter numbers are wrong.

I'm not talking about "this year's primaries." I'm talking all primaries, elections, etc for every year ever.

And yes, they already get disclaimers.

That's not to say there's no value in them. People use exit polling and demographic data to make election calls earlier than the total votes are counted. You can also get a sense of what people think about, like when they ask "what was your top issue" or try to figure out roughly what % of people voted in this age group, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. It's not close to perfect and should be understood as such.
From what I understand, the audit was poorly conducted. The actually votes weren't manipulated, but the tallies during the audit were allegedly manipulated to match the official result.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with the NY primary. I don't know how I conflated the two, lol

Indeed, one is actually pizza, the other is a casserole. Hard to mix them up.
my favorite thing about chicago's political history is that even if people actually were manipulating the hand counts, it'd be one of the less blatant things they've done

Chicago machine at work.

Honestly, I'm not even sure if anything will come of this. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

That's not what she's saying.

She is saying the recount was shitty to match the handcount with the previous count, not that districts would be changed altogether since Clinton won the general vote in the state.

I never said this. And yes, we all agree on what she's saying.
None of the exit polling done anywhere, anytime, for any election is that good and certainly is never evidence that the voter numbers are wrong.

I'm not talking about "this year's primaries." I'm talking all primaries, elections, etc for every year ever.

And yes, they already get disclaimers.

That's not to say there's no value in them. People use exit polling and demographic data to make election calls earlier than the total votes are counted. You can also get a sense of what people think about, like when they ask "what was your top issue" or try to figure out roughly what % of people voted in this age group, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. It's not close to perfect and should be understood as such.

Yeah, you really only care about exits when there's a blowout contained in them. Anything less than that, and you can't really get much. In some cases (those NY CNN exits, holy hell) you can end up losing a bit of credibility if you go too hard with them.


Jesus fucking christ Bernie let the speech payments go. There's nothing wrong with getting paid for your talks and showing up.

Also, Hilary has to pay the Secret Service out of pocket, so it's not like all that cash is pure profit when she has to bring a whole security entourage with her everywhere.


That line has worked so well for him I hope he keeps trying it! Godqueen is measuring the drapes for the White House and let me tell you she has expensive taste.
Measuring drapes sounds more like first gentleman work, Godqueen will be busy helping Wall Street get revenge for all the libel and slander Bernie have been throwing at them. ^_^


Honestly, I'm not even sure if anything will come of this. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I never said this. And yes, we all agree on what she's saying.

Your example was:

(i.e. in a precinct where Bernie won, the result was changed so that Hillary would win, reflecting the official results).

Changing the count to match the official results, assuming that happened, need not imply in any way that your example would happen.

I think it goes without saying that I obviously don't think this should be happening at all, and recounts need to be precise.


Watching Chris Hayes brain leak out of his brain listening to the spin from Rick and AJ on his show right now is hilarious. I feel a bit bad for him.
Your example was:

Changing the count to match the official results, assuming that happened, need not imply in any way that your example would happen.

I think I just worded that poorly. Essentially, I was saying that the count was allegedly changed to match the official results. When I referred to Hillary winning, I simply meant that they gave her more tallies than Bernie in that precinct during the audit.
Surely you can see how that's a significantly different claim!

No, because I know what I originally meant, though I acknowledge that it can be interpreted in multiple ways, and I could've made it less ambiguous (which I did, eventually, so continuing to argue about how I should've phrased it is a waste of time).


If Bernie continues with these attacks and Weaver and Devine don't distance themselves from it or actively parrot them, then I hope they're blacklisted from ever getting hired by any Democratic candidate campaigns again. Let them get work with the party they're apparently trying to get into the White House.
Hard to blacklist a comic book guy.


Oops! This was actually the Chicago Board of Elections.


(skip to ~30:00)

Sorry about that!

We already talked about all this. Now we will get Mael to come here and ask if corruption or people making a mathematical mistake, or being negligent is an 'american thing' again. The audit was to check if the machines are working correctly, he explains that in the video, not to check to precincts results. Why they couldn't do both? I guess bureaucracy.

So they take a sample and count votes by hand, put them in the machine and see if they get the same results. The trick is this: it doesn't need to match the tally of the night, just the one done in the audit. If the sample of machines is deemed working all right the audit passes. It seems that they then used the election night count on the report (which is seems wrong to me, but I'm not election expert) but this audit has no influence on the poll results. So they didn't 'add' votes. The result of this audits would have never changed the precinct results. (see below)

As I said before on this topic I'm sure that there were even more errors in other precincts, and that you can recount any election 3 times and get different results every time.

I know it's a very long video (and boring) but he explains that the procedure to actually recount a precinct result is a different process (as in the recount is done differently) that needs to be requested by a candidate and/or through a court order. None of which was done. I think that part is around the hour mark.

Mael please don't bite, I'm having a deja vu lol
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