Does anyone doubt that the far left and far right are not being financed by the same people? They sure seem to have a strong affinity for candidates aligned with a certain foreign power.
iSideWith's French Presidential poll is available in English if anyone wants to take it:
Code:Candidates you side with... 48% UNSUBMISSIVE FRANCE - Jean-Luc Mélenchon 48% SOCIALIST PARTY - Benoît Hamon 44% EN MARCHE! - Emmanuel Macron 41% THE GREENS - Yannick Jadot 33% THE REPUBLICANS - François Fillon 28% NATIONAL FRONT - Marine Le Pen 21% FRANCE ARISE - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
66% Melenchon
64% Jadot
64% Hamon
64% Macron
61% Poutou
52% Arthaud
46% Dupont-Aignan
43% Fillon
33% La Pen
I dont like this. I dont like it, Sanders told The Huffington Post after speaking at a rally for Omaha mayoral candidate Heath Mello on Thursday night. Obviously Ann Coulters outrageous ― to my mind, off the wall. But you know, people have a right to give their two cents-worth, give a speech, without fear of violence and intimidation.
To me, its a sign of intellectual weakness, he said. If you cant ask Ann Coulter in a polite way questions which expose the weakness of her arguments, if all you can do is boo, or shut her down, or prevent her from coming, what does that tell the world?
What are you afraid of ― her ideas? Ask her the hard questions, he concluded. Confront her intellectually. Booing people down, or intimidating people, or shutting down events, I dont think that that works in any way.
Macron sounds like me, politically. So I understand why Melkr_ is not pleased!
Sanders decided to chime in on the Berkeley protests against Coulter
Funny I don't remember language even half this strong back when his supporters went nuts in Nevada
Sanders decided to chime in on the Berkeley protests against Coulter
Funny I don't remember language even half this strong back when his supporters went nuts in Nevada
It is imperative that the Democratic leadership, both nationally and in the states, understand that the political world is changing and that millions of Americans are outraged at establishment politics and establishment economics. The people of this country want a government which represents all of us, not just the 1 percent, super PACs and wealthy campaign contributors.
The Democratic Party has a choice. It can open its doors and welcome into the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change people who are willing to take on Wall Street, corporate greed and a fossil fuel industry which is destroying this planet. Or the party can choose to maintain its status quo structure, remain dependent on big-money campaign contributions and be a party with limited participation and limited energy.
Within the last few days there have been a number of criticisms made against my campaign organization. Party leaders in Nevada, for example, claim that the Sanders campaign has a penchant for violence. That is nonsense. Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence. Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. But, when we speak of violence, I should add here that months ago, during the Nevada campaign, shots were fired into my campaign office in Nevada and apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked.
If the Democratic Party is to be successful in November, it is imperative that all state parties treat our campaign supporters with fairness and the respect that they have earned. I am happy to say that has been the case at state conventions in Maine, Alaska, Colorado and Hawaii where good discussions were held and democratic decisions were reached. Unfortunately, that was not the case at the Nevada convention. At that convention the Democratic leadership used its power to prevent a fair and transparent process from taking place. Among other things:
The chair of the convention announced that the convention rules passed on voice vote, when the vote was a clear no-vote. At the very least, the Chair should have allowed for a headcount.
The chair allowed its Credentials Committee to en mass rule that 64 delegates were ineligible without offering an opportunity for 58 of them to be heard. That decision enabled the Clinton campaign to end up with a 30-vote majority.
The chair refused to acknowledge any motions made from the floor or allow votes on them.
The chair refused to accept any petitions for amendments to the rules that were properly submitted.
These are on top of failures at the precinct and county conventions including trying to depose and then threaten with arrest the Clark County convention credentials chair because she was operating too fairly.
Does anyone doubt that the far left and far right are not being financed by the same people? They sure seem to have a strong affinity for candidates aligned with a certain foreign power.
Sanders decided to chime in on the Berkeley protests against Coulter
Funny I don't remember language even half this strong back when his supporters went nuts in Nevada
Sanders decided to chime in on the Berkeley protests against Coulter
Funny I don't remember language even half this strong back when his supporters went nuts in Nevada
Yes, it is. The right to free speech being protected absolutely is beyond essential.And the same to everyone else who defends the right to free speech of hate-mongering, far-right sociopaths. The right to free speech isn't, nor should it ever be absolute.
More than three months after the committee announced that it had agreed on the scope of the investigation, the panel has not begun substantially investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, three individuals with ties to the committee told The Daily Beast.
The investigation does not have a single staffer dedicated to it full-time, and those staff members working on it part-time do not have significant investigative experience. The probe currently appears to be moving at a pace slower than prior Senate Intelligence Committee investigations, such as the CIA torture inquiry, which took years to accomplish.
No interviews have been conducted with key individuals suspected of being in the Trump-Russia orbit: not Michael Flynn, not Roger Stone, not Carter Page, not Paul Manafort, and not Jared Kushner, according to two sources familiar with the committees procedures.
The committee previously announced that seven staffers had been assigned to review classified documents related to the Russia investigation. These are the majority and minority staff directors, joined by three Republican aides and two Democratic aides.
We have devoted seven professional staff positions to this investigation. These are staffers who already had the clearance, Burr said on March 29.
Of the seven staffers so far assigned to review classified documents related to the Russia investigation, none of them has prosecutorial or investigative experience, according to three sources with ties to the committee.
Most of them lack a background in Russia expertise. Not one of the seven is a lawyer.
But of the seven staffers, none has been assigned full-time to the work of the Russia probe, according to four sources with ties to the committee. Every one of the seven staffers has other oversight responsibilities, and thus a dual-hatted role that prevents them from focusing singularly on the investigation.
Of the seven, two are the staff directors of the committeean enormously demanding job even in the calmest of circumstances, which limits their involvement. One of the seven even attends law school part-time.
That last bit is something, at least.The committees announcement that seven staffers were dedicated to this project was meant to instill faith in the inquiry. But left unsaid was that the list of seven staffers is also exclusionary: No one outside the list would have access to all the materials in the investigation. This is opposed to what occurred in the later stages of the CIA torture investigation, when all Senate Intelligence Committee staff with proper clearance had access to the materials.
In coming weeks, the committee will add two new staffers, one with decades of experience as a lawyer and expertise in intelligence law. But these two staffers will also have a dual-hatted role, and other responsibilities on the committee.
Bit of a wet blanket on the Senate Intel Committee's investigation...
The Daily Beast: Senate Trump-Russia Probe Has No Full-Time Staff, No Key Witnesses
That last bit is something, at least.
Sanders decided to chime in on the Berkeley protests against Coulter
Funny I don't remember language even half this strong back when his supporters went nuts in Nevada
Oh what the fuck.Bit of a wet blanket on the Senate Intel Committee's investigation...
The Daily Beast: Senate Trump-Russia Probe Has No Full-Time Staff, No Key Witnesses
That last bit is something, at least.
Doesn't seem too controversial. Pretty much saying don't threaten people with violence. I obviously support free speech and don't personally care if a racist speaks in a university nor do I care if students run them out of town.
However, I find the defense of freedom of speech using the argument of 'you should debate the other side' to be a terrible one. Ann Coulter isn't going there to debate; she is there to spread her worldview and that's it. Debate requires one side to seriously challenge the other person's belief, not throwing softball questions or agreeing to disagree.
Manny Macaroni for French Pres
For comparison this is statement on the Nevada craziness
Bernie can you please stop pissing on the Democratic Party when it's already down
Swear to the political gods if he heads into 2018 throwing gas onto the fire
The basic recurring pattern amongst Bernie and Bernistas is that's they're infinitely more comfortable taking a shank to their fellow liberals than they are speaking out at all against the actual opposition.
I think we're stuck with Bernie's antics till he's dead.I don't think he's capable of not pissing on the Democratic Party. It's why Republicans like him at all. He's such an awful surrogate that he constantly hits his allies with friendly fire.
Lately, I find myself thinking that Hillary and O'Malley should have taken the gloves off when it became clear what Bernie's game was. It probably would have been a bad strategy, but fuck, he's just so infuriating.
I think the logic is they accept that Republicans/conservatives will always be terrible, whereas they hold Democrats/liberals to higher standards.The basic recurring pattern amongst Bernie and Bernistas is that's they're infinitely more comfortable taking a shank to their fellow liberals than they are speaking out at all against the actual opposition.
I think the logic is they accept that Republicans/conservatives will always be terrible, whereas they hold Democrats/liberals to higher standards.
I'm well aware why this is extremely problematic. For one liberals in general seem to really underestimate how many people will actually vote Republican, even when presented with the worst possible option. I know I'm guilty of this, but all the dreaming of Trump finishing anywhere under 45% of the popular vote was foolish. But they've convinced themselves that any other Democrat would have crushed him in a 70/30 landslide and it's all Hillary and the DNC's fault for being uniquely terrible, when in reality we probably won't see another LBJ/Reagan-style victory for a long time. The country is far too polarized for that to happen again.
Dude he also says don't boo or shout or basically protest...
Compare that statement compared to his one on the Nevada fiasco.
Honestly, if I had to diagnose it, I'd say it's down to target fixation? They know, initially, that there's no way the Republicans (or anybody right of center) will listen to them, so they focus on people closer to them to fight against and try to convince. Over time, they sorta... forget that that farther-right wing exists and all their energy and vitriol filters down to the near-left, so when the occasion to interact with those further afield comes up, they tend to handle it... poorly. Weirdly, the far-right doesn't have that problem. Not sure why.
Bernie can you please stop pissing on the Democratic Party when it's already down
Swear to the political gods if he heads into 2018 throwing gas onto the fire
Basically he is a politician?
The comment he gave about Ann Coulter is the most politician-like answer he could give. Ideally, yeah no one should be threatened with violence to give a speech about their beliefs because it is illegal anyway and your are going down a slippery slope, so of course politicians is going to give statements about 'all Americans have the right to speech with the fear of violence blah, blah'. Technically, you can protest but usually not to the point of physically preventing from coming( unless they pull the speech or whomever sponsors them to come decides to pull it themselves).
The statement about Nevada is him absolving responsibility. Many politicians would done the same thing, but many would denounce the actions. It was poor of him to absolve responsibility .
Weirdly, the far-right doesn't have that problem. Not sure why.
I'd wager that's because ultraconservatives know that their support is more unshakable. Maybe because while the everyday WWC Republican can say they want healthcare, their convictions of support are drawn on matters of religion/life & death (of embryos), plus the catch-all of Safety against terrorist attacks and criminals (which are mostly inflicted against the city-dwellers they hate so much.)
Yeah, but why don't we see more far-right people (not just politicians but voters) focusing harder on their "RINOs" than they do the Democrats? Sure, they HATE them, but not nearly as much as they hate the dreaded Godless Socialist Babymurdering Gun-Stealing Democrats. Is it just a messaging thing, with Dems being unwilling to name the Republicans as the enemy the same way Rs name them? Or is it more that the Republicans immediately embraced their extremists?
Yeah, but why don't we see more far-right people (not just politicians but voters) focusing harder on their "RINOs" than they do the Democrats? Sure, they HATE them, but not nearly as much as they hate the dreaded Godless Socialist Babymurdering Gun-Stealing Democrats. Is it just a messaging thing, with Dems being unwilling to name the Republicans as the enemy the same way Rs name them? Or is it more that the Republicans immediately embraced their extremists?
Wait, this happened. It was the Tea Party. They literally primaried out the House Majority Leader!
Funny how he gets to be a politician instead of a populist outsider when it's convenient. He also basically said protesting her is intellectually weak (because his condemnation wasn't just about letting her speak but also about not booing, no interrupting, not doing anything but politely disagreeing/debating)
Nevada was him going yeah violence sucks but the people who stole Nevada from me kinda had it coming.
Yeah, but why don't we see more far-right people (not just politicians but voters) focusing harder on their "RINOs" than they do the Democrats? Sure, they HATE them, but not nearly as much as they hate the dreaded Godless Socialist Babymurdering Gun-Stealing Democrats. Is it just a messaging thing, with Dems being unwilling to name the Republicans as the enemy the same way Rs name them? Or is it more that the Republicans immediately embraced their extremists?
He has always been one. People just don't perceive him as one despite him being one for years. He is also kind of an outsider because he is an independent. He caucus with dems that doesn't mean he is one.
The only way I can see Bernie's influence waning is if he crosses some kind of line. I can't even imagine what that would look like. I used to think that him getting directly wailed on in the 2020 Dem debates would be enough to make people abandon him, but looking at my own support for him during the 2016 primaries, I gave him so much rope it lasted all the way until he went after Planned Parenthood. That cult of personality shit is real.
I should have dropped him even before it became clear he's a shit surrogate who can't debate his way out of a paper bag.
I should have dropped him even before it became clear he's a shit surrogate who can't debate his way out of a paper bag.
But didn't you see all those times he was wagging his finger? All those debate threads had him charging a spirit bomb, quite impressive.
I think we're stuck with Bernie's antics till he's dead.
This is a serious problem.
Bernie would have gone third party if the Dems really told him to gtfo. It would have been bad. Of course we lost anyway...