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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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So I dug up the ol poligaf 'Please understand. Pls respond. Pls Print' time capsule from almost 8 months ago, and managed to find the part where I brought up Hilllary's possible fascination with aliens.
It also serves as an interesting look back at a more innocent time before Trump performed the babality on Rubio that turned him into the Little Marco he is today, and before El Jebe's candidacy was blown to smithereens by airhorns and allegations of being a mess

I'm not sure what you want out of this. Are you implying that she believes that we have been visited by aliens? Because there's a huge difference between being interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and thinking that we've been visited by them.
Biden is to the right of both Bernie and Hillary. He's fun to have around and is a sincere guy, but if you're looking for a progressive champion, it's not him.
I think I'd support him just because of pure personality, which would translate into a larger electoral victory.

And deep down, all I care about is winning.


Hillary's campaign is running in ads in Kentucky now, after running $0 worth of ads in Indiana last week. Maybe they think they can win.


Don't think you can just come in here, drop an Uncle Joe quote, and not answer for why you would make an OT thread about those Q polls.


btw the fish are old and tired now zzz
I'm not sure what you want out of this. Are you implying that she believes that we have been visited by aliens? Because there's a huge difference between being interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and thinking that we've been visited by them.
What I want is only to present information for people to draw their own conclusions from, instead of going ayy lmao 420
you can put your pitchfork down now.


So, it turns out Samantha Bee is a national treasure, and the most hilarious, fire spitting, relentless and brutal political show host on television right now.

Her two parter on the 2010 election is both hilarious and hard to watch, because, damn did liberal voters fuck up with that election.

2010 election - part 1
2010 election - part 2

She is so damn amazing. Midterm voting = mammograms. Gotta do it! lol

I'm glad she made parts of episodes about those midterms, because holy shit we failed in 2010. I was one of the non-voters, because I uh... didn't really think about it. I was of the "vote in the presidential elections only" mindset, which was dumb of me.


No Scrubs
but dawg what if she's like, seen stuff. because of her many years at the highest echelons of government. which fuels her interest.

I'm going to tell you something I never told anybody: I was chasing a story a while back and, well, the truth is out there. That's all I'm legally allowed to say before the NSA explodes the miniaturized nuclear fission device they placed in my skull. Oh shit, I think I may have said too much...

Seriously tho? There's no way they'd be able to keep that shit secret. They couldn't keep torture at CIA blacksites secret, UFOs would have gotten out a long time ago.
Trump is terrified of aliens. That's why he wants to build a wall.

Buh-bum-crash. I'm here all week. Try the veal. Trump Veal with a side of Trump Water. YUGE. Small handed wait staff, though.


This is actually kind of troubling :/

(that Hildawg would buy into this stuff, I mean)
I know right? The last time i talked about this and provided photography of her holding a book about aliens and talking with a known alien believer, no one took it serious and pd derailed it

Aliens are kinda like dead first ladies:
Mrs. Clinton herself wrote about her imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt in her June 10 column. She said she talked to Roosevelt about the role of a first lady.

"She usually responds by telling me to buck up, or at least to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros," Mrs. Clinton wrote.

In the column, she described Houston as an expert on philosophy and mythology. "(Houston) has shared her views with me on everything from the ancient Greeks to the lives of women and children on Bangladesh," she wrote.

"We have a media society looking for sound bites," Dr. Houston said. "That gets to the skin but not to the muscle or the heart of anything."

She has spent over three decades as a researcher in psychology and in what she calls human potential, the idea that most human beings could live more intensely. "He's confusing the fringe with the frontier," Dr. Houston said of Mr. Woodward. "My whole life has been devoted to pushing the membrane of the possible, to push the boundaries of human capacity."

When she speaks of reincarnation, for example, she said today, she does not literally mean the reappearance of dead people in different bodies but the idea that the myths and stories of previous generations have a timeless relevance and in that sense re-emerge in experiences of modern generations. She says she uses "dreamworlds" and altered states to bring out human capacities.

On Wednesday, Mr. Clinton appeared in New York City at a dedication ceremony for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park.

In his remarks, the former president said his wife “was known to commune” with Eleanor Roosevelt, who died in November 1962, and that Roosevelt gave Hillary a message for him this week.

“A special thanks to the members of the Roosevelt family who are here,” Mr. Clinton said. “And the one who is not, Eleanor, who made sure that the four freedoms were included in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.”

“I know that because, as all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the secretary of state, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis,” he continued. “And so she called me last night on her way home from Peru to remind me to say that. That Eleanor had talked to her and reminded her that I should say that.”


Biden doesn't lean right.............

More right than Clinton, more right than Bernie. Which is one of the reasons that the really wouldn't be a shoo-in to win if he ran.

As far as the core democratic party, Clinton seems closer to that than either Sanders or Biden.
With all eyes focused on Trump over the last week, with the presumed candidate bump, and with a hilarious over sample of white people, the absolute best situation for Trump still has him losing the election.

Is the Great Society dead in the Democratic party?

Bill Clinton lifted more people out of poverty than Lyndon Johnson ever did (someone please correct me if I am wrong). Our most liberal president since LBJ, Barrack Obama, talked the talk on the campaign trail about bringing jobs back home and fighting back against corporations but ended up pursuing free trade deals and continuing Clinton's policy of enlargement worldwide.

What ever happened to a vision of a society better-than-now?
Nobody voted in midterms.
The Democrats aren't offering it anymore, anyway. This will net me some flak in this thread but I think Jim Webb is correct in asserting that the Democratic Party is more concerned with identity politics and special interest groups than it is in a great society and the everyman. And the real modern great society issues like infrastructure investment are usually sidelined in Clinton's speeches. So I actually have no idea how important they are to her.

Experience with the Clintons says it is, because Bill Clinton had a lot of foresight in this regard. I am also willing to believe that special interest issues are sexier to voters.

But as the presidency isn't Number 1 (congress is), I don't really know if that stuff will even make it into her first term.

Those issues are important. But maybe they're not the only issues.
Uncle Joe calls em like he sees em.

Most liberal-but-leaning-Trump (or otherwise open to his candidacy) people on GAF and elsewhere seem to come down to this

"Trump is more trustworthy because Hillary opposes (insert pet issue here)"

"But what about x y and z"


It's just like when you challenge people and their response is "Yeah, but I have freedom of speech! I can say that if I want."

If you're completely incapable of defending your own words and actions, then the only argument left to make is "Sure, but it's still technically legal for me to do this thing! Now let me talk about it and don't say anything back this time!"
Is the Great Society dead in the Democratic party?

Bill Clinton lifted more people out of poverty than Lyndon Johnson ever did (someone please correct me if I am wrong). Our most liberal president since LBJ, Barrack Obama, talked the talk on the campaign trail about bringing jobs back home and fighting back against corporations but ended up pursuing free trade deals and continuing Clinton's policy of enlargement worldwide.

What ever happened to a vision of a society better-than-now?

The Great Society has become The Great Military and The Great National Data Collection Fuck the Fourth Amendment Agency protecting The Mediocre Society
This is just rage now, nothing clever about it. I will try harder in the future but the nsa steams me up faster than anything.


Hillary was a Goldwater Girl after all...
On March 28, 1975, Goldwater wrote to Shlomo Arnon: "The subject of UFOs has interested me for some long time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information has been stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied this request. It is still classified above Top Secret."[97] Goldwater further wrote that there were rumors the evidence would be released, and that he was "just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I hope we will not have to wait much longer."[97]

The April 25, 1988, issue of The New Yorker carried an interview where Goldwater said he repeatedly asked his friend, Gen. Curtis LeMay, if there was any truth to the rumors that UFO evidence was stored in a secret room at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and if he (Goldwater) might have access to the room. According to Goldwater, an angry LeMay gave him "holy hell" and said, "Not only can't you get into it but don't you ever mention it to me again."[98]

In a 1988 interview on Larry King's radio show, Goldwater was asked if he thought the U.S. Government was withholding UFO evidence; he replied "Yes, I do." He added:

I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities... I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on that we don't know about—and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them
Pursing free trade deals and creating a Great Society is not an either/or proposition, and in fact, pursuing Great Society ideals like a basic income, low-cost or free job training subsidized by the government, and Medicare-for-all are probably going to be necessary in conjunction with free trade deals as more and more workers find themselves forced out of the job market because of said deals (in combination with increasing mechanization/computerization of jobs, of course).
The Democrats aren't offering it anymore, anyway. This will net me some flak in this thread but I think Jim Webb is correct in asserting that the Democratic Party is more concerned with identity politics and special interest groups than it is in a great society and the everyman. And the real modern great society issues like infrastructure investment are usually sidelined in Clinton's speeches. So I actually have no idea how important they are to her.

Experience with the Clintons says it is, because Bill Clinton had a lot of foresight in this regard. I am also willing to believe that special interest issues are sexier to voters.

But as the presidency isn't Number 1 (congress is), I don't really know if that stuff will even make it into her first term.

Those issues are important. But maybe they're not the only issues.

All politics, including your politics, are "identity politics."


When you frame issues that POC, women, LGBT, or other non-white guys care about identity politics, you're essentially saying they're second tier issues that shouldn't matter as much as making sure a drywaller in Wisconsin getting paid more.
Is the Great Society dead in the Democratic party?

Bill Clinton lifted more people out of poverty than Lyndon Johnson ever did (someone please correct me if I am wrong). Our most liberal president since LBJ, Barrack Obama, talked the talk on the campaign trail about bringing jobs back home and fighting back against corporations but ended up pursuing free trade deals and continuing Clinton's policy of enlargement worldwide.

What ever happened to a vision of a society better-than-now?

If only,

Pursing free trade deals and creating a Great Society is not an either/or proposition, and in fact, pursuing Great Society ideals like a basic income, low-cost or free job training subsidized by the government, and Medicare-for-all are probably going to be necessary in conjunction with free trade deals as more and more workers find themselves sidelined because of said deals.

this stuff will only happen after another george bush gets in office and everyone hates him again. everything's going to be incremental gains during hillary's years. Maybe it will be Ted cruz.
All politics, including your politics, are "identity politics."


When you frame issues that POC, women, LGBT, or other non-white guys care about identity politics, you're essentially saying they're second tier issues that shouldn't matter as much as making sure a drywaller in Wisconsin getting paid more.

As I said a couple of months ago, "identity politics" is a term that needs to die. It's not always used this way, but sometimes it's the racist dog whistle of the left.
All politics, including your politics, are "identity politics."


When you frame issues that POC, women, LGBT, or other non-white guys care about identity politics, you're essentially saying they're second tier issues that shouldn't matter as much as making sure a drywaller in Wisconsin getting paid more.

Wrong. Also, fuck Vox. A political issue that really only applies to a marginalized or underserviced group is part of identity politics. Stuff like healthcare, college affordability, social safety nets, infrastructure investment, mass transportation, etc. apply to everyone or could potentially apply to everyone.

Identity politics are not unimportant. But the distinction is. And the shift in focus is interesting.


I must say I have to thank poligaf for shifting my views on trade to a more positive view. Gonna read more on its (their) impact instead of just using the boogeymen of corporations to be vehemently or completely against it.
Wrong. Also, fuck Vox. A political issue that really only applies to a marginalized or underserviced group is part of identity politics. Stuff like healthcare, college affordability, social safety nets, infrastructure investment, mass transportation, etc. apply to everyone or could potentially apply to everyone.

Identity politics are not unimportant. But the distinction is. And the shift in focus is interesting.

All the free college in the world doesn't stop you from getting shot by a police officer because of a structurally racist society.
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