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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Unconfirmed Member
Wait, I haven't seen any rumors about the legislative filibuster. I don't think I buy that. 61 senators just committed to keeping that.

John Dickerson mentioned it on the slate podcast last week as a thing he talked with republican representatives off the record, and Vox podcast has talked about the bind Republicans are in for relying on Obamacare repeal to make up deficit room for tax reform to meet budget reconciliation.


John Dickerson mentioned it on the slate podcast last week, and Vox podcast has talked about the bind Republicans are in for relying on Obamacare repeal to make up deficit room for tax reform to meet budget reconciliation.

Yeah they can't do tax reform effectively, but I think it's much more likely that they just give up than nuke the filibuster.

I guess we'll see. That strikes me, as balladofwindfish said, as a really dumb idea for the Republicans, since the Democrats are able to actually pass policies and people like those policies once they're passed. The Republicans have no agenda, so the filibuster is much more helpful to them.


Unconfirmed Member
I do not doubt people are pushing for it is all over the place in washington republican circles, and if McConnell does decide to do it, he'll have no problem getting the votes.


I could see him getting pressured into it on a comprehensive tax reform package, but nothing else. Anything the GOP would put out in terms of healthcare would be too electorally toxic.


No Scrubs
I could see him getting pressured into it on a comprehensive tax reform package, but nothing else. Anything the GOP would put out in terms of healthcare would be too electorally toxic.

There's not enough pressure in the world. Unless Ryan can purge the Freedom Caucus McConnell won't get rid of it, if only to protect their majority.
The rumors seem to say they're shifting to the assumption that the legislation filibuster is being nuked for it instead of bothering with Budget Reconciliation.

They are stuck in the corner after not having any deficit savings at all for Obamacare to use to meet Budget Reconciliation rules for defiicts from tax reform, and they certainly don't want to do something super unpopular yet again in order to force through the filibuster loophole.

The House is going in recess after today for two weeks unless they keep pushing back the deadline. The administration is looking to get Democratic support.
The House is going in recess after today for two weeks unless they keep pushing back the deadline. The administration is looking to get Democratic support.
Shit, if they were really serious about getting Democratic support, Republicans could have had Trump change his Supreme Court nominee to someone more palatable as an olive branch, but nope! Good luck getting any decent amount of Democratic support after that bullshit.
I could see him getting pressured into it on a comprehensive tax reform package, but nothing else. Anything the GOP would put out in terms of healthcare would be too electorally toxic.

There is literally no way to pressure Mitch McConnell. He's a safe win if there ever was one, and he'll be in the Senate long after any of these Reps or anyone in the current administration leaves their office. He could literally laugh in Trump's face if he wanted and release the footage of it on YouTube and still win re-election.


NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority invested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim that you are not a war hero if you get caught. I prefer people who don't get caught.

Year of our Lord, yada yada...
Seeing rumors that they're trying to vote on the AHCA again.

Good luck with a week left.
We're going to get stories like this every week until Nov 2018, just so everyone's aware.

And if Democrats win Congress, there will probably be a last-minute rush to pass it before they take over, but then it's the Senators up in 2020 who will have to take that bet. And the 2020 map is far more favorable for Democrats than the 2018 one. Good luck getting Gardner and Collins on board.
I'm all for them reviving the AHCA every week and then killing it when they realize they still don't have the votes. Just keep doing that right up until the midterms.
SCOTUS is pretty damn important not only as a last line of defense against what we'll see this administration end up doing, but when Dems win big someday they need a left leaning SCOTUS to back them.

Kind of hard to do something massive like Medicare for all or something more practical like sensible voting rights or a reversal of citizens united with a 7-2 or 6-3 conservative court someday.

A lot of legislation that Democrats have been pining for has gone through under a Supreme Court dominated by more conservative interpretations. Leading conservatives disagreed about the ACA for example propping up private insurance and the IRS penalty. However, I don't think any reasonable person made the argument going further with something like Medicare for all was unconstitutional. Democrats took that off the table themselves because they aren't too savvy. It would be easier to do massive things if Democrats stepped out of their own way. The Supreme Court probably will side with them if needed.
A lot of legislation that Democrats have been pining for has gone through under a Supreme Court dominated by more conservative interpretations. Leading conservatives disagreed about the ACA for example propping up private insurance and the IRS penalty. However, I don't think any reasonable person made the argument going further with something like Medicare for all was unconstitutional. Democrats took that off the table themselves because they aren't too savvy. It would be easier to do massive things if Democrats stepped out of their own way. The Supreme Court probably will side with them if needed.

Not to mention that if Democrats did theoretically pass "Medicare For All," they would be giving health insurance and care to millions of Americans.

A lawsuit isn't going to get to the Supreme Court overnight. It would take months, maybe even more than two years. NFIB vs. Sebelius was originally filed in 2010 and didn't get to the Supreme Court until 2012.

The Supreme Court would not take away health insurance and care from millions of Americans.


Not to mention that if Democrats did theoretically pass "Medicare For All," they would be giving health insurance and care to millions of Americans.

A lawsuit isn't going to get to the Supreme Court overnight. It would take months, maybe even more than two years. NFIB vs. Sebelius was originally filed in 2010 and didn't get to the Supreme Court until 2012.

The Supreme Court would not take away health insurance and care from millions of Americans.
Except for when they kinda did that by gutting the Medicaid expansion


Please just call for Ossoff. His election is now, the VA-D primary is months off. (I'd be banking for the other guy anyway!)
6/13/17. Ossoff's election date is 4/17/17. Hence my request. Marginal value of Ossoff calls right now is way higher.

Alternatively, Perriello could benefit from getting his name out earlier because his banal primary opponent already has the statewide name recognition.

Both of these things are important to me! And it's my time! So.


Alternatively, Perriello could benefit from getting his name out earlier because his banal primary opponent already has the statewide name recognition.

Both of these things are important to me! And it's my time! So.
I can't stop you! I can only say that I don't understand.
Let's not filibuster him though, let's keep our powder dry.

Really we should just vote unanimously for any Supreme Court nominee. That way, when a hypothetical worse comes along later, our show of good faith in voting for the earlier ones might help us convince a few Republicans to vote against and block the nominee,
or better yet, vote for that nominee unanimously in case an even worse one comes along later.
Second round for Ossoff is the one that probably matters more though unless you think he can get to half plus one in the first round so I don't see why it matters.
And Medicaid expansion was only healthcare for poor people.

I don't see how Medicare For All would get struck down anyway. It's not like it'll be banning private insurance. Medicare has lasted half a century without being struck down.
I was under the impression that there's a long-term project to get 10th amendment literalists on the court to roll back the commerce clause and gut the new deal/great society that way. Is Gorsuch one of those guys?


So with the HFC being in pretty much open rebellion, and assuming the GOP can't do their crazy budget shit, is it possible we'll see them threaten a government shutdown again next time we need to raise the debt ceiling? We've seen how ideological they are with AHCA, so they could fight against their own party over it
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