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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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No Scrubs
Let's say Mitch resigns or chooses not to run again. How much chance would we have in an open seat in Kentucky? McConnell won by only 100,000 votes in 2008, meaning that incumbency advantage might have saved him, and Grimey performed decently in a Republican year despite trying like hell to pretend she didn't know who the president was.

Shinra will say, "LOL Kentucky," but we might have a chance there.

It'll depend entirely on who they put up for it. There's always a chance if they throw in a big enough asshat.


Is our 2020 candidate going to be Harris, Gillibrand, Franken, Gabbard, Zuckerberg, or a sock monkey with "Medicare for All" sewn into the front?
Well, the latter would win too many votes so he's out.

Midterms will show me the hand of what 2020 portends. But right now the tablet says McAuliffe and O'Malley are trying to elbow out everyone else with The Bag Man knowing best how to do this, while O'Malley is probably trying to position himself between Bernie and Lenin. In both cases, the 2020 election will probably be decided on something that is not a rehash of the Hillary/Bernie divide. The candidates will mainly be known quantities. Even people like Deval Patrick and Hickenlooper are more likely than I suspect. Democrats will likely have two-tier debates.

Edit: Also, I don't know why, but I feel like you are the best person to ask if you are aware any kind of comprehensive summation of the ways in which the politics and economics of the Star Trek universe do not make any sense. This is manifestly true to me, but I've not the economics nor political science background to construct such a thing myself.
Here's why it doesn't make any sense: Gene Roddenberry.

See, after TOS became an actual hit, Roddenberry started to think he was as smart as L. Ron Hubbard.

So, Gene proclaimed that in the future humanity would have no conflicts whatsoever, not even between individuals. And Starfleet would exist mainly to go around lecturing lesser races about how they should become more like humans or humans would be dicks to them.

After Gene was shuffled off for being incompetent at his job, Rick Berman was insane enough to keep this edict in place, though the entirety of the DS9 staff pushed back enough against him and he had Voyager to distract himself with that Gene's rule was allowed to bend in DS9. Enterprise worked around the rule by saying "we're in the past and also...we literally can't do anything else since this is an Earth ship with two alien passengers" and also Scott Bakula invoked his powers as the sexist man to ever live to get Braga and Berman fired.

Also, when aliens appear once a season it's way easier to portray them as ALL THE SAME and thus stand-ins for Russkies or what have you. When they're regulars, nobody buys that every Cardassian agrees on everything Gul Dukat says or that all Romulans are suspicious xenophobes. (Which is one reason the Borg and Dominion were so tasty to writers as enemies. They avoid this problem.)

Gene's economic views were tied up in this and thus he made the proclamation early on in TNG about the whole no money thing and the Ferengi were the villains as evil capitalist Jews. Which then other writers had to go and figure out how to explain this, especially with replicators, so somebody fixed it by making certain things unable to be replicated, which completely undermines Gene's Federation requiring it to trade or be surpassed quickly so TNG/DS9/VOY just has the Federation bartering while Picard lectures people about how they've evolved past money because money is evil corrupting Jew blood.

Quark and others in DS9 regularly poke at this for the writers:
Quark: I think I figured out why Humans don't like Ferengi.

Sisko: Not now, Quark.

Quark: The way I see it, Humans used to be a lot like Ferengi: greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget.

Sisko: Quark, we don't have time for this.

Quark: You're overlooking something. Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi: slavery, concentration camps, interstellar wars. We have nothing in our past that approaches that kind of barbarism. You see? We're nothing like you... we're better.

Libertarian writer/law professor Ilya Somin once wrote a series of blog entries about Star Trek where he posited that the Federation may be some form of a fascist society especially considering the high place humans exist in nearly every position of power relative to other races, to which some other writer pointed out that the show is pretty much only shown from the point of view of the Federation and could be almost entirely propaganda produced by the Federation for consumption by non-aligned races.

There's also the fact which I've argued many times before (though not alone) that Voyager makes infinitely more sense and is vastly more interesting if you watch it from the premise that Janeway is the villain or at least antagonist of the series. (Especially her future self in the finale.) She employs a twisted authoritarian viewpoint, that the rest of the crew submits to with minor protest, that justifies all actions up to and including murder, genocide, near annihilation of the galaxy, and reigniting ended wars in the name of "Federation rules" and she's even entirely arbitrary in her punishment and reward system. All things common in totalitarian states like North Korea or the USSR.

And of course, upon her return to the Alpha Quadrant, she's promoted into a high position of Starfleet Command.

AbramsTrek's universe was created by a 9/11 Truther and the first two films are so poorly produced in all areas they make literally no sense. Their politics seem to be based around a massive future warship destroying two galactic powers for a quarter of a century with nobody caring until Vulcan gets blown away and then those crushed galactic powers immediately preparing for war against one another with massive unprecedented weaponry that even the future ship didn't have until the franchise was saved by Justin Lin and Simon Pegg creating maybe the best film since The Undiscovered Country.
Let's say Mitch resigns or chooses not to run again. How much chance would we have in an open seat in Kentucky? McConnell won by only 100,000 votes in 2008, meaning that incumbency advantage might have saved him, and Grimey performed decently in a Republican year despite trying like hell to pretend she didn't know who the president was.

Shinra will say, "LOL Kentucky," but we might have a chance there.

If Grimes ran a better campaign I could see her taking the seat. She is pretty popular in KY, and peoples opinions on things like the ACA and the Republican Party as a whole has shifted a bit.
Obama gets shit on for not doing enough by some, but all this should make it very clear how hard it is to do anything of any real size or importance. Negotiating with hundreds of people at once, which is what passing a law entails, is no easy task and requires a great deal of effort and cunning. Him, Pelosi, and Reid are all-stars for getting the ACA through.
I don't think enough people appreciate what a massive undertaking passing this stuff is, probably because they don't take into consideration you need 218 House votes and 51 Senators (at minimum, usually 60) who all have their own home state dynamics to worry about.

And that's probably because most presidents have actually been somewhat competent. Even Dubya got some significant reform legislation done with No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D. Not great legislation, but it took some wrangling.

Trump is what you'd get if you installed any random jackass as president - what do you mean you can't just wave your wand and repeal Obamacare?


No Scrubs
I don't think enough people appreciate what a massive undertaking passing this stuff is, probably because they don't take into consideration you need 218 House votes and 51 Senators (at minimum, usually 60) who all have their own home state dynamics to worry about.

And that's probably because most presidents have actually been somewhat competent. Even Dubya got some significant reform legislation done with No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D. Not great legislation, but it took some wrangling.

Trump is what you'd get if you installed any random jackass as president - what do you mean you can't just wave your wand and repeal Obamacare?

People tend to look at Congressional negotiations they way they do a salary or business negotiation, probably because that's the only thing they have to compare it to. They assume the two work the same way despite the fact there is a fatal flaw in this outlook: in business both sides want a deal to happen so they can make money, Congress has no such common driving factor. Sure everyone wants to get reelected, but everyone needs something different to make that happen.

The average person just has no real framework to understand how this shit works because it's something no one ever has to deal with unless they have the job themselves.


Even Dubya got some significant reform legislation done with No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D. Not great legislation, but it took some wrangling.

Trump is what you'd get if you installed any random jackass as president - what do you mean you can't just wave your wand and repeal Obamacare?
Wow at all the pro-Trumpism taking over since I last visited the thread.


No Scrubs
Now that you mention it, have we ever seen what life is like on Earth outside of Starfleet's Potemkin campus

Picard went to his family's vinyard in France once after the whole Locutus thing. It was basically a normal vinyard with a replicator.


Fox News is saying there's far more evidence of collusion with the DNC/Ukraine than Russia/Trump admin, and that republicans need to start demanding hearings/investigations.

This is just sad
benji is there a somewhat-plausible presidential candidate that's even more boring than 2020 frontrunner Terry McAuliffe? What's the most dull ticket you can possibly conceive of?
Picard went to his family's vinyard in France once after the whole Locutus thing. It was basically a normal vinyard with a replicator.

We also get to see New Orleans in DS9, or at least Joseph Sisko's restaurant
which makes the way Ben talks about him as though he's dead in an earlier episode seem very strange.
The good thing about McAuliffe running is he would soak up a lot of the shitty people from the Clinton campaign and he wouldn't make it through the primary.
The good thing about McAuliffe running is he would soak up a lot of the shitty people from the Clinton campaign and he wouldn't make it through the primary.
He's not a woman so he wouldn't win.

That's the only reason I voted for her anyway.

Let me get this straight. The plan is to repeal and then pinky swear they will come up with something in two years?
The plan is to say they'll do this, let the bill die so they can move onto more important things like not shutting down the government.

Freedom Caucus already tipped their hand that they don't want to compromise on the budget after the AHCA budget so like always, the Republicans are going to have to negotiate with the Democrats and Pelosi is going to rob them blind.


The good thing about McAuliffe running is he would soak up a lot of the shitty people from the Clinton campaign and he wouldn't make it through the primary.

He's actually been a good governor, so in the .000001% chance he wins, he'd be fine governance wise too. (Unlike a certain sexy Baltimorean.)
I still can't believe this (read: Trump) is all really happening.

It's the two year anniversary of him talking about John McCain not being a real hero because he got captured.

I thought that would be it.

This is all real.


Now that you mention it, have we ever seen what life is like on Earth outside of Starfleet's Potemkin campus
Sisko's dad's restaurant a few times.

benji is there a somewhat-plausible presidential candidate that's even more boring than 2020 frontrunner Terry McAuliffe? What's the most dull ticket you can possibly conceive of?
Mark Warner/Patty Murray

Tom Udall is a pretty strong contender too.

Really, there's a lot of great choices for a super dull, all white 2020 Democratic Primary. We could really go all in on this.

And then all the minority candidates could have their own Presidential debates. Just an idea. You know. Could even put those debates solely on channels that speak to them like Univision, BET, Logo and ESPN Deportes.
I still can't believe this (read: Trump) is all really happening.

It's the two year anniversary of him talking about John McCain not being a real hero because he got captured.

I thought that would be it.

This is all real.
I still feel guilty for enjoying Trump's rise to power so much, thinking he would be easy pickings in the general, griping about Democrats crossing over in some primaries to stop him.

I was so stupid.

Patty Murray running for president would actually be pretty hilarious.
Awkward Ann for veep!


I still can't believe this (read: Trump) is all really happening.

It's the two year anniversary of him talking about John McCain not being a real hero because he got captured.

I thought that would be it.

This is all real.

I still feel guilty for enjoying Trump's rise to power so much, thinking he would be easy pickings in the general, griping about Democrats crossing over in some primaries to stop him.

I was so stupid.


I still can't believe this (read: Trump) is all really happening.

It's the two year anniversary of him talking about John McCain not being a real hero because he got captured.

I thought that would be it.

This is all real.

Yeah, every now and again I stop and remind myself that Donald Trump is the President of the United States and I still don't believe it.

Like, this should never have been allowed to happen, but somehow it did.
lol, Patty Murray was a one term state Senator who then beat out a sitting congressman in the 92 federal senate primary and then beat a popular congressman in an open seat to win.


I just hope he keeps enough support to actually get to attend a debate. Can you imagine the jokes that will come of it?

Amazing. This guy may stay viable long enough from the Tea Party vote in the primaries to skull fuck the entire party brand for the 2016 election with Hispanic voters.

I wanna see a movie where Trump becomes POTUS. That'd be fun to watch.

And a few PoliGAFers...

Aaron Strife said:
No. There's no fucking way. With how he alienates the Hispanic vote he just further would cement Hillary's victory if, somehow in some strange way, he actually secured the nomination.

Maybe if we're living in a truly bizarre universe and the race is Trump vs Bernie then he has a shot

The Technomancer said:
No. There's no fucking way. With how he alienates the Hispanic vote he just further would cement Hillary's victory if, somehow in some strange way, he actually secured the nomination.

Maybe if we're living in a truly bizarre universe and the race is Trump vs Bernie then he has a shot

benjipwns said:
Not really. 50-65% of Republicans don't like him. Only 15-25% view him favorably.

And that's just Republicans.

The only person in the first few pages that had it right.

Jesus Christ, please don't let this idiot become president.

This is Splatoon is going to do W101 level of bomb funny, EXCEPT IT'S NOT BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING NIGHTMARE




I struggled with predicting the 2016 GOP primary.

I knew Jeb wouldn't take off.
I knew Kasich wouldn't take off (idk how, but I knew).

I thought, logically, obviously, that Rubio made the most sense, but I also knew in my gut that the GOP primary electorate wouldn't nominate an ethnic minority. Like...they just won't lol. But it was him or Trump once you discarded Jeb n' John, and Trump honestly really did still seem a bridge too far...

And of course I was fretting about all this in late 2015 because I thought Rubio could win the general so hopefully they'd actually be dumb enough to go on a general election suicide mission with Trump, lol lol lol lol lol.


we should all pledge to do what we can to allow bipartisan votes to happen in the Hawai'i Senate again, for democracy

Don't be disingenuous. Every bill that Hawaii passed this year passed with the unanimous support of every Republican in the State Senate.
In the midst of all this, Wittes put a new article out


Essentially, it's a suit against the trump campaign that he believes that will get to the discovery phase. He says it will take some time, but will be a goldmine when it gets there.

I've been watching this case closely. If the case reaches discovery, as Wittes speculates, everything will be under the supervision of a truly independent judge - someone Trump hasn't appointed and over whom he has no sway or power. That part excites me the most. It'd be like a backdoor independent commission, except through the narrower lens of the plaintiffs' case.


Corporate Apologist
I struggled with predicting the 2016 GOP primary.

I knew Jeb wouldn't take off.
I knew Kasich wouldn't take off (idk how, but I knew).

I thought, logically, obviously, that Rubio made the most sense, but I also knew in my gut that the GOP primary electorate wouldn't nominate an ethnic minority. Like...they just won't lol. But it was him or Trump once you discarded Jeb n' John, and Trump honestly really did still seem a bridge too far...

And of course I was fretting about all this in late 2015 because I thought Rubio could win the general so hopefully they'd actually be dumb enough to go on a general election suicide mission with Trump, lol lol lol lol lol.
Coming from Florida, I was confident Rubio had no shot. I thought Cruz would take it, but looking back once Jeb fell off Trump winning the primaries should have been obvious.


Unconfirmed Member
I struggled with predicting the 2016 GOP primary.

I knew Jeb wouldn't take off.
I knew Kasich wouldn't take off (idk how, but I knew).

I thought, logically, obviously, that Rubio made the most sense, but I also knew in my gut that the GOP primary electorate wouldn't nominate an ethnic minority. Like...they just won't lol. But it was him or Trump once you discarded Jeb n' John, and Trump honestly really did still seem a bridge too far...

And of course I was fretting about all this in late 2015 because I thought Rubio could win the general so hopefully they'd actually be dumb enough to go on a general election suicide mission with Trump, lol lol lol lol lol.

Only thing difficult about predicting the GOP primary was arguing with all the people here on neogaf convinced that Trump had no chance in hell. Carson and Cruz were the only other ones to ever have a chance in the polls and at that time they were as big of a joke as Trump.

But even I couldn't predict that "grab them by the pussy" wasn't going to matter enough for the general. I still can't believe it. A presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault on tape apparently no longer matters in politics.


Why are we reliving painful memories when we could be clowning on McConnell some more

He's such sad sack of shit.

EDIT: Lovett's rant about 2016 election night parties on Lovett or Leave it last week stole my soul. Just devastating. I never want to think about 2016 again.
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