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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
This Ayers thing will be forgotten by the time election rolls around. Mccain blows his load early, once again.
They're acting as if they ever even held back on the Ayers stuff. He's been talking about it for months and it never gained traction.
Interesting new article from NY times which flies in the face of the ACORN controversy


NEW YORK - Tens of thousands of eligible voters have been removed from rolls or blocked from registering in at least six swing states, and the voters' exclusion appears to violate federal law, according to a published report.

The New York Times based its findings on reviews of state records and Social Security data.

The Times said voters appear to have been purged by mistake and not because of any intentional violations by election officials or coordinated efforts by any party.

States have been trying to follow the Help America Vote Act of 2002 by removing the names of voters who should no longer be listed. But for every voter added to the rolls in the past two months in some states, election officials have removed two, a review of the records shows.

The newspaper said it identified apparent problems in Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina. It says some states are improperly using Social Security data to verify new voters' registration applications, and others may have broken rules that govern removing voters from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election.

Democrats have been more aggressive at registering new voters this year, according to state election officials, so any closer screening of new applications may affect their party's supporters disproportionately, the Times said.

The result is that on Election Day, voters who have been removed from the rolls could show up and be challenged by political party officials or election workers.

The six states seem to have violated federal law in two ways. Some are removing voters from the rolls within 90 days of a federal election, which is not allowed except when voters die, notify the authorities that they have moved out of state, or have been declared unfit to vote.

And some of the states are improperly using Social Security data to verify registration applications for new voters, the newspaper reported.

"Just as voting machines were the major issue that came out of the 2000 presidential election and provisional ballots were the big issue from 2004, voter registration and these statewide lists will be the top concern this year," said Daniel P. Tokaji, a law professor at Ohio State University.

My question is, do we need to register to vote every election or only for those who have never voted before.

My question is based on the fact that we already know likely voters and registered voters have already been supporting Obama so some sort of purging wont really hurt Obama
Smiles and Cries said:
so McCain is at TGS or something? What is the big news people are talking about?

Did he finally realize I wasn't his friend? hmmm
Ayers. I mean, there really hammering it home, so it HAS to be working..


SpeedingUptoStop said:
This Ayers thing will be forgotten by the time election rolls around. Mccain blows his load early, once again.

And nobody cares anyway aside from the wingnuts. They are so fucked.
It is a telling sign, to me, that the Republicans truly believe their supporters -- and Americans -- to be stupid.

Even a cursory look at the wiki page and the references linked by the wiki (major media outlets like the NYT, etc.) would reveal that there is no connection between the "terrorist" Bill Ayers and Obama.

Even a cursory look would reveal that Ayers is now a Distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

I mean, how dumb do they think the American people are? Next thing you know, all of Ayers students are also going to be called into question for their connections to a terrorist.

This is just....so frustrating to think that anyone could think that this connection is even worthy of discussion.


CharlieDigital said:
BTW, Gizmodo has a post on the $3 million projector "pork barrel earmark" that McCain wrought against Obama:



So yeah, McCain hates science confirmed.

The comments at the post are great.

Hmmm...looks a lot like a bomb.



Kipz said:
That's an anomaly here. However that was an entire rally of people who think a name contitutes being a terrorists.

Yeah Trent may be an exception, but we have no shortage of uncultured, racist bogans either.


I gotta say, I feel like loling at Reagan. The bailout pretty much cements the last piece of his "legacy" (Reaganomics) is a failure. I really hope, if the numbers hold out and Obama wins, that this means the complete death of neoconservatism among the right. As soon as those bastards are gone, the better this country will be.


Kills Photobucket
CharlieDigital said:
BTW, Gizmodo has a post on the $3 million projector "pork barrel earmark" that McCain wrought against Obama:



So yeah, McCain hates science confirmed.

The comments at the post are great.

Serious, but devils advocate question about this. Was the earmark for this from his time as a state or national Senator? Because if it was an earmark on some federal level, I'd kind of have to agree with McCain, why should national funds be used to buy this? Local funds (or funds from the school itself, assuming this is a planetarium at a college) should be used for something like this in my opinion.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
DrForester said:
Serious, but devils advocate question about this. Was the earmark for this from his time as a state or national Senator? Because if it was an earmark on some federal level, I'd kind of have to agree with McCain, why should national funds be used to buy this? Local funds (or funds from the school itself, assuming this is a planetarium at a college) should be used for something like this in my opinion.

Total earmarks for the last budget stood at 18 billion, which is less than what is spent in 2 months in Iraq, let it go.

I am sure Illinois probably greatly contributes to the treasury as well.
DrForester said:
Serious, but devils advocate question about this. Was the earmark for this from his time as a state or national Senator? Because if it was an earmark on some federal level, I'd kind of have to agree with McCain, why should national funds be used to buy this? Local funds (or funds from the school itself, assuming this is a planetarium at a college) should be used for something like this in my opinion.

1) Planetariums are open to the public at large. No on checks your ID when you visit.

2) Federal investment in science benefits everyone. Whether you're from Florida, New Jersey, or Illinois. Think ARPANet, which was developed, in part, at UC Berkely (CA) and MIT (MA). Do you feel that federal funds should not have been used for that research?

3) Investments in tools of science and education benefit the entire country.
capslock said:
Total earmarks for the last budget stood at 18 billion, which is less than what is spent in 2 months in Iraq, let it go.

I am sure Illinois probably greatly contributes to the treasury as well.


Illinois receives the 5th least amount of federal funding per dollar of federal taxes paid.

1. New Jersey ($0.62)
2. Connecticut ($0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($0.68)
4. Nevada ($0.73)
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)

My home state is #1.
firex said:
I gotta say, I feel like loling at Reagan. The bailout pretty much cements the last piece of his "legacy" (Reaganomics) is a failure. I really hope, if the numbers hold out and Obama wins, that this means the complete death of neoconservatism among the right. As soon as those bastards are gone, the better this country will be.
Well said! Also, keep in mind that the demographics of the country are changing as well. As baby boomers make their slow exit, a younger, sleeker generation will start taking over.


As I drove into work today, a few things dawned on me...

Here in Florida, we all know that Obama is outspending McCain, but the fact of the matter is that McCain already has plenty of help...Clear Channel.

Here in Miami there are only 2 major AM stations that cover politics. On the right there is WIOD...Rush, Hannity, Beck, and the rest of the wingnuts are on full display here. To the left there is WINZ and they've got Stephanie Miller, Hartman, and the like. They are both owned by Clear Channel.

They've done some interesting programming changes in the months leading up the election...On 610, they used to have a sane man do the morning show. He was a host that would listen to both sides of an argument and generally keep things light for the morning drive. I didn't always agree with him but he was easy to listen to. He has been replaced by an ex-football player turned broadcaster, Jimmy Cefalo. This moron was interviewing Glenn Beck today and when Beck said that Obama is "clearly a Marxist", he agreed and they both went on to discuss how "dangerous" someone like Obama is.

On 940 they used to have a woman named Nicole Sandler who was VERY left leaning. Just last month she was replaced by Imus in the morning. Jesus that guy is a fucking moron. He was interviewing people who are clearly right-leaning and like the asshat on 610, they are both openly supporting McCain.

This doesn't mean much but I do find it interesting (in a scary kind of way) how voices of dissent are so easily silenced in the months leading up to a major election.


While what McCain and Palin are doing is terrible, what I want to know is where the hell is Ayers? He's alive and living, and seems respected in the community now. Why is he not talking to the media to diffuse some of this stuff?


*drowns in jizz*
syllogism said:
Seems like it's just their new Ayers ad


e: though this was added yesterday. It's pretty disgusting

e2: and it's way too long to be a real ad

I wonder what Ayrs is feeling right now.. he should go on a talk show or something. I think it would actually do some good for people to see the real him, and would dispel this bullshit. I think it did good for America to hear Wright speak after those videos. Anyone would LOVE to interview him (crazy ratings) so I can only assume that the campaign wants him muzzled.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
mAcOdIn said:
Don't tell me that deep down that you honestly do not want the upper class bled dry to prop up the lower and middle class.

I want to know how giving the people the illusion of power and then redistributing what they earn is any different than just dictating what they earn in the first place.

Democrats want to make it to where you can not fail in life. They want to guarantee a standard of living to all citizens. You are essentially wanting to eliminate the lower class by squeezing the upper class just enough that they still make enough at the end to warrant staying in the country, and as long as there is an upper class the now larger working class would have something to look forward to as opposed to true socialism where they had nowhere to go.

That is socialism, a far smarter breed of it, that recognizes that yes people need to be able to think that they can succeed so you keep an upper class around but it's still socialism.

Edit: And I'm not using socialist as a smear, I just wish you'd be upfront about it. Tell me that you don't want what I just described. Tell me that you still want there to be a lower class and a super rich class and I'll shut my mouth.

You're a smart guy. I can tell from your posts. I want what you described, because without it our country would fall. You and I know it. Cut welfare, cut medicare, cut social security, etc and watch this bitch turn into a 2nd tier country.


testicles on a cold fall morning
greepoman said:
While what McCain and Palin are doing is terrible, what I want to know is where the hell is Ayers? He's alive and living, and seems respected in the community now. Why is he not talking to the media to diffuse some of this stuff?
Why would he? He owes nothing to Obama.

edit: can't just post all the polls in one message buddy?


Hail to the KING baby
CharlieDigital said:

Illinois receives the 5th least amount of federal funding per dollar of federal taxes paid.

1. New Jersey ($0.62)
2. Connecticut ($0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($0.68)
4. Nevada ($0.73)
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)

My home state is #1.

Yes, 4/5 states I've lived in are in the top 10! Hooray for not being a leech.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I hate to say this, but McCain and Palin are basically no different than Hitler when it comes to speaking to a crowd. The two inject even more hatred, fear-mongering, and bigotry to their supporters, thus resulting to the kind of comments we hear about Obama. Makes me sad to be an American.

You know, normally I'd invoke Godwin's Law, but the Hitler comparison is actually pretty apt.


greepoman said:
While what McCain and Palin are doing is terrible, what I want to know is where the hell is Ayers? He's alive and living, and seems respected in the community now. Why is he not talking to the media to diffuse some of this stuff?

It is probably for the best that he stays out of it.
Barack Obama

Dayton, Ohio
Fifth Third Field
Home of the Dayton Dragons
11:20 am (EDT)

Cincinnati, Ohio
Ault Park Pavilion‎
3:00 pm (EDT)

Portsmouth, Ohio
Alumni Green
Shawnee State University
7:30 pm (EDT)

Joe Biden

St. Joseph, Missouri
Missouri Western State University
Looney Complex
Doors open: 8:00 am (CDT)

Liberty, Missouri
William Jewell College
Mabee Athletic Center
Doors open at 12:30 pm (CDT)

Jefferson City, Missouri
Memorial Park
7:00 pm (CDT)

[Michelle Obama and Jill Biden have no public events scheduled]

Johnah McPalin <----- Who the fuck is this?

Waukesha, Wisconsin
Center Court Sports Complex
Doors open: 10:30 am (CDT)

John McCain

Wausau, Wisconsin
Wausau Paper Company Hangar
4:30 pm (CDT)

Sarah Palin

Wilmington, Ohio
The Roberts Centre
7:00 pm (EDT)


is now taking requests
CharlieDigital said:

Illinois receives the 5th least amount of federal funding per dollar of federal taxes paid.

1. New Jersey ($0.62)
2. Connecticut ($0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($0.68)
4. Nevada ($0.73)
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)

My home state is #1.

That looks like a very blue collection of states, even to my untrained eyes. I wonder how much money the red states would lose with no redistribution at all, if all states were at $1.0 received for every dollar taxed.


AniHawk said:
Hell, Republicans got away with turning "liberal" into a fucking swear word while they plunged the country into shit.

Its not just that Republicans turned liberal into a smear word, its that Republicans have had to move further and further right in their efforts to distance themselves from the move by Democrats to a moderate position over the last twenty years. The end result is comical; you end up with Presidential candidates like McCain who support $1 trillion dollar bailouts while simultaneously promising to lower tax revenue.

The Republicans got to a tipping point, IMO, where they could no longer sustain their phony outrage at 'liberalism,' which they have come to define as anything they don't first propose. The Republican brand has devolved into little more than inane contradictions.
Apparently, last week, only 34 percent of Obama's ads attacked McCain directly while virtually all of McCain's ads attacked Obama.

(according to my local news)


testicles on a cold fall morning
greepoman said:
Maybe cause he's probably receiving death threats. I wouldn't be surprised if some wingnut attacked him either.
Nah, he's white and not a Presidential candidate, so he's not in anyone's sights.

Oni Jazar

3rdman said:
As I drove into work today, a few things dawned on me...

Here in Florida, we all know that Obama is outspending McCain, but the fact of the matter is that McCain already has plenty of help...Clear Channel.

We still have Air America don't we? I haven't listened to talk radio in years. I used to like Phil Hendrie and the old gay guy who I forget. Edit: Neil Rogers.


Kills Photobucket
artredis1980 said:
Interesting new article from NY times which flies in the face of the ACORN controversy


My question is, do we need to register to vote every election or only for those who have never voted before.

My question is based on the fact that we already know likely voters and registered voters have already been supporting Obama so some sort of purging wont really hurt Obama

I'm almost sure it's just for first time voters. Some (maybe all, I don't know) will put people on an inactive voter list if they miss 2 general elections, and then have to re register or something.


jorma said:
That looks like a very blue collection of states, even to my untrained eyes. I wonder how much money the red states would lose with no redistribution at all, if all states were at $1.0 received for every dollar taxed.


All those Federal taxes you love to hate? It all comes from us and goes to you, so shut up and enjoy your fucking Tennessee Valley Authority electricity and your fancy highways that we paid for. And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a fucking swamp. "Let the Spanish keep it, it’s a shithole," we said, but you had to have your fucking orange juice.

The next dickwad who says, "It’s your money, not the government's money" is gonna get their ass kicked. Nine of the ten states that get the most federal fucking dollars and pay the least... can you guess? Go on, guess. That’s right, motherfucker, they're red states. And eight of the ten states that receive the least and pay the most? It’s too easy, asshole, they’re blue states. It’s not your money, assholes, it’s fucking our money. What was that Real American Value you were spouting a minute ago? Self reliance? Try this for self reliance: buy your own fucking stop signs, assholes.


Hail to the KING baby
Oni Jazar said:
We still have Air America don't we? I haven't listened to talk radio in years. I used to like Phil Hendrie and the old gay guy who I forget.

Hendrie become a hardcore Bushie after 9/11, much like Stern and Dennis Miller. He was the best though back in the day.


Oni Jazar said:
We still have Air America don't we? I haven't listened to talk radio in years. I used to like Phil Hendrie and the old gay guy who I forget.

Air America isn't mainstream enough to impact anything. I used to love the Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder show, but other than that I have never enjoyed any of their programming.


scorcho said:
Nah, he's white and not a Presidential candidate, so he's not in anyone's sights.

Well shit, I'll start making death threats against him then.:lol Cause if Obama loses this is going to be the reason why since it's the only thing McCain has left.

Oni Jazar

AstroLad said:
Hendrie become a hardcore Bushie after 9/11, much like Stern and Dennis Miller. He was the best though back in the day.

Yeah right when he started getting political is when I stopped listening. :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Oni Jazar said:
Yeah right when he started getting political is when I stopped listening. :lol

it was soooo fucking weird. from wikipedia:

Hendrie considers his views unique for modern talk radio: on one hand, he is a registered Democrat who vocally supported Bill Clinton, voted for Al Gore over George W. Bush in 2000, both Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale over Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and Michael Dukakis over George H.W. Bush (although Hendrie claims “I had to hold my nose when voting for Dukakis”). Hendrie is also adamantly pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants. At the same time, he is extremely supportive of the Iraq War as well as the War on Terror. He voted for and supported President George W. Bush in the 2004 election, chiding Democrat John Kerry as trying to be “all things to all people” and cautioning listeners that Bush would in time be viewed as one of the greatest American presidents. These views caused a stir among some of his fans and tended to dominate his show throughout 2002 and 2003. Hendrie eventually started a blog, titled and located at www.georgewbushisgod.com (seemingly to incite those who felt he was moving too far to the right). The blog came down after a few weeks, partly because Hendrie was tired of squabbling with readers. Hendrie has since renounced using his radio program for political ranting, saying that he didn’t want to be “another white man all mad and ready with the answers” in a 2006 live chat with fans.

His views for the 2008 Election remain known; he supports Obama, as noted on his September 11th, 2008 broadcast.
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