Are you guysweaving meta narrative poetrywish-casting again?
I assumed they're taking a recess or something.What's this April 15 deadline for reconciliation people in here keep speaking of? I've been looking for articles to no avail.
<3 Gail CollinsThere are three basic variations. Reasonable Chatting Trump is pleasant but useless. Unscripted Trump is pretty close to nuts. And then theres the Somewhat Normal Republican Trump, who we enjoy calling SNORT.
But I did..I actually figured that Flynn was testifying weeks ago, when it became clear that:
* He committed a clear felony by lying to the FBI
* The FBI said they won't press charges
* Despite that, he is still in DC and retained a lawyer
Math checks out. I actually thought I made a post about this in the last thread but I can't find it so can't prove I knew it all along![]()
I believe you and I agree.I actually figured that Flynn was testifying weeks ago, when it became clear that:
* He committed a clear felony by lying to the FBI
* The FBI said they won't press charges
* Despite that, he is still in DC and retained a lawyer
Math checks out. I actually thought I made a post about this in the last thread but I can't find it so can't prove I knew it all along![]()
I believe you and I agree.
I just think it's funny how this thread vasilates between "never source twitter" to "OMG guise look what Twitter says"
I suppose it would be help if I kept track of who did which but I am lazy and would rather just ascribe both to everyone in general.
I mean usually not same peopleeeeeeI believe you and I agree.
I just think it's funny how this thread vasilates between "never source twitter" to "OMG guise look what Twitter says"
I suppose it would be help if I kept track of who did which but I am lazy and would rather just ascribe both to everyone in general.
Isn't that the deadline for Congress to pass a budget resolution? And then two months are allotted for reconciliation.What's this April 15 deadline for reconciliation people in here keep speaking of? I've been looking for articles to no avail.
But I did..![]()
You never source "Twitter."I believe you and I agree.
I just think it's funny how this thread vasilates between "never source twitter" to "OMG guise look what Twitter says"
I suppose it would be help if I kept track of who did which but I am lazy and would rather just ascribe both to everyone in general.
Listen..I can't believe you're Steve Jobsing me on this
A study by the Dallas Federal Reserve published in 2014, Middle-Skill Jobs Lost in U.S. Labor Market Polarization, found that:
While women were hit much harder than men by the disappearance of middle-skill jobs, the majority of women managed to upgrade their skills and find better-paying jobs. By comparison, more than half of men who lost middle-skill jobs had to settle for lower-paying occupations.
From 1979 to 2007, seven percent of men and 16 percent of women with middle-skill jobs lost their positions, according to the Dallas Fed study. Four percent of these men moved to low-skill work, and 3 percent moved to high-skill jobs. Almost all the women, 15 percent, moved into high-skill jobs, with only 1 percent moving to low-skill work.
Employment rates of young women are nearly invariant to family marital status, while the employment rates of young adult men from non-married families are eight to ten percentage points below those from married families at all income levels.
In a 2015 paper, The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market, Deming writes:
High-paying, difficult-to-automate jobs increasingly require social skills. Nearly all job growth since 1980 has been in occupations that are relatively social skill-intensive. Jobs that require high levels of analytical and mathematical reasoning but low levels of social interaction have fared especially poorly.
What this means, according to Deming, is that
the economy-wide shift toward social skill-intensive occupations has occurred disproportionately among women rather than men. This is consistent with a large literature showing sex differences in social perceptiveness and the ability to work with others.
What does all this suggest?
First, there are irreversible changes in the workplace, particularly the rise of jobs requiring social skills (even STEM jobs) that will continue to make it hard for men who lack those skills.
Second, male children suffer more from restricted or nonexistent parental leave policies and contemporary child care arrangements, as well as from growing up in single-parent households.
It's basically like Wikipedia in academic citation: you never cite Wikipedia, but you can (and will) use people who's texts appear on Wikipedia as a source.You never source "Twitter."
You can, however, source credible people who use Twitter.
There's a difference.
Eru makes EldarThe Increasing Significance of the Decline of Men
Catching up on reading, so this is kind of old and may have been posted.
(Edsall's columns are more just study aggregator pieces, but they're interesting nonetheless)
What's this April 15 deadline for reconciliation people in here keep speaking of? I've been looking for articles to no avail.
Manafort is more fucked than flynn. He's hired a crisis management firm to speak for him. I'm sure his public testification call was their attorneys' idea.I actually figured that Flynn was testifying weeks ago, when it became clear that:
* He committed a clear felony by lying to the FBI
* The FBI said they won't press charges
* Despite that, he is still in DC and retained a lawyer
Math checks out. I actually thought I made a post about this in the last thread but I can't find it so can't prove I knew it all along![]()
Nunes was at the January 18th, 2017 meeting with Flynn and Turkish officials. The September 19th, 2016 one is the one that Woolsey walked into and says they were talking about shady ways of delivering Gulen to Turkey.Been gone all day and just got back--so Flynn looks like he might be talking to FBI, and Nunes was confirmed at that meeting with him and the Turkish group?
Amazing how this board instantly called that the moment he freaked out on TV. Would make perfect sense why he ran straight to the president.
Protesters in Philly today shut down a Trump rally that included Neo-Nazis
Aw, such a shame if this slightly older fellow high school alum who allegedly sexually assaulted one of my classmates gets a demotion.
Significant? Probably not.
Evidence of collusion between Trump Campaign and the Weak Nuclear force?
Yeah but it's pretty good chance that Gulen's "extradition" is what made them chummy. The turkish government was singing praises of Trump administration after that.Nunes was at the January 18th, 2017 meeting with Flynn and Turkish officials. The September 19th, 2016 one is the one that Woolsey walked into and says they were talking about shady ways of delivering Gulen to Turkey.
Certainly. Just trying to promote caution rather than some of the rampant conclusions people have been jumping to this week. There are plenty of good questions getting raised as the picture gets filled in more and more on how all of these players were involved in various parts of the campaign and now the investigations.Yeah but it's pretty good chance that Gulen's "extradition" is what made them chummy. The turkish government was singing praises of Trump administration after that.
Cross posting this from the Healthcare Thread, but earlier today Trump told people to watch Judge Jeanine's show on Fox tonight and it looks like there was a reason for that. On her show tonight she called out Paul Ryan and said he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
It's amazing watching her completely blame Paul Ryan for the bill failing and making it sound as if Trump is the poor innocent guy who got screwed because the bill he personally championed wasn't actually his bill it was Paul Ryan's and Ryan sucks and something something something.
Cross posting this from the Healthcare Thread, but earlier today Trump told people to watch Judge Jeanine's show on Fox tonight and it looks like there was a reason for that. On her show tonight she called out Paul Ryan and said he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
It's amazing watching her completely blame Paul Ryan for the bill failing and making it sound as if Trump is the poor innocent guy who got screwed because the bill he personally championed wasn't actually his bill it was Paul Ryan's and Ryan sucks and something something something.
How is it legal for a President to endorse products/shows using his position? Is that not a violation of almost every ethics law?
How is it legal for a President to endorse products/shows using his position? Is that not a violation of almost every ethics law?
Significant? Probably not.
Evidence of collusion between Trump Campaign and the Weak Nuclear force?
It is a violation of ethics rules.
Oh wonderful. Let me guess, "When the President does it it's not illegal"?
Oh wonderful. Let me guess, "When the President does it it's not illegal"?
I am pretty sure those ethics rules don't apply to the President, just the rest of the White House.
I am pretty sure those ethics rules don't apply to the President, just the rest of the White House.
He breaks far more important ethics rules every time he goes down to Mar-a-lago and rubs shoulders with members who pay $200,000 for entry. Normally that'd be more than enough to impeach, but the GOP will never move on it.
Hmm.. Acosta has him leaving the WH altogether
Boris Epshteyn, a special assistant to president leading White House surrogate operations, is expected to leave WH, I'm told.
Sources saying Preibus may be getting the boot. That would be hilarious.
I actually figured that Flynn was testifying weeks ago, when it became clear that:
* He committed a clear felony by lying to the FBI
* The FBI said they won't press charges
* Despite that, he is still in DC and retained a lawyer
Math checks out. I actually thought I made a post about this in the last thread but I can't find it so can't prove I knew it all along![]()
You sold yourself as the businessman who could shake things up and make Washington work again. Instead, you got worked over by the Republican leadership and the business community, who set you up to do their bidding.
Thats why theyre putting up with all your craziness about Russia and wiretapping and unending lies and rattling our allies.
Theyre counting on you being a delusional dupe who didnt even know what was in the bill because youre sitting around in a bathrobe getting your information from wackadoodles on Fox News and then, as The Post reported, peppering aides with the query, Is this really a good bill?
You got played.
It took W. years to smash everything. Youre way ahead of schedule.
And I can say youre doing badly, because Im a columnist, and youre not. Say hello to everybody, O.K.?
Sincerely, Maureen