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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Cohn is not long for this world. The true believers already wanted him out

oddly, his name has come up as a priebus replacement though
Except for when they kinda did that by gutting the Medicaid expansion

You can't coerce states like that and make a threat that existing Medicaid funds are at risk. What would be the issue under a Medicare for all scheme or another form of universal health care?

The pragmatic Democrats don't really have anyone to blame but themselves. They wanted to preserve the existing system and that decision carried legal and political consequences that they should've thought harder about before passing legislation. Now their base is trying to put Medicare for all back on the table so what was the point of all the Ls they've taken from 2010 until now...


Was talking politics with an uncle (wealthy real estate guy) and he basically made an off hand comment positing that Soros was worse for the Jews than hitler. Wasn't really the topic of discussion and I guess I'm out of the loop on the newest Soros conspiracies so I didn't know what to say. Anybody have any idea where that shit came from?
According to Alex Jones and the like, Soros and the ((((globalists)))) are part of a sooper-sekrit nWo cabal that are hellbent on......controlling things? Faking protests?

It's all pretty vague now that I think about it.


I mean yeah, but I'm wondering where they get this stuff. Seemed more nutty than the typical Soros stuff.

The theory is that Soros is responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism because he's actually an evil Jew conspirator. If the evil Jew conspirators would just quit it then the Jews wouldn't be in danger, but since they keep conspiring we'll have to purge them all.


The funny thing is that Trump cutting off transportation funding to rural areas is exactly what you'd do as a heartless Ozymandias-type liberal who wanted to accelerate the economic distress in those areas and reduce their political and institutional power further.


Unconfirmed Member
The theory is that Soros is responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism because he's actually an evil Jew conspirator. If the evil Jew conspirators would just quit it then the Jews wouldn't be in danger, but since they keep conspiring we'll have to purge them all.
That's a strangely parallel argument to "this is why people vote trump". It's almost as if... as if they would still believe those things regardless of what other people do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


HHGregg closing all stores. Payless closing stores.

This Obama recession is brutal.

I called the HHGregg imploding the second I went in one. Here in Florida they just sprang up everywhere over night so I went in one to see what the big deal was. And I left thinking it was like a really shitty Best Buy.


The only thing dumber than seeing rich conservative talking heads keep going on and on about how Dems need to reach out to "Real America" is rich liberal talking heads go on about how Dems need to reach out to "Real America".


I called the HHGregg imploding the second I went in one. Here in Florida they just sprang up everywhere over night so I went in one to see what the big deal was. And I left thinking it was like a really shitty Best Buy.
I was working at Best Buy (seasonal work) when HH Gregg opened. They were really worried about the competition at the time.

Seeing one during a closing sale, I really wonder why they were so panicked. It was all the high-priced stuff at a Best Buy + furniture - literally everything else.


I saw loads of military on facebook praising the syria tomahawk attacks. Even the Dem, anti-Trump ones were saying it's his first good action.

It's not a bad idea, it's just not a very good one either. It's another one of those "Trump praised for putting on pants correctly" things.


So Democrats very likely won't win the KS-04 special election. But a close margin bodes well for the open governor's race in 2018, and Yoder in KS-03 should be very, very worried. Maybe a freak miracle can happen in KS-02 too.
Like I've said before in a few threads,if the Cohn/Kushner/Ivanka wing of the White House pushes out the Bannon/Miller crazies, I'm all for it.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about them either but I'd rather have some rich dudes lining their pockets than fucking Bannon trying to start a race war.
Man, I need to stop reading poligaf. I was just looking at the wikipedia page for KS 04 special election and misread Chris Rockhold as Chris Cuckold in the polls section.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, I need to stop reading poligaf. I was just looking at the wikipedia page for KS 04 special election and misread Chris Rockhold as Chris Cuckold in the polls section.
I was at dinner last night with some friends, it was loud
Friend: "I hate that guy he's such a *innaudible*"
Me reading lips: "did you say he's a... cuck?"
Friend: "what? No! I said cunt!"
Me: "...oh thank god"

*I get embarassed, and briefly consider what I did wrong in life to get here*


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
WaPo: Kushner, Bannon sit down to work out differences on Trump’s orders
Annoyed that palace intrigue stories dominated the headlines late this week, President Trump ordered two of his top advisers, Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, to work out their differences, according to two senior White House officials.

The two met Friday afternoon after Chinese President Xi Jinping left Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida, in a nearly one-hour meeting arranged by White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

According to one of the officials, the meeting ended amicably, with both men agreeing to work together to advance Trump's agenda.
As the drama spilled out into the open and onto newspaper front pages, Trump — a devotee of hard-copy newspapers — was irritated to find the dispute dominating the news cycle while his order authorizing a missile strike in Syria and three meetings with world leaders faded into the background, according to one senior official.

“His view is, 'I don’t like seeing this stuff boil over into the news,' " the official said.

And Medicaid expansion was only healthcare for poor people.

I don't see how Medicare For All would get struck down anyway. It's not like it'll be banning private insurance. Medicare has lasted half a century without being struck down.
I think the most recent text of drafts of such bills do ban private insurance (that replicates what Medicare would provide).

Cohn is not long for this world. The true believers already wanted him out

oddly, his name has come up as a priebus replacement though

This is like the opposite of what's happening. When's the last time Peter Navarro has chimed in about China wanting to destroy the US?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The problem being, of course, that Trump himself has no ideological agenda outside of his own celebrity, so the factions will keep fighting to define it regardless of what niceties they try to portray outwardly.
Yup. He has no direction go give, so everyone will keep fighting.

If only.

It's not even that simple, he likes it when his underlings are going at each other, he thinks it makes them better. He just wants them to make him look good while they do it.
Yeah, the key phrasing is that he didn't like it making the news. But like, good luck with that, and hasn't it been making the news for 3 months? You foster internal competition like that, it will naturally extend beyond the White House.
So Democrats very likely won't win the KS-04 special election. But a close margin bodes well for the open governor's race in 2018, and Yoder in KS-03 should be very, very worried. Maybe a freak miracle can happen in KS-02 too.

It's worth noting that one of the first signs of trouble for Republicans during the Bush administration was a surprisingly close race in a 2005 special election for a seat in a strongly Republican district. While the GOP candidate ultimately prevailed, it showed how the national mood was shifting.


No Scrubs
Yeah, the key phrasing is that he didn't like it making the news. But like, good luck with that, and hasn't it been making the news for 3 months? You foster internal competition like that, it will naturally extend beyond the White House.

Trump still thinks he can run this like he did his business. He doesn't understand why it's news now when it wasn't news before. The chaos of his term so far isn't being driven by Bannon, Kushner, Preibus, Cohn, or even Ryan. It's all driven by Trump himself pitting everyone against each other. It doesn't matter if the billionaires push out the Nazis, so long as he's in office the chaos will continue.


Trump still thinks he can run this like he did his business. He doesn't understand why it's news now when it wasn't news before. The chaos of his term so far isn't being driven by Bannon, Kushner, Preibus, Cohn, or even Ryan. It's all driven by Trump himself pitting everyone against each other. It doesn't matter if the billionaires push out the Nazis, so long as he's in office the chaos will continue.

The billionaires will have less outrageous policies designed to deliberately goad people, though. More crap like AHCA and fewer midnight Muslim bans.


No Scrubs
The billionaires will have less outrageous policies designed to deliberately goad people, though. More crap like AHCA and fewer midnight Muslim bans.

Don't forget that Trump himself is deeply racist. The Muslim ban was just as much him as it was Bannon. Getting rid of the Nazis won't make Trump be less racist when it comes to policy.


It's worth noting that one of the first signs of trouble for Republicans during the Bush administration was a surprisingly close race in a 2005 special election for a seat in a strongly Republican district. While the GOP candidate ultimately prevailed, it showed how the national mood was shifting.
OH-02, yes. But GA-06 is more analogous to that one.

Schmidt actually won all her primaries and general elections so closely, save for 2010 because everyone was voting for anything with an R that year. She lost her primary in 2012.
It's worth noting that one of the first signs of trouble for Republicans during the Bush administration was a surprisingly close race in a 2005 special election for a seat in a strongly Republican district. While the GOP candidate ultimately prevailed, it showed how the national mood was shifting.
The circumstances by which Trump got elected (popular vote loss) are very similar to what got Bush elected, but if 9/11 had never happened Bush could have very easily been a one-termer. His party even lost House seats in 2004 when not taking into account that Texas had gerrymandered itself mid-decade, further exemplifying how dumb the "mandate" talk was.

Would be interesting to see Bush's disastrous second term play out under Trump's first - and only - term. And hopefully there won't even be a dipshit chorus of "Trump kept us safe!" following a major terrorist attack, but frankly I doubt Trump could seize the moment anyway. He'd give a few "serious president" words and then say something dumb about how great it is for Mar-A-Lago.
Now that Trump knows that bombing places means the media will love him. I would be very worried what would happen in case of an attack on US soil.

People are eating it up. Such a fucking joke considering in 2013 when the same situation happened and Obama asked Congress for approval he was suddenly a warmonger, but Trump bypasses Congress, does it any way, and somehow he's finally Presidential. The media should be ashamed of themselves for their reaction to this story...


Trump's Gallup #s were stagnant post attack so idk if the nation is really following the pundit circle jerk.

Possibly they realise the disconnect between what Trump said during his campaign about Syria, what he's said consistently about refugees, and what he's just done. There's no consistency, and there's no reasoning. Trump hasn't sold anyone on the idea of airstrikes (or increased military action) in Syria, so the polled public are just *shrug emoji*.

That's also the takeaway from some of the media - "White House struggles to show how airstrike in Syria fits broader policy" is the headline on the front page of the WaPo website, which leads to an article with the headline "Continued bombing by Assad shows limits of single U.S. attack".

Upshot of this is that what could have been (what we feared) with Trump going into a war with Syria (and Russia) because wars poll well has been strangled somewhat. If his poll numbers don't shift after these airstrikes (which looked good but were entirely ineffectual), then there won't be an obvious reason to do more, like boots on the ground (which would poll worse, at least in the short-term).
Upshot of this is that what could have been (what we feared) with Trump going into a war with Syria (and Russia) because wars poll well has been strangled somewhat. If his poll numbers don't shift after these airstrikes (which looked good but were entirely ineffectual), then there won't be an obvious reason to do more, like boots on the ground (which would poll worse, at least in the short-term).

I think people are finally tired of wars in the middle east. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya, Syria--people are just tired of it. Republicans are trying to keep the war machine going but I think by and large the people who voted for Trump did believe the "focus on America" policies he espoused at the time, because they don't want us spending hundreds of billions each year to blow up and rebuild other countries. We may finally have some years of a President that can't bank on drumming up war to build support. I'm sure Trump is just praying a terrorist attack occurs so he has justification and maybe gets a Bush style numbers bump.
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