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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Prosecutor heading up the corruption unit of the SDNY joins Mueller's team


Chris R

Can I just say how I dislike seeing my Senator's face on every single page now :(

But better her than Joe fucking Miller, ugh
It feels like the more outrage-worthy events are in the same news cycle, the more people are likely to dismiss some as unimportant distractions. I know most people understand that it's not a binary choice, but I wish a better way was found talk about heinous actions than ranking them by importance. (That said, I think most understand that the TIME cover stuff is mostly a scavenger hunt that reflects upon his narcissism, which goes without saying.)

I foolishly thought we had seen a decline in this labeling. Though... I don't hear much talk about Bannon or Gorka anymore, so maybe the Distractions! did make the Nazis boring old news.
Murkowski's fine all things considered.

I do wonder if there will be a Great Blue Revolt in Alaska one day. You'd really only need gains in Anchorage since rural are generally strong Dem.
Murkowski's fine all things considered.

I do wonder if there will be a Great Blue Revolt in Alaska one day. You'd really only need gains in Anchorage since rural are generally strong Dem.
Would be a boon for national Democrats for bench-building since the state's fortunes are pretty much made for themselves. It would be really hard for a Democratic governor in Alaska to fuck it up, and then you get a potential presidential candidate (or VP), albeit one that toes the line on guns and oil.

I hope Begich gives it another shot in 2020, he ran a very good race last time. If the national mood had been just a bit better he could have pulled it off.

So, uh, this looks a lot like attempted direct collusion.
Attempted collusion. Do they give out Nobel Prizes for attempted chemistry?


Would be a boon for national Democrats for bench-building since the state's fortunes are pretty much made for themselves. It would be really hard for a Democratic governor in Alaska to fuck it up, and then you get a potential presidential candidate (or VP), albeit one that toes the line on guns and oil.

I hope Begich gives it another shot in 2020, he ran a very good race last time. If the national mood had been just a bit better he could have pulled it off.

Attempted collusion. Do they give out Nobel Prizes for attempted chemistry?

To be fair, they gave a Peace Prize for Attempted peace for President Obama :p

Chris R

Rural Alaska is strong Dem?

Yes, Rural Alaska only exists off the back of hard working tax payers across the country. If the money stops flowing into the state they are FUCKED seventeen ways from Sunday.

The problem is they make up a small portion of the states population.

Anchorage and most cities in the southeast are slightly democratic, but there are a TON of people who live in "The Valley" (Mat-Su Valley, think Sarah Palin) who are as red as they come that make the state red. It isn't going to change any time soon with our economy in the shitter, people who can move out of state for better paying jobs are, while less well off dreamers are moving up (more often than not, of the red persuasion)


Seems like a dumb decision, but okay
Alaska previously joined the "Kansas Project," a multistate initiative convened by Kobach to look for duplicate voter registrations. State elections officials said Friday that confidential data was likely provided to the project, though they couldn't remember the details. Such data, they added, would only have been made available if the state was promised that it wouldn't be publicly released
oh i see now
Yeah, if Anchorage ever became even bluer than being light light light blue, the state would probably be in play since there are like 300,000+ people in Anchorage (which is insane for a city that far North).

Alaska is interesting because:

- The population is so low that small fluctuations in turn out drastically alter elections.
- It was almost entirely stagnant from 12 to 16 despite being a mostly rural state, which suggests there might be different elements at play.
- Given how our hold in rural AK sort of held in 16, it's really about turning Anchorage into a city that votes like a city of that size. (Easier said than done, the city is very white and iirc doesn't have a very high college education %)
- A Dem governor or senator from Alaska would probably be an incredible electoral force if the candidate was right.
Yeah, if Anchorage ever became even bluer than being light light light blue, the state would probably be in play since there are like 300,000+ people in Anchorage (which is insane for a city that far North).

Alaska is interesting because:

- The population is so low that small fluctuations in turn out drastically alter elections.
- It was almost entirely stagnant from 12 to 16 despite being a mostly rural state, which suggests there might be different elements.
- Given how our hold in rural AK sort of held in 16, it's really about turning Anchorage into a city that votes like a city of that size.
- A Dem governor or senator from Alaska would probably be an incredible electoral force if the candidate was right.
It would be really cool/good if Byron Mallott ran and won in the senate race, he'd also be our first Native American senator since the 20's!

There's also Begich for the possible rematch but I'm a little leery of those after last year.

The problem, as Chris R said, is who are the people moving to Alaska? My bet is mostly white people either already in the energy industry or looking to get in, which is an all-Republican group. That's why North Dakota is trending red so fast, state's gaining population at a decent clip, but it's all energy sector conservatives.
Alaska has actually moved substantially more Democratic in the past two elections. Bush and McCain won it by about 24 points while Romney and Trump "only" won it by about 16. Of course, that's a lot of points still but a relatively small population means it would only take flipping about 20k voters to win it.


The problem, as Chris R said, is who are the people moving to Alaska? My bet is mostly white people either already in the energy industry or looking to get in, which is an all-Republican group. That's why North Dakota is trending red so fast, state's gaining population at a decent clip, but it's all energy sector conservatives.
The problem, as Chris R said, is who are the people moving to Alaska? My bet is mostly white people either already in the energy industry or looking to get in, which is an all-Republican group. That's why North Dakota is trending red so fast, state's gaining population at a decent clip, but it's all energy sector conservatives.

Probably. I mean housing is costly so it's not exactly easy to move into a place.
Whoever coined the term "Stupid Watergate" for this whole affair deserves a cookie.

Like, at least Nixon did some good things before he did the deed, they've been attempting to gaslight the entire country
Whoever coined the term "Stupid Watergate" for this whole affair deserves a cookie.

Like, at least Nixon did some good things before he did the deed, they've been attempting to gaslight the entire country

Today Dick would be a Moderate Darling. He even supported abortion
because he hated the thought of interracial marriages and children

Chris R

Yeah, if Anchorage ever became even bluer than being light light light blue, the state would probably be in play since there are like 300,000+ people in Anchorage (which is insane for a city that far North).

Alaska is interesting because:

- The population is so low that small fluctuations in turn out drastically alter elections.
- It was almost entirely stagnant from 12 to 16 despite being a mostly rural state, which suggests there might be different elements at play.
- Given how our hold in rural AK sort of held in 16, it's really about turning Anchorage into a city that votes like a city of that size. (Easier said than done, the city is very white and iirc doesn't have a very high college education %)
- A Dem governor or senator from Alaska would probably be an incredible electoral force if the candidate was right.

The state is going to swing harder red these next few years with most Rs not too happy with our current Governor and reps/sens trying to implement an income tax to stay afloat as the oil markets crash and burn.

Anchorage is mostly white, but the thing is the white people for the most part are better off and tend to vote R. The "poorer" areas of the city are the ones represented by democratic reps and assembly members. Not saying there aren't other D voters around me, but if there are they don't show up to vote.

I'm a registered R voter but haven't voted for a single R outside of Murkowski because of my family and our fucked up primary system.
i know this is unrelated but i long await the day someone on a major news org pens an article telling christian white girls to stop going to africa and instagramming pics in a sea of black children. it makes my skin crawl every time.


Wow, it's like the second you order Russian salad dressing, repeatedly lie under oath about your meetings with the Russian ambassador, hide your foreign agent payments, seek a secret channel with the Russians outside US control, publicly ask Russia to hack your opponents, only show an interest in your party's platform to the extent it helps Russia, actively seek foreign actors to commit espionage against domestic political adversaries, threaten your FBI director not to investigate any of this, and then fire him for not taking a personal oath of loyalty, people get all bent out of shape.

What's the deal? When will sore loser liberals realize that there is nothing to see in this witch hunt??? If anything was there we'd have seen it already. Also even if anything bad happened collusion isn't a big deal. And even if it was a big deal Hillary did it to. With the DNC. And her emails.

I guess that I am saying is, this is a non-story. Move along.
i know this is unrelated but i long await the day someone on a major news org pens an article telling christian white girls to stop going to africa and instagramming pics in a sea of black children. it makes my skin crawl every time.

What if they're going and building houses and stuff?


Corporate Apologist
What if they're going and building houses and stuff?

From what I have heard, sending the money that would instead be spent to send over and house the missionaries would be more useful for home building in most of those impoverished areas than the people directly, especially if the missionaries would spend the equivalent time doing work to raise additional funds. The local people are often better skilled at building homes, and paying them for their labor would help the local economy. You would lose the value of the people being able to see the kind of lives the less fortunate live in first hand though.
What if they're going and building houses and stuff?
I mean that's cool if the houses are not just being made and left with no upkeep and maintenance. A lot of people are going to Africa to take pics with black children like it's a zoo and its kinda unsettling. There's also a flood of for-profit orgs coming in along with Christian groups preaching homophobia to the locals. It's an issue that needs to be called out and some people need to learn to step back.

From what I have heard, sending the money that would instead be spent to send over and house the missionaries would be more useful for home building in most of those impoverished areas than the people directly, especially if the missionaries would spend the equivalent time doing work to raise additional funds. The local people are often better skilled at building homes, and paying them for their labor would help the local economy. You would lose the value of the people being able to see the kind of lives the less fortunate live in first hand though.
I went to school with a lot of the people who go on these trips and they're pretty much absolutely politically apathetic outside of the summers where they get to go to Tanzania and hold up black kids like trophies. Many probably don't vote and maybe even likely lean right being Christian and southern and all.
From what I have heard, sending the money that would instead be spent to send over and house the missionaries would be more useful for home building in most of those impoverished areas than the people directly, especially if the missionaries would spend the equivalent time doing work to raise additional funds. The local people are often better skilled at building homes, and paying them for their labor would help the local economy. You would lose the value of the people being able to see the kind of lives the less fortunate live in first hand though.

I mean that's cool if the houses are not just being made and left with no upkeep and maintenance. A lot of people are going to Africa to take pics with black children like it's a zoo and its kinda unsettling. There's also a flood of for-profit orgs coming in along with Christian groups preaching homophobia to the locals. It's an issue that needs to be called out and some people need to learn to step back.

I went to school with a lot of the people who go on these trips and they're pretty much absolutely politically apathetic outside of the summers where they get to go to Tanzania and hold up black kids like trophies. Many probably don't vote and maybe even likely lean right being Christian and southern and all.

So would it be mostly accurate to say it's a complaint about virtue signaling?

I see. A friend of mine just went to Haiti for a month (after having visited for a couple weeks earlier this year to build houses) and she's doing more of that. She's not a missionary or anything though, and definitely doesn't have enough money to make a real difference, though she is paying for her own room and board, so maybe that helps the local economy a little. A lot of the work she does there is digging, carrying stuff around, that kind of thing, so I don't think "skills" are really an issue.

I totally get the distaste for treating poor foreigners like they're props for cool points on your Instagram, but I wonder if that price is worth it to the people being helped by these volunteers? I'm not saying I have the answer, it just seems like a complicated issue.
I totally get the distaste for treating poor foreigners like they're props for cool points on your Instagram, but I wonder if that price is worth it to the people being helped by these volunteers? I'm not saying I have the answer, it just seems like a complicated issue.
Isn't that a lot to assume from a photo? I mean, you're spending time down there with the local community, you're likely going to become friendly with the locals. Why assume the worst "treating poor foreigners as props for instragam points"?

Just seems cynical IMO. Like people aren't talking pictures thinking "ah ha, me with all these foreigners will get me so much internet cred".
Isn't that a lot to assume from a photo? I mean, you're spending time down there with the local community, you're likely going to become friendly with the locals. Why assume the worst "treating poor foreigners as props for instragam points"?

Just seems cynical IMO. Like people aren't talking pictures thinking "ah ha, me with all these foreigners will get me so much internet cred".
There's a lot more than just this. The pics with a sea of black kids and a white face in the middle give off heavy white savior vibes. And maybe if these christian volontourism programs had a semblance of diversity and didn't feel like one big self-fulfillment journey, they'd be cool.

A girl who took part in one of these volontourism programs wrote a pretty good article on what these pictures portray and how the companies will market these photos to the people willing to drop thousands on these trips - https://psmag.com/economics/instagrammingafrica-narcissism-global-voluntourism-83838
Fake evidence! If it was real, would it really be that dumb?
It will be dumb.

It can only be dumb
We really are witnessing Stupid Watergate.
I can't remember which pundit said it first, but before the GOP primaries even started, they proposed the idea that whatever the stupidest imaginable explanation for a Trump thing is, it's automatically true. Don't think it's ever been proven wrong.

It's even dragged into the presidency! "He'd never heave missiles at Syria just to wave his dick around, would he? That's too stupid." -- *Trump admits to China he was just waving his dick around*


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can anyone tell me if the parks are closed for all purposes? I have to go to this fireworks crap with my family later and I'd love it if it were cancelled!
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