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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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A US War ship is sinking in foreign wars, and there is no one to talk to the country or over see operations of recovery


This is fine

Donald Trump has been a known quantity since the 80s, if not earlier, anyone thinking there is any good in him is dangerously naive.

Even the people who are using him too. I don't think the GOP have any idea that they have done. This week, we see some members of the GOP pushing back in some way.


Even the people who are using him too. I don't think the GOP have any idea that they have done. This week, we see some members of the GOP pushing back in some way.

I bet you in the back rooms and offices they are livid, but they still party over country. Short a meltdown live on tv, i doubt they would turn on him in any meaningful ways.


Corporate Apologist
It feels like at this point the GOP is deciding if they would be better off Impeaching Trump before midterms or after. The Impeachment Process could take a while to get though, but public opinion of the party may be a lot worse in 18 months if they don't act on it soon.

The direction Trump's public image continues in the next few months will likely a be a big deal. I actually think the GOP Congress is secretly hoping he does fire Mueller, since it makes it easier to have the public on their side if they go for impeachment. Right now, they are not acting since Trump is still popular with their base, but its likely a matter of time before that chances. Once Trump is down to 40-60% approval with the Republican Base, I think the Republican Congress will start being more outspoken, though they would likely need to get Fox New to stop supporting Trump.


It feels like at this point the GOP is deciding if they would be better off Impeaching Trump before midterms or after. The Impeachment Process could take a while to get though, but public opinion of the party may be a lot worse in 18 months if they don't act on it soon.

The direction Trump's public image continues in the next few months will likely a be a big deal. I actually think the GOP Congress is secretly hoping he does fire Mueller, since it makes it easier to have the public on their side if they go for impeachment. Right now, they are not acting since Trump is still popular with their base, but its likely a matter of time before that chances. Once Trump is down to 40-60% approval with the Republican Base, I think the Republican Congress will start being more outspoken, though they would likely need to get Fox New to stop supporting Trump.

The GOP won't impeach Trump unless some solid proof of him doing something universally horrific comes to light.
The hypocrisy from the GOP is almost as big as Trump's ego at this point.

I want every single GOP comment about this gilded, so that when we actually get forward-thinking people in there, and the GOP starts their "King Obama" crap again, we can ram every statement they made about Trump right into their faces, and ask at which point they were a liar, because they can't have it both ways.

It won't stop them from trying, of couse, because they have literally no shame at this point.
It feels like at this point the GOP is deciding if they would be better off Impeaching Trump before midterms or after. The Impeachment Process could take a while to get though, but public opinion of the party may be a lot worse in 18 months if they don't act on it soon.

The direction Trump's public image continues in the next few months will likely a be a big deal. I actually think the GOP Congress is secretly hoping he does fire Mueller, since it makes it easier to have the public on their side if they go for impeachment. Right now, they are not acting since Trump is still popular with their base, but its likely a matter of time before that chances. Once Trump is down to 40-60% approval with the Republican Base, I think the Republican Congress will start being more outspoken, though they would likely need to get Fox New to stop supporting Trump.

There is no situation the GOP wants that involves actually removing Trump from office. I'm too lazy to write out why so I'll just quote some previous posts of mine that explain why the GOP doesn't want Trump out of office:

This notion that Trump getting kicked out of office wouldn't be a win just because Pence would be there is understandable until you actually think about what would happen to Trump's fanbase once their God is defeated.

Trump won because he successfully energized his fanbase into voting in unprecedented numbers, but the hilarious part is that his fanbase has become a TRUMP fanbase at its core. Not a Pence fanbase. Not a Paul Ryan fanbase. In some ways not even a GOP fanbase, because if the GOP tried to turn on Trump this fanbase would likely turn on the GOP. This is a TRUMP fanbase. And without Trump, they are very VERY lost.

Pence would be Trump's Gerald Ford, except Ford was at least somewhat likable before pardoning Nixon. Pence wasn't even that popular in Indiana. In fact I would go so far as to say that Trump's wins are proof that being a goody two-shoes-religious-type isn't actually that appealing. Pence stumbles even worse than Trump when the question has anything to do with gay rights or abortion.

But back to my main point, Pence ending up the successor would still be a win because Pence doesn't get Trump's fanbase all fired up vote the way Trump did and we know, based on the fact that Trump's fanbase likes Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement LITERALLY just because it pisses off liberals, that Trump getting kicked out of office would depress Trump's fanbase and Pence wouldn't be enough to cheer them up.

And with how US politics has become, the GOP is pretty much dead without Trump's fanbase.
I think that might be part of the reason, but honestly I think the biggest reason that Republicans haven't ditched Trump is the following:

The majority of GOP voters have become a Trump fanbase. Now the great part about that for the GOP is that all they have to do to satisfy these voters is have Trump praise this shit and as we saw in 2016, Trump was actually able to get his fanbase to turn out to vote.

But the problem is that Trump's fanbase is a TRUMP fanbase at this point. Not a Mike Pence fanbase. Not a Paul Ryan fanbase. In some ways not even a GOP fanbase, because if the GOP tried to turn on Trump, a huge chunk of the Trump fanbase would actually turn on the GOP. No Trump's fanbase only gets as enthusiastic and excited about three things: pissing off liberals, hurting minorities, and having their leader Trump to lead them.

So imagine what would happen to Trump's fanbase if Trump were removed from office due to impeachment. It doesn't matter what the reason is that he got impeached and removed. The effect would still be the same.

First off his fanbase would be depressed because their "god" would have failed to even last as long as Obama did. And this wouldn't be like other news. They would see it live on TV as Trump is removed from office, so they literally would be forced through all 5 stages of political grief at once, including the part where they get angry at the GOP for allowing Trump to get impeached.

Then they would be further depressed, because we know they get happy about things simply because they piss off liberals, so they will know that Trump being removed from office makes liberals super happy and that will piss them off to no end. To them, Trump being removed from office would mean that liberals won regardless of anything else.

And who would the GOP be left with as President? Well probably either Pence or Ryan, and frankly it would matter which because either one would be Trump's Gerald Ford, only less likable than Gerald Ford was. Pence or Ryan as president would never be able to energize that Trump fanbase into voting like they did for Trump, and considering that they are now a majority of the GOP voters, that means the GOP would be pretty fucked. In 1974, when Nixon resigned and Ford became POTUS, Democrats managed to gain FORTY NINE seats in the house in spite already having a majority, and then 2 years later the republicans were still so depressed about Nixon resigned that Ford lost to Jimmy fucking Carter. And that's before we get into all the ways in which Mike Pence and Paul Ryan are so goddamn unlikable on a national scale that they could never win a national election on the top of the ticket.

It's very possible that top GOP leadership is also involved in this Russia stuff, but that possibility isn't needed for the GOP to want to keep Trump in office. They want to keep Trump in office because at this point without Trump and his fanbase they are nothing.

Don't expect the GOP congressmen and senators to impeach Trump unless they are literally put in a situation where they have to choose between voting to impeach Trump or being thrown in Prison themselves.
This, sadly, is unsurprising in this shit show of an administration (note that it's being reported that thankfully the ship isn't going to sink, but the point still stands):

Brandon Friedman‏Verified account @BFriedmanDC 2h2 hours ago

The USS Fitzgerald might sink off Japan and the U.S. President can't call our Ambassador or our Navy Secretary because we have neither

Only thing that can impeach Trump is a pee pee tape or a secret conversation where he discusses all sorts of illegal stuff. The public needs an audio/visual anchor to tether all the crazy Russiagate stories around.
Luckily, nobody I know is that extreme. Then again, the type of people I know are people who will vote Republican their whole lives, but don't like Trump anyway.

My business partner claims he reads and absorbs it for entertainment. I tell him I think he's lyingand told him that even if he was being truthful, millions of people absorb it and chalk it all up to truth.

At least with a satirist, the intention is clear.


This, sadly, is unsurprising in this shit show of an administration (note that it's being reported that thankfully the ship isn't going to sink, but the point still stands):

Brandon Friedman‏Verified account @BFriedmanDC 2h2 hours ago

The USS Fitzgerald might sink off Japan and the U.S. President can't call our Ambassador or our Navy Secretary because we have neither




Unconfirmed Member
"Yeah but she's a bitch," Holmes said PoliGAFingly.
"Her reputation from Sacramento is that of a bitch." said extremely political expert GAFingly

Edit: speaking as someone from Sacramento, you should give no fucks what someone from Sacramento thinks.

Double Edit: ESPECIALLY Cornell West
I actually like West, but he's wrong, like, a lot
I'm kinda glad Ras poll has Trump at 50℅. I have a feeling that Trump advisors were trying to talk to Trump to change his strategy but suddenly the Ras poll dropped and he made everyone GTFO, and tweeted about that poll.
"Her reputation from Sacramento is that of a bitch." said extremely political expert GAFingly

Edit: speaking as someone from Sacramento, you should give no fucks what someone from Sacramento thinks.

Double Edit: ESPECIALLY Cornel West
I actually like West, but he's wrong, like, a lot

I live in Sacramento, you take that back! Wait, Cornel West is from here? Lmao, that's incredible.


Watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

JoJo: "We may subscribe to different beliefs, but I respect your courage, Stroheim!"

Nazi officer who executed twenty jews a few minutes earlier.


It feels like at this point the GOP is deciding if they would be better off Impeaching Trump before midterms or after. The Impeachment Process could take a while to get though, but public opinion of the party may be a lot worse in 18 months if they don't act on it soon.

The direction Trump's public image continues in the next few months will likely a be a big deal. I actually think the GOP Congress is secretly hoping he does fire Mueller, since it makes it easier to have the public on their side if they go for impeachment. Right now, they are not acting since Trump is still popular with their base, but its likely a matter of time before that chances. Once Trump is down to 40-60% approval with the Republican Base, I think the Republican Congress will start being more outspoken, though they would likely need to get Fox New to stop supporting Trump.

I doubt he would ever go underwater among Republicans, but yeah, i think 60%-65% would be the magic number.
I'm kinda glad Ras poll has Trump at 50℅. I have a feeling that Trump advisors were trying to talk to Trump to change his strategy but suddenly the Ras poll dropped and he made everyone GTFO, and tweeted about that poll.

It was probably Scavino who tweeted that


Unconfirmed Member
lol spoiled milk why'd you blast me out in that sac town thread? I'm trying to keep a low profile ! ;)
Jeeeeeeesus is that Kamala Harris article a puff piece.
Black feminism is at an history all time high in the black community. Get ready for more.

I'm at Cedar Point (in Ohio for the non americans). Three Trump shirts and hats in this one small section of the line for Valvarn. pls help. one of them is wearing those gaudy 45TH PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP shirt with the flying eagles. your man is under criminal investigation. get it together.

Actually, I applaud his choice.

Like, the production of Shakespeare, his production of the Salem Witch Trials will go on to show that Hillary was really innocent of the charges brought upon her, and was the subject of scapegoating by people riled up by an angry mad man.


Actually, I applaud his choice.

Like, the production of Shakespeare, his production of the Salem Witch Trials will go on to show that Hillary was really innocent of the charges brought upon her, and was the subject of scapegoating by people riled up by an angry mad man.


That and the fact that he also didn't know that the name of the play is The Crucible.
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