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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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On a serious-but-not-serious note...I wasn't a fan of the "stand back and let Trump/Republicans implode" strategy Dems adopted in during the election, and I'm not a fan of it now. Because every time Trump gets positive press the Dems are visibly caught off guard.

Trump's numbers will improve, if not now then at some point.
On a serious-but-not-serious note...I wasn't a fan of the "stand back and let Trump/Republicans implode" strategy Dems adopted in during the election, and I'm not a fan of it now. Because every time Trump gets positive press the Dems are visibly caught off guard.

Trump's numbers will improve, if not now then at some point.

What is your solution?


Trump has a solid 40% of the country behind him no matter what, and they slink away in temporary embarrassment when he really bungles something. I don't know what he has to do to permanently get down into the 30s.

I think fucking up healthcare had a permanent effect, it's just that he still fluctuates.

It's quite notable that the airstrike didn't help him in light of the widespread support across cable news and in the political elite. Gives me hope that the American people are not as warmongering as their leaders.


On a serious-but-not-serious note...I wasn't a fan of the "stand back and let Trump/Republicans implode" strategy Dems adopted in during the election, and I'm not a fan of it now. Because every time Trump gets positive press the Dems are visibly caught off guard.

Trump's numbers will improve, if not now then at some point.

The party needed to offer a positive alternative. The main proofs of the 2016 election are "don't take your base for granted" (Trump addressing the neglected overt racist part of the base, vs Clinton assuming the blue wall) and "Dems need a positive force, they are not motivated by fear of the other party," and finally "Republicans always fall in line, don't count on vote-flippers."

Just don't go into 2020 with the strategy of "how the fuck could you possible re-elect this guy?" The party's got the policies people want, just put them front and center and leave it to the SuperPACs and the interest groups to run the attack ads.


No Scrubs
I think fucking up healthcare had a permanent effect, it's just that he still fluctuates.

It's quite notable that the airstrike didn't help him in light of the widespread support across cable news and in the political elite. Gives me hope that the American people are not as warmongering as their leaders.

I think it's less that and more no one trusts Trump to do that shit competently. I mean, the biggest fear people seem to have is Trump triggering WWIII. Every time he uses the military he'll play into that fear, so he'll never get any sort of boost from it.

Plus, the whole point of doing what he did would be to try and stop more chemical attacks and save innocent children. His refugee policy shows he obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about the kids, which means the whole point was to try and look tough and boost his numbers. The American people may be stupid, but even that will shine through.

In short, he's got no goodwill and no one trusts him to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing. He could literally send Seal Team Six in to save a bunch of kids in Aleppo being held hostage at gun point and people would just see it as brazen opportunism.
I think fucking up healthcare had a permanent effect, it's just that he still fluctuates.

It's quite notable that the airstrike didn't help him in light of the widespread support across cable news and in the political elite. Gives me hope that the American people are not as warmongering as their leaders.
I actually read an article in The Nation about this phenomena and made a thread about it, you might be interested https://www.thenation.com/article/how-wealthy-donors-drive-aggressive-foreign-policy/

Didn't exactly catch fire and the conclusion are kind of depressing but also hopeful. Paying for social programs by cutting military spending seems like a potentially popular political idea.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Trump voters omg.
I actually think this airstrike is harmful to Trump in the long term.

One of the major reasons he was able to pick up voters was his, "America First" policy of avoiding foreign entanglements that certain voters glommed onto.

I think a lot of the people who now "approve" of him, were mainstream Republicans who were still going to vote for him no matter what. The "America Firsters" on the other hand...

They may not feel so inclined.
I think fucking up healthcare had a permanent effect, it's just that he still fluctuates.

It's quite notable that the airstrike didn't help him in light of the widespread support across cable news and in the political elite. Gives me hope that the American people are not as warmongering as their leaders.

Americans don't care at all about foreign policy unless it involves Americans.

Cutting aid to starving children overseas is like the most popular policy proposal the GOP has.


Lol. So according to Wikileaks, Seth Rich leaked information to Guccifer 2 and there was no DNC hack.

Explains why Clinton had him murdered.


I think the media fails to treat progressive policies or fascist strains seriously to everyone's detriment. There's still the general sense that Democrats are starry-eyed dreamers and that anything they want is so impossible as to not be worth consideration, while the Fascists are *obviously* not threats because seriously, how could they have anything to do with real Republicans?

There's a general assumption in the mainstream media that the Republicans are the party of power, basically, and that Democrats only exist to moderate their policies.
My biggest takeaway from phonebanking for Jon Ossoff is these people are really, really, really, really, really, really sick of people calling them and coming to their door.


Also I just want to say that people crying about Democrats abandoning the WWC in favor of rich Republicans when they start to target places like Orange County, suburban Atlanta, suburban Houston/Dallas/Austin/etc. are borderline racist or ignorant because the real reason these places are now competitive is due to increases in Latino, Asian and African-American turnout and these voters need to be identified and brought to the polls so that's that on that.
One of the new Ossoff ads I saw included DC protests and Micheal Moore. Lawdy, they are bringing out the knives lol.

More interesting is they don't mention a GOP candidate, at all.


Also I just want to say that people crying about Democrats abandoning the WWC in favor of rich Republicans when they start to target places like Orange County, suburban Atlanta, suburban Houston/Dallas/Austin/etc. are borderline racist or ignorant because the real reason these places are now competitive is due to increases in Latino, Asian and African-American turnout and these voters need to be identified and brought to the polls so that's that on that.
It's not just that. Where do you think the Romney voters that flipped off Trump were located? (answer: places where people actually interact with nonwhite people.)


It's not just that. Where do you think the Romney voters that flipped off Trump were located? (answer: places where people actually interact with nonwhite people.)
Yeah those voters will be important in 2018 and 2020 (as evidenced in GA-06) but they won't be reliable Democratic voters like the new non-white voters will be (who are also more likely than not to be young voters too).
"We are calling people who we do not know who they will support and seeing if they will be voting for Jon."

Switching over now because I feel bad because this lady was literally on the brink of tears for people to stop calling and then doing Thompson after that.
So it seems like just anyone in the district. Also that lady needs to chill, they're just phone calls.

Have you tried face banking?
My favorite phonebanking experience was the guy whose voicemail was "I'm going to vote for Hillary and any other Democrat on the ballot, please stop calling me."

We ended up getting him to phonebank closer to the election though lol

That means Ossoff beats their candidate in their models, but might lose against a generic-R. That makes me feel good about the race.
I think it just means there isn't a clear frontrunner and they want to tank Ossoff in the second round since he'll obviously make it out of the first.


No Scrubs
One of the new Ossoff ads I saw included DC protests and Micheal Moore. Lawdy, they are bringing out the knives lol.

More interesting is they don't mention a GOP candidate, at all.

That means Ossoff beats their candidate in their models, but might lose against a generic-R. That makes me feel good about the race.
Yeah those voters will be important in 2018 and 2020 (as evidenced in GA-06) but they won't be reliable Democratic voters like the new non-white voters will be (who are also more likely than not to be young voters too).

So it seems like just anyone in the district. Also that lady needs to chill, they're just phone calls.

Have you tried face banking?

wtf is face banking I feel like you're all MAKING UP WORDS

Perriello is going better because these people are actually used to this. Also lol at everyone in Georgia being mad about getting called JUST GET READY FOR 2020 THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR LIVES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.
If Melenchon wins, that might be nearly as embarrassing for France as Trump winning was for America.

Trump loves Russia because Russia is a NeoNazi, white, male, Christian supremacist nation that hates human rights. Melenchon loves Russia because... They used to be communist.

I can't believe that communists can't get over Russia. Stalin and Lenin were terrible and they murdered everyone. Russia today doesn't care at all about your goals. Just get over it, guys.
So it seems like just anyone in the district. Also that lady needs to chill, they're just phone calls.

Have you tried face banking?

Eh, harassment is harassment. One of the things I like about Mississippi is that the if you ask to be on a no call list and someone tries to sell you something, the state will prosecute them with massive fines.

If I ask some group not to call me and they do it again, I always trap them (since they usually can't hang up themselves) by either droning on at them from my lesson plans.


wtf is face banking I feel like you're all MAKING UP WORDS

Perriello is going better because these people are actually used to this. Also lol at everyone in Georgia being mad about getting called JUST GET READY FOR 2020 THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR LIVES FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.
I keep getting survey calls now. They always go to VM cause I'm at work.


If Melenchon wins, that might be nearly as embarrassing for France as Trump winning was for America.

Trump loves Russia because Russia is a NeoNazi, white, male, Christian supremacist nation that hates human rights. Melenchon loves Russia because... They used to be communist.

I can't believe that communists can't get over Russia. Stalin and Lenin were terrible and they murdered everyone. Russia today doesn't care at all about your goals. Just get over it, guys.

He won't win. It's likely if he keeps on rising it may force people to vote for Macron and maybe fillon for the more right wing voters to block him


One of the new Ossoff ads I saw included DC protests and Micheal Moore. Lawdy, they are bringing out the knives lol.

More interesting is they don't mention a GOP candidate, at all.

I'm hoping they learned from this election that negative ads don't really work all that well.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I'm hoping they learned from this election that negative ads don't really work all that well.

I don't think that's true. A prolonged negative smear campaign can be very effective. Granted, Clinton was a decade-long thing. They can't be the whole strateg

The reason they didn't work for Trump is because his bad traits were seen as part of his outsider/politically incorrect appeal. Plus it only just worked.
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