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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Duke looks like he wants to be KKK Santa Claus.

Or Jim Bakker:



thats good


This is semantics, and nothing more
I would literally prefer two days of someone debating Meta on the merits of House v. Burwell.

And don't think I won't!

I thought about jumping into the email debate again. There's still a lot of misinformation being spread by Hillary-defenders. But in the end I'd just be linking to my old posts, and I think you're all more than capable of typing "site:neogaf.com metaphoreus clinton email" into Google.


There is a lot of info readily available to point to the fact that something was not kosher. If Hillary conducted her business on approved government channels do you think there would be an investigation?

If her actions were called into question and there was potential for wrongdoing, sure.

But the potential for wrongdoing is not in itself an indication of criminality. This is where you're veering off the road and speeding off a cliff...over and over again.

Hillary wss receiving government email on a private server. This alone is not illegal. It's against stated policy and for that reason pretty silly of her but, again, not illegal. This fact is the reason she is not currently on trial.

However, enough people raised the stink that, as SoS, there is the potential--however slim--that Hillary could have been exchanging information marked classified.

This investigation is to assess fully that she is correct in her claim that she hadn't. And so far that claim has held up. Others in this thread have gone into detail about why it would have actually been pretty difficult for Hillary to exchange confidential intelligence outside of the government's closed system, private server or not, nor is she the first government official to receive regular correspondence via a private email account. So why the FBI chose to investigate this particular case, who knows. Maybe they just didn't want to be bothered with endless Republican shit if they chose not to...So hell, let's just investigate this so they'll shut the fuck up about it.

But again, this does not imply guilt or criminality. Because, again, the FBI can choose to launch an investigation for any number of reasons. All they need is reasonable belief that something illegal could have maybe, possibly, by some slim chance have happened.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Was this posted?

There continues to be a lot of misinformation about what has happened during Obama's time in office. 43% of voters think the unemployment rate has increased while Obama has been President, to only 49% who correctly recognize that it has decreased. And 32% of voters think the stock market has gone down during the Obama administration, to only 52% who correctly recognize that it has gone up. In both cases Democrats and independents are correct in their understanding of how things have changed since Obama became President, but Republicans claim by a 64/27 spread that unemployment has increased and by a 57/27 spread that the stock market has gone down.
Don't they need to refund some of those donations as well?

Probably, but in the grand scheme it's probably not all that much money.

I didn't think the wheels would fall off so fast for Sanders, really goes to show that the BernieOrBust is a real small minority that the media has been trying to play up as an actual threat to the DNC.
How do you equate emphasis on rallies to no more money?

The zero ads, the head of Bernie Sanders’s campaign in California was replaced, a major shortfall in April fundraising followed by two major primary defeats in quick succession.

Sander outspending Clinton heavily in the recent primaries with little to show for.

you know, lots of stuff
Okay, first the racial resentment thing and now this? Wtf is wrong with Republicans in this country? Why are they so fucking insane?

when your ideology just keeps getting kicked in the dick, your first few instincts ain't gonna be to think "my ideology keeps getting kicked in the dick, maybe i should defend against dick-kicking", especially when you might be biologically predisposed to think your dick shouldn't be kicked regardless of any evidence that dick-kickers just don't give a fuck and especially when your only media sources are echo chambers saying the people kicking you in the dick have very weak legs

your first instincts are gonna be to stick that dick out even further.


Okay, first the racial resentment thing and now this? Wtf is wrong with Republicans in this country? Why are they so fucking insane?
Because large portions of them get their news from sources that are interested in making things seem as bad as possible to hurt Obama, facts be damned? 30 years of being coached to not trust non conservative media helps fuel the misinformation machine too.
There is a lot of info readily available to point to the fact that something was not kosher. If Hillary conducted her business on approved government channels do you think there would be an investigation?
YES. Because a state.gov email is not a classified channel. And she's Hillary Clinton presidential candidate.

My god.


I don't understand the logic behind Ryan wanting to appease Trump and his coalition today. How does he conclude that this sets him up for a future presidential bid?

Don't Republicans realize that by continuing to push the narrative that the US has gone to shit, they've effectively allowed their party to be taken over by an extreme Right fringe that will only ever accept extremists and populists like Trump?

Where does Ryan honestly think working with Trump leaves him? There's no room for Paul Ryans in Trump's party.
I don't understand the logic behind Ryan wanting to appease Trump and his coalition today. How does he conclude that this sets him up for a future presidential bid?

Don't Republicans realize that by continuing to push the narrative that the US has gone to shit, they've effectively allowed their party to be taken over by an extreme Right fringe that will only ever accept extremists and populists like Trump?

Where does Ryan honestly think working with Trump leaves him? There's no room for Paul Ryans in Trump's party.

Paul Ryan favorability with Republicans: 40/45 favorable/unfavorable

He's hated by everyone other than political journalists and he'd die a more brutal death than Jeb or Rubio if he ever decided to run for president. Speaker is as far as he'll get and so he'll just try to keep that job.



I would love to see a bunch of traditionally red states turn blue.

I want her campaign to focus on the South, Southeast, and Southwest, as she'll have traditionally blue regions locked up before June.

I want her to get a record number of Latinos registered. I want her to expose Trump as amoral and anti-religious to the fundamentalist base. I want her to completely eviscerate him in every major metropolitan area in this country. #TeamTotalAnnihilation.
Oh dick off, Jon Stewart.

I really hate the narrative surrounding Hillary, because it seems to completely ignore what a lot of Black people think about her.

Her Breakfast Club interview was probably one of the best interviews she's given all primary in terms of showing "real personality" and what happens? She gets slammed for pandering.

They aren't thinking what others think they are just thinking about what they think and then they project. I think to them Hillary represents what they are against. A wealthy, high class, career politician that is surrounded in controversy and is seemingly in it for herself. If these people are confronted with the idea the vast amount of minorities heavy support and have a higher level of trust it is going to be conflicted. I think for many white liberals they lean on the socioeconomic side of things and when a candidate like Bernie Sanders says the right things( many Hillary supporters think Bernie is a narrow issue candidate, but he still gets a lot of support from young and many liberals. He is saying what they want to hear, which is almost entirely economic and class focused.) , and have him lose it must make some feel defeated. I doubt they think Hillary as hero against income equality, and the combination of other factors they will not trust her at all if she tried.

It is going to be very telling that if many news publications show that minorities are one of the main reasons she won the primary.

You're really reaching, she'd have record unfavorables entering the GE if it weren't for Donald Trump. The electorate (on both sides) despise the establishment, HRC is the establishment. Stagnant wages + increasing cost of living + income inequality + student loans + (insert endemic decade(s) long middle class problem here) have beaten the trust out the American electorate. HRC speaks in ways that are clearly poll-tested/advisor driven; if she's afraid of speaking her mind, what is it exactly that the public is too stupid to understand so they need to be read script?

Also driving the narrative of the "privileged middle class white dudes" being bigoted because they don't agree with Sec. Clinton on every single issue is toxic and quite frankly goes against the liberal orthodoxy of inclusiveness. Shutting down debate with identity politics is what the right has done for decades, we really ought hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Liberals can be just as inclusive as conservatives are, because like every other human being they can result in to tribalism.


I want her campaign to focus on the South, Southeast, and Southwest, as she'll have traditionally blue regions locked up before June.

I want her to get a record number of Latinos registered. I want her to expose Trump as amoral and anti-religious to the fundamentalist base. I want her to completely eviscerate him in every major metropolitan area in this country. #TeamTotalAnnihilation.


I hope that the Dems push the Latino turn out like crazy this cycle to ensure 2020 is locked down demographically. Hit the entire GOP HARD with Trump's anti immigrant remarks and use them to drive voter registration. Let's make Texas happen in 2020.
Federal government to issue decree on transgender access to school restrooms

The Obama administration will issue a sweeping decree on Friday telling every U.S. public school district to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

The letter, signed by officials from the Education and Justice departments, does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools which do not abide by the Obama administration's interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.

"There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex," U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

Obama's America continues
I am so sick of the "omg the US allows this?" shit posts in every damn minority/lgbt/stupid thing some Floridian did threads.

And of the enablers too who respond seriously as if accepting the premise as correct somehow absolves them of certain wrong doings and makes them some moral superior special angel

Pretty much gun threads are the only acceptable place for that. Otherwise glass houses and all that.


I am so sick of the "omg the US allows this?" shit posts in every damn minority/lgbt/stupid thing some Floridian did threads.

And of the enablers too who respond seriously as if accepting the premise as correct somehow absolves them of certain wrong doings and makes them some moral superior special angel

Pretty much gun threads are the only acceptable place for that. Otherwise glass houses and all that.

I said this in discord but it happens in political threads too. "Why does america not want bernie sanders" "Bernie is the only one that can save your country from x, y and z" "Your system is undemocratic"


I am so sick of the "omg the US allows this?" shit posts in every damn minority/lgbt/stupid thing some Floridian did threads.

And of the enablers too who respond seriously as if accepting the premise as correct somehow absolves them of certain wrong doings and makes them some moral superior special angel

Pretty much gun threads are the only acceptable place for that. Otherwise glass houses and all that.

Really feeling like posting a thread about how weird it is that European countries don't allow free speech.
I said this in discord but it happens in political threads too. "Why does america not want bernie sanders" "Bernie is the only one that can save your country from x, y and z"

Yeah while their sitting in France and the UK which is dismaintiling their labor rights in one and destroying their public welfare in the other. And the US, at least federally is doing the opposite in both

Really feeling like posting a thread about how weird it is that European countries don't allow free speech.


This already happens everytime some european gets thrown in jail or deported for saying a joke (unless he's insulting islam when free speech is of utmost importance!)

I love europe, I'm just so sick of their superiority complex.

edit: make a "before you enter a US polticial thread learn about dual federalism 101 thread"
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