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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Right, remember Trump promised a plan that would cover more people at less cost. Running against fantasy land is very different.
There's a reason a lot of us really didn't want to run a candidate running in fantasy land - It will implode on you if that person actually gets to the presidency!
Republicans will never suffer for this because nothing is good and Democrats will always lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama was a waste of time because his biggest legislative achievement is going to be repealededed (Kind of not really!)!!!

They're gutting civil rights and Medicaid too, guess LBJ was just a big dumb loser!

They'll probably tackle Social Security next, better inform FDR that he was a neoliberal shill!
Obama was a waste of time because his biggest legislative achievement is going to be repealededed (Kind of not really!)!!!

They're gutting civil rights and Medicaid too, guess LBJ was just a big dumb loser!

They'll probably tackle Social Security next, better inform FDR that he was a neoliberal shill!

Shut the fuck up, Huey Long.

Or should I say Huey Wrong.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Murkowski got some 'splainin' to do after reading that Alaska information.

There is absolutely no way she can vote yes on this and survive her re-election. No chance.
That's the tick tick tick? The guy who gets on TV and acts like a smug asshole has been questioned?

This doesn't seem to be it, but I mean Page talking with the FBI without a lawyer for 10 hours seems like a pretty huge deal. I mean have you seen him on talk shows? He lies and twitches about every five seconds.
p l e a s e d o t h i s


NV-Sen, NV-03: Wealthy perennial candidate Danny Tarkanian helped gift Democrats a swingy House district in the Las Vegas suburbs last year, so we may be pushing our luck in hoping he’ll also help Team Blue win Nevada’s Senate seat in 2018. But he just might! The Nevada Independent’s Jon Ralston reports that unnamed sources tell him Tarkanian is indeed mulling a primary bid against Republicans Sen. Dean Heller, who outraged Trumpworld when he said on Friday that he couldn’t support the Senate GOP’s bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (at least “right now”).

However, Heller’s failure to display slavish fealty to Republican leaders may only be part of Tarkanian’s consideration here: He might also be looking to settle a score. Last year, Democrat Jacky Rosen beat Tarkanian 47-46 in Nevada’s 3rd District, which Trump narrowly carried 48-47. Tarkanian, who is currently suing his old foe for defamation, is reportedly interested in challenging Rosen for re-election, but last week, Rosen said she was planning to take on Heller. According to Ralston’s source, if Rosen runs for the Senate, Tarkanian feels he “must” consider doing so as well. As recently as Sunday, Ralston wrote that Tarkanian had ruled out a Senate bid, but he seems to have had an abrupt change of heart.

Nevada Republicans can only hope he changes right back. Tarkanian has unsuccessfully run for office five times, but his wealth and family name—his late father was the legendary UNLV basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian—have kept him from being just another Some Dude. Last year, Tarkanian defeated state Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson, the choice of Gov. Brian Sandoval, in the primary for the 3rd District. Tarkanian’s many liabilities were well-known from his four prior campaigns (he was the nominee for a state Senate seat in 2004, for secretary of state in 2006, and for the 4th District in 2012, and he lost the primary for U.S. Senate in 2010), making it all too easy for Rosen and her allies to portray him as a shady businessman and non-stop office-seeker.

Most notably, Tarkanian and his family guaranteed several bad loans in their failed effort to build an "equestrian destination resort." In 2012, Tarkanian was hit with a $17 million judgment as a result of that debacle, leading him to declare bankruptcy, because of course he didn't have anything like $17 million on hand to repay his creditors. (He finally settled the matter for just $525,000.) Tarkanian emerged from bankruptcy protection in 2015, just in time to launch yet another campaign. Democrats were only too happy to bludgeon him with the equestrian loan disaster.

In the end, Tarkanian narrowly lost even though Trump carried his district—a rare Republican in a competitive seat who underperformed the top of the ticket. Who knows if he’ll really do us a solid again, but he’s been helpful so far.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Conan O'Brien‏Verified account @ConanOBrien

Mitch McConnell constantly looks like a kid who just stole all the gum.

I laughed harder than I should have at this.


Sorry Fox News is powerful but it's all powerful. If you've lost your health insurance and you've been watching Fox and DJT tell you their healthcare bills are the greatest things since sliced bread no amount of indoctrination is that powerful. You can't tell people Obamacare is shit, AHCA is better and greater, that the reason they've just lost their health insurance is because of Obamacare and yet give them no information on how AHCA helps them get it back. The only reason Obamacare hate was so successful was that these people were benefiting from it and did not know it (some still don't), and Obamacare became some bogeyman they didn't even understand.

It's one thing to drink the Fox News koolaid, it's another to keep drinking while you see your premium go from $250 to $620 a month.

I fully believe the GOP will own it. I'm mainly worried about the cohesiveness of Democrats messaging. People are angry at the party for things other than healthcare.
WaPo had a story last month documenting Flake's reelection travails and his far-right primary challenger. I still hope (1) he wins the primary, (2) far-right chick runs third-party, (3) they split the vote, allowing Sinema/Carmona/Kirkpatrick/whoever to win.
doesn't Sinema kind of suck though

would definitely prefer to not have one of our only senate pickups be a blue dog

Arizona Senate seats are seen as long term. She has moved away from being liberal to be more appealing to the masses. Issue with being up and coming in a state that is in "play".

Arizona in general is a strange situation as the educated middle and some upper class fight and cancel out the retirees that come here to die when election time comes around. The tipping point here is the outskirt areas that everyone jokes as uneducated rednecks or crazy off the grid folk.


Arizona Senate seats are seen as long term. She has moved away from being liberal to be more appealing to the masses. Issue with being up and coming in a state that is in "play".

Arizona in general is a strange situation as the educated middle and some upper class fight and cancel out the retirees that come here to die when election time comes around.

Honestly surprised it isn't as liberal as NM for example. Seems to have diverse enough population to turn it blue.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Why would someone retire to a state that hits 120 degrees

My wife and I rented her grandparents house right after we got married because they lived in Florida. They came back for a visit and cranked the nighttime heat to 85 degrees. It was miserable.
Old people get cold easily. My grandmother uses a space heater in 95-degree Oklahoma weather.

It'll be humid as a rainforest and 85 degrees in their house, and my grandparents won't have their AC on and will be using blankets "because there's a nice breeze"

My mom used to have to fight my grandma to turn the AC on when we'd visit, although she's mellowed out a lot on that the last few years.

Because it's cold up north

Seriously old people get cold and hate the winter

Yea, it's cold

And icy

My grandpa once fell and banged himself up pretty badly on some ice, a few years ago.
Gillibrand in reverse maybe.

I thought Gillibrand was the opposite

Arizona Senate seats are seen as long term. She has moved away from being liberal to be more appealing to the masses. Issue with being up and coming in a state that is in "play".

Arizona in general is a strange situation as the educated middle and some upper class fight and cancel out the retirees that come here to die when election time comes around. The tipping point here is the outskirt areas that everyone jokes as uneducated rednecks or crazy off the grid folk.
I just mean I would be less worried about her being a Blue Dog if she got elected statewide, Heitkamp is fine in ND but if Arizona really is a swing state now (seems plausible to me, closer than NC) then I'd rather not get a shitty senator out of there.

More just meaning lack of clear principles with the Gillibrand comparison than anything.



King saw these two things — making history and being made by history — as opposing forces. As historians, we see them as two parts of a process: In order to make history, we first have to understand how history has made us.

That’s the goal behind this new section of The Washington Post, Made by History. In an era seemingly defined by the word unprecedented, it’s easy to feel like political, technological and social revolutions have severed our link to history. But revolutions are as much a product of the past as a break with it. We need to understand the history behind the breakneck news.

I am extremely about this.
Thinking about it, my area has to be one of the worst possible places for an old person to live.

Low 90s, brutally humid most of spring and all of summer, well into fall
Bitterly cold, tons of snow, several freezing rain storms a year in the winter. Slippery all over for about 4 months a year
Extremely windy and stormy all spring
The month of October is okay


"I live in Toronto" may be the most bizarre defense against an accusation of being alt-right I've ever seen.

Oh for fucks sake. It was a joke.

It should be possible for people to disagree with things without being labelled "alt right". I wasn't aware that disliking Trump but not believing Trump is a Russian puppet was an alt right talking point. I thought they were busy talking about Pizza parties and Hillary murdering Seth Rich and other batshit crazy conspiracy theories.
You know how we usually chalk up the shift on LGBT issues to how most people know someone in that community?

Those uninsured numbers are really similar. Everyone will know someone who loses coverage over this.
I don't think it matters.

According to Jeffrey Toobin of CNN, three justices support a full ban atm. The rest partial ban. That's extremely bad news.

Three justices supported a full lifting of the injunction, while the six-justice majority ruled in favor of a partial reinstatement until they decide the case in October.

They have not really ruled on the ban itself yet.


The ban was always tough to challenge on legal grounds, the only thing that even made it plausible were public statements by Trump and his administration which muddied the waters . From a purely legal standpoint, they can keep out whoever they want.


Been calling Young's office for a half hour and can't get through.

Donnelly's office just sends me to voicemail.

Young isn't going to budge an inch on this because he's got basically his full term ahead of him. Donnelly is a solid no already. (But good on you for calling anyway). I've been sending both of them the same messages. Young doesn't respond. Donnelly asks for money. I'm inclined to start giving it to him.
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