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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
History. I'm optimistic but it's still a tossup right now since a lot of Obama's gains are predicated on increased turnout in demographics that haven't turned out in the past.

NO IT'S NOT! These poll numbers are not based on increased turnout in those demos. These polls are like this without extra black people, college, and high school people voting.

And by your logic NC shouldn't be a toss up state, but the cable news stations say it is. They base that on the polls.

So based on the polls VA is easy DEM right now. Obama is winning it by 5.9% points based on RCP average of all the polls (if you throw in the new PPP poll).

It should be blue on CNN and MSNBC.
mckmas8808 said:
What's keeping the Cable news stations from making VA blue? MSNBC and Chuck Todd just aren't budging on VA being a toss up and CNN with John King say fuck it VA is totally in the margin of error.

That's 3 polls that on average have Obama up +10 in VA. WTF are they waiting for?

because then they'd have to change the narrative from 'if obama wins any toss up state, he wins, mccain is sad' to 'if the election were held today, obama would win' and thats a story line news groups dont like. they dont want to predict a winner before election night, even with caveats. so they'll keep obama just under the margin, and talk about his leads in all the toss ups, but it will be very, very hard for them to move a state into his column that pushes him over 270 on their 'map' before the election is held.

and think, if some voters see obama wins, it might depress turnout on both sides, etc, etc, etc.
Why isn't the Right up in arms to have Ayers dismissed from the University of Illinois? Remember Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado at Boulder professor who was (essentially and ultimately) fired for making anti-American statements after 9/11? Ayers actually is an unrepentant terrorist (though I believe reformed and rehabilitated), and yet I hear no calls for his ouster.
Dem strategists see landslide in the making
Three weeks of historic economic upheaval has done more than just tilt a handful of once-reliably Republican states in Barack Obama’s direction. Democratic strategists are now optimistic that the ongoing crisis could lead to a landslide Obama victory.

Four large states McCain once seemed well-positioned to win—Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida—have in recent weeks shifted toward Obama. If Obama were to win those four states—a scenario that would represent a remarkable turn of events—he would likely surpass 350 electoral votes.

i wish 'dem strategists' would shut up, keep their head down, and think back 3 weeks ago (right before black monday 9/15) and remember just how quickly things can change, so they should get to work doing what needs to be done.

but it is an article that makes me smile...


Setec Astronomer
adamsappel said:
Why isn't the Right up in arms to have Ayers dismissed from the University of Illinois? Remember Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado at Boulder professor who was (essentially and ultimately) fired for making anti-American statements after 9/11? Ayers actually is an unrepentant terrorist (though I believe reformed and rehabilitated), and yet I hear no calls for his ouster.
Because nobody in Chicago agrees with this line of attack? Republicans and Independents sat on the same charity board too.


adamsappel said:
Why isn't the Right up in arms to have Ayers dismissed from the University of Illinois? Remember Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado at Boulder professor who was (essentially and ultimately) fired for making anti-American statements after 9/11? Ayers actually is an unrepentant terrorist (though I believe reformed and rehabilitated), and yet I hear no calls for his ouster.

Pretty sure he's repentant now, too. People like to bring up the NYT article some years back where he claims he wish they did more, but Ayers said that he was misquoted and taken out of context.

He could be full of shit, but if he was actually unrepentant I don't know why he'd say that.


So the latest bullshit is that Obama was a member of the New Party, is that right? Why would the McCain camp go that route considering Todd Palin's membership in the AIP?
Lolertarian peeps popping in like the Glenn Beck version of Mortal Kombat saying SOCIALISTY! is lame. Also so 90s.

Your Socialism is legitimate. Your Libertarianism is not.

It does exists but it is partitioned away like Homeopathy or Intelligent Design.


kkaabboomm said:
and think, if some voters see obama wins, it might depress turnout on both sides, etc, etc, etc.

Yes. Complacency is the biggest "problem" for Obama right now. CNN is actually doing a service - although unwittingly - to the public by making it seem close.

EDIT: Also, Chris Matthews was on Morning Joe this morning saying McCain is conducting a shrewd campaign to get that fourth quintile of voters who are undecided and just not sure about Obama, etc. I wanted to say to him:

"Chris, if McCain has one quintile in the bag, and is struggling for his second quintile, that would only give him 2 out of 5 quintiles. 40%. Pretty much the percentage of Republican registered voters nationally."
bob_arctor said:
So the latest bullshit is that Obama was a member of the New Party, is that right? Why would the McCain camp go that route considering Todd Palin's membership in the AIP?

Please tell me that this isn't McCain's Thursdayton...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
From the Virginia PPP Obama +8% poll.

As it is everywhere, Obama’s movement in the state is being fueled by the economy.
63% of Virginia voters name it as their top issue, and within that group the Democrat has
a 59-36 advantage

Demographically the major shift for Obama over the last three weeks has been among
white voters.
He’s reduced what was a 60-35 deficit there to just a 52-42 one.
Since the last survey Joe Biden’s stock in the state has risen while Sarah Palin’s has
fallen. Biden’s gone from a +11 net favorability to +17 in the week following the Vice
Presidential debate, while Palin has dropped from a +2 to a -9

“Virginia is showing the same trends as pretty much every other battleground state,” said
Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.
“Voters are turning toward the
Democrats as concern over the economy mounts, and they’re also a lot less enamored
with Sarah Palin than they were shortly after the Republican convention

You hear that cable news!!!!

GOT DAMN it just pisses me off that Joe Scarbs, Pat Buchanan, Fox News, and some people on CNN continue to say that Sarah Palin was a good pick. With what numbers are they using? The facts just DON'T support that thought.

I mean damn since the VP debate Palin's favorables in VA went from +2 to -9!!!!!

And she thinks that talking about Bill Ayers during an economic crisis will raise her favorables? :lol


scorcho said:
History. I'm optimistic but it's still a tossup right now since a lot of Obama's gains are predicated on increased turnout in demographics that haven't turned out in the past.

a likely voter model does not do anything you said above.


adamsappel said:
Why isn't the Right up in arms to have Ayers dismissed from the University of Illinois? Remember Ward Churchill, the University of Colorado at Boulder professor who was (essentially and ultimately) fired for making anti-American statements after 9/11? Ayers actually is an unrepentant terrorist (though I believe reformed and rehabilitated), and yet I hear no calls for his ouster.

This is a good point. If this guy is such a despicable human being, and merely knowing him makes you a shady person, why in the hell would this guy be allowed to teach our children? I think this shows the shallowness of their argument.

I also find it bizarre to go after ex-cons like this. For Christ's sake, my brother in law is an ex-con, does that disqualify me from being President?


mckmas8808 said:
From the Virginia PPP Obama +8% poll.

You hear that cable news!!!!

GOT DAMN it just pisses me off that Joe Scarbs, Pat Buchanan, Fox News, and some people on CNN continue to say that Sarah Palin was a good pick. With what numbers are they using? The facts just DON'T support that thought.

I mean damn since the VP debate Palin's favorables in VA went from +2 to -9!!!!!

And she thinks that talking about Bill Ayers during an economic crisis will raise her favorables? :lol

when your basically near bottom, you really have nothing to lose. Right now, they arent going to win. Maybe throwing every attack they can, something sticks, and they start coming up... its not like dropping even more in favorables is going to matter. They are losing. So they take the 5% chance of having something stick, or.. they lose worse.


bob_arctor said:
So the latest bullshit is that Obama was a member of the New Party, is that right? Why would the McCain camp go that route considering Todd Palin's membership in the AIP?
Its the Rovian political method.

Attack your opponent where you're weakest so when they retaliate you look like the honest one and they look like a mud slinger.

McCain's campaign has two issues on that front though. One, McCain has worse dirt to be thrown back in his face on all of this (Obama's ties to Fannie/Freddy v. Rick Davis, New Party v. AIP, Surge "working" v. wanting to go into Iraq in the first place, etc.), and two, Obama's campaign isn't taking the bait. They've stayed on message and let surrogates handle the dirty work.

McCain's camp as a result of this is jumping from personal attack to personal attack hoping to find one that draws a reaction from Obama, in order to shift the focus of the campaign away from the issues and back to "character".


ryutaro's mama said:
Please tell me that this isn't McCain's Thursdayton...

Well, what else do they have? It will either be that or some variation thereof. ACORN this, ACORN that. And yet, Todd Palin's direct ties to a weirdo secessionist cult are clear as day. Is the McCain camp banking on Obama's above-the-fray temperament in not exposing this? Must be. Must be they don't give a fuck about anything at this point except inciting hatred, distrust and fear towards an opponent they just can't fuck with in any that matters to the benefit of this country.
It doesn't even seem that solid, his link to the NP is that they endorsed him during his State Senate run for.... the Democratic nomination. I can't even find anything about them that was radical.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CharlieDigital said:
BTW, Gizmodo has a post on the $3 million projector "pork barrel earmark" that McCain wrought against Obama:



So yeah, McCain hates science confirmed.

The comments at the post are great.

i knew as soon as he mentioned it that there was no way it was a normal projector for the museum. :lol
quadriplegicjon said:
i knew as soon as he mentioned it that there was no way it was a normal projector for the museum. :lol

Half truths are a Republican's best friend.

gamerecks said:
McCains taxing of health benefits is one of the most rediculous things ive heard.

They love that sneaky shit because it's not an "income tax" and American's are generally too gullible and don't see the intricate picture of taxes and income as a whole.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Some of you guys liked this? I thought it was pretty disgusting. I like the onion better as just a print paper.
Its absurd, like anything else from the Onion. That's why its funny.


Cloudy said:
Looking at today's Rasmussen, the Ayers crap isn't working....yet

And it never will. Obama has already been vetted on all of this sort of bullshit. Nobody cares except people who were never going to vote for Obama to begin with. The McCain campaign is stupid as fuck for thinking that negative campaigning will somehow swing the undecideds over to them. I caught a tiny bit of Morning Joe before going to work this morning, and Scarborough said that a lot of Republicans are now recommending that McCain turn to positive campaigning. Pretty amusing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gcubed said:
when your basically near bottom, you really have nothing to lose. Right now, they arent going to win. Maybe throwing every attack they can, something sticks, and they start coming up... its not like dropping even more in favorables is going to matter. They are losing. So they take the 5% chance of having something stick, or.. they lose worse.

That's the thing. They are losing more NOW, then they were at first before these newest attacks. This poll was taken on Monday and Tuesday of THIS WEEK!

It's funny to me to see someone that's bleeding from the hand pretty bad decide to rip with whole arm off just that he doens't have to worry about his hand anymore.
Going negative is what brung his negatives down. And according to the President of the PPP her unfavorables is one reason why McCain is down by 8 points in VA.
gcubed said:
when your basically near bottom, you really have nothing to lose. Right now, they arent going to win. Maybe throwing every attack they can, something sticks, and they start coming up... its not like dropping even more in favorables is going to matter. They are losing. So they take the 5% chance of having something stick, or.. they lose worse.
At this point, McCain losing the election badly is not enough for me anymore. He needs to be peddled around a town square half-naked with a sign around his neck so people can throw tomatoes at him. This man is completely despicable and without honor.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
More information from the PPP VA poll

The race for the state’s open Senate seat continues to be a romp for Mark Warner. He
leads fellow former Governor Jim Gilmore 58-31 while winning independents at a
remarkable 66-20 clip. He’s also capturing 26% of the Republican vote, making it nearly
impossible for Gilmore to even bring the race within 20 points

I can't see Mark Warner winning that Senate seat by 25+% and not see Obama win VA.


quadriplegicjon said:
i knew as soon as he mentioned it that there was no way it was a normal projector for the museum. :lol

To give McCain credit, he did say it was for a planetarium. Anyone who's been to one knew the kind he was talking about (to which I said, "yup sounds about right"). I think he just figured nobody's been to a planetarium.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Some of you guys liked this? I thought it was pretty disgusting. I like the onion better as just a print paper.

So you'd rather read that story in print form? Its the kind of thing they've always done


mckmas8808 said:
That's the thing. They are losing more NOW, then they were at first before these newest attacks. This poll was taken on Monday and Tuesday of THIS WEEK!

It's funny to me to see someone that's bleeding from the hand pretty bad decide to rip with whole arm off just that he doens't have to worry about his hand anymore.
Going negative is what brung his negatives down. And according to the President of the PPP her unfavorables is one reason why McCain is down by 8 points in VA.

losing is losing

The Lamonster said:

Fucking christ, seriously? I cant make a mistake on the internet?

I'm leaving it there out of spite. Who pissed in you're cornflakes today anyway?
just in case... thats a joke
This old SNL skit from October is fun to watch again:


gcubed said:
Fucking christ, seriously? I cant make a mistake on the internet?

I'm leaving it there out of spite. Who pissed in you're cornflakes today anyway?
This isn't GameFAQs, just sayin'

Also, I'd like to note that eating Corn Flakes this morning was in heavy consideration and it's weird that you mentioned it. Nonetheless, I chose not to eat them, so no one ever had a chance to urinate in my breakfast.
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