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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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XxenobladerxX said:
Oh shut up,I was just joking.

But seriously,brace for it. It's going to be a Game Changer! GAAAAAAAAAAME CHAAAAAANGER!!
If such a video existed, Hillary would have used it already.


From the full article:

On Monday, the Ohio Republican Party filed a motion in federal court against the secretary of state to get the list of all names that have been flagged by the Social Security database since Jan. 1. The motion seeks to require that any voter who does not clear up a discrepancy be required to vote using a provisional ballot.

Republicans said in the motion that it is central to American democracy that nonqualified voters be forbidden from voting.

The Ohio secretary of state, Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, said in court papers that she believes the Republicans are seeking grounds to challenge voters and get them removed from the rolls.

Considering that in the past year the state received nearly 290,000 nonmatches, such a plan could have significant impact at the polls.


This is really a big deal guys! If this turns out to disproportionally affect democrats as the times seems to suggest, this could swing states to McCain on election day. We need to keep a very close eye on this!


Hmm, Troopergate report drops on Friday so the McLame campaign wants to drop something huge to overshadow it. Not transparent at all...


Jonm1010 said:
From the full article:


This is really a big deal guys! If this turns out to disproportionally affect democrats as the times seems to suggest, this could swing states to McCain on election day. We need to keep a very close eye on this!
They won't get anywhere with it, just like their last measure. It's amazing how ugly they're willing to get, though. How can anyone with a straight face argue that not letting people vote is critical to the success of democracy?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Jonm1010 said:
From the full article:


This is really a big deal guys! If this turns out to disproportionally affect democrats as the times seems to suggest, this could swing states to McCain on election day. We need to keep a very close eye on this!

I don't see how this will fly. You're not supposed to use SS rolls to identify voters. You may as well ask for a list of names that have been flagged by Carrot Top.


ronito said:
yeah it's a very safe bet.
Heh. Attacking voters right to vote won't backfire, not at all. I hope that's what this is.
OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't see how this will fly. You're not supposed to use SS rolls to identify voters. You may as well ask for a list of names that have been flagged by Carrot Top.
When have election laws stopped the GOP?


Cloudy said:
Did you watch the McCain rally clip from Ohio? Forget about that state and hope for Florida..
The people at the McCain-Palin rallies are not totally representative of the population of a state.
HylianTom said:
"What's that, Ohio? You voted for McCain? No biggie.. we didn't need you. Not like it was a big surprise anyway - you have a history of doing stupid things. Now, Thanksgiving is coming-up, and you get to sit at the 'special' children's table. My new best friend here, Colorado, will be carving the Turkey over at the big-boy table. Have fun with your sippie cup."

I read this and hear Andy Samberg as Mark Wahlberg.


slidewinder said:
It depends upon what you consider success.
The goal of democracy is to have decisions, at least in a very broad sense, be consistent with what the majority of people want People who make unpopular decisions are ousted (even if they're later seen to be correct). When fewer people vote, the opinion of the people is obviously not represented as well; with that attitude you might as well just base the presidency on a Gallup poll.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't see how this will fly. You're not supposed to use SS rolls to identify voters. You may as well ask for a list of names that have been flagged by Carrot Top.
My thing is, is if they electronically keep everything now, and they dropped these voters, even if they say this is illegal, how do you first - find who was rightfully and wrongfully booted and readmit them in time. 2nd - if the judges say just readmit everyone to sort it out, is there even a record to do that when someone is dropped?

My question is, is this reversible and if so will it be reversed in time for the elections so that people who where flagged wont be told they cant vote because they didnt sort it out in time? My worry is, is that republicans may see this to their advantage, which it is, and drag their feet so that it cant be reversed quick enough for election time.


Cloudy said:
Did you watch the McCain rally clip from Ohio? Forget about that state and hope for Florida..
Voter fraud is a real problem. Unfortunately, the candidates will only go after it when it is advantageous. For instance, Indianapolis has 105% of its eligible voters registered.


Jonm1010 said:
My thing is, is if they electronically keep everything now, and they dropped these voters, even if they say this is illegal, how do you first - find who was rightfully and wrongfully booted and readmit them in time. 2nd - if the judges say just readmit everyone to sort it out, is there even a record to do that when someone is dropped?

My question is, is this reversible and if so will it be reversed in time for the elections so that people who where flagged wont be told they cant vote because they didnt sort it out in time? My worry is, is that republicans may see this to their advantage, which it is, and drag their feet so that it cant be reversed quick enough for election time.
No votes have been dropped. They can't do anything about it unless a federal judge gives them the goahead, and I doubt one will.


Cloudy said:
Did you watch the McCain rally clip from Ohio? Forget about that state and hope for Florida..

But this is happening in Florida too! Read the second page at the bottom!
In Florida, Iowa, Louisiana and South Dakota, the problem is more serious because voters are not added to the rolls until the states remove the flags.

Ms. McFall said she was angry to learn from the state recently that it was her responsibility to contact each flagged voter to clear up the discrepancies before Election Day. “This situation with voter registrations is going to land us in court,” she said.

In fact, it already has.

In Michigan and Florida, rights groups are suing state officials, accusing them of being too aggressive in purging voter rolls and of preventing people from registering.

They said it may be even worse there. and its happening in Colorado and North Carolina and Indiana and Nevada and Michigan.


Junior Member


Cheebs said:
Politico is hinting McCain is going to do something BIG tomorrow. wtf is this weeks stunt going to be?
Last time they had "something big", they announced Mccain's conciliatory ad that played during Obama's speech
Jonm1010 said:
But this is happening in Florida too! Read the second page at the bottom!

They said it may be even worse there. and its happening in Colorado and North Carolina and Indiana and Nevada and Michigan.
And where does it say that? Stop concern trolling


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
chill the fuck out guys


I got this.

No really, unless McCain reveals that obama is the anti-christ tomorrow, it's over. Big shit poppin', little shit stoppin. BELIEVE.
devilhawk said:
Voter fraud is a real problem. Unfortunately, the candidates will only go after it when it is advantageous. For instance, Indianapolis has 105% of its eligible voters registered.
It is not a real problem . . . who risks jail time to do an extra vote?

Voter rolls get bloated because they are uncoordinated and there is no clean unregistering from old districts. When you move somewhere new, you register to vote there . . . but do you de-register at your old place? No. But just because there is some old registration there, that doesn't mean anyone is gonna vote there.

If they want to fix that problem, they should work on coordinating voter registration systems so out-dated registration are easily removed when people move & re-register.


speculawyer said:
It is not a real problem . . . who risks jail time to do an extra vote?

Voter rolls get bloated because they are uncoordinated and there is no clean unregistering from old districts. When you move somewhere new, you register to vote there . . . but do you de-register at your old place? No. But just because there is some old registration there, that doesn't mean anyone is gonna vote there.

If they want to fix that problem, they should work on coordinating voter registration systems so out-dated registration are easily removed when people move & re-register.
That is part of the point though. The lack of coordination facilitates voter fraud. Even then, accounting for death and new voters won't amount to the numbers they are seeing.


Sharp said:
No votes have been dropped. They can't do anything about it unless a federal judge gives them the goahead, and I doubt one will.

Ok but the beginning of the article says very clearly that "Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law"

How will it matter about votes when these people were blocked from registering in the first place and taken off of roles completely?


devilhawk said:
Voter fraud is a real problem. Unfortunately, the candidates will only go after it when it is advantageous. For instance, Indianapolis has 105% of its eligible voters registered.
Having read the comments section, it sounds like the number of registered eligible voters is not in fact above 100%, but is still incredibly high (> 90%) so I agree that there is probably something going on there.
Even if Obama wins, McCain has permanently fucked the word Maverick forever. I'll never be able to enjoy Top Gun again. That will be his legacy.
speculawyer said:
It is not a real problem . . . who risks jail time to do an extra vote?

Voter rolls get bloated because they are uncoordinated and there is no clean unregistering from old districts. When you move somewhere new, you register to vote there . . . but do you de-register at your old place? No. But just because there is some old registration there, that doesn't mean anyone is gonna vote there.

If they want to fix that problem, they should work on coordinating voter registration systems so out-dated registration are easily removed when people move & re-register.

I don't understand how this is such a difficult proposition for the government. It can't be that fucking hard to have the system automatically purge you from the old district based on whatever proof of registration that you use in the new one (Drivers license #, SS#, etc).

I sign up in a new district, my identification number is ran through the system, and my status in other districts is set to inactive. I find it hard to believe that this isn't possible, given how connected our planet is now.

If the Republicans managed to steal this election in this fashion, there wouldn't just be verbal backlash.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
devilhawk said:
Voter fraud is a real problem. .

Actually, it's been demonstrated, many, many times, that the problem, as described by Republicans is almost literally non-existent. Voter suppression, on the other hand, has been shown to be an actual problem and is almost entirely attributed to Republicans.

Actually, if you're a Republican, this should be a matter of personal shame. You should literally be ashamed of your party and your affiliation to it, for this reason alone.

Gerrymandering on the other hand, is attributed to both parties.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
I don't understand how this is such a difficult proposition for the government. It can't be that fucking hard to have the system automatically purge you from the old district based on whatever proof of registration that you use in the new one (Drivers license #, SS#, etc).

I sign up in a new district, my identification number is ran through the system, and my status in other districts is set to inactive. I find it hard to believe that this isn't possible, given how connected our planet is now.

If the Republicans managed to steal this election in this fashion, there wouldn't just be verbal backlash.

Voter purging is not an issue. Voters who haven't been purged correctly, are not voting twice. They are voting once, in their new district. Actually, statistically, they are voting less than once, since they're often dead, or in jail, or too apathetic to care anymore.

Purging old rolls of ineligible voters has zero effect on legitimate voting.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Voter purging is not an issue. Voters who haven't been purged correctly, are not voting twice. They are voting once, in their new district. Actually, statistically, they are voting less than once, since they're often dead, or in jail, or too apathetic to care anymore.

Purging old rolls of ineligible voters has zero effect on legitimate voting.

That's why I'm confused. How is this even close to being an issue worthy of putting voter eligibility into question?
devilhawk said:
That is part of the point though. The lack of coordination facilitates voter fraud. Even then, accounting for death and new voters won't amount to the numbers they are seeing.
Well how about fixing THAT instead of doing things that wipe real voters off the rolls, eh?

Just because the voter rolls have extra names on them, that doesn't mean any of those extra people show up and vote. I can guarantee you that those 105% of the residents do not show up. Probably less than 50% of those people will show to vote.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
That's why I'm confused. How is this even close to being an issue worthy of putting voter eligibility into question?

It's not. They're trying to suppress typos, address changes, maiden names, all under the guide of "accuracy" - and they will precisely target Democratic areas.


OuterWorldVoice said:
It's not. They're trying to suppress typos, address changes, maiden names, all under the guide of "accuracy" - and they will precisely target Democratic areas.
That's been the model for years. Clearly, in the face of greater voter registration efforts, they need to ramp up voter suppression efforts. It's like an arms race.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Purging old rolls of ineligible voters has zero effect on legitimate voting.
But the problem is that they do things that purge eligible voters. For example, they'll send a letter to a residence and not get a response since that person may be in Iraq serving in the army. They'll then purge that person off the voter roll such that the person can't vote with an absentee ballot.

It is called 'caging'.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
speculawyer said:
But the problem is that they do things that purge eligible voters. For example, they'll send a letter to a residence and not get a response since that person may be in Iraq serving in the army. They'll then purge that person off the voter roll such that the person can't vote with an absentee ballot.

It is called 'caging'.

Oh please, why worry about voter suppression? There's no reason to use something as candid when electronic voting can simply be hijacked.

Just remember, the Clintons are millionaires and they have been spending an awful lot of time in battleground states recently.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Actually, it's been demonstrated, many, many times, that the problem, as described by Republicans is almost literally non-existent. Voter suppression, on the other hand, has been shown to be an actual problem and is almost entirely attributed to Republicans.

Actually, if you're a Republican, this should be a matter of personal shame. You should literally be ashamed of your party and your affiliation to it, for this reason alone.

Gerrymandering on the other hand, is attributed to both parties.
Voter fraud isn't simply the act of voting twice. It can be a whole number of things. Hell, there have been several cases of people voting in multiple occasions in the last decade. Those are just the ones that got caught. Electoral fraud can influence a state and therefore an election proven by Florida. I don't see why you should dismiss it in any form. It is real and it happens. Voter suppression is also real, there is no doubt. And WTF is with you declaring that I should feel shameful? I do my civic duty and that is what matters. There should be electoral reform there is no doubt, that can better track voters. The registration problems should then go away.


force push the doodoo rock
Internet is saying Obama is a socialist.

Sounds like another weak smear. Whatever news McCain spouts tomorrow is gonna be stupid, we can at least count on that.


speculawyer said:
Well how about fixing THAT instead of doing things that wipe real voters off the rolls, eh?

Just because the voter rolls have extra names on them, that doesn't mean any of those extra people show up and vote. I can guarantee you that those 105% of the residents do not show up. Probably less than 50% of those people will show to vote.
Well, obviously I have a ton of control here at my computer to change things. The numbers just show the opportunity is there. In states with out ID requirements, or through other methods, it is definitely quite possible to vote as someone who is dead. I am all for eliminating all types of electoral fraud and suppression, which there is certainly nothing wrong with doing. Quit assuming I'm some type of evil asshole.


sp0rsk said:
Internet is saying Obama is a socialist.

Sounds like another weak smear. Whatever news McCain spouts tomorrow is gonna be stupid, we can at least count on that.

It's a rumor from Free Republic, earlier today they were saying it was emails from Obama to Odinga saying to use violent tactics!:p


Tamanon said:
It's a rumor from Free Republic, earlier today they were saying it was emails from Obama to Odinga saying to use violent tactics!:p

Wait wait.. these rumors of something big originate at FreeRepublic?



HylianTom said:
Wait wait.. these rumors of something big originate at FreeRepublic?


No, something big comes from Politico. FreeRepublic is just indulging their wildest fantasies based on Politico's story.
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