The loony right idolizes Russia because they see it as an authoritarian white supremacist state that wants to save "muh western civilization" (i.e., Russia shares their hatred for brown people).
But why do loony lefties glorify it so much? It hasn't been "socialist" since the Soviet days, and even during that era it starved and imprisoned its own citizens and treated human rights like a gum wrapper. Are these people just so viscerally anti-American that they've run all the way in the other direction and embraced our nemesis? Or do they see the stories of the Soviet Union's cruelty as revisionist history propagated by a corrupt, oligarchical, imperialist state (ignoring the fact that Russia epitomizes the worst kind of oligarchical corruption)?
The "loony left" is susceptible to whataboutism because they've conditioned themselves to seeing every action the USA takes as evil and thus America's foreign rivals become sympathetic.