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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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How long have we been doing this? Is '96 closer to the broad strategy you think is important? Because you can't run, you know, different mutually exclusive messages across the country. You have to have a national platform and so reaching other areas means compromising on things you care about. I think a 50 state strategy is the wrong direction because you want to keep your coalition of voters as small as possible while maintaining a slim majority, so you can give as much goodies to your side as possible. We don't need to bring back dog whistles just to gain voters if we know we'll have the numbers again by taking back northern states like Pennsylvania and Michigan and maybe flipping Florida back once the retirees die off, all without having to get any southern voters at all.
You have to let people run their own campaigns and keep up the McCain Maverick illusion.


Alright I'm checking this out

The blurbs on the back of the cover are a little bit of a red flag. Lots of "unlike the urban elites SHE went into REAL AMERICA to listen. But I picked this up because of an article someone made a thread about here referencing her conversations with people who recognize they're being poisoned by pollution but still vehemently reject protective regulation and support market capitalism. And doesn't conclude that they're stupid or being duped. And I think that moving beyond thinking these people are stupid or being duped is one of the most important things we need to do right now

I read that book last year and it was an interesting read. It basically reinforced my beliefs that the only way these people can be helped is if the federal government intervenes. Which I know reeks of paternalism, but it's the only realistic solution at this point.


I read that book last year and it was an interesting read. It basically reinforced my beliefs that the only way these people can be helped is if the federal government intervenes. Which I know reeks of paternalism, but it's the only realistic solution at this point.
That's already what happens, red states are net takers of federal money.
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke has withdrawn his name from consideration for an assistant secretary position at the Department of Homeland Security, an adviser to Clarke confirmed to The Washington Post on Saturday.

"Late Friday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. formally notified Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly that he had rescinded his acceptance of the agency's offer to join DHS as an assistant secretary," said Craig Peterson, an adviser to Clarke. "Sheriff Clarke is 100 percent committed to the success of President Trump and believes his skills could be better utilized to promote the president's agenda in a more aggressive role.".

Good. I was wondering what was happening with this nomination. I hope he doesn't get offered another job in the admin, though :/


Rick Wilson and Liz Mair worked on oppo for other GOP candidates in the primary. They both talked about "a huge story" on Trump that was getting shopped around for a really long time. Like since July. This turned out to be the Steele dossier.

There were actually TWO huge stories they were teasing, the other being proof that he had paid for multiple of his mistresses' abortions. In light of what we now know about the dossier, I wonder what happened with that one?
Seems Tammy Baldwin's numbers have improved considerably and she seems fairly safe.


The GOP pollster Magellan Strategies, on behalf of a group called “Committee to Defend the President” (wonder what their political leanings are?) is out with the first poll of next year’s Wisconsin Senate race, and they give Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin an early lead. Baldwin defeats Milwaukee County Sheriff and very nominal Democrat David Clarke 49-35. Magellan says that while the poll was in the field, Rep. Sean Duffy announced he wouldn’t run; in any case, Duffy trails 49-36.

The poll gives Clarke a 23-20 favorable rating, and argues he has some room to grow once he gets his name out. However, Baldwin has a 49-35 approval rating, quite a good score for a GOP poll. Clarke himself hasn’t ruled out challenging Baldwin, though he hasn’t shown any sign he’s seriously considering. However, a recent PPP survey gave Clarke a horrible 31-62 approval rating in Milwaukee County, and if he can’t get a job with Trump, he could decide that running statewide next year is a lot easier than trying to win re-election.
2018 would have been an absolute bloodbath for Dems, especially in the Senate, if Clinton won.

Yeah.....this is the one thing along with how awful Trump is that makes me wonder if this'll at least be a good thing in the long run.

That's the silver lining I keep hanging on to.
If it wasn't for the Supreme Court I'd make this argument easily. But if Kennedy and Ginsburg wait until 2021 to retire it might not matter as much.

Good news for House recruitment: Brad Ashford running in NE-2. Brad won in 2014 and barely lost in 2016 by under 3,500 votes.


If it wasn't for the Supreme Court I'd make this argument easily. But if Kennedy and Ginsburg wait until 2021 to retire it might not matter as much.

Good news for House recruitment: Brad Ashford running in NE-2. Brad won in 2014 and barely lost in 2016 by under 3,500 votes.
Unforunately, yeah. I'm hoping nobody else leaves the supreme court until next election, but I know it's almost certain at least one more leaves.
Unforunately, yeah. I'm hoping nobody else leaves the supreme court until next election, but I know it's almost certain at least one more leaves.

I worry about Ginsburg, but she'll probably last until 2021 because she's swole and the universe has a sense of humor.
I kinda wonder if Kennedy was actually going to retire, but then the Russian stuff hit and he changed his mind.

There were hints in Spring that he might retire, but the time for that seemingly came and passed


If it wasn't for the Supreme Court I'd make this argument easily. But if Kennedy and Ginsburg wait until 2021 to retire it might not matter as much.

Good news for House recruitment: Brad Ashford running in NE-2. Brad won in 2014 and barely lost in 2016 by under 3,500 votes.

It's very likely Hillary could have barely won and we still wouldn't have gotten the Senate. In that case the Senate still likely fucks over any nominations and the Dems get wrecked in the midterms anyway.

The best case scenario was Ginsburg retiring when Dems still had control.
It's very likely Hillary could have barely won and we still wouldn't have gotten the Senate. In that case the Senate still likely fucks over any nominations and the Dems get wrecked in the midterms anyway.

The best case scenario was Ginsburg retiring when Dems still had control.

Yeah, Feingold and McGinty both lost by larger margins than Hillary. She may or may not have dragged them across the finish line if she'd won. Ross in NC probably would've lost even with a Hillary win, and Kander ran ahead of Hillary in MO. We might very well have had the current 52-48 layout.


You probably shouldn't be listening to "3DTruth".

I'm not seeing this picked up elsewhere so that + the non-notoriety of the source made me skeptical. There's a reason I came in here for independent verification :p

So unless I see this pop up elsewhere from a reputable source I'm considering it fake news but again there a reason I came looking for verification rather than report it as true.


No Scrubs
I'm not seeing this picked up elsewhere so that + the non-notoriety of the source made me skeptical. There's a reason I came in here for independent verification :p

So unless I see this pop up elsewhere from a reputable source I'm considering it fake news but again there a reason I came looking for verification rather than report it as true.

Democracy Now (where they guy got the news) isn't a horrible source, but like most websites they have a very clear slant and probably shouldn't be taken at face value. If it's real then it'll get picked up pretty quick.


If it wasn't for the Supreme Court I'd make this argument easily. But if Kennedy and Ginsburg wait until 2021 to retire it might not matter as much.

Good news for House recruitment: Brad Ashford running in NE-2. Brad won in 2014 and barely lost in 2016 by under 3,500 votes.
Ashford is good, but he needs to put the effort into it. His campaign was mediocre until the very end last year and it made the difference.


Really makes you think

Huffington Post got a hold of the full unedited Megyn Kelly Putin interview. To no one's surprise, it went pretty badly.

...unedited footage from her recent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin shows a nervous Kelly who asked the authoritarian leader softball questions and failed to hold him accountable on key topics. Most troubling, Kelly devoted precious time in her short interview to a question that led one former CIA Russia analyst to say that it sounded as if Putin had written the question himself.

In the full, unedited discussion, obtained by HuffPost, Kelly repeatedly fails to interrupt the Russian president while he rambles in his responses. She also asks Putin questions he can easily dispute.

The last question Kelly asked Putin, which was not aired, was startling in its pandering. “We have been here in St. Petersburg for about a week now. And virtually every person we have met on the street says what they respect about you is they feel that you have returned dignity to Russia, that you’ve returned Russia to a place of respect. You’ve been in the leadership of this country for 17 years now. Has it taken any sort of personal toll on you?”
It's quite clear that anyone who interviews Putin has strict rules they have to follow.
To the point where every single question is approved ahead of time.
Maybe. But the quality of the interviewer is also important. For instance I've watched all 2 hours of Charlie Rose's interview and the most important thing I learned is that Rose is an idiot.
It's quite clear that anyone who interviews Putin has strict rules they have to follow.
To the point where every single question is approved ahead of time.

New organizations need to stop acting as propaganda machines for him. Even if you could ask him tough questions he's never going to honestly respond.
He also talks over his guests - the worst quality an interviewer can have.
Agreed on the first count but he has far worse faults. He asks inane questions. He doesn't ask good follow-ups. He doesn't know how to back down when the interviewee is intent on deflecting and it makes him look desperate and unskilled. Really, my biggest complaint is that I go into an interview of his expecting to learn something other than my preexisting impression of someone but his questions feel like they're tailored explicitly from this perception (because Charlie is not smart enough to try to break this).

I liked his Brian Cranston interview, I guess.


May contain jokes =>
Can you guys actually envision a scenario in which Trump loses in 2020 and leaves the White House voluntarily? Because I'm honestly not certain I can.
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