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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Tommy DJ

Fox polling seems solid, despite their news station being a piece of shit. They're pretty bad numbers anyway since he's net negative in just about every metric.
Considering his army was winning back city after city at the time, I simply found the sudden attack on civilians that he surely knew would bring the world down upon him a strange decision. He had the least to gain by doing it.

I'm sure you can just attribute it to "He's a fucking psychopath" if you believe that and be on with it, but the entire situation never added up logically.

That being said - it's beside the point. The people there are back in their homes and the cities are being rebuilt. It's as good of a time as any for the US to extract (people and/or funding) from the region and focus elsewhere. Would you not agree?

This thread keeps getting derailed on debating Russia intervention, so I'm just going to say I see no reason for the US to stay entirely out of the Syria situation. Especially since civilians were gassed. Stopping rebels through covert CIA operations, sure. Complete removal of focus. Hell no.

And that's all I'm saying on the matter. (Other than if things are so fine, Russia should be pulling out too)



Fox headline: Trump approval rising!
I've been reviewing the House races from 2012 because of Nate's prediction that the map would "return to normal" without Trump and Hillary, and I'd forgotten how well we performed that year. Though we only won eight seats, we came close in a number of other races - like, close as in 51-49, 52-48, 53-47 - that could've gotten us about 15-20 pickups if we'd won them. With an unpopular Republican president, I think we definitely have a chance of regaining the majority on that map.
Considering his army was winning back city after city at the time, I simply found the sudden attack on civilians that he surely knew would bring the world down upon him a strange decision. He had the least to gain by doing it.

I'm sure you can just attribute it to "He's a fucking psychopath" if you believe that and be on with it, but the entire situation never added up logically.

That being said - it's beside the point. The people there are back in their homes and the cities are being rebuilt. It's as good of a time as any for the US to extract (people and/or funding) from the region and focus elsewhere. Would you not agree?

Lmao you can't really believe that.

Assad had been using starvation, indiscriminate aerial bombardment, targeted strikes on aid stations and terror through paramilitary forces. That is the way he has conducted this civil war, it isn't about tactics it's about collective punishment. Him using chemical weapons as part of a siege on rebel territories isn't something that is extraordinary. It's the playbook of ME despots since the 50s.

Double lol at the line of people returning home and rebuilding. Assad is paying Russia billions which should be going to reconstruction. People in former rebel areas are being jailed for simply living there in conditions not fit for cattle.

Assad has no means and will to rebuild. As long as he is in power there will be no peace in Syria, and furthermore like other ME despots he's more likely to turn ove autonomy to an ISIS-lite instead trying to maintain control.
Considering his army was winning back city after city at the time, I simply found the sudden attack on civilians that he surely knew would bring the world down upon him a strange decision. He had the least to gain by doing it.

I'm sure you can just attribute it to "He's a fucking psychopath" if you believe that and be on with it, but the entire situation never added up logically.

That being said - it's beside the point. The people there are back in their homes and the cities are being rebuilt. It's as good of a time as any for the US to extract (people and/or funding) from the region and focus elsewhere. Would you not agree?

Assad didn't really suffer any consequences after the 2013 and it has been reported that chemical strikes continued, but it wasn't has large scale. The US has admitted that even after the agreement to remove the chemical weapons after the 2013 attack, there were still some left.

Rationale can range from testing Trump, just the continue use of them, punishment of the rebels, miscommunication within the government, elements of the government doing it's own thing, etc

Motive won't be known since the investigation is ongoing, but the UN has blamed the government of attacks in the past I think and it has been said sarin gas was used . There would be a report of October to come to a conclusion.

Correct me if I'm wrong-- And I'm probably wrong-- But Jr and Manafort might not be able to ask for closed session for anything because they're just (officially) private citizens. There's no privileged anything they could ask for a closed session to cover unless they're admitting they have classified info, which would be a completely new problem. They can plead the 5th to whatever they want, obviously, but that's different.

Manafort is smart enough to not get cornered by anything damning, but Jr is going to get mowed over by Ds who won't have to do anything other than quote his old statements vs his new ones to prove he's a liar.


Considering his army was winning back city after city at the time, I simply found the sudden attack on civilians that he surely knew would bring the world down upon him a strange decision. He had the least to gain by doing it.

I'm sure you can just attribute it to "He's a fucking psychopath" if you believe that and be on with it, but the entire situation never added up logically.

That being said - it's beside the point. The people there are back in their homes and the cities are being rebuilt. It's as good of a time as any for the US to extract (people and/or funding) from the region and focus elsewhere. Would you not agree?

Seems like a great plan assuming you think genocide is fine!

Thank God WWII happened in the twentieth century and not the twenty-first.


America and it's aversion to taxation. I still don't understand it but oh well. We'll never see a VAT implemented here because of it.


In Interview, Trump Expresses Anger at Sessions and Comey, and Warns Mueller


WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Wednesday that he never would have appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions had he known Mr. Sessions would recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation that has dogged his presidency, calling the decision “very unfair to the president.”

In a remarkable public break with one of his earliest political supporters, Mr. Trump complained that Mr. Sessions’s decision ultimately led to the appointment of a special counsel that should not have happened. “Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” Mr. Trump said.

FYI there's audio recording.
America and it's aversion to taxation. I still don't understand it but oh well. We'll never see a VAT implemented here because of it.

Republicans has been railing against taxes for years and then there's the view of taxes are stealing.

I think Americans as a whole don't have a perception of civic responsibility when it comes to outside communities, meaning Americans care more about themselves, their family, and perhaps the community/neighborhood they live in; anything outside of that, Americans don't care.

If programs are helping people that others don't find deserving, the program is sometimes heavily criticized. Other civilians in other countries likely thinks paying taxes is a responsibility, not a likable one perhaps.


The Times interview is amazing. Everything is quote-worthy haha.

Describing a newly disclosed informal conversation he had with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia during a dinner of world leaders in Germany earlier this month, Mr. Trump said they talked for about 15 minutes, mostly about “pleasantries.” But Mr. Trump did say that they talked “about adoptions.”
NYT: In Interview, Trump Expresses Anger at Sessions and Comey, and Warns Mueller

WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Wednesday that he never would have appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions had he known Mr. Sessions would recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation that has dogged his presidency, calling the decision ”very unfair to the president."

In a remarkable public break with one of his earliest political supporters, Mr. Trump complained that Mr. Sessions's decision ultimately led to the appointment of a special counsel that should not have happened. ”Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Mr. Trump said.

In a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times, the president also accused James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director he fired in May, of trying to leverage a dossier of compromising material to keep his job. Mr. Trump criticized both the acting F.B.I. director who has been filling in since Mr. Comey's dismissal and the deputy attorney general who recommended it. And he took on Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel now leading the investigation into Russian meddling in last year's election.

Mr. Trump said Mr. Mueller was running an office rife with conflicts of interest and warned that investigators would cross a red line if they delve into Trump family finances unrelated to Russia. Mr. Trump never said he would order the Justice Department to fire Mr. Mueller, nor would he outline circumstances under which he might do so. But he left open the possibility as he expressed deep grievance over an investigation that has taken a political toll in the six months since he took office.

While the interview touched on an array of issues, including health care, foreign affairs and politics, the investigation dominated the conversation. He said that as far as he knew, he was not under investigation himself, despite reports that Mr. Mueller is looking at whether the president obstructed justice by firing Mr. Comey.

I don't think we're under investigation," he said. ”I'm not under investigation. For what? I didn't do anything wrong."

Describing a newly disclosed informal conversation he had with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia during a dinner of world leaders in Germany earlier this month, Mr. Trump said they talked for about 15 minutes, mostly about ”pleasantries." But Mr. Trump did say that they talked ”about adoptions." Mr. Putin banned American adoptions of Russian children in 2012 after the United States enacted sanctions on Russians accused of human rights abuses, an issue that remains a sore point in relations with Moscow.

Mr. Trump acknowledged that it was ”interesting" that adoptions came up since his son, Donald Trump Jr., said that was the topic of a meeting he had with several Russians with ties to the Kremlin during last year's campaign. Even though emails show that the session had been set up to pass along incriminating information about Hillary Clinton, the president said he did not need such material from Russia about Mrs. Clinton last year because he already had more than enough.
Damn, Jefferson Beauregard better hurry and try to make all his white supremacist dreams come true, because it sounds like he may not last much longer.

And apparently adoption and/or the Magnitsky Act has become their euphemism for "treason," and for some reason they think we haven't caught on yet.


Mr. Trump refuted Mr. Comey’s claim that in a one-on-one meeting in the Oval Office on Feb. 14, the president asked him to end the investigation into his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn. Mr. Comey testified before Congress that Mr. Trump kicked the vice president, attorney general and several other senior administration officials out of the room before having the discussion with Mr. Comey.

“I don’t remember even talking to him about any of this stuff,” Mr. Trump said. “He said I asked people to go. Look, you look at his testimony. His testimony is loaded up with lies, O.K.?”

He should testify under oath, then!



4- W Virginia & Alaska Senators are getting strong pitches which would repurpose $ they are losing from Medicaid to move ppl to exchanges.

5- I don't know if I need to say this, but moving low income ppl from Medicaid to a high desuctible plan doesn't work.

6- The moderates in the Senate are under intense pressure.

Rumor today is Trump will finance primary candidates against them.

7- So what is happening w the vote?

Trump wants arms twisted to get to yes. McConnell obliging.

They are NOT just going thru the motions.

8- The health care vote has become blood sport.

9- If next week's vote fails, they have other plans well, well short of anything bipartisan.

Will tweet later about what I'm hearing there.

The president also expressed discontent with Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, a former federal prosecutor from Baltimore. When Mr. Sessions recused himself, the president said he was irritated to learn where his deputy was from. ”There are very few Republicans in Baltimore, if any," he said of the predominately Democratic city.


You can try to primary Murkowski.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
In a remarkable public break with one of his earliest political supporters, Mr. Trump complained that Mr. Sessions’s decision ultimately led to the appointment of a special counsel that should not have happened. “Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” Mr. Trump said.
You know, if Sessions had been honest to the Senate, Republicans may not have confirmed him.

Why does he keep talking to the failing New York Times?
He not secretly wants desperately to be liked by New York newspapers.


In sillier news: Trump’s Pick For Top EPA Post Writes ‘Science-Bible Stories

President Trump on Monday nominated the controversial toxicologist Michael Dourson, who self-publishes science-inspired Bible books, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency’s work on chemical safety and pollution prevention.

Dourson “writes books matching science and Biblical text,” according to his Twitter profile on Tuesday afternoon. After BuzzFeed News asked him about this, the profile changed to “writes science-Bible stories.”

Dourson has written a three-book series called Evidence of Faith. The books offer a retelling of famous religious stories, such as the birth of Jesus, using a mashup of fictional conversations, references from the Bible and other religious texts, and scientific discoveries. The most recent book, The Linen Cloths: ...Jesus Left Behind, was published in February. He’s planning a fourth book on Noah and the Great Flood, according to his blog Messiah’s Star.

Can't wait his Missing Link x Mysterious 4th Guy who entered that Furnace yaoi

Study: Voters vote against the President when property taxes go up. Even if they voted for the increases themselves!


Voters are stupid? What a surprise.


Dog whistle, almost like mentioning Detroit.

And Murkowski has no concerns until 2022. She'll outlast Trump.

She also ran and won as a WRITE-IN when she got primaried. Murkowski had to organize a WRITE-IN campaign in one of the largest states in the union and she won handily. Lisa Murkowski doesn’t owe shit to nobody and definitely not some punk from Queens.

I’m shocked. It’s incredible watching someone fail upward this badly only to wreak useless havoc. What’s going to happen to Republicans when they all get primaried by their own president? If they survive and hold their seats, to whom will they owe loyalty?
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