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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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This is what the FBI will report on its findings in regards to Hillary and her emails.

Trump gets the support of a new SuperPAC:

Representatives for the group, called the Committee for American Sovereignty, say they expect to raise $20 million between now and the GOP convention in July and upwards of $100 million throughout the course of the campaign.

Doug Watts, national executive director and spokesman for the group, who also served as a former adviser to Ben Carson, told ABC News that the group's mission is to combat the "Clinton machine."

“With the recent announcement that a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC has already booked over $90 million in ad time in just seven states in June, it is clear we need to ramp up major donor fundraising efforts, unify Republicans, and take on the Clinton machine. We have already begun to raise significant funds in California and from supporters across the country," Watts said.

The advisory committee to the Committee for American Sovereignty includes military leaders, the former chairman of Trump Resorts International and political activists from across the country.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Doesn't matter, shouldn't have been on that server period.

Uh, yeah it matters.
SHould I be responsible for what people send me?

Keep in mind I don't have a .gov email.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If the problem was that Hillary was not allowed to have a private server to begin with, then wouldn't this have been an open and shut case since last March? Why would the FBI needed to investigate for 14 months on whether or not a private server was legal to have?

Still waiting on this one.


so if someone sends you drugs, and they're sitting in your mailbox, the cops can come up to you and arrest you, because "they shouldn't have been in that mailbox period"?
Actually thats pretty much how that works

You have to prove in the courts that you weren't expecting them


What's misleading Y2Kev?

I'm posting PDFs from state officials and documents that Hillary signed. Hosted on government links. I think that's valid evidence.

Nobody has provided much besides the following:

50/50 comments, LOL and shitty JPGS.

You want to ban me over that? Is that how it works here?

Doesn't matter, shouldn't have been on that server period.

yo read the last few pages


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What's misleading Y2Kev?

I'm posting PDFs from state officials and documents that Hillary signed. Hosted on government links. I think that's valid evidence.

Nobody has provided much besides the following:

50/50 comments, LOL and shitty JPGS.

You want to ban me over that? Is that how it works here?

First off, I'm offended that after I spent all that time last night responding to you, the best you come up with is that I gave you a lol or a shitty jpeg.

Once again, the very document you posted indicates clearly that the information transmitted through the server did not contain -- again, did not contain -- classidication markings. This is frankly different than information subsequently marked classified, but it was not marked as such during the initial transfer. The agency alleges it should have been marked at the time it was generated. But it wasn't. Is this not meaningful to you?

SF-312, which you can read in its entirety on Wikipedia, relates entirely to the sharing of classified information to unauthorized individuals. Regardless of how you frame this, the information you linked again states very clearly that it was not marked classified!

Now I have noticed you keep saying "doesn't matter" or "no difference" (except that there is a difference) but I'm finding it frustrating that when I actually used the language of the law-- KNOWINGLY transmitting of classified information-- you ignored it. Oh and then you compared it to petraeus and said what Hillary did was worse.

So if you don't understand now why I think what you are doing is disingenuous then I think we have a real issue.
As has been noted a bajillion times the server is irrelevant. The state.gov email she would have otherwise used for these communications would be an unclassified system. The state.gov emails of staff likewise. Although I expect the entire Department of State to be indicted accordingly.

And this is why Kev is at the end of his rope. While I simply can't be bothered with formulating much of a response.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
PoliGAF 2015 |OT6| The Hillz Have Lies


Another suggestion:

PoliGAF 2015 |OT6| Michale Bay Presents: 22 E-mails
PoliGAF 2015 |OT6| We predict a 50/50 chance either Hillary or Trump wins
PoliGAF 2015 |OT6| The Pelican Server


Uh, yeah it matters.
SHould I be responsible for what people send me?

Shouldn't have been stored on there. Outside of an authorized server.

Why where classified emails being sent to an unauthorized location? Why circumvent the existing secured infrastructure?


Slay gon slay, you can't win arguments with him. You have to have been in agreement already or this happens

People have posted precedent for this type of case and reasons why it's not a big deal, he doesn't care, he has his mind made up. We talked about intent and meus rea, he doesn't care


Shouldn't have been stored on there. Outside of an authorized server.

Why where classified emails being sent to an unauthorized location? Why circumvent the existing secured infrastructure?


You can add gif to the list of unsuitable replies you've gotten. But seriously, that's been addressed.
If the problem was that Hillary was not allowed to have a private server to begin with, then wouldn't this have been an open and shut case since last March? Why would the FBI needed to investigate for 14 months on whether or not a private server was legal to have?
feel like this is still important


Why where classified emails being sent to an unauthorized location? Why circumvent the existing secured infrastructure?

Previous Secretaries of State (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice included) did this too

Not emails classified at the time of sending, but same situation as Hillary


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
From that:
So even if you want to go down that road, it's still no wrongdoing on her part.

That's the other key point, unless she knew it was supposed to be classified and sent it without the proper protocols.
Previous Secretaries of State (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice included) did this too

Not emails classified at the time of sending, but same situation as Hillary
Colin Powell is not running against sanders so no one cares if he did anything with his emails or if he goes to jail or not.
"Aspie" is a super shitty insult.

Also, I hate losers on Econjobrumors that claim that the reason that they can't get dates is because they have a mental disorder instead of that they're full abled but just hate women so much that no women like them.


Shouldn't have been stored on there. Outside of an authorized server.

Why where classified emails being sent to an unauthorized location? Why circumvent the existing secured infrastructure?

This is just not responsive to the argument being made.

Let's say I'm Edward Snowden. I have classified information just lying around.

I pick a State Department individual at random and email them some classified information.

Now it's on their unsecured server! In their email account!

Should they be fired or imprisoned?


First off, I'm offended that after I spent all that time last night responding to you, the best you come up with is that I gave you a lol or a shitty jpeg.

Once again, the very document you posted indicates clearly that the information transmitted through the server did not contain -- again, did not contain -- classidication markings. This is frankly different than information subsequently marked classified, but it was not marked as such during the initial transfer. The agency alleges it should have been marked at the time it was generated. But it wasn't. Is this not meaningful to you?

SF-312, which you can read in its entirety on Wikipedia, relates entirely to the sharing of classified information to unauthorized individuals. Regardless of how you frame this, the information you linked again states very clearly that it was not marked classified!

Now I have noticed you keep saying "doesn't matter" or "no difference" (except that there is a difference) but I'm finding it frustrating that when I actually used the language of the law-- KNOWINGLY transmitting of classified information-- you ignored it. Oh and then you compared it to petraeus and said what Hillary did was worse.

So if you don't understand now why I think what you are doing is disingenuous then I think we have a real issue.

Information can be born classified. Prove otherwise. It doesn't have to be marked to be classified. It's not really an excuse.

If Hillary can't tell that a topic is classified as SoS, we've got bigger problems than an FBI investigation.

So if it was born classified and stored on Hillary's private server then that's a clear violation. Regardless if it meets your marking criteria.

Furthermore, why is the SoS doing official government business on an unauthorized server? When there is a perfectly capable existing government backed system in place for this? Does this sound normal to you? And please don't say Powell or Rice, because it's not comparable in the least. It's not normal to be frank.

I feel that it's a valid topic, and not one to be brushed under the rug. It's a terrible example for someone who will potentially run the country, and by her own admission admitted that it was a mistake that she made. The only question remains is if it will become more than just a mistake.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Furthermore, why is the SoS doing official government business on an unauthorized server? When there is a perfectly capable existing government backed system in place for this? Does this sound normal to you? And please don't say Powell or Rice, because it's not comparable in the least. It's not normal to be frank.

So answer my question please:

If the problem was that Hillary was not allowed to have a private server to begin with, then wouldn't this have been an open and shut case since last March? Why would the FBI needed to investigate for 14 months on whether or not a private server was legal to have?


Oh my god. You literally have no idea what the heck you are talking about.

Information can be 'born' classified? That's not how it works at *all*. Have you any actual experience with government security systems and protocols or classified or secret information?

Admittedly I'm in the UK, but unless the law is wildly different what you gave posted is simply untrue and also really clueless. Given the UK has the Official Secrets Act and tends to be far stricter than other western nations about these things I really doubt it's different.


So answer my question please:

I can't answer this. Nor can anyone else I suppose.

Oh my god. You literally have no idea what the heck you are talking about.

Information can be 'born' classified? That's not how it works at *all*. Have you any actual experience with government security systems and protocols or classified or secret information?

Admittedly I'm in the UK, but unless the law is wildly different what you gave posted is simply untrue and also really clueless. Given the UK has the Official Secrets Act and tends to be far stricter than other western nations about these things I really doubt it's different.


"It's born classified," said J. William Leonard, a former director of the U.S. government's Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). Leonard was director of ISOO, part of the National Archives and Records Administration, from 2002 until 2008, and worked for both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.
An issue with the Hillary email server is that if you blame Hillary for this you have to hold Obama responsible too. He was sending emails to Hillary and probably should have noticed that her email was not a state.gov email and was private. As should have every single person in his administration who communicated with her. So either you need to hold the President's feet to the fire for his lack of oversight or this is a non-issue.
As Dan Senor pointed out on WADR today, McCain was leading Obama by 10% at this point in 2008 while Obama was still in the primary. If Trump is in a statistical tie at this point, it doesn't bode well for him long term.

They're outlier polls, I wouldn't read anything into them. In terms of McCain being up on Obama I'd imagine a lot of that had to do with name ID.
Under that doctrine any communication sent from a foreign official to a state.gov employee in confidence would lead to an indictment, because the everyday email system of State employees is not classified, which is why State disputes and why the markings system exists.
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