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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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hmm i honestly cant think of what they'd pull now without being super lame. if it's seriously big it'd have to be an obama sex tape or something equally earth shattering


Tobor said:
That's what I'm hoping. Even if Obama wins OH and FL, I don't want them to be the deciding factor. Out of pure spite.

I'm getting to that point as well.

"What's that, Ohio? You voted for McCain? No biggie.. we didn't need you. Not like it was a big surprise anyway - you have a history of doing stupid things. Now, Thanksgiving is coming-up, and you get to sit at the 'special' children's table. My new best friend here, Colorado, will be carving the Turkey over at the big-boy table. Have fun with your sippie cup."


Agent Icebeezy said:
As I've said before, the McCain campaign is all about the news cycle. That is it and thankfully, the McCain people are fully detached from reality so they are going to be preceived as gimmicky. McCain, as Obama surrogates are saying, is erratic. Damn near everything about this campaign has been embarrassing in recent weeks.

Get Your War On - Dominating The News Cycle


Tyrone Slothrop said:
hmm i honestly cant think of what they'd pull now without being super lame. if it's seriously big it'd have to be an obama sex tape or something equally earth shattering
BREAKING NEWS: Fox new reports an Online source has confirmed an Obama sex tape. It is belived that it is with Bill Ayers

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina​
Remember, Dem Secretary of States control Ohio, Michigan and Nevada board of elections. It might not all be evil, just fuck-ups. Just one more thing Obama will overcome.

I hope.

I honestly don't know what I'll do if he loses. Or rather, it's stolen.

I think this is the same for a lot of people. I know I will probably never step foot back in the USA unless I get deported from Japan or something. If another election is stolen by the neocons and they somehow get away with it I will do everything I can to avoid any action that benefits America in anyway.


Setec Astronomer
Incognito said:
Is McCain taking a pledge to serve only one term? Hrm....
McCain thinks of the ultimate way to recapture every news cycle along with voter attention, and drops out of the race! It'll put him back on top!
Pakkidis said:
Anybody concerned about Obama's safety if he is elected. This truly scares me that one of these nuts will try and do something.
People don't like to talk about it, but it is a worry. I hope the Secret Service knows what its doing. They must know he is a bigger risk than others.

Pakkidis said:
If Obama is elected I DO NOT want these conservative nuts moving to Canada and defiling this country. Therefore we should post a sign on Canada's border saying " Gay marriage is good, guns are bad, and we are pro choice."

Don't forget to tell them you have a socialist healthcare system. :lol

just tray

McCain will just try to link Obama to black panther extremists because Obama has the best economic plan and his George Bush policies aren't fooling voters.


Like I've said since it came down to two. This is America's chance to pull together and reject neocon ideals and admit that we're all in this together, or to say "every man for themselves."

I fully expect America will fail, sadly.


Junior Member
Ill put my political hat on and say that if they have a megaton they are wasting it tommorow. Friday is the day they need something to take attention off of the TrooperGate findings.


Tamanon said:
Supposedly the McCain campaign is doing another one of their patented newscycle-winning moves tomorrow and has alerted the press to be ready. Should be AWESOME!

I don't doubt it, as Friday is the day of the Troopergate investigation info.
Tobor said:
Weren't their rumors about this a long time ago?

He couldn't be that stupid.

I would think it would either be some new proposal or some new endorsement like Colin Powell or something of that stature.


Tobor said:
Weren't their rumors about this a long time ago?

I'm not sure if there were rumors that he was actually going to do it, but there were definitely calls from supporters asking him to. He always seemed really opposed to the idea though.


GAF speculating about a big McCain announcement? Maybe McCain will hire Nintendo to make VR helmets that create virtual houses for those facing foreclosure.


Anybody concerned about Obama's safety if he is elected.

Elected? Shit, I'm worried about what might happen if he's up big in the polls on Nov. 1. It doesn't help that Palin and McCain are basically endorsing this crap :(
From the comment section of http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonat...camp_making_news_in_the_morning.html#comments

Between 8:45 PM and 9:15 PM tonight (Oct 8) on Intrade, someone just bet a LOT of money against Obama winning the presidency. And I mean a LOT. His stock, which has been over 70 for a couple of days now and at 76 most of the time today dipped down to 64 or so in those 20 minutes under heavy betting before recovering immediately after 9:15 to 73... Very strange.. is there something someone knows?? What is the news tomorrow, JMart?

We all knew this election would get incredibly ugly. I suppose now's as good a time as any. Jesus, between McCain's shenanigans and the swing voters stricken from the records, I'm getting a bit worried.




Video posted already?


Canada unveils new ELITE Plan to assist Americans to move there should McCain win


I can't/won't leave the country if McCain wins (not leaving my family behind.. sorry), but I will no longer care what happens to it. If we go to another Depression, tough tittie, Americans - boiled Bible makes for a lovely stew, I hear. If the rest of the world decides to team-up and keep in-check an out-of-countrol country run by idiots.. oh well.

We've had our chance over and over again to right this ship, to do the right thing, to do the logical thing.. and, to steal Gephardt's words, we've failed miserably.


I'm sure its just going to be something similar to the Keating video Obama released (ie, stuff we already know). McCain is probably just trying to make a larger event out of it.
Whatever the McCain camp announcement is, does anyone think Obama doesn't have something ready to respond with? Team O has been on the ball so much these days it astounds me.
Zeliard said:
I wonder if RepubliGAF feels embarrassed and ashamed at all that their party has to resort to voter fraud and stealing elections.
They'll just scream ACORN ACORN ACORN!

Look, if you really think fake people are gonna show up & vote then be there to challenge them . . . maybe even arrest them.

Just the fact that the dems always want more people to vote the GOP always wants less people to vote is telling.


BrokenFiction said:
Whatever the McCain camp announcement is, does anyone think Obama doesn't have something ready to respond with? Team O has been on the ball so much these days it astounds me.

Especially true if it's ACORN.


XxenobladerxX said:
Get ready to brace for it tomorrow guys,the race won't be the same.
You are all so fucking paranoid, it's ridiculous. Nothing they could come out with at this point, including a supposed "Whitey" video, could possibly be more damaging than the footage we have of Palin.


Stoney Mason said:
No I'm familiar with the story. And perhaps if he had did it at the beginning of his campaign or fairly early on it might have been able to be some sort of selling point but at this stage pledging one term or doing something silly like quitting the senate ala Bob Dole would be laughed at and ridiculed in this environment.

I agree completely, but when has that stopped them before?
Sharp said:
You are all so fucking paranoid, it's ridiculous. Nothing they could come out with at this point, including a supposed "Whitey" video, could possibly be more damaging than the footage we have of Palin.

Lol. I'm just teasing you but I tend to view you as one of the more paranoid and pessimistic ones on here ;)
Sharp said:
You are all so fucking paranoid, it's ridiculous. Nothing they could come out with at this point, including a supposed "Whitey" video, could possibly be more damaging than the footage we have of Palin.
That's not important anyways, allot of of are worried about the Voter wipe story. 30k voters off the list here in CO, that's totally fucked up.
Sharp said:
You are all so fucking paranoid, it's ridiculous. Nothing they could come out with at this point, including a supposed "Whitey" video, could possibly be more damaging than the footage we have of Palin.
Oh shut up,I was just joking.

But seriously,brace for it. It's going to be a Game Changer! GAAAAAAAAAAME CHAAAAAANGER!!


It's nothing big against Obama. If anything it's a policy thing. All they said is "You'll have something to talk about". That's basically a meaningless statement.


Stoney Mason said:
Lol. I'm just teasing you but I tend to view you as one of the more paranoid and pessimistic ones on here ;)
I'm pessimistic, but I'm not paranoid. I may say things like "this race is still pretty close in the swing states and there's still a month to go," but if Obama loses it's not going to be because the Republicans fixed the polling stations. The voter registration increase is too big to be able to wipe out that easily.

Edit: God damn it my sarcasm detector is misfiring on all cylinders today. You all suck.
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