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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This administration + Brexit completely debunks realism (IR) for me.

The quote escapes me now, but there was an elder British statesman who said they only came up with realism as a way for the newly emerging American superpower to understand the basic concepts of IR - he didn't expect them to take the damn thing seriously!
Bumps take time to measure. The Sunday shows will be full of Trump fellatio and that will also help.

The strike reinforces the characteristics about Trump that people liked in election, mostly being decisive and bold. Whether right or wrong it will help him.

And prepare for more of it if the bump sustains.


I'm curious to see the breakdown and judge whether the strike really just didn't move numbers or whether the composition of supporters changed.
I don't think Gallup has updated past the 7th? And that would only include the morning following the attack, at most. Might just be the 6th.

Their site is a nightmare though.


They're running ads against Claire McCaskill in Missouri about Gorsuch targeting Trump supporters.

I wish liberals could be as fired up for the Supreme Court
The strike scared the bejeesus out of his supporters because they thought he was going to isolate the US from conflict no matter what was going on in foreign countries.

They are not going to abandon Trump. Just by next day, it was back to oh this is a one time thing, it is posturing.

Also, Trump didn't just get elected by his alt right supporters.


I don't think McMaster is the Jared wing, I think he's his own thing and whatever he's doing he's quite good at it.

Of course, what makes a Jared wing funny in the Trump admin is that Jared represents the swamp.

Other stuff
The House and Senate have voted to repeal more than a dozen regulations approved in the final six months of Obama's presidency, among them:
  • The Interior Department's stream-protection rule, which prevented mountaintop removal coal operations from dumping the rubble into stream valleys.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission's oil anti-corruption rule, which requires energy companies to report payments made to foreign governments.
  • The broadband-privacy rule, put in place by the FCC which required Internet service providers to get their subscribers' permission before selling their data to third parties.
  • A rule regarding the Alaska National Wildlife Refuges, which, among other things, barred the hunting of bears in Alaska using aircraft.
In all, 11 regulations have been overturned using The Congressional Review Act, a heretofore obscure law passed by Congress in 1996. It allows lawmakers to overturn any regulation imposed during the final six months of the previous administration, with a simple majority vote in each chamber of Congress. It had only been used once previously, to overturn an ergonomics regulation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration that had been approved during the Clinton administration.
I wish I could be surprised. There's apparently a few more in the works.
barred the hunting of bears in Alaska using aircraft.
I uh was this a serious issue that needed to be taken care of at the time?

Oh wait I just realized it's like shooting out of a helicopter probably, not like flying a plane that shoots at the bear.
Jared is not some grand master moving the chess pieces. McMaster probably wants to kill himself everytime Jared is in the same room.

Also, here's a picturebook: Jared goes to Iraq!
This is Jared.


Jared's never been to war before. But his father-in-law, a very busy man, sent Jared to the war to see how it's going!


This is Joe. Joe is a Marine. Joe is the Marine in charge of all of America's wars.


One day in March, Joe was going to a really important meeting in the White House, where Jared works for his father-in-law.

Jared took the last seat at the meeting table. But he offered it to Joe! Now they are friends.


One day, Joe had a question for Jared. ”Would you like to see the war?" Joe asked.
”Golly, would I!" Jared said.
More at the link


McFarland is actually an old Trump friend, don't think that has a Bannon link. She just supposed to be a nutcase and didn't belong in the job.
Tillerson: Election Meddling Something 'Russia Needs To Confront Themselves'

"This is something that Russia needs to confront themselves and I think examine carefully as to how this is helping them achieve their longer-term objectives," Tillerson said on ABC's "This Week."

He said the U.S. will "continue to talk with" Russian officials "about how this undermines any hope of improving relations not just with the United States," but suggested self-reflection will be a stronger deterrent than external pressure.

Now that's some bold leadership there.


So between all this ridiculous "Trump will bomb more places and his approvals will skyrocket" talk I want to say I love Brawly's avatar and Zhane was the hottest Space Ranger.
Bumps take time to measure. The Sunday shows will be full of Trump fellatio and that will also help.

The strike reinforces the characteristics about Trump that people liked in election, mostly being decisive and bold. Whether right or wrong it will help him.

And prepare for more of it if the bump sustains.

Wow what if starts polling positively are we fucked for 2020 fuck fuck fuck wow fuck


They're running ads against Claire McCaskill in Missouri about Gorsuch targeting Trump supporters.

I wish liberals could be as fired up for the Supreme Court

I think ads like that only matter if McCaskill's vote had mattered. Voters forgot about the Supreme Court by November 2016, and the RSCC is thinking anybody's going to remember this fight by November 2018?

McCaskill's got the same problem she has in 2012, a likely Dem wave election impeded by her living in a state that's getting hickier over time.


His approval recently.

4/5: 41/53
4/6: 40/54
4/7: 40/54
4/8: 40/54

So far, no change.at all.

There could be some change in composition as Nazis feel betrayed and Neocons feel happy though.
I thought it would drop since he appeared to piss off a chunk of his base for attacking Syria.


Trump has a solid 40% of the country behind him no matter what, and they slink away in temporary embarrassment when he really bungles something. I don't know what he has to do to permanently get down into the 30s.
Trump has a solid 40% of the country behind him no matter what, and they slink away in temporary embarrassment when he really bungles something. I don't know what he has to do to permanently get down into the 30s.
Pass some of his legislative ideas probably

If the AHCA passed it would tank his numbers more probably.
Trump has a solid 40% of the country behind him no matter what, and they slink away in temporary embarrassment when he really bungles something. I don't know what he has to do to permanently get down into the 30s.

It's been two months, dude.

Going down 5 points in two months when you only started at 45 is bad.
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