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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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It's not impossible Trump could win, it's just improbable at this point. Best not to say definitively ether way at this point.
Oh of course it's not impossible, anything can happen.

I just see no reason to think that him winning is the most likely outcome tho.
This should, statistically and historically, not be his weakest point since he is now the presumptive Republican nominee and there is not technically a Democratic nominee. His strongest point will likely be soon after the Republican National Convention.

The demographics do not support a Donald Trump win at this time, meaning it is not the most likely outcome.
These posts ignore a key fact. Donald Trump is a winner. Maybe the greatest winner of all time, I don't know. Only John Miller knows for sure.


If you look back on Romney's polling average, he got some big spikes as he clinched the nomination during May, then settled back down, then another little spike in early September (not sure what that was), then settled again.

His strongest point was actually basically in the last month leading up to the election, when the debates happened and both Romney and Obama started to climb in the averages as undecideds finally started telling pollsters what they were planning to do all along. So that'll probably be a fun early November for everybody.



It's not about integrity. It's about, "According to my interpretation of Statutes A and B, and executive orders C and D, technically you're guilty of X, Y and Z. You lose!" It's the King v Burwell of political controversies.

"Technically the ambassador of Norway telling you he likes My Little Pony is information that's born classified! You lose!"
"It doesn't matter if the drone program is common knowledge, it's still technically an SAP program! One of our most closely guarded secrets! You lose!"
"It doesn't matter that no one at the State Department thinks this was sensitive information, technically X department was the original classification authority, and they think it is. You're gonna get in trouble!"

Basically it's Moops all over again.

Like I said, never hurts to look at the man in the mirror before you blame it on everyone else.

I guess it's nothing though and Hillary has nothing to worry about. Should be smooth sailing like it was for Obama in 08.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If you look back on Romney's polling average, he got some big spikes as he clinched the nomination during May, then settled back down, then another little spike in early September (not sure what that was), then settled again.

His strongest point was actually basically in the last month leading up to the election, when the debates happened and both Romney and Obama started to climb in the averages as undecideds finally started telling pollsters what they were planning to do all along. So that'll probably be a fun early November for everybody.


Didn't he name a VP in September?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Poll: Clinton, Trump struggling against Sanders in Georgia
About 63 percent of women had a negative view of the real estate tycoon, whose critics label him a sexist. Still, a significant portion of the women who raised concerns are willing to hold their nose and vote for Trump anyways.

Consider Michelle Flinn, a 43-year-old homemaker from Smyrna, who quickly rattles off a litany of complaints about Trump. She doesn’t like his brusque mannerisms, fears he jumps to conclusions too quickly and worries he doesn’t think his policies through.

And yet: “He’s my only option to beat the Democrats,” Flinn said. “And he’s a very smart man who will surround himself with very smart people. Besides, I feel Hillary is so morally and ethically challenged, and I don’t trust her at all.”
I'd like to ask people like this to name a single smart person he's ever previously surrounded himself with as evidence to support this belief.
Berniebros at the Nevada convention...LOL. Clinton won the caucuses and they're up in arms because Bernie won't get more delegates?

It makes his supporters, for better of for worse, look really immature. I heard they even booed Nina Turner when she pleaded for unity (in addition to Barbara Boxer).


Berniebros at the Nevada convention...LOL. Clinton won the caucuses and they're up in arms because Bernie won't get more delegates?

It makes his supporters, for better of for worse, look really immature. I heard they even booed Nina Turner when she pleaded for unity (in addition to Barbara Boxer).

There's more to it than that apparently:



Not to mention being steamrolled here:




God, caucuses are so fucking stupid.

Anyway, look at me not giving a fuck after the Sanders campaign has been openly gloating about using the caucus process to snipe delegates Hillary won according to the vote.

Mad The Establishment bucked up so you couldn't do it this time? Boohoo...


God, caucuses are so fucking stupid.

Anyway, look at me not giving a fuck after the Sanders campaign has been openly gloating about using the caucus process the snipe delegates Hillary won according to the vote.

Mad The Establishment bucked up so you couldn't do it this time? Boohoo...

Delegates have to show up.

Furthermore, can't rush the process ahead a half an hour and steamroll the opposition.

Not to mention Boxer saying booing Hillary is booing America. That's hilarious.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


Deep into his 30th decade
These delegates are elected by people right? I wasn't too upset about sanders flipping a few, but everyone knows by doing so they are taking away people's voices. Specific contactable people.

I don't see why anyone would be opposed to giving those people their choice back.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sanders voters didn't "flip the state." That entire analysis is suspect.

Point by point by Politifact:
  • Nevada has 43 delegates, of which 8 are Super
  • Of the 35 pledged, 23 are "district-level" and were allocated based on results of the February caucus. Clinton won 13, Sanders 10.
  • The remaining 12 were assigned today.
  • Of the 12, there are 5 "party leader and elected official" delegates and 7 "at large" delegates
  • At the Clark County convention, Sanders had more delegates show up as many Clinton delegates did not show up after the actual caucus in February
  • This gave Sanders an opportunity to pick off more delegates and narrow the gap from 20-15 (estimated) to 18-17.
  • That's a loss.


Today, more Clinton delegates showed up. There were like fights or something.

I hate to do this but Ralston's twitter actually is somewhat good if you can sift through his crap.


Can you find a source that is NOT related to The Bernie Sanders Network?

I'm just grabbing what I can off of the Nevada Democratic Convention Twitter feed. Besides, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it rather than just go hurr durr Bernie Bros.

Yeah don't they know she has a 50/50 chance of being indicted?

Is it 50/50 or a big fat nontroversy? Better to bank on either outcome than guarantee 100% results from a closed FBI investigation, No?

Apparently, they can. Suck it up.

Yeah, lets move the voting time ahead while people are still coming in. Sounds legit.

Sanders voters didn't "flip the state." That entire analysis is suspect.

Point by point by Politifact:
  • Nevada has 43 delegates, of which 8 are Super
  • Of the 35 pledged, 23 are "district-level" and were allocated based on results of the February caucus. Clinton won 13, Sanders 10.
  • The remaining 12 were assigned today.
  • Of the 12, there are 5 "party leader and elected official" delegates and 7 "at large" delegates
  • At the Clark County convention, Sanders had more delegates show up as many Clinton delegates did not show up after the actual caucus in February
  • This gave Sanders an opportunity to pick off more delegates and narrow the gap from 20-15 (estimated) to 18-17.
  • That's a loss.


Wow. LOL.
I'm just grabbing what I can off of the Nevada Democratic Convention Twitter feed. Besides, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it rather than just go hurr durr Bernie Bros.

Is it 50/50 or a big fat nontroversy? Better to bank on either outcome than guarantee 100% results from a closed FBI investigation, No?

Yeah, lets move the voting time ahead while people are still coming in. Sounds legit.

Wow. LOL.
And it's probably better not to get outraged that your side couldn't exploit bullshit caucus rules to override the will of the people anyway.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm just grabbing what I can off of the Nevada Democratic Convention Twitter feed. Besides, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it rather than just go hurr durr Bernie Bros.

The Young Turks are the most embarrassing "News" network this election cycle.
You won't get to the bottom of anything with them. You will, more likely than not, be misled.
Consider Michelle Flinn, a 43-year-old homemaker from Smyrna, who quickly rattles off a litany of complaints about Trump. She doesn’t like his brusque mannerisms, fears he jumps to conclusions too quickly and worries he doesn’t think his policies through.

And yet: “He’s my only option to beat the Democrats,” Flinn said. “And he’s a very smart man who will surround himself with very smart people. Besides, I feel Hillary is so morally and ethically challenged, and I don’t trust her at all.”

She doesn't count. I'm sure she always votes, and always votes Republican.

Likewise, I don't count. I always vote, and I always vote Dem.

This election is going to be decided by the true swing voters who vote both ways, and people who historically haven't even voted. They are the ones to be concerned about.

And they are going to vote for Hillary by a very solid majority.


I'm just grabbing what I can off of the Nevada Democratic Convention Twitter feed. Besides, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it rather than just go hurr durr Bernie Bros.

Ok, so "approximately half the room" — meaning less than 50%, since there were more Hillary delegates — wanted to change the rules, were rejected democratically, insisted on a vote, were super loud, and cried when their volume didn't entitle them to win. They are who we thought they were—these are the same tactics dead-ender Ron Paul supporters used. And it makes the overwhelming number of sane Bernie supporters look bad, including his campaign surrogates, who are now struggling to tame the beast they fed with unending declarations of rigging and establishment.

Also, people need to stop with the screenshots of iOS notes. At least when posting from a PS3 it's plain text.

And Hillary is not going to win Oregon and this is going to drag on for another month.


And it's probably better not to get outraged that your side couldn't exploit bullshit caucus rules to override the will of the people anyway.


"GODDAMNIT we couldn't rig the system against the people...for our Candidate for the People!"

I'm on #TeamSandersCanKickRocks these days.


Sounds like y'all got rekt and that's great.

This is the level of conversation. Goddamn.

Ok, so "approximately half the room" — meaning less than 50%, since there were more Hillary delegates — wanted to change the rules, were rejected democratically, insisted on a vote, were super loud, and cried when their volume didn't entitle them to win. They are who we thought they were—these are the same tactics dead-ender Ron Paul supporters used. And it makes the overwhelming number of sane Bernie supporters look bad, including his campaign surrogates, who are now struggling to tame the beast they fed with unending declarations of rigging and establishment.

Also, people need to stop with the screenshots of iOS notes. At least when posting from a PS3 it's plain text.

And Hillary is not going to win Oregon and this is going to drag on for another month.

Knock yourself out.


You want to change the temporary rules, 2/3rds vote. They didn't have it. Can't do that.


What's there to talk about? You got owned for the good of American Democracy and now you're mad. Not much to discuss there.

I think it's funny to be honest.

Nobody got owned, rules were broken, and no matter what you say it won't upset me.

You can keep trying if it pleases you.


Forgive me if I don't believe a shitty iOS notes screenshot with someone typing 2 instead of to.

Id question if they were even old enough to vote, certainly reinforces the children throwing a temper tantrum aspect


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Forgive me if I don't believe a shitty iOS notes screenshot with someone typing 2 instead of to.

Id question if they were even old enough to vote, certainly reinforces the children throwing a temper tantrum aspect

Did you click on the twitter link? Look who posted it...
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