VictimOfGrief said:So what happens if I vote Obama......?
Vote with your own beliefs and principles. If you want to vote for McCain, at least do it knowing all of the facts on both candidates. This is all GAF can ask for: vote based on facts and how these facts align with your principles.
The fact is that Obama will not take actions to overturn Roe v. Wade. If your principles dictate that this is an important issue, then we can't hate on you for not voting Obama (i.e. JayDubs, Branduil, and others who are staunchly pro-life).
The fact is that Obama will work to enact some form of universal health coverage. If your principles dictate that you cannot support "big government", then we can't hate on you for not voting Obama (i.e. JayDubs, PrivateWHudson, TomServo, and others who are staunchly conservative).
The fact is that Obama will raise taxes on the top 5% of wage earners in the US. If your principles dictate that progressive taxes are inherently unfair, then we can't hate on you for not voting Obama (i.e. JayDubs, who I believe is for the Fair Tax).
The fact is that Obama will not support gay "marriage". If your principles dictate that this is inherently unjust, then we can't hate on you for not voting Obama (i.e. Gaborn). Although your judgment on how to bring about real change should be brought to question :lol
Pro-Obama GAF simply demands that your arguments and statements be based on facts. Whether you choose to vote Obama, McCain, Barr, or even McKinney depends on how your interpretation of the facts aligns with your principles.
That's all.