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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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We on the slogan talk again? Fine, then I'll give it a shot:

"MAGA? No, how about we MAWA: Make America Work Again!"

Achieves three things at once:
1.) Obviously, hijacking MAGA/Trump's messaging, leading to many potential mocking opportunities over what a terrible job he did making the US "great."
2.) Directly brings to mind images of actually having a functional government again that can actually get things passed, unlike the current administration which is currently struggling with passing a single piece of major legislation. Also a convenient segue into talking all about that legislation, which can be altered by candidate/audience as necessary, which works well for the big tent nature of the Democratic party and doesn't lock a candidate into talking about issues that might not be appropriate for their personal constituency.
3.) Can also very easily be used to segue into talking about jobs/better paying jobs since "work" is right there.

Boom. Super corny, but I think it fits the mood, especially with people always bring frustrated with Congress no matter what and just wishing they could get more stuff done.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
We on the slogan talk again? Fine, then I'll give it a shot:

"MAGA? No, how about we MAWA: Make America Work Again!"

Achieves three things at once:
1.) Obviously, hijacking MAGA/Trump's messaging, leading to many potential mocking opportunities over what a terrible job he did making the US "great."
2.) Directly brings to mind images of actually having a functional government again that can actually get things passed, unlike the current administration which is currently struggling with passing a single piece of major legislation. Also a convenient segue into talking all about that legislation, which can be altered by candidate/audience as necessary, which works well for the big tent nature of the Democratic party and doesn't lock a candidate into talking about issues that might not be appropriate for their personal constituency.
3.) Can also very easily be used to segue into talking about jobs/better paying jobs since "work" is right there.

Boom. Super corny, but I think it fits the mood, especially with people always bring frustrated with Congress no matter what and just wishing they could get more stuff done.

"Work? How dare you!" -- Millennials

I kid, I kid.


We on the slogan talk again? Fine, then I'll give it a shot:

"MAGA? No, how about we MAWA: Make America Work Again!"

Achieves three things at once:
1.) Obviously, hijacking MAGA/Trump's messaging, leading to many potential mocking opportunities over what a terrible job he did making the US "great."
2.) Directly brings to mind images of actually having a functional government again that can actually get things passed, unlike the current administration which is currently struggling with passing a single piece of major legislation. Also a convenient segue into talking all about that legislation, which can be altered by candidate/audience as necessary, which works well for the big tent nature of the Democratic party and doesn't lock a candidate into talking about issues that might not be appropriate for their personal constituency.
3.) Can also very easily be used to segue into talking about jobs/better paying jobs since "work" is right there.

Boom. Super corny, but I think it fits the mood, especially with people always bring frustrated with Congress no matter what and just wishing they could get more stuff done.

MAFA: Make America Function Again
MASA: Make America Successful Again
MANARPSA: Make America Not A Russian Puppet State Again


Looking at Trump's new nominee for Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, something jumped right out at me from his Wikipedia page:

"...began career at Goldman Sachs..."



Looking at Trump's new nominee for Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, something jumped right out at me from his Wikipedia page:

"...began career at Goldman Sachs..."


Where have I heard that name before...

Secured millennials.


Make America Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
Let me tell ya a story of my situation
I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation...


People on the radio this morning trying to compare the Trump admin to game of thrones.

Lol. If that's the case, Trump is Hodor and all he should be able to say is "fews fews fews!" for Fake News.
How the hell can the president of the United States take almost an entire month off!?

I guess Obama couldn't have left the country in too bad of shape if Trump can afford an entire month off.

And then he has the audacity to ask Senators to stay behind!?
Can you imagine if we have a really bad tropical storm or hurricane and Trump is legitimately on a summer vacation?

And McConnell wants to cancel recess to push health care while Trump takes the month off?

Lol this is absurd.


Work America, Work America

Dems: WAWA
No I want Wawa
Can you imagine if we have a really bad tropical storm or hurricane and Trump is legitimately on a summer vacation?

And McConnell wants to cancel recess to push health care while Trump takes the month off?

Lol this is absurd.
It's not a matter of if but when. Sometime in the next 4 years there will be a natural disaster, and that's pretty terrifying


Topher Spiro posted a number of images with this twitter thread. It's important. (Left click on any image in the quoted post to expand.)


1: ALERT: Trump admin is using fake #'s to flip moderates—
saying people can be moved from Medicaid to Cruz plans without harm. Via @WSJ:


2: They flipped Portman yesterday. Cassidy? Gullible as ever.


3: Here's the pitch: subsidies can be used to ”wrap around" Cruz plans to lower the insane cost-sharing. Via @StevenTDennis:


4: Look at the pitch again. They're *slashing* #1 and #2—and #3 does not come close to making up for it.


5: Here's the extreme cost-sharing that low-income people moving from Medicaid to Cruz plans would face. Savage.


6: Here's another look at it. Check out the left side of the red line. Via @LorenAdler:


7: CBO concluded that low-income people would look at this and rationally decide not to buy this junk.

8: Here's the Trump official's desperate, transparently phony pitch: I'll give you magical waivers to solve everything.

9: Are you kidding me? Waivers must be budget neutral. There's no extra $$ there.

10: In fact, since private insurance is much more expensive than Medicaid, the funding hole is even worse.

11: This is not hard. Repeat after me: much less $$ is much less $$—no matter how you slice it.

12: Collins seems to be the only moderate who understands all of this—even though it's breathtakingly simple.


13: With no hearings, no full CBO score, no vetting of magical waivers and fake numbers, Senators will vote next week on *something*. END


Are senators just cool with something turning out to be retroactively worse after they've voted on it vs voting on it after it's already been shown to be worse?
How is that Portman quote "I will now vote on this bill, " I don't really get how someone can say, without a doubt, they absolutely flipped Portman yesterday based on such a vague sentence.

12: Collins seems to be the only moderate who understands all of this
So the bill is still dead


Are senators just cool with something turning out to be retroactively worse after they've voted on it vs voting on it after it's already been shown to be worse?

Republicans honestly don't care. Especially if they come from safe Red states and don't have to worry about being voted out. My state didn't expand Medicaid, but despite how much Graham hems and haws about it, both he and Tim Scott are always going to be Yes votes. It's not going to cost them anything because they will still hold their seats.
Summer vacation time.

Summer vacation: FAA says Trump is scheduled to be at Bedminster golf club from August 3-20


Keep him out of that office and away from the world as long as possible. The more time Trump's away, the less Trump can throw a fit, the less Trump throws fits, the less the propaganda machine will try to undermine Mueller, the less Mueller is undermined, the more Mueller can work uninterrupted, the more Mueller can work, the more indispensable he becomes.


Republicans honestly don't care. Especially if they come from safe Red states and don't have to worry about being voted out. My state didn't expand Medicaid, but despite how much Graham hems and haws about it, both he and Tim Scott are always going to be Yes votes. It's not going to cost them anything because they will still hold their seats.

The road to yes doesn't need that much motivation as seen in the House, just an excuse.
How is that Portman quote "I will now vote on this bill, " I don't really get how someone can say, without a doubt, they absolutely flipped Portman yesterday based on such a vague sentence.

So the bill is still dead

Agreed. It's one thing to think the proposal is ok off the record, but I need a quote from him before I believe he really wants to sink himself like this.

Thankfully he wasn't one of the votes we were counting on.
I'm not convinced they're even in the high 40s for confirmed yeses. I think maybe like 40 at best.
Are we sure Paul isn't going to budge?

He won't vote for anything but a clean repeal. There's been no indication at all through the entire process that he wouldn't cave for anything other than a clean repeal.
It's also weird when you consider Collins and Paul aren't going to budge and McCain won't be back until after the recess, if he even comes back at all.

So... like... where's the path to passing this?
I think It's because they want to show Donnie the bill is dead and they can't hammer anything out and will be forced to work with Dems (or use negotiations as a way to get blowback on Dems for healthcare "since the Dems are being unreasonable").


Their thinking is that if it fails there will be enough blowback to force the 'No' votes to reconsider and if it proceeds the pressure will be too high to 'pass something -- anything'

They've been pretty open about this

Some Republicans are beginning to think that a failed vote — and the critical headlines and conservative blowback that would follow — might drive some senators back to the negotiating table.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is still expected to hold a vote to try to begin debate on the repeal effort, likely on Tuesday.

"That's my expectation. We can always come back if it's not successful by one vote; we can come back when [McCain] is available," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the majority whip. "There is some benefit to moving forward and seeing where we are next week."


”We've worked a long time on it," said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). ”We've got a responsibility to address [problems with Obamacare] and if people have better ideas, they'll have a virtually unlimited opportunity next week on the floor to make amendments to the bill and try to improve it."

Republicans view a successful vote on starting debate — expected to be held as soon as Tuesday — as a victory in its own right, even if the bill dies down the road. Their strategy is to go one vote, one day at a time. And each day that a third senator, or pack of senators, doesn't oppose the bill, it's one day closer to an overall victory. Leadership also may be hoping that once the bill gets to the floor and faces a final vote, GOP senators will be unable to resist the pressure to repeal Obamacare.
Their thinking is that if it fails there will be enough blowback to force the 'No' votes to reconsider and if it proceeds the pressure will be too high to 'pass something -- anything'

They've been pretty open about this

But the only blowback they've really gotten is from the President and Fox News. Pretty much no one else wants this. And since the President is going to be on vacation for most of August anyway, why bother?
The road to yes doesn't need that much motivation as seen in the House, just an excuse.

The House vote is fundamentally different though because they were literally like "we know the bill sucks but the Senate will fix it." The Senate can't do that so the bill they pass (if any) has to actually work. And with McCain out of town, Collins and Paul block everything (since the two of them are polar opposites on why they're blocking).


But the only blowback they've really gotten is from the President and Fox News. Pretty much no one else wants this. And since the President is going to be on vacation for most of August anyway, why bother?
He will send the most withering tweets while taking his morning deuce. You've been warned.


Beat EviLore at pool.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has asked the White House to preserve all documents relating to the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort had with a Russian lawyer and others, according to a source who has seen the letter.

Mueller sent a notice, called a document preservation request, asking White House staff to save "any subjects discussed in the course of the June 2016 meeting" and also "any decisions made regarding the recent disclosures about the June 2016 meeting," according to the source, who read portions of the letter to CNN.
The letter from Mueller began: "As you are aware the Special Counsel's office is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump. Information concerning the June 2016 meeting between Donald J Trump Jr and Natalia Veselnitskaya is relevant to the investigation."
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