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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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A brand name isn't a "potential asset"--it's just an asset. Likewise other intangible assets. Those assets have a value, however difficult it may be to determine. If I run a successful catering business called Metaphoreus' Catering and you want to start your own catering business in the same area, there would be a real value to you to acquire the Metaphoreus brand if you could, rather than starting your own brand named NYCmetsfan's Catering. In that scenario, people already know and like the services provided by Metaphoreus' Catering; they have no idea who this NYCmetsfan cat is or whether they can trust his catering.

To the extent you think such assets shouldn't be counted until it's cash in hand, I don't see why you wouldn't think the same thing for every asset. Trump can't spend Trump Tower, after all.

Exactly. Trump could generate cash by selling his brand, or Trump Tower. They're no different in that regard.
I listened to talk radio for a while. It's healthy to hear the other side's opinions I think. Certainly beats the Feel the Bernie bubble effect.

I may have already told this story, but one day talk radio became too much and I never listened again.

I used to listen to talk radio out of Boston. They had some libertarian guy, who later got fired... but he was pro bush, anti Kerry and Obama. He seemed relatively rational and could explain his positions pretty well.

I live about an hour and twenty minutes drive away from Boston on Cape Cod. So it was winter. At the time I was working part time for Gamestop, and we were forecast a giant blizzard. The papers billed it 'Snowmageddon', as you do. They sent us all home from my fulltime job to avoid the storm, and as I was driving home the snow started coming down thick and fast. I called my boss at Gamestop to see if he still wanted us to come in.

And he did. So a few hours later I showed up at Gamestop, with a snow shovel in hand to work an absolutely dead shift. I get out of work and dig my car out of about two feet of snow, and set off home, with talk radio on.

Well, apparently the snowstorm missed Boston. The host, and caller after caller were mocking the state for calling a state of emergency, and for all the storm preparedness they had done. I'm driving in a white out blizzard, that's so bad that I get lost somehow on a drive I'd made multiple hundreds of times before.

I'm lost in the worst blizzard I've seen, and people three towns away are mocking the state for getting ready for a really bad blizzard, blind to the fact that the storm just shifted a few degrees and still hit parts of the state really badly. Just ripping into the state for all they did to keep people safe had the storm stayed on its original track.

I turned it off to focus on figuring out where I was and figuring out the best way home.

I never turned it back on.

That host would just say "But Im just an entertainer!".

Anyway, its also the main reason I find all sides of politics shitty, because everyone is just trying to score brownie points. "Haha, government is stupid!" They aren't selling information or a world view, they are selling a reinforcement of their listeners ideals, hopes and world view. Where they become really dangerous is when they start gearing the people to support their personal agendas, or the agendas of the interests/ad buyers.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The only difference is the fair value of measurement used. Obviously real estate is a highly liquid market. The brand market is not.
What's the superior (and realistic) alternative, though? Given the state of the region, what are the available options that would result in less overall loss of life than (clearly flawed) targeted drone strikes? I am of course not counting "full disengagement from the area" as a reasonable alternative, because that's an entirely different discussion.
I will have to give this more thought before I answer you.

Btw, the Ny Post is back at it again with the dank headlines:

the steve harvey inclusion LOL, whoever comes up with these needs a raise


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I will have to give this more thought before I answer you.

That's fine; I wasn't asking rhetorically as I really have no idea what could have (or continue to be done) that would result in a significantly reduced death toll. I'm pretty much at the "just get the fuck out and let them sort themselves out" stage myself, even though I know that is a completely untenable solution in the short term and will almost certainly just lead to even more problems in the long term. I doubt there really is any good answer.
‘Stand your ground’ law wins Missouri Senate approval

The bill includes both a “stand your ground” law and permit-less carry provisions

It passed the Senate on a party line 24-8 vote, a veto-proof majority

A wide-ranging gun bill that includes a controversial “stand your ground” law won Missouri Senate approval Friday afternoon, the last true hurdle before going to the governor.

The bill needs one more vote in the House, which has approved similar legislation numerous times. The legislature adjourns at 6 p.m.

A “stand your ground” law allows a person to use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to retreat when faced with a perceived threat. The bill also contains a provision making it legal for people to carry concealed weapons without a permit anyplace they can currently carry guns openly and allowing a house guest to use deadly force to defend themselves in someone else’s home.

Democrats vehemently opposed the legislation. Sen. Jason Holsman, a Kansas City Democrat, questioned the need for the bill, saying his Second Amendment rights are “doing just fine.” Kansas City sees 100 murders a year, he said, and gun violence is the major cause.

“Isn’t it our job to make our citizens safe?” Holsman said.

Sen. Jill Schupp, a St. Louis County Democrat, called the bill the “shoot first, ask questions later” law.

But Sen. Brian Munzlinger, a Lewis County Republican sponsoring the measure, said the bill is about allowing people to protect themselves and their families when they are in danger.

People carry a gun, he said, “because they can’t carry a policeman.”

“In a split second decision, you don’t have to worry about having to prove to the court that you tried to flee,” said Sen. Bob Dixon, a Springfield Republican. “That’s the only change we’re talking about here.”

A study by researchers at Texas A&M found “significant evidence that (stand your ground) laws lead to more homicides.” Homicide rates in states with “stand your ground” laws increased around 8 percent, the study found.

I don't miss living in MO.
If your defense is that the information wasn't classified at the time (some was (see my third point), and still more should have been, had Clinton cared about the rules regarding classification) or that it wasn't marked classified (even Clinton understands that that doesn't matter, disingenuous claims to her fan club notwithstanding) or that the State Department disagrees with the classification of IC material (which changes nothing (see my second point)), then you don't know what you're talking about.

Most people were willing to let this topic fade from the thread, yet you chose to bring it back up on the basis of no new evidence or arguments--and all just because I used the word "defenders." It's just more of your typical, tiresome bluster.

And lo and behold, I'm not willing to let it go. Life does not stop and start at your convenience. One might call my "bluster" having a modicum of perspective.

So basically, your argument comes down to original classifying authority, and that if you want to be really technical about it, Clinton was unknowingly in violation of an obscure executive order.

Who. Gives. A. Shit.

It's purely a technical argument (one might even say semantic) with no ethical implications whatsoever. You're sure living up to your tag.

Your style is really great sometimes. "See here, here and here. Source: my ass."

Damn, meta
It's never a good sign when you argue with someone and they have your posts saved to attack you with. Can Jack Remington come back from this assault!?

Not much of an attack when I stand by every one of those posts.
Ya, but I have butterscotches in my purse. And actual scotch. So there.

Also, the LA Times endorsed Queen. If we still care about that...
Well I do hope Hilly wins CA big to put the final nail in that coffin.

Hard to keep arguing for a "contested convention" when you pretty much need every superdelegate to back you.


She's going to shock the world and win Oregon somehow

At first when that possibility was floated, I was like, "Nah..."

But I guess I should remember that most of Oregon is not Portland. Even though Portland is, for me, literally the only reason I would ever set foot in that state for any reason.

Though on the other, other hand, I don't see how the non-Portland demos are that much more favorable to her either, so maybe that's moot.


All this talk of Elizabeth warren going on recently...

She definitely has to be on Clinton's short list. What are the odds of her being Clinton's VP pick?
I mean, meta is basically the Micheal Pachter of the legal world on GAF

Eh, at least Pachter focuses on events taking place in the present and not what someone should or should not have known in a fast-moving environment 4+ years ago that different federal agencies can't even agree on today.

He's more like the equivalent of people still debating whether or not Nintendo should have cel-shaded Wind Waker.


All this talk of Elizabeth warren going on recently...

She definitely has to be on Clinton's short list. What are the odds of her being Clinton's VP pick?

It would be interesting for fleshing out the administration and she's more than proven herself capable of being a fucking brutal attack dog, but her seat in the senate would almost certainly be taken by a Republican should she vacate it, right? Is it worth it to have her in-house I guess is the question Clinton must be asking herself. And if not Clinton, surely Warren must be considering that if she has received an offer.

But on the other hand, I remember a few articles making a big deal out of the fact that Clinton and Warren met in private prior to the campaign even beginning. Perhaps this is all according to keikaku.


At first when that possibility was floated, I was like, "Nah..."

But I guess I should remember that most of Oregon is not Portland. Even though Portland is, for me, literally the only reason I would ever set foot in that state for any reason.

Though on the other, other hand, I don't see how the non-Portland demos are that much more favorable to her either, so maybe that's moot.

I have zero expectations that it will be even within single digits, but random nobody polls.


It would be interesting for fleshing out the administration and she's more than proven herself capable of being a fucking brutal attack dog, but her seat in the senate would almost certainly be taken by a Republican should she vacate it, right? Is it worth it to have her in-house I guess is the question Clinton must be asking herself. And if not Clinton, surely Warren must be considering that if she has received an offer.

But on the other hand, I remember a few articles making a big deal out of the fact that Clinton and Warren met in private prior to the campaign even beginning. Perhaps this is all according to keikaku.

Warren would definitely be helpful in getting the Bernie people to get out and vote and not stay at home.

She has really good favorables and some good name recognition. I'd like to see her wreck Trump's VP in a debate like Biden rekt Ryan four years ago

Oh, and Trump would have to double down on the sexism. Make him look even worse


As amusing as this constant coverage about Trump and his taxes has been today, the obvious counter for Trump to use during the general if Clinton brings it up is for him to ask about her speech transcripts. While we all know they're not analogous, the average voter will probably think he has a point, particularly since to date Clinton hasn't come up with a politically sound answer to the question, though the obvious strategic necessity is obvious.

Yet another general election attack we can thank Bernie Sanders for.


No Scrubs
As amusing as this constant coverage about Trump and his taxes has been today, the obvious counter for Trump to use during the general if Clinton brings it up is for him to ask about her speech transcripts. While we all know they're not analogous, the average voter will probably think he has a point, particularly since to date Clinton hasn't come up with a politically sound answer to the question, though the obvious strategic necessity is obvious.

Yet another general election attack we can thank Bernie Sanders for.

She can hit him right back on the speeches and it'll be a harder hit because he's done more of them.

Also, if no one cared in the primary they won't in the general.


As amusing as this constant coverage about Trump and his taxes has been today, the obvious counter for Trump to use during the general if Clinton brings it up is for him to ask about her speech transcripts. While we all know they're not analogous, the average voter will probably think he has a point, particularly since to date Clinton hasn't come up with a politically sound answer to the question, though the obvious strategic necessity is obvious.

Yet another general election attack we can thank Bernie Sanders for.

Do the speeches even matter in the general?


Warren would definitely be helpful in getting the Bernie people to get out and vote and not stay at home.

She has really good favorables and some good name recognition. I'd like to see her wreck Trump's VP in a debate like Biden rekt Ryan four years ago

Yeah, obviously I'd love all those things too. I just don't want us to win the battle, but lose the war.

Though (here come's my PoliGAF catchphrase) on the other hand, I would much more so not want us to lose the battle and the war.

So I dunno. I'm not against it myself, but I'm not like hyped for it either. I'm also worried about it hurting Warren's progressive cred rather than helping Hillary's. But if we're that far along in our own splintering, we're probably well and truly fucked whether we know it yet or not.
Is warrens seat only vulnerable because her reelection is during the midterms? I really think you lose more than you gain picking Warren. She Will be too old to run after and you lose her voice in the Senate

I don't think the Bernie or bust people would flock to Hilary anyway with a Warren pick.
Yeah, obviously I'd love all those things too. I just don't want us to win the battle, but lose the war.

Though (here come's my PoliGAF catchphrase) on the other hand, I would much more so not want us to lose the battle and the war.

So I dunno. I'm not against it myself, but I'm not like hyped for it either. I'm also worried about it hurting Warren's progressive cred rather than helping Hillary's. But if we're that far along in our own splintering, we're probably well and truly fucked whether we know it yet or not.
Anyone who would take Warren accepting a VP nom from Hillary to mean she's some kind of corrupt corporate sellout is a lost cause anyway.

There will always be those who'd rather bash their heads into a wall than partake in the dreaded two party system. Many of them who are supporting Bernie right now are doing it more to be cool than anything else.


The hardcore /r/s4p crowd has already turned on Warren for not endorsing Sanders in the Massachusetts primary.

Also, I can't see Hillary's VP being a white woman from the north east.


Is warrens seat only vulnerable because her reelection is during the midterms? I really think you lose more than you gain picking Warren. She Will be too old to run after and you lose her voice in the Senate

If I'm not mistaken, the problem is if she steps down, the seat is appointed by the state's governor. Who is a Republican. And then yeah, the seat is up for reelection during midterms. So two-fold vulnerability.


Deep into his 30th decade
At first when that possibility was floated, I was like, "Nah..."

But I guess I should remember that most of Oregon is not Portland. Even though Portland is, for me, literally the only reason I would ever set foot in that state for any reason.

Though on the other, other hand, I don't see how the non-Portland demos are that much more favorable to her either, so maybe that's moot.

Oregon is a fucking beautiful state. You absolutely should see more of it then just Portland.

I am a bit biased though. I grew up in rural southern Oregon, and don't really care for Portland.


No Scrubs
Warren would definitely be helpful in getting the Bernie people to get out and vote and not stay at home.

She has really good favorables and some good name recognition. I'd like to see her wreck Trump's VP in a debate like Biden rekt Ryan four years ago

Oh, and Trump would have to double down on the sexism. Make him look even worse

The people who stay home or vote Trump, never really cared about Bernie's platform. They just wanted someone anti-establishment. The fact is Warren can and will do far more good in the US Senate than she ever could as VP. Clinton doesn't need a pick like Biden to help her in areas she doesn't know much about when governing, she needs to pick someone who can win in 4-8 years and keep it all going.
If I'm not mistaken, the problem is if she steps down, the seat is appointed by the state's governor. Who is a Republican. And then yeah, the seat is up for reelection during midterms. So two-fold vulnerability.
There would be a special election held shortly after though. Same with Booker.
If your defense is that the information wasn't classified at the time (some was (see my third point), and still more should have been, had Clinton cared about the rules regarding classification) or that it wasn't marked classified (even Clinton understands that that doesn't matter, disingenuous claims to her fan club notwithstanding) or that the State Department disagrees with the classification of IC material (which changes nothing (see my second point)), then you don't know what you're talking about.

Most people were willing to let this topic fade from the thread, yet you chose to bring it back up on the basis of no new evidence or arguments--and all just because I used the word "defenders." It's just more of your typical, tiresome bluster.
Exactly which field of law do you currently practice in?


There would be a special election held shortly after though. Same with Booker.

Ok, cool. Maybe that's not as big a deal as I thought then. Good to know!

Edit: A public apology to all Oregonians I offended with my careless statement. If it makes you feel any better, the vast majority of the value I derive from Portland comes in the form of Powell's World of Books as I am a class one Bibliophile. And I like food trucks. Books and food, that's me in a nutshell. I'm sure the rest of your state is lovely.
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