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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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The people who stay home or vote Trump, never really cared about Bernie's platform. They just wanted someone anti-establishment. The fact is Warren can and will do far more good in the US Senate than she ever could as VP. Clinton doesn't need a pick like Biden to help her in areas she doesn't know much about when governing, she needs to pick someone who can win in 4-8 years and keep it all going.

I know that she can do more good in the senate than as VP but Clinton wants to win and I don't see people running to the polls to vote for Julian Castro


PredictIt favors Kaine and Warren but I think that's just because of recent news

Like how Gingrich is at the top of the market for Republican VP


No Scrubs
I know that she can do more good in the senate than as VP but Clinton wants to win and I don't see people running to the polls to vote for Julian Castro

It's not a pick she needs to win though. The people it would attract are going to vote for her already.
Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.


Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.

I just googled "John Miller Trump"

Fucking LOL. Every time I think this guy can't be any more bizarre, he proves me wrong.

No one votes for the VP.

Pretty much how I feel about it. No offense to Biden, but they could've paired Obama with anyone and I still would've voted for Obama.
Yet another general election attack we can thank Bernie Sanders for.

But it's totally still possible for him to be President though, so he has to keep hitting her hard like if he's running a "I'm less than 100 delegates behind" campaign.

Also I feel like we probably wouldn't have to deal with much of this nonsense if California wasn't on the last damn day that matters.

"But 475 delegates tho!"


Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.

Starting to think there might be another shoe to drop here if Trump is this defensive.


As amusing as this constant coverage about Trump and his taxes has been today, the obvious counter for Trump to use during the general if Clinton brings it up is for him to ask about her speech transcripts. While we all know they're not analogous, the average voter will probably think he has a point, particularly since to date Clinton hasn't come up with a politically sound answer to the question, though the obvious strategic necessity is obvious.

Yet another general election attack we can thank Bernie Sanders for.

Clinton knows this is coming. When it happens, I hope that she agrees to release the stupid transcripts and uses them to pressure Trump to reveal both his tax returns and any speeches he's given (he's much more likely to have said something stupid in a speech than Clinton is, imo).

Not only would it put a lot of pressure on Trump, but it would give her a smart, easily understood excuse for why she didn't release them earlier (she wanted to use them to hit Trump instead of Bernie).
Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.

10 days since Trump has been declared the presumptive nominee for the GOP

It's only been 10 days.
Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.
He's like Tommy Wiseau (who is also fabulously wealthy, although no one has a clue how) if Wiseau's first language was English.

Pretty much how I feel about it. No offense to Biden, but they could've paired Obama with anyone and I still would've voted for Obama.
My mental exercise of the time was if the VP noms had switched, would I support Obama-Palin over McCain-Biden.

Honestly, probably not.
I've actually warmed up to the idea of Warren as Veep. She's actually an effective attack dog against Trump. It's another pull to women voters who maybe arent' 100% in love with Queen. Her conversion from a Republican do a Democrat could also be relateively useful It would be a way to bring in the Bernie Sanders wing who aren't 100% out of reach but who also don't love the idea of voting for Hillary. It's not the worst idea I've ever heard. I still think we should use the position to shore up support for a future party leader.

Also, I know none of you will take my alcohol recommendtations seriously, but totally buy Smirnoff Ice Electric Berry RIGHT NOW. Soooooo goooood.

And yes I've had one. And a half.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Warren wouldn't get that for her though. Warren doesn't get Clinton any new votes.

She appeals to the demographic of people who would vote for Trump over Bernie Sanders because they are salty. The fact that this is a statistically insignificant number (particularly in November) is a different story.

She's picking a young, inoffensive dude.


My mental exercise of the time was if the VP noms had switched, would I support Obama-Palin over McCain-Biden.

Honestly, probably not.

Really? I'd be mystified by the choice, but I would still vote Obama in that scenario, though I would have been even more nervous come time for election results than I was. Might just be me though.
Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Clearly you're feeling the Bern. Maybe you're a Wiccan? Pagan? Goddess worshiper? Heathen? Druid? Spiritual but not religious? Secular Jew? Spiritually open minded? Unafiliated? Athiest [sic] who likes ritual? Other? And you would like to engage with a community of like minded individuals to raise the energy of the Bernie Sanders vibration to a higher frequency and ultimately change the world for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. I hear you!

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

The establishment is dark and full of terrors.
Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

ASOIAF Show spoilers
There's gotta be a Shireen and Feel the Bern joke to be made here


Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Divine intervention is really his only shot, makes sense it's an official event


I love Warren, but she's still psyching out Trump from where she already is. And where she already is is kinda important?

Let her be the Schrodinger's Veep for awhile until Hillary decides who she's actually going with. Trump will stay losing.


No Scrubs
She appeals to the demographic of people who would vote for Trump over Bernie Sanders because they are salty. The fact that this is a statistically insignificant number (particularly in November) is a different story.

She's picking a young, inoffensive dude.

The Bernie to Trump crowd never cared about his issues in the first place, nothing she does would get them to vote for her. They'd just throw Warren under the bus.

I can still dream of Clinton/Franken....

That really would be the best. Especially if Trump picked Newt, could you even imagine it?

Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

This cannot be serious.
Magick Ritual Planned Tonight in Portland to "Raise the Energy" for Bernie Sanders



Its an official event.

Maybe they should have Melisandre try to bring back the campaign.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BERNIE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


This is semantics, and nothing more
One might call my "bluster" having a modicum of perspective.

If one were a liar, perhaps, and needed to inflate a baseless claim into something that might be confused as a winning argument, or deflate a well-founded claim into something that looks more like--well, like what you typically have to offer.

So basically, your argument comes down to original classifying authority, and that if you want to be really technical about it, Clinton was unknowingly in violation of an obscure executive order.

This is what I mean when I say bluster. Anyone who can read can recognize that you've misrepresented my argument--or rather, my five distinct arguments (i.e., (1) Clinton's server included information classified at the time it was placed on the server; (2) Clinton's server included information that would have been recognized as classified by a person who cared about following the rules regarding classification; (3) The status of information as classified is not altered by its being marked, or not marked, as such; (4) Clinton knew that; and (5) The State Department can't declassify information classified by another agency.) You make no serious effort--who am I kidding? No effort, serious or otherwise--to address these arguments. You handwave away the first four and try to hide your dishonesty with a "so basically" that can't even "basically" get the one argument it does address right. You have to misrepresent it by adding in the unproved assertion that Clinton was unaware she was playing host to classified information and adding the adjective "obscure" to a fundamental element of the classification system in the United States (that Hillary expressly agreed to follow).

Who. Gives. A. Shit.

It's purely a technical argument (one might even say semantic) with no ethical implications whatsoever. You're sure living up to your tag.

As I've pointed out before, the people arguing that the only thing that matters is whether Clinton violated the criminal law are the ones taking a hyper-technical posture. You're projecting your own frailties onto me, Jack.

Your style is really great sometimes. "See here, here and here. Source: my ass."

You're being dishonest again. From the links I gave you, I further linked to or referenced the following sources:

  • A letter from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and State Department regarding top secret information found last summer among Clinton's emails;
  • A review by the CIA and NGA confirming the conclusion of that letter that such information was classified when sent;
  • Another letter from the ICIG referring to other information found in Clinton's emails as having been derived from classified IC materials;
  • An NDA relating to Sensitive Compartmented Information, signed by Clinton;
  • An NDA relating to classified information generally, signed by Clinton;
  • EO 13526.
Try this for once, Jack: respond to the argument honestly, representing it honestly; or don't post at all. No one in this thread is interested in continuing to discuss the Clinton email controversy, so the least you could do is not post about it unintelligently.

Not much of an attack when I stand by every one of those posts.

Even the ones that got you banned? Inquiring minds and all that.


Exactly which field of law do you currently practice in?

Civil, transactional work. Taxes, estates, real estate, business organizations.

Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.

He should have just called "John" over and then lowered his tone and continued the interview.


Tweets from @jameshohmann

@jameshohmann WaPo reporters were 44 mins into a phone interview w Trump abt his finances when asked about John Miller. The phone went silent, then dead.

@jameshohmann Trump's line went silent, then dead, this afternoon when WaPo asked: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?"

@jameshohmann When WaPo reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now..."

Seems like Trump Tower does not have the classiest, most luxurious phone systems.

Starting to think there might be another shoe to drop here if Trump is this defensive.

After all, the maximum possible pivot is 360 degrees.
Appreciate the knowledge, Metaphoreus. That being said, day 3...

Of the email argument?

That wasn't knowledge.

And there's nothing stopping people from conceding that this is a partisan nothing-burger. But they don't, so...

Don't look at me. Jack's the one who keeps bringing it up.

And will continue to do so, as long as people make the same ridiculous arguments. This isn't an "agree to disagree" kind of thing.
I don't know what's happened to me....but that Bernie event sounds kind of nice, really. I mean, if you believe in prayer/magick/whatever...it's nice that his campaign is being inclusive? And...after being on the other side of "My candidate has no chance in hell, but I STILL BELIEVE DAMN IT TO HELL PLEASE GOD LET HER WIN" if it makes them feel good and they don't hurt anyone? Have at it. Blessed be. Etc.
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