Snowman Prophet of Doom
I do feel bad for Paul Ryan, though. Champion of the poor. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I hate Ryan's Randian bullshit, but I respected that he seemed to take the 2012 post mortem to heart and reached out to minorities, repudiated some of his earlier BS about people not being personally responsible, and took on the most thankless job in politics (possibly at the expense of his own political ambitions) in order to try and create some unity in his fracturing party.
And then he pissed ALL of it away by getting on the Trump train because he foolishly thinks he can control probably the most volatile and unhinged candidate in U.S. history.
Edit: Also, while I respect that Cruz didn't endorse Trump, I still consider Trump the better option between the two of them, because with Trump, you can at least say that he's a liar and might just be taking Repubs for a ride on some of his craziness, whereas Cruz was definitely very passionate about being a libertarian theocrat.