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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I was hoping to do just that during the 2018 primaries. People seem kind of bummed about the idea though.

I really don't know what the right answer here is. A 50 state strategy (or really any good strategy) in America in the modern age is going to require running candidates who...keep quiet about certain issues, that much is sure, at least on the campaign trail. Manchin crosses the line over into support for active harm enough that I'm not going to cry if he gets the boot, but he also hasn't, to my knowledge, been the deciding vote in anything shitty yet and is one more vote to count on on certain issues so

I mean I guess the best solution is to run a pretty conservative dem that wouldn't cross the line to vote for fucking Sessions, but I don't know what else is the limit. I'm fine with supporting Gorsuch as long as there isn't enough people to actually break the filibuster. If you could find someone more like Heiitkamp to run in WV and have a shot I would say go for it. It's not like we are winning back the senate in 2018 anyway.
I was hoping to do just that during the 2018 primaries. People seem kind of bummed about the idea though.
I mean if WV Democrats feel it's best to run a more progressive/less racist candidate against Joe Manchin, be my guest. If I lived in WV I'd probably be pretty jazzed by the prospect.

The calculation they'll always make however is would such a candidate be able to win a general there, and the answer is most likely no.


The answer to "what is the number of people who's marginal vote in their state/local/national election (who aren't in WV) is based on Manchin's presence in the Democratic party" is almost certainly zero.

The Senate Caucus as a whole, if we get control, will be much further to the left than it was in '08. Manchin will likely not be the marginal 51st vote, but you want him as an insurance policy just in case.
I mean if WV Democrats feel it's best to run a more progressive/less racist candidate against Joe Manchin, be my guest. If I lived in WV I'd probably be pretty jazzed by the prospect.

The calculation they'll always make however is would such a candidate be able to win a general there, and the answer is most likely no.
I swear I saw somewhere that the WV Democratic Party actually did have some interest in doing so but I can't seem to find it. I did find this gem though.

Manchin asked one activist if he’d backed Sanders for president in 2016. When the activist said that he had supported the Vermont independent — in a Democratic primary that Sanders won solidly — Manchin responded that Sanders “isn’t even a Democrat.”


I read that as a positive- he's got loyalty to the Dems. He could have flipped a long time, but didn't, and if you need him for a 51st vote, it's unlikely that he'll screw you.

All the votes he's "bailed" on? We didn't need him. We have no power right now. Manchin being the blue doggiest of blue dogs in ceremonial votes is good for his re-election chances. He kept ranks and voted against DeVos and forced the tie.



This post was slept on in this thread today, and it seems the supposed Comey account changed to private and sent out its first tweet. Here's the content for those who don't have Twitter.


with a link to the FBI's job listing site lol


In what world is a minority in NV not going to vote Democrat because 1 of 48 Senators is kinda racist??

How many people who be interested enough in politics (aka the kind of people who show up to vote regardless!) to even know who the fuck Joe Manchin is would sit out because of that??
Because it's a waste of time.
Manchin is about as liberal a Democratic Senator as you are going to get from WV.
If you damage him during that primary it's bad for the general.
If you somehow get someone to beat him, it's also likely bad for the general if they're too liberal.

The alternative is an R Senator.

Manchin has more utility than that alternative.
Joe Manchin is a white supremacist?

50 state strategy doesn't really work unless you're willing to be flexible with your idea of what a Dem is. Unless you think Kamala Harris could move to Utah and win there.
50 state strategy doesn't really work unless you're willing to be flexible with your idea of what a Dem is. Unless you think Kamala Harris could move to Utah and win there.
This argument only works if you think the 50 state strategy is something worth pursuing. I'm on the record for saying it's a waste of time and resources!
Joe Manchin is a white supremacist?

50 state strategy doesn't really work unless you're willing to be flexible with your idea of what a Dem is. Unless you think Kamala Harris could move to Utah and win there.

Joe Manchin is a white supremacist, yes.

But you have to have white supremacists to do a 50 state strategy, yes.


50 state strategy doesn't really work unless you're willing to be flexible with your idea of what a Dem is. Unless you think Kamala Harris could move to Utah and win there.

If the definition of "50 state strategy" is "sometimes we're gonna run white supremacists so get on board" then I guess we shouldn't do it.
If the definition of "50 state strategy" is "sometimes we're gonna run white supremacists so get on board" then I guess we shouldn't do it.

I still haven't seen anything that leads me to believe Manchin is a white supremacist given the strict definition of that term. Secondly, operating under the assumption that Joe Manchin is not a white supremacist, which seems fairly reasonable at this time, you know exactly what I fucking meant.
I still haven't seen anything that leads me to believe Manchin is a white supremacist given the strict definition of that term. Secondly, operating under the assumption that Joe Manchin is not a white supremacist, which seems fairly reasonable at this time, you know exactly what I fucking meant.

The logic is that he was okay voting to confirm an AG that had some questionable sorta white supremacist-y views, so he's complicit in helping the cause. I think it's a stretch, because as far as I know Sessions was going to pass anyway. The vote was 52-47. Would it have mattered if Manchin votes Nay to make it 51-48? Sessions still becomes AG.


will gain confidence one day
You definitely can't run the exact same candidate in each state. People are invested in descriptive representation and the states all have different images of themselves in mind.

But, as a political party, the Dems should still want some basic consistency and minimum standards. Zero-sum rationalists may not be moved by that, but I think things like not-being-racist are ideological necessities, whose absence would hurt the party's credibility.

You know, I don't think you guys always argue with each other in good faith, honestly.
Blacks as a demographic tend to be conservative. You don't have to run a progressive to appeal to us.

Just don't run a racist.
I think black people themselves may tend to be conservative (religious and anti gay) but none are gonna ever vote against progressivism or have an issue with it. We also tend to be very pro choice considering how religious the demographic is.

I think if Manchin starts saying overtly racist shit in the media that makes national news and casts further doubt among POC with the democratic party then he can and should be dashed to the side. I don't necessarily care about his outcome next year but it would be somewhat unproductive to primary him.


I still haven't seen anything that leads me to believe Manchin is a white supremacist given the strict definition of that term.

I mean, I feel like this is the same game that Valheim wanted to play last week about controlling definitions. The reasons I oppose Manchin are pretty clear in the thread, I think -- he voted for and endorsed Sessions, and Sessions is a white supremacist. It doesn't really matter to me whether you think that makes him a white supremacist or not. I think he's pretty obviously supporting white supremacy.

The logic is that he was okay voting to confirm an AG that had some questionable sorta white supremacist-y views, so he's complicit in helping the cause.


This is a pretty amazing post. Maybe I should just go back to yelling about how white progressives love to normalize white supremacy!
And a whole bunch of GOP Senators voted for Crooked Hillary.

Manchin made an entirely inconsequential vote for Sessions. Who actually got a surprisingly low number of crossover votes for a sitting Senator.

He is still the best you're going to get from West Virginia. And better than the alternative.

This is a pretty amazing post. Maybe I should just go back to yelling about how white progressives love to normalize white supremacy!

Did I ever say I was okay with these things? Absolutely not. But I didn't pay too much attention to Sessions confirmation so I don't know what compelled Manchin to vote for him, but it was a clean split otherwise, so maybe Sessions polled well with people in his state and he wanted to shore up his chances for 2018. Do I think voting to confirm Jeff Sessions was a good idea? No, fuck that racist piece of shit. Do I think voting to confirm Jeff Sessions when he's clearly got enough votes already makes Manchin a white supremacist? No. He may be an idiot, but he's still a Democrat in a deep red state so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Do I have to do everything around here?
Today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” West Virginia’s junior Democratic Senator Joe Manchin praised deceased Klan leader and long-time Democratic Senator Robert Byrd. “We looked up to Robert C. Byrd for fifty years,” Manchin said. “What he was able to accomplish and the people who basically depended on him in West Virginia,” Manchin added.

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today released the following statement on the five-year anniversary of Senator Robert C. Byrd’s death.

“It is hard to believe it has been five years since we lost our beloved statesman, Senator Robert C. Byrd. Throughout his life of service, he was a force in the United States Senate, a champion of our Constitution and a proud West Virginian, who devoted himself to his family, his state and his country. His contributions and dedication to our state and nation are truly unparalleled, and his influence stretched far beyond the Capitol building and the mountains of West Virginia. Although his shoes can never be filled, it has given me great honor to follow in his footsteps in the United States Senate. We miss him dearly, and today, may we all honor the legacy of Robert C. Byrd and reflect on his extraordinary life and memory.”

Okay, maybe fuck Joe Manchin a little bit. But Byrd was kind of a monolith in the Senate. One does not spend 51 years in the Senate without being pretty beloved by their constituents. I think him being a former KKK member definitely makes him quite shitty, but I imagine he's probably quite beloved in West Virginia, and there's no way Manchin wins if he goes up there and says "Robert Byrd? More like Shit Byrd am I right?"
Benji is being benji. Byrd is the rare example of someone who spent much of his adult life trying to atone for his mistake.

I mean, he did say this in 2001:

They're [race relations] much, much better than they've ever been in my life-time ... I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us ... I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat of an illusion. I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much.

But then again there is also this in the section on Race in his Wikipedia page:

For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) rated Byrd's voting record as being 100% in line with the N.A.A.C.P.'s position on the thirty-three Senate bills they evaluated. Sixteen other senators received that rating. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10,000,000 in federal funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that, "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently." Upon news of his death, the NAACP released a statement praising Byrd, saying that he "became a champion for civil rights and liberties" and "came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda".
Come on, this isn't hard. Even a Manchin who might vote with Democrats half the time is better than literally any R who is going to do so almost 0% of the time. He doesn't even break on that that many things. Part of being a proper Big Tent Party means bringing people in that aren't necessarily in line with your beliefs and your full agenda, and any D > any R to take up a seat in Congress.

"Purity tests" are also extremely contrary to the Big Tent philosophy and would ruin any chance at a modern 50-state strategy, so this needs to be kept out of control. It's okay for someone qualified to mount a challenge in a primary, but to primary just because you're angry about a few specific things while someone is in line with the party 90%++ of the time is silly. Republicans are fucked in the House right now because their candidate vetting in 2010 specifically was just awful. They were wiling to take any warm body that hated Obama, and, ironically, those most fervent are now part of the reason why Obama's legacy will remain more intact. Imagine if Democrats had any split like that during some House control in the future. We'd all sit here screaming at one another all day. ...Erm, well, more than usual.


I think Pigeons point is that there is a difference between being a big tent party that disagrees on policy issues, and being a big tent party that accepts white supremacists in order to gain power.

Manchin voted for Sessions, which I do think should be a red line for democrats. He also meets with Breitbart regularly.

At what point is something not just a policy issue, but a moral and principles issue? If the party won't even reject white supremacy for losing votes, what's the point of the party?

Obviously as a white british gay guy I'm not able to really understand the experiences of black men in the USA, but as an equivalent would we be okay with supporting left wing politicians who say homosexuality should be illegal, if doing so got us a senate seat in Alabama?


Morning Joe: "Both sides guys"
His entire panel: "Eh....not really"

Discussion is Russian Hacking and Wiretapping Claims of Trump

Joe is back on the Trump payroll. Couldn't fucking believe what I was hearing with his shit earlier, the dude has absolutely no spine and no principles whatsoever.


I think Pigeons point is that there is a difference between being a big tent party that disagrees on policy issues, and being a big tent party that accepts white supremacists in order to gain power.

Manchin voted for Sessions, which I do think should be a red line for democrats. He also meets with Breitbart regularly.

At what point is something not just a policy issue, but a moral and principles issue? If the party won't even reject white supremacy for losing votes, what's the point of the party?

Obviously as a white british gay guy I'm not able to really understand the experiences of black men in the USA, but as an equivalent would we be okay with supporting left wing politicians who say homosexuality should be illegal, if doing so got us a senate seat in Alabama?
Really the main question to be asked at this point if that's going to be everyone's red line for WV is whether or not his constituency has a problem with Jeff sessions to begin with.
This post was slept on in this thread today, and it seems the supposed Comey account changed to private and sent out its first tweet. Here's the content for those who don't have Twitter.


with a link to the FBI's job listing site lol
Maybe Comey ain't that bad after all.

At least the guy has a sense of humor
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 11m11 minutes ago
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!



Was I dreaming or did I really read last night that Steele is telling people to start kissing Pence's ass because Trump is eventually going to step down?
Was I dreaming or did I really read last night that Steele is telling people to start kissing Pence's ass because Trump is eventually going to step down?

Michael Steele, former head of the RNC, was reported to tell some people this

Not Christopher Steele if that's who you were thinking
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