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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Freedom = $1.05 said:

If you don't vote, that is.

You don't need to worry about me, my only regret is that I only get to vote once. ;)


vas_a_morir said:
Haha, on the local news (WSAZ, Huntington-CharlestonWV), they showed a new WV presidential poll:

McCain 42
Obama 50

Crazy. That's what I call a swing. I can't find the source.

EDIT: http://wvgazette.com/News/200810090749

The poll is heavily disputed, because, to be honest, this can't be right. Can't even be kinda right.
It's the same ARG poll from yesterday, but then again - Palin is being sent into West Virginia this weekend at the last minute. So maybe it's not as far off as we thought.

And yay at the Newsweek poll. Research 2000, Gallup and Newsweek all showing 10+ leads.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Oh, and people are tired of swinging sticks at VoG, and he's tired of replying. It was a fun two pages, though.

He'll be back in a couple of pages. Better bookmark your replies. Active users shows that he's still here, possibly writing a 5000 word rebuttal, so be prepared!
MightyHealthy said:
Even comedians call out dumb shit their audience yells.

Even more telling is the footage from one of yesterday's town halls (I'm really starting to think a lot of these outspoken citizens are plants) were the guy stands up and demands to know "how we got to this point" of Obama being so close to being president and McCain just grins and turns away like "You said it, not me LOL".

I really don't get this attitude. We saw some of it during the primaries where Clinton's surrogates would make these statements as if Obama had just fallen from the sky and been granted the nomination instead of fighting through the exact same proccess that Hilary had been through. I can understand people not agreeing with Obama's policies but I can't understand anyone who believes he doesn't have the right to be where he is today.

I'm not even going to begin to breakdown the irony that Palin brings into all of this :/
FlightOfHeaven said:
Obama's expanding his lead, 538 takes commentators to task for dismissing the ground game, WV looks to be, implausibly, a swing state.

Oh, and people are tired of swinging sticks at VoG, and he's tired of replying. It was a fun two pages, though.
They'll never get tired of swinging things at me. :lol I'm just busy with some other stuff right now.


vas_a_morir said:
Haha, on the local news (WSAZ, Huntington-CharlestonWV), they showed a new WV presidential poll:

McCain 42
Obama 50

Crazy. That's what I call a swing. I can't find the source.

EDIT: http://wvgazette.com/News/200810090749

The poll is heavily disputed, because, to be honest, this can't be right. Can't even be kinda right.
That's the same poll that people were talking about yesterday, the ARG one. I personally am dismissing it because ARG sucked during the primaries, where Obama lost heavily, Obama has no ground game or financial investment in the state, it went for Bush in the last two elections even without racism driving people away from the Democratic candidates, and it's the only poll that suggests that Obama even has a chance there. WV is just not going Democratic this election.
GhaleonEB said:
It's the same ARG poll from yesterday, but then again - Palin is being sent into West Virginia this weekend at the last minute. So maybe it's not as far off as we thought.

And yay at the Newsweek poll. Research 2000, Gallup and Newsweek all showing 10+ leads.

Sorry, Poligaf moves way too fast. It's hard to tell what's old news and current news.

EDIT: WV is a hard core democratic state. Robert C Byrd owns this state. (figuratively) It's not that shocking, really. And, race isn't a huge deal in WV. Religion, however is. And, if they think he's a Muslim, that will hurt. I should know: I go to college there.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Who is disputing that research then, and what's your contrary evidence?
You take this research as proof that the surge was simply a timely coincidence to the 'results' from ethnic cleansing. I am saying that counting fewer night lights from a satellite could be just as coincidental to the 'results' of the surge. I am not saying the researchers at UCLA and elsewhere can't count, just that night lights don't prove much and could have less relation to their theory.
VictimOfGrief said:
They'll never get tired of swinging things at me. :lol I'm just busy with some other stuff right now.

If you do decide to reply to me, or read my posts, I won't know until midnight tonight, or tomorrow morning. : (
FlightOfHeaven said:
If you do decide to reply to me, or read my posts, I won't know until midnight tonight, or tomorrow morning. : (
Oh come now, I'll reply but it's going to eat at you if you don't check it sooner.... I just know. :D



The McCain campaign is now broadening their attack on Obama's past association with William Ayers to include Michelle Obama -- even though McCain has repeatedly said spouses should be off limits during the campaign.

The attack? Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers' wife and fellow former Weatherman, went to work in 1984 for the major Chicago-based national law firm of Sidley & Austin, and three years later, Michelle joined the mega-firm as well.

That's the entire attack. We wish we were joking. But we aren't.

In launching this latest, McCain is ditching yet another formerly-claimed principle as he faces the growing likelihood of defeat. In a statement back in June, the McCain campaign said: "Senator McCain agrees with Senator Obama that spouses should not be an issue in this campaign, and he has stated that position frequently."

The attack on Michelle came on a McCain conference call with reporters this afternoon featuring John Murtagh, who has been hitting Obama over the Weather Underground's attack on his family's home back in 1970. Murtagh noted that Dohrn and Michelle Obama had both worked at the firm starting in the late 1980s.

The firm's Chicago office currently employs more than 500 lawyers.

Murtagh didn't even bother alleging that the two even knew each other, instead suggesting that they might have. If so, he said, the Obamas have known the two longer than suspected.

"If it is true" that the two women knew each other, Murtagh said, "the relationship is almost a decade older than Senator Obama has acknowledged. And that can very easily be resolved by Senator Obama, by Mrs. Obama, by Mr. Ayers and by Ms. Dohrn."

"And incidentally, I would emphasize that we've all been focusing on Senator Obama," said Murtagh. "I think we need to speak to his wife."

Keep in mind that this wasn't any surrogate speaking off the cuff. He was on a call organized by the McCain campaign, and he was apparently reading from a prepared statement, which would of course have been vetted by McCain aides. And so another once-cherished McCain principle gets junked in the service of self-parody.

This is all just getting really shameful now. Someone should just take McCain's candidacy out back and put it down.


Tamanon said:
It's because ACORN hires people to do registrations by volume, so some people faked registrations just to get money, it's not a voter thing or anything else.

I just read that one of their workers was convicted of giving crack to homeless people in exchange for signatures. :lol

Yeah it appears they are just inflating numbers to get more public funding.
ecnal said:

WOW :lol

And, not that she isn't still an attractive woman, but am I the only one noticing how rough the last couple of months have been on her. She could have easily passed for thirty when she was first unveiled but everyday she's looking closer to her real age.


Tamanon said:

This is all just getting really shameful now. Someone should just take McCain's candidacy out back and put it down.
Yeah, they've absolutely crossed the line there. Unfuckingbelievable.

Also: mega grain of salt time for the Newsweek poll. From their internals, the party ID breakdown:

Dem: 40
GOP: 27
Ind: 30
Other: 3

A +13 party ID advantage for Democrats is the highest I've seen in a national poll. Gallup and Rasmussen are about +6, and the Research 2000 is +9.


Hang out with Steve.
vas_a_morir said:
Sorry, Poligaf moves way too fast. It's hard to tell what's old news and current news.

EDIT: WV is a hard core democratic state. Robert C Byrd owns this state. (figuratively) It's not that shocking, really. And, race isn't a huge deal in WV. Religion, however is. And, if they think he's a Muslim, that will hurt. I should know: I go to college there.

Let's not forget also that WV has a large percentage of union workers (over 14%), and unions are largely backing Obama. It would not surprise me if Obama ends up winning there.


Yay, My ban for being stupid is over so I just wanted to catch up with a few things.

1) I cannot believe the crazy things going on at these McCain/Palin rally's
2) Ouch at the economy
3) I want Joe Biden to be my GrandPa
4) I went to the Newport news (VA) rally last week, with my little bro who was visiting from the Netherlands. And it was fantastic allot of standing and people passing out but a great positive atmosphere , I met some really cool people there. Here are some pics.(If they are too big for your liking let me know i'll resize them






Edit : I wanted to add this one.


Imm0rt4l said:
and yet Obama's campaign is the dirtiest in history. So much for keeping family out of politics.
Those jokes about McCain hauling Obama's kids into this are looking even less funny now. Maybe the school that Sasha goes to was once attended by a friend of someone who was a member of the Weather Underground. OMG

Edit: awesome pics.


Worth mentioning again, but I was just reading the whole Cindy/Michelle thing...

Cindy McCain said:
"The day that Sen Obama decided to cast a vote to not fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body," she said. "I would suggest that Sen Obama change shoes with me for just one day and see what it means… to have a loved one serving in the armed forces and more importantly, serving in harm's way."

Mrs McCain later sought to contest accusations that her husband's election team has been unduly negative by saying Mr Obama had waged "the dirtiest campaign in American history".
...and then you have Michelle's response:

Michelle Obama said:
Michelle Obama, the Democratic senator's wife, said her counterpart's comments were unfair.

"I know that Barack has the utmost respect for Sen McCain," she said on television. "He said so on so many occasions. You know, I think this has been a long, tough fight. And politics sometimes leads to things said between the candidates."
What a class response. Cindy's just a goddamn dirty player... can't stand her. And man, does she look evil in that article. :(


good credit (by proxy)
I want to put my hands all over Palin and just caress her and just show her love. I just want to treat her right.


Rick Davis - The McCain campaign shouldn't become a CNBC News Show

Rick Davis said:
"There’s very little a candidate for president can say and very little the president can say about what’s happening in the stock markets except hope that they correct themselves," Davis said, adding that McCain's mortgage plan could be an "elixir" for the financial crisis.

"I can’t imagine a situation where on a daily basis the campaign would put out a statement about what the market was doing," he said. "It doesn’t meant that we don’t care and aren’t trying to do something about it."

The campaign, he said, shouldn't become a "CNBC news show on the stock market."

Is the McCain campaign on crack?


Xisiqomelir said:
Where is CindyMcCainneverforget.jpg? That would be a sweet counter-ad that a Dem 527 could run.

No need, I just want Obama to come down on this, he has in the past when Michelle's been involved. I don't even understand why the McCain campaign would go there. A) It's a silly link, B) How is questioning the wife going to help with undecideds, and C) It just makes him look like the dishonorable ambitious one.


Tamanon said:
Bush41 was a helluva lot better than people give him credit for. I mean, hell, he even raised taxes when needed to, even though he promised never to. At least he was Country First for real.

Agreed. He's the last Republican I've respected. I didn't agree with everything, but I at least respected him. His loss seemed to be the turning point where the wingnuts completely hijacked the party.


Dax01 said:
Alright, PoliGAF, I have a grand idea: let's name some republicans that deserve our admiration.
Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt

Who else?

Scratch those two off my list. Ugh.

Such a list would be difficult to populate, as most politicians are rather slimy individuals not worthy of admiration.

My list would have to include folks like Barry Goldwater, Robert Taft, and Ron Paul, and I suppose I could get more exhaustive but why bother, when I'm sure the point's been made: paleoconservatives with strong personal freedom agendas "deserve my admiration."

I wonder if you could give me a Democrat version that included anyone worthy of admiration. Considering how in bizarro world Ted Kennedy deserves to be lauded, I think such a list would be amusing.

I suppose you could always cheat and go back to the original incarnation of that party; you had Hamilton's Federalist Party vs. Jefferson's Democratic Republican Party, and technically that includes such figures as Jefferson and Madison within the ranks of what has now become the Democratic Party.


good credit (by proxy)
Dax01 said:

Nothin wrong wit dat, man. I just want to like take her out to dinner and a movie and make jokes that make her laugh.

Also, I thought the trooper thing was supposed to be out today?
JayDubya said:
Scratch those two off my list. Ugh.

Such a list would be difficult to populate, as most politicians are rather slimy individuals not worthy of admiration.
You don't think Abraham Lincoln was a good president?


Jonm1010 said:
Hey can someone give me that link to that web page that had the giant list of Obama accomplishments.

Anyone? Im trying to make a list for a relative who is telling me he has no history of passing legislation or bi-partisanship and his speeches now are disingenuous. I used to have the link along with some others but I must have deleted them.
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