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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Is Ann Coulter The Last Conservative With Guts?
But the fascistic left won’t take a day to savor this scalp -- the largest in its recent collection. Lefties already are back at it, on the hunt for more. Always more.

And they’ll get more because, unlike the right, they’re relentless. No fascist ever said, “Well, we showed those people who think differently from us. How about we call it a day?” No, they are relentless. They purge. They destroy. They still get visibly angry when someone speaks favorably about Ronald Reagan, and he’s been dead for more than a decade.

Conservatives will continue to add scalps to the collections of these thought-Brownshirts just as their ideological comrades, the Blackshirts, will continue to collect scalps on college campuses, keeping them “pure” from differing opinions.

Where are elected Republicans on this? I get remaining silent about Fox. It’s a private business, and what News Corp chooses to do is, ultimately, irrelevant to government.

But the Nazi march across publicly funded college campuses to prevent students from inviting conservative speakers is a government issue. It’s a direct, unambiguous violation of the First Amendment. Where’s the outrage? Where are the public statements of condemnation? More importantly, where is the legislation to defund these indoctrination centers?

God bless Ann Coulter. When her speech at UC Berkeley was cancelled, Ann had the guts to say she’s going anyway. She said she’s going to speak, and if the school wanted to stop her it could have her arrested. The school has (at least for the moment) un-canceled the event, though it tried to schedule it on a different day. That won’t work for Ann, and she’s still planning on showing up Thursday.

If elected Republicans had anything but air in their shorts, they’d recess Congress and the entire caucus would be out there to escort her onto campus. Democrats in California and Washington, D.C., don’t give a damn, and the state’s sniveling governor should send security but won't because he's rooting for the other side.

It’d also be helpful if President Trump spoke out against this and threatened action.

Is Ann Coulter the only person willing to stand up to the modern Gestapo?

A line must be drawn, because appeasement only leads to emboldening fascists. Don't look to the private sector -- its job is to profit, not ensure constitutional rights. Don't look to Democrats -- the mobs are their base, and although they'd be out in force if someone had to break stride to get into an abortion clinic, this is not their way.

It has to be Republicans. More specifically it has to be conservatives. A stand must be made because appeasement never works.
The GOP doesn't actually have any principles.


Gets it.

Fillon concedes, endorses Macron, it's over for Le Pen.


Fwew. Hopefully that sidelines the crazy ass neo-collaborateur.

So my grandparents live next to white trash, and they have a trailer in their front yard that has Trump spray painted on it.

South Carolina, ya'll

I've seen those kind of people with that mindset around here, too from somewhere else...



iSideWith's French Presidential poll is available in English if anyone wants to take it:
Candidates you side with...
48%	UNSUBMISSIVE FRANCE - Jean-Luc Mélenchon
48%	SOCIALIST PARTY - Benoît Hamon
44%	EN MARCHE! - Emmanuel Macron
41%	THE GREENS - Yannick Jadot
33%	THE REPUBLICANS - François Fillon
28%	NATIONAL FRONT - Marine Le Pen
21%	FRANCE ARISE - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I am most like Melenchon, but only 70%. Then Hamon and then Macron at 62%. So I give it to the guy with nonbad hair.


Has SE Cupp done something to deserve celebrity commenter status? Listening to Bill Maher from Friday and man she is excruciating as always.


Which candidate was the one that tweeted "kage bunshin no jutsu"? That is the one that should be resigned to the trash bin with LePen


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This AP interview transcript with Trump sure is something. The interview was on Friday.

AP: So in terms of the 100-day plan that you did put out during the campaign, do you feel, though, that people should hold you accountable to this in terms of judging success?

TRUMP: No, because much of the foundation's been laid. Things came up. I'll give you an example. I didn't put Supreme Court judge on the 100 (day) plan, and I got a Supreme Court judge.

AP: I think it's on there.

TRUMP: I don't know. ...

AP: "Begin the process of selecting." You actually exceeded on this one. This says, "Begin the process of selecting a replacement."

TRUMP: That's the biggest thing I've done.
LOL, dude forgot that nominating a Supreme Court judge was one of his initial plans.

TRUMP: Number One, there's great responsibility. When it came time to, as an example, send out the 59 missiles, the Tomahawks in Syria. I'm saying to myself, "You know, this is more than just like, 79 (sic) missiles. This is death that's involved," because people could have been killed. This is risk that's involved, because if the missile goes off and goes in a city or goes in a civilian area — you know, the boats were hundreds of miles away — and if this missile goes off and lands in the middle of a town or a hamlet .... every decision is much harder than you'd normally make. (unintelligible) ... This is involving death and life and so many things. ... So it's far more responsibility. (unintelligible) ....The financial cost of everything is so massive, every agency. This is thousands of times bigger, the United States, than the biggest company in the world. The second-largest company in the world is the Defense Department. The third-largest company in the world is Social Security. The fourth-largest — you know, you go down the list.
Here's Trump misremembering the number of missiles used in Syria from one sentence to the next.

AP: You think $10 billion or less.

TRUMP: I think $10 billion or less. And if I do a super-duper, higher, better, better security, everything else, maybe it goes a little bit more. But it's not going to be anywhere near (those) kind of numbers. And they're using those numbers; they're using the high numbers to make it sound impalatable (sic). And the fact it's going to cost much less money, just like the airplane I told you about, which I hope you can write about.
Here's Trump claiming he can build a wall for less than $10 billion.

TRUMP: They had a quote from me that NATO's obsolete. But they didn't say why it was obsolete. I was on Wolf Blitzer, very fair interview, the first time I was ever asked about NATO, because I wasn't in government. People don't go around asking about NATO if I'm building a building in Manhattan, right? So they asked me, Wolf ... asked me about NATO, and I said two things. NATO's obsolete — not knowing much about NATO, now I know a lot about NATO — NATO is obsolete, and I said, "And the reason it's obsolete is because of the fact they don't focus on terrorism." You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.
Trump slipping in an aside where he admits to knowing almost nothing about NATO when he said they were obsolete.

There's a shocking number of times the AP had to say Trump was unintelligible when compiling this transcript of a one-on-one interview.

There's also a completely moronic section where he's asked whether he has the right people in place for his next 100 days. He says some nonsense about his military team being treated right, but his White House team is being disrespected. Then he launches into a spiel about how Republicans are so disadvantaged by the electoral college, and then whining about Gorsuch receiving so few Democratic votes.


The atheist Cupp (who "really aspires to be a person of faith some day") also wrote:

Cupp declares "the liberal media" are unreliable, irresponsible, and partisan; and are inciting a "revolution" that will destabilize and dilute Christian America. She also declares The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and Newsweek, etc. "mock, subvert, pervert, corrupt, debase, and extinguish"[1] the Judeo-Christian ethic and back believers into a dark, irrelevant, morally void corner of American society.

In her book Cupp wrote, according to Newsweek, that:

Secularist media have attempted to portray religious expression as a marginal "subculture." They overreacted to presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s 2007 Christmas commercial by concentrating on a "strategically placed" cross formed by bookshelves in the unfocused background.[2]

Major media outlets did not cover President Barack Obama’s failure to acknowledge the National Day of Prayer.[2]

Newsweek’s review of the bestselling dispensationalist Christian fiction series, Left Behind, said, "Sociologists tell us that the United States is experiencing a religious revival, but if the bestseller lists are any guide, the revival looks more like a collective leaving of the senses."[2]

Film reviews of the Christian-themed Chronicles of Narnia were lukewarm despite it being a box office hit. Reviews for The Golden Compass, which attacks religion in general and the Christian faith in particular, were positive although the movie did not do well at the box office.[2]

Cupp also wrote that the press downplays what she calls Obama’s discomfort with religious America, and barely wrote about his covering up of religious imagery in the backdrop when he gave a speech at Georgetown University
iSideWith's French Presidential poll is available in English if anyone wants to take it:
Candidates you side with...
48%	UNSUBMISSIVE FRANCE - Jean-Luc Mélenchon
48%	SOCIALIST PARTY - Benoît Hamon
44%	EN MARCHE! - Emmanuel Macron
41%	THE GREENS - Yannick Jadot
33%	THE REPUBLICANS - François Fillon
28%	NATIONAL FRONT - Marine Le Pen
21%	FRANCE ARISE - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

I knew you were a commie, benji.
This AP interview transcript with Trump sure is something. The interview was on Friday.

LOL, dude forgot that nominating a Supreme Court judge was one of his initial plans.

Here's Trump misremembering the number of missiles used in Syria from one sentence to the next.

Here's Trump claiming he can build a wall for less than $10 billion.

Trump slipping in an aside where he admits to knowing almost nothing about NATO when he said they were obsolete.

There's a shocking number of times the AP had to say Trump was unintelligible when compiling this transcript of a one-on-one interview.

There's also a completely moronic section where he's asked whether he has the right people in place for his next 100 days. He says some nonsense about his military team being treated right, but his White House team is being disrespected. Then he launches into a spiel about how Republicans are so disadvantaged by the electoral college, and then whining about Gorsuch receiving so few Democratic votes.
Trump continues to have no idea what is going on around him.


I knew you were a commie, benji.
I knew I should have clicked for the more nuanced answers instead of just doing "yes" and "no" for everything...
Parties you side with...
56%	Labour
52%	Liberal Democrat
50%	Green
49%	SNP
46%	Conservative
42%	UKIP
34%	Sinn Féin
33%	Plaid Cymru
21%	Democratic Unionist
18%	British National


I recently finished this book, was pretty okay, would have been better with Nixon than Reagan tho:

And started this one, shame it's mostly just a collection of his columns though as his prior books were great journalism:


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Looks like I would be pretty happy with Macron if I lived in France.

Of course Le Pen was last on the list.


Matt Taibbi can le fuqueoff
The Great Derangement and The Divide are better book ideas than you've ever written. Sad!

I don't remember what Griftopia is about and it's the only one I own because I bought it off the library for 50 cents. It's probably the one where he spends a hundred pages calling Alan Greenspan an asshole.


I took the France quiz. Some of the questions I wasn't 100 percent of as I do not know the nuances of the French government and the budget they currently have. Skipped a handful of economic questions. Anyway, here's my results:

Hamon got first place with 71%.

Emmanuel Macron got second place with 69%.

Le Pen got dead last with 36%.
She's a "far-right" European politician, her economic policies are closer to Bernie Sanders than Ted Cruz.

Her economic policies make Bernie Sanders look like a squish. Le Pen calls for seizing the means of production.

And making sure the non-whites and those that don't speak French don't get any.
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