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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Iksenpets said:
No, something big comes from Politico. FreeRepublic is just indulging their wildest fantasies based on Politico's story.

Ahhh.. I see. Thanks.

I still laugh in the McCain campaign's general direction. Come to think of it.. I fart that way too.


Politico doesn't even say whatever it is is "big", just that people will be talking about it tomorrow morning. That's nothing. :lol
devilhawk said:
Voter fraud isn't simply the act of voting twice. It can be a whole number of things. Hell, there have been several cases of people voting in multiple occasions in the last decade. Those are just the ones that got caught.
It is statistically insignificant. Hey . . . if they think it is real, they can post people at polling sites and challenge voters. Do it. Just stop purging voter rolls of eligible voters.

The Justice Department’s own statistics show that of 87 ballot-fraud convictions obtained since the department launched its “voter integrity” initiative in 2002, 17 were for noncitizen voting and another six were for multiple voting. Most of the cases involved vote-buying schemes hatched by local politicians in Kentucky, West Virginia and elsewhere.

So, with 122 million votes cast in the 2004 elections, and about 83 million cast last November, what are the statistical chances that some votes are fraudulent? You do the math.

And what about all the sensational claims? They are sensational claims.

Take the 2004 Washington state gubernatorial election, which appears to figure in the dismissal of former U.S. Attorney John McKay. When the skintight race flipped to Democrat Christine Gregoire after a recount, Republicans cried foul. But after six months of legal investigation and a two-week trial, a county court judge rejected every Republican claim. Though he said there were improper votes cast, the judge also declared he’d found no evidence of fraud. The Republicans didn’t appeal.

In Ohio, some Republicans after the 2004 presidential election circulated stories of dead voters and those who showed up to vote several times—they even conjured up the image of voters who supposedly were bused in from West Virginia during the 1960 election. But a study by the state’s League of Women Voters and a group representing the homeless found that of the 9 million votes cast in Ohio in 2002 and 2004, a total of four were deemed ineligible or fraudulent by the Board of Elections or local prosecutors. “The odds are greater to win the lottery or get struck by lightning than someone casting an ineligible vote in Ohio,” the report concluded.

In Connecticut, state officials became alarmed when the Republican National Committee claimed that 54 residents had voted twice—in Connecticut as well as in another state—in the 2000 election. But a probe by the secretary of state discovered that most hadn’t voted in Connecticut at all, while some had voted in Connecticut but not in the other state. Four had birth dates different from those supplied by the RNC. In New Jersey, Missouri, Michigan and elsewhere, hot claims of fraud have likewise turned out to be hot air, according to an examination of the cases by Barnard College scholar Lorraine C. Minnite.


speculawyer said:
It is statistically insignificant. Hey . . . if they think it is real, they can post people at polling sites and challenge voters. Do it. Just stop purging voter rolls of eligible voters.

Florida in 2000 has shown that small numbers can play a huge role. I think we can agree it would be best if we fixed both problems. Too many people dismiss either just because of their political biases.


GOP voter suppression effort slapped down in MO


Judge blasts GOP voter registration challenges
By JENNIFER McKEE Missoulian State Bureau

HELENA - U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy issued a scathing order Wednesday lambasting the Montana Republican Party for challenging the registrations of thousands of Montana voters, but stopped short of an actual ruling in the case.

In his 19-page order, Molloy denied a temporary restraining order to the Montana Democratic Party, which sought to stop thousands of GOP-led voter challenges from moving forward. Molloy wrote that Secretary of State Brad Johnson “astutely” asked counties not to process the Republicans' voter challenges, which effectively alleviated a crisis that would have required a restraining order.

Johnson is a Republican.
Molloy did not rule on the Democrats' other arguments that the GOP effort violated federal election law, but scheduled a hearing on that matter next week.

However, the judge left little doubt about his thoughts on the voter challenges.

“The timing of these challenges is so transparent that it defies common sense to believe the purpose is anything but political chicanery,” Molloy wrote.

Elsewhere, the judge wrote that Jake Eaton, executive director of the Montana Republican Party focused his ostensible worry over voter fraud not on all Montanans, but only on those who live in predominantly Democratic-leaning locations, such as Missoula and Lewis and Clark counties, where the vast majority of the 6,000 challenged voters reside.
About this 'news in the morning' deal. I can't think why it would be a big deal. After all, if it were an attack on Obama, McCain knows better than to announce his punches beforehand right?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I went lol



Just watched Michelle Obama on TDS here on the west coast..... Damn she is so down to earth and likeable....she'll make one hell of an awesome first lady.
Nazgul_Hunter said:
About this 'news in the morning' deal. I can't think why it would be a big deal. After all, if it were an attack on Obama, McCain knows better than to announce his punches beforehand right?

Seriously, stop talking about it. He's going to announce that he likes bran.
Nazgul_Hunter said:
About this 'news in the morning' deal. I can't think why it would be a big deal. After all, if it were an attack on Obama, McCain knows better than to announce his punches beforehand right?

Unless it's a huge backbreaker.

GAF: I had a passing thought with all this "big announcement" talk.

Hypothetically, if someone, (Fox, McCain,527) doctored a video tape w/ Obama clearly in it (but never a clear shot of his mouth moving) and then had a sound-alike say disparaging things about his white supporters ala the Penguin in Batman Returns.

Even if eventually proven fake, how badly would something like that affect the election at this point?


ryutaro's mama said:
Unless it's a huge backbreaker.

GAF: I had a passing thought with all this "big announcement" talk.

Hypothetically, if someone, (Fox, McCain,527) doctored a video tape w/ Obama clearly in it (but never a clear shot of his mouth moving) and then had a sound-alike say disparaging things about his white supporters ala the Penguin in Batman Returns.

Even if eventually proven fake, how badly would something like that affect the election at this point?

Wouldn't happen. Something like that would lead to impeachment in the case of McCain winning and criminal charges.

If anything, it'll be a clean bill of health from Troopergate before it comes out.


ryutaro's mama said:
Maybe you would actually attempt to address the hypothetical.

Did you just ask me to address something seriously in a political thread?

Or rather, address anything seriously in an anything thread? Use the search function.


mj1108 said:
Just watched Michelle Obama on TDS here on the west coast..... Damn she is so down to earth and likeable....she'll make one hell of an awesome first lady.

Yup. Make sure you catch her Larry King Live interview as well. It may be on CNN.com soon.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
XxenobladerxX said:

I think this is what there talking about.

I don't know what this means,can someone help?
I see this but is this supposed to be some sort of suprise? If this was a big deal then repubs would ahve already been all over this. Why is everyone so scared of the word socialist. We just passed a 700 billion dollar bill to save some banks and the economy. If thats not a socialist move then i dont know what is.
XxenobladerxX said:

I think this is what there talking about.

I don't know what this means,can someone help?

Is this ACORN?

Quickly looking around the net that seems to be the news. The interesting thing though is one place lists that a member must have active and visible involvement with the group...seems fishy...something about this would've likely turned up earlier had it been the case.


MThanded said:
I see this but is this supposed to be some sort of suprise? If this was a big deal then repubs would ahve already been all over this. Why is everyone so scared of the word socialist. We just passed a 700 billion dollar bill to save some banks and the economy. If thats not a socialist move then i dont know what is.

Remember, change is different from reform and they're reforming the last 8 years with what they've already done.

I don't think they give a shit about what words mean anymore.
WHOAguitarninja said:
Quickly looking around the net that seems to be the news. The interesting thing though is one place lists that a member must have active and visible involvement with the group...seems fishy...something about this would've likely turned up earlier had it been the case.
Well, The timing of ANY attack at this point in the election is questionable, but if this is what it seems like, it certainly doesn't help Obama. However LOL the McCain camp calling press together for this, are they going to dance in a circle too?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This attack will not work. Sorry. I guarantee that. It will get the right wing base energized. They weren't going to vote for obama anyway. It will not take away any supporters.


About MT. Not that we matter by any margin... but I wouldn't be surprised if Obama won out here. Atleast in my town (Billings - largest pop of about ~110k) I've seen nothing but Obama support, with little to no mention of McCain. I'm thinking it'll be close as it was with Jon Tester (dem) when he won.

On the other hand, my boss called my friend a communist for supporting Obama. And yes, he was completely serious. :lol
MThanded said:
I see this but is this supposed to be some sort of suprise? If this was a big deal then repubs would ahve already been all over this. Why is everyone so scared of the word socialist. We just passed a 700 billion dollar bill to save some banks and the economy. If thats not a socialist move then i dont know what is.

Because the Reps have done a clever job at presenting 'socialist' as a despicable term like 'terrorist' or 'communist'.


LuCkymoON said:
and anyone with a brain can see a pattern here. The RNC doesn't want the majority of this country to vote.

That's showing their patriotism and how much they care about this country.


XxenobladerxX said:

I think this is what there talking about.

I don't know what this means,can someone help?

Is this ACORN?

In June sources released information that during his campaign for the State Senate in Illinois, Barack Obama was endorsed by an organization known as the Chicago "New Party".

If this is the McCain campaign's big news then I think McCain is asking for trouble.
Crisis said:
If this is the McCain campaign's big news then I think McCain is asking for trouble.
Well, this:
"However, it now appears that Barack Obama was indeed a certified and acknowledged member of the DSA's New Party."
is what the accusation is but this sounds ridiculous. He just happen top find a 'scrubbed' website for the New Party and says
"New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City Council, a seat on the county board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George's County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory. New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago. "

And thats the proof...from this blog.


So is it safe to think that the McCain camp will use this as "proof" that Obama is a Socialist??

So the message goes from "Pallin' with Terrorists" to "Socialist"??


mj1108 said:
So is it safe to think that the McCain camp will use this as "proof" that Obama is a Socialist??

So the message goes from "Pallin' with Terrorists" to "Socialist"??

Yeah. Watch the Dow go UNDER NINE-THOUSAAAAAAAND! tomorrow and how no one really gives a shit. I don't even think Troopergate revelations would have much weight at this point.
Does America realize how ridiculous this all looks from the outside? Us Canadians are laughing (and freezing) our asses off up here.
And praying Obama wins

Not the actual substance, but all the mud slinging and fear mongering is beyond ludicrous.

Not that we don't have our share of dirty politics going on up here, but at least it's based on policies and record.
mj1108 said:
So is it safe to think that the McCain camp will use this as "proof" that Obama is a Socialist??

So the message goes from "Pallin' with Terrorists" to "Socialist"??
That was already a large part of the message.


mj1108 said:
So is it safe to think that the McCain camp will use this as "proof" that Obama is a Socialist??

So the message goes from "Pallin' with Terrorists" to "Socialist"??

Either that or the Corsi shit. This is all so tiring.


civilstrife said:
Does America realize how ridiculous this all looks from the outside? Us Canadians are laughing (and freezing) our asses off up here.
And praying Obama wins

Not the actual substance, but all the mud slinging and fear mongering is beyond ludicrous.

Not that we don't have our share of dirty politics going on up here, but at least it's based on policies and record.

Oh, many Americans get how ridiculous looks, that's why they're opposed to the ridiculous Americans.
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